The Sick Perverts That Are Allowed Around Children

Putin Lovers
The Q is strong in this one

You people and your Q and Putin
Nobody knows about Q or thinks abour Q except you Marxists. You always have some fantasy to blame things on,
Democrats support pedos and groomers, and your Q fantasy does not change that, not does your Putin obsession .

Wow! Talk about "Denial"! This guy is deep in it:

The biggest sin the GOP made is, they vilified the Democrats. Look at some of the poster on this forum, endless calls of Marxism, Communism, Pedophiles,....
Black Lives Matter is run by Marxist organizers. They have not been silent about their agenda to dismantle the nuclear family, transform gender/sexual identity, and force radical change. So why are so many eagerly following along?

This oblivious Marxist has no clue that his party is guilty of all those things. This is a propagandozed, brainwashed Marxist bot if there ever was one.
You people and your Q and Putin
Nobody knows about Q or thinks abour Q except you Marxists. You always have some fantasy to blame things on,
Democrats support pedos and groomers, and your Q fantasy does not change that, not does your Putin obsession .
You seem to spout Q rhetoric and obsession about imaginary pedophiles and groomers
You seem to spout Q rhetoric and obsession about imaginary pedophiles and groomers
I have no idea what that means, and neither do you. I have no clue what Q rhetoric is, and neither do you. In fact, it is you who constantly spouts out the letter Q over and over, because you have nothing intelligent to say and you cannot address the truth of the topic
I have no idea what that means, and neither do you. I have no clue what Q rhetoric is, and neither do you. In fact, it is you who constantly spouts out the letter Q over and over, because you have nothing intelligent to say and you cannot address the truth of the topic

The Q is strong in this one
" are in denial of the fact that Democrats are the party of pedophiles, groomers, trans perverts and homo sodomites."
And here I thought the good poster, TampaBay, was doing another hysterical screed about the Catholic Church!


"Project Groomer: Exposing the secret plan to BRAINWASH your kids."

The Q is strong in this one
You people and your Q and Putin
Nobody knows about Q or thinks abour Q except you Marxists. You always have some fantasy to blame things on,
Democrats support pedos and groomers, and your Q fantasy does not change that, not does your Putin obsession .

Ah yes the demonization of the left continues by the idiots on the right. These accusations that Democrats are pedophiles is the Republican Party having absolutely nothing left to offer their voters but lies and hate.

Just the fact that you're posting this garbage shows what a lowlife degenerate you filth truly are. You'll use any lie, any smear because the Republican Party has nothing but hate and fear to offer the American people. No platform, no agenda, and no plans for the future other than hate and death.

The sad thing is that real pedophiles are escaping prosecution because the authorities are too busy chasing down the lies you're telling.

Republicans don't care about women or children. But they're not above using them for political gain when the opportunity arisies.

It used to be allegations of pedophilia weren't allowed on this board, but now it's a daily occurrence.
Ah yes the demonization of the left continues by the idiots on the right. These accusations that Democrats are pedophiles is the Republican Party having absolutely nothing left to offer their voters but lies and hate.

Just the fact that you're posting this garbage shows what a lowlife degenerate you filth truly are. You'll use any lie, any smear because the Republican Party has nothing but hate and fear to offer the American people. No platform, no agenda, and no plans for the future other than hate and death.

The sad thing is that real pedophiles are escaping prosecution because the authorities are too busy chasing down the lies you're telling.

Republicans don't care about women or children. But they're not above using them for political gain when the opportunity arisies.

It used to be allegations of pedophilia weren't allowed on this board, but now it's a daily occurrence.
Lol, the authorities are too busy chasing down the criminals liberal judges are letting out of jail. Liberals are teaching 4 year olds about sex. Your party is sick.
I have posted link after link and you sick mother fuckers ignore it and just say "it isnt really happening DERP"
You are a disgusting person. And thats even considering you are just a troll.

You have yet to post a link where 5-6 year olds are being taught about sex
Did you ever find the basement in that pizza joint...

Sorry the Right has lost the right to call anyone a a pedo..

Apart from the boy who cried wolf, this is a conspiricay theory from QANON... You sick idiots just believed it...

Any you got Matt Gaetz on your team...
so nothing on topic huh?

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