The Sick Perverts That Are Allowed Around Children

Liberals, pedophile lovers.
These accusations that Democrats are pedophiles is the Republican Party having absolutely nothing left to offer their voters but lies and hate.

Well, poster DL, I demur a bit that that is all they have to offer.

Rather, I would suggest that what we are my humble opinion ....are two things:
First, a good peek at the short attention span of those poor grievance-burdened, ne-er-do-wells who are unhappy with the life they built for themselves and their they gotta find someone, something, some blame for their poor to middling performance in their life so far.

Recall....they were once all wrought up over

  • subterranean pizza shops,
  • then Mexican rapists,
  • then it was MS-13,
  • then it was the 'Caravans',
  • then it was Comey,
  • then it was George Floyd & Breonna Taylor & Ahmaud Arbery
  • then it was "the Steal",
  • then it was Raffensberger of Georgia,
  • then it was the made-up "Impeachments",
  • then it was the failure of the Cyber Ninjas,
  • and now ---ala' the Conservatives' mainstreaming of QAnon----- we get this pedophilia harum-scarum with blaming DisneyWorld and Mickey Mouse.
    (where were these same shrill TDS'rs with the Catholic Church's behavior?)

    And second, in my humble opinion, this QAnon-on-Steroids caterwauling over pedophilia is just another 'Look, Squirrel!" - tactic to obfuscate their own failures and the failure to reverse the election by the TDS-mob that attacked the Capitol and the beat the merde' out of uniformed police.

    They know that was bad. That those Jackass Patriots made the Conservative/GOP brand, and Trump's Duped & Snookered, look terrible in the eyes of the nation and the now, they are scratching about trying to cover-up and re-direct attention towards whatever next outrage Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones can dream up to drive their ratings.
Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on the TDS'rs.

Though I will somewhat blushingly admit that I find them more amusing that anything else. They remind me of a hybrid between Ted Baxter (of the Mary Tyler Moore show), and Newman (of the Jerry Seinfeld Show).

But that's just me.
Don't ever forget, the Right voted TWICE for an avowed sexual assaulter.
What sexual assaulter---all the REAL sex assaults seem to be coming from the dems---Weiner, Clinton, Epstein, hunter and Joe Biden and so many more especially were sexual assaults of children are concerned.
Project Groomer: Exposing the secret plan to BRAINWASH your kids

This episode is mandatory viewing for all parents.

We are in a culture war for our children, and there is no other option but to fight it. Some concerned parents have valiantly fought back against critical race theory and the "comprehensive sexuality education," making enemies at the highest levels of government. But they’ve only been fighting a fraction of what’s really going on in our kids’ schools.

Glenn exposes a new system being pushed through public schools all over the country. It’s receiving massive federal funds, and the program has roots that extend all the way to the Centers for Disease Control. Its collaborators have powerful lobbies, like Planned Parenthood, that coordinate with each other on the school curriculum.

Homeschool then.
What sexual assaulter---all the REAL sex assaults seem to be coming from the dems---Weiner, Clinton, Epstein, hunter and Joe Biden and so many more especially were sexual assaults of children are concerned.
So you don't believe it's sexual assault to just walk up to any woman and grab her by the p*ssy? You'd be ok with someone doing that to any woman (or girl) you hold dear? That's interesting.

Wow! Talk about "Denial"! This guy is deep in it:

Black Lives Matter is run by Marxist organizers. They have not been silent about their agenda to dismantle the nuclear family, transform gender/sexual identity, and force radical change. So why are so many eagerly following along?

This oblivious Marxist has no clue that his party is guilty of all those things. This is a propagandozed, brainwashed Marxist bot if there ever was one.
Define "Marxist" for us.
I have no idea what that means, and neither do you. I have no clue what Q rhetoric is, and neither do you. In fact, it is you who constantly spouts out the letter Q over and over, because you have nothing intelligent to say and you cannot address the truth of the topic
I have no idea what that means, and neither do you. I have no clue what Q rhetoric is, and neither do you. In fact, it is you who constantly spouts out the letter Q over and over, because you have nothing intelligent to say and you cannot address the truth of the topic
actually it's what he is paid to do. Push the narrative of something they created.
So you don't believe it's sexual assault to just walk up to any woman and grab her by the p*ssy?
Not if they let you do it because they're gold-digging fame-whores. Groupies give up vaj for access all the time.

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