The Sick Perverts That Are Allowed Around Children

Hunter Biden (never elected for anything), Anthony Weiner (kicked out of office), and Bill Clinton (impeached and then never elected to anything again)

President Joe Biden? Sure.
President Joe Biden? Sure.

I wouldn't let any female relative within 10' of him.

I trust him as far as I could throw him, nor would trust any named so far.
How so?
Specifically, what problems are you referring to?

Well, let’s look at the “Don’t say Gay Bill”
Notice it doesn’t say Gay

Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

Heterosexuality is a sexual orientation and “Boy” and “Girl” are gender identities

By LAW it is illegal to talk about Mommy and Daddy marriages and Teachers are not allowed to to identify boys or girls.
The Original Tree

But does Coyote.

She needs to stand up and let her views be known.

She moves threads around. She needs to stand up for her views because she DOES make a difference with her power over the movement of discussion.
The Original Tree

But does Coyote.

She needs to stand up and let her views be known.
Even some Democrats know better than to allow The Alphabet Pedo agenda Biden is pushing to get within a hair sniffing distance near their children.

They should speak up.

Biden, Obama, and The Clintons are the head of the Alphabet Pedo Grooming Cult.

They are also major players in The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg.
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Even some Democrats know better
Those ones will likely not vote. Many old school liberal blue dog democrats will move to independent and republican just to set the ship aright.

The Marxist cray is now front and center and people are awake.

And angry.
You forgot the part where years later the cry rape to grab a little cash and fame.

Well, yeah.....I think there is a degree of that.
But I hardly think "fame" has got anything to do with it. After all, we've all seen how gals get dragged through the mud over such things.

Regardless, a gal may be outraged by some bloke's offensive behavior.
And, depending on the degree of offense she may stay silent to authorities/or a tort lawyer for her own personal reasons, which can be varied and multiple --- family, job, etc.
I think everybody here knows that.

But then, if a gal is gonna be grabbed inappropriately by some Dick his net worth may be a factor in her calculus on how much sh*t does she hafta go through with the police an others.

And that calculus may eventually look like this: If a gal is fated to be outraged by same azzhole who grabbed her yaya...then maybe it is better the azzhole is rich. Then she could get renumeration for all the sleazy questions and looks she will get from the police and others.

So, may take a while for the gal to realize she's gonna go through sh*t make the Dick pay for it.

I'm quite OK with the gal suing privately or going to the police and filing a report.

That's her call.
And I hope ALL the Dicks get slammed for their Dick behavior. Regardless if the Dick has money or not.

Well, let’s look at the “Don’t say Gay Bill”
Notice it doesn’t say Gay

Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

Heterosexuality is a sexual orientation and “Boy” and “Girl” are gender identities

By LAW it is illegal to talk about Mommy and Daddy marriages and Teachers are not allowed to to identify boys or girls.
Nothing you posted falls under the “problems caused by a poorly written bill” category. What are the specific problems you were talking about?
Do you really think schools won’t be allowed to recognize boys and girls? Don’t be obtuse.
What you’re supporting is the normalization of perversion, which is quite different from recognizing science and tradition.
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Nothing you posted falls under the “problems caused by a poorly written bill” category. What are the specific problems you were talking about?
Do you really think schools won’t be allowed to recognize boys and girls? Don’t be obtuse.
The bill days nothing about teaching about homosexuality or transsexuals

It forbids teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity
Republicans obsess about bathrooms

They have just banned Boys and Girls Bathrooms
Segregating them is a form of gender identity
Stop all that projecting, GOP. (no more Roy Moores! no more Matt Gaetzs! no more electing pedophile Dennis Hastert Speaker of the House!)
Got anything toward my post or are you trolling?
Strange how all these leftists can't answer one simple question.

Let me ask again.


BQ: Do you support the teaching of sexuality in kindergarten to children at the age of 5 years old?
Dude they already self incriminated themselves by complaining
they let you do that when you’re famous”, fame is quite relevant here.

Good point.
And I have no doubt some gals tolerated boorish behavior from Don Trump...and to be fair, other famous Dicks.
That doesn't necessarily mean they welcomed it.

They may simply have recognized..."the Dick is famous, nobody will believe me, and after all, it was just repellant squeeze from a sleaze, so move on sister, move on and away from this Dick."

I'm sure that happened often enough. In fact, we had some gals bring suits or complaints stipulating that.

So, tho a Dick may handsy.....but famous.....doesn't mean victimized gals don't think he is still a Dick.

Good point.
And I have no doubt some gals tolerated boorish behavior from Don Trump...and to be fair, other famous Dicks.
That doesn't necessarily mean they welcomed it.

They may simply have recognized..."the Dick is famous, nobody will believe me, and after all, it was just repellant squeeze from a sleaze, so move on sister, move on and away from this Dick."

I'm sure that happened often enough. In fact, we had some gals bring suits or complaints stipulating that.

So, tho a Dick may handsy.....but famous.....doesn't mean victimized gals don't think he is still a Dick.

The women are only victims of their own vanity and promiscuity, actually.
The women are only victims of their own vanity and promiscuity, actually.

Ummm, ??????

You know
Or are you vicariously speculating on what you think it should be like?

I dunno what your motivation could be here.
I'm just askin'.

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