The Siege of Crimea has Begun

I've seen this too, my impression is that the video is not recent. Mainly because of how people are dressed. The videos coming out of Kherson, everyone is bundled up in winter coats and hats, etc. The people in this video are dressed for a mild summer evening.

Assuming it is Yalta, it still illustrates the people in Crimea were viewing themselves as Ukrainian (or at least held no hostility towards Ukraine).

Kherson is in it's 3rd day of celebration and hasn't let up. Everywhere the AFU goes they are greeted the same way. Anyone who thinks Kherson voted 97% to join Russia is full of shit.
That is not what I saw today. The news said that though they were delighted to see the Ukranian soldiers, the situation they are in weighs heavily on them and the pictures showed people in different states. Some still looked happy. Others looked distressed to varying degrees.

While I agree 97% seems too great where are the people who did want Ukraine to be part of Russia? I know in polls taken a year or so ago the majority of East Ukraine still wanted to remain Ukranian but that was before the Russian army came in resulting in the widespread aggression to more and more Russian Speakers. That there were some who wanted to be part of Russia is definite. Where are they now? Did Russia take them to Russia for safety or are they too celebrating the arrival of the Ukranian army.
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The USA is apparently, moving into the Black Sea, where the Russian Fleet has been stationed over a 100 years
Well that's nonsense. The Montreax Convention restrictions on non-Black Sea warships is 15,000 tons aggregate and 10,000 tons for any individual ship. IOW, the US could have one Burke DDG or one Tico CG in the Black Sea for up to 21 days, but not both at the same time. And no aircraft carriers can transit.

Russia is not at war with the US or NATO. Russia is fighting Ukrainians who are armed mostly with the same weapons as Russia, but a few western weapons too. Not even the best ones- just the short range tube and rocket artillery, and mostly older versions at that...
do you agree that nobody ( no country ) has recognized moscow occupation of Crimea ? and never will ?

What's wrong. It was a joke of history how the Crimea came to the Ukraine. The Soviet leader Krushchev gave it as a present to the Ukraine in 195x - what's indeed an impossibility. Such a decision needs a much higher authority. And who for heavens sake accepts decisions of Soviets at all?

The problem in case of the Crimea is it that many nations had to calculate that this fake-solution (= "home harbour of the Russian Black Sea fleet on Ukrainian territory") will explode. And it looks like no one thought about any solution of this problem with peaceful methods. So the whole situation is not only a shame for Russia - it's also a shame for all politicians and diplomats of the world.
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Should we talk about how long parts of the US have been in the hands of others?

What justifies now that everyone has the right to take whatever he likes to take as long as he is stronger and able to murder or to dispalce the former owners? In this case the Ukraine and all other countries around Russia are lost.
Put a bullet through Zelensky's head.
This sentence is not freedom of opinion but a clear crime called: "Call to murder". Zelensky is the legitimate president of the Ukraine. If you would say a similar sentence in case of the illegal tyrant of Belarus like "Bring Lukashenko to the international court dead or alive" then this would not be a crime.
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That is not what I saw today. The news said that though they were delighted to see the Ukranian soldiers, the situation they are in weighs heavily on them and the pictures showed people in different states. Some still looked happy. Others looked distressed to varying degrees.

While I agree 97% seems too great where are the people who did want Ukraine to be part of Russia? I know in polls taken a year or so ago the majority of East Ukraine still wanted to remain Ukranian but that was before the Russian army came in resulting in the widespread aggression to more and more Russian Speakers. That there were some who wanted to be part of Russia is definite. Where are they now? Did Russia take them to Russia for safety or are they too celebrating the arrival of the Ukranian army.

Both, I guess. Since 2008 Russia brought many Russian combatants into this area. But many Russians who lived there had perhaps never had problems at all. Or do you think for example the war in Syria was made from the Syrians?
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moscow, the city, is occupying Crimea?

Everyone recognizes that the Russian Fleet has been anchored at Crimea for over since early in the last century, some say the Russian Fleet has made Crimea their home port for 250 years.

Democrats with their RINO comrades, always starting wars.

This war was started from Wladimir Putin. The occupation of the Crimea not had been the reason for the currrent war. This still had been a diplomatic problem. This war started with a Russian offensive against the whole Ukraine. This war from Russia against Europe changed a lot in world politics for the next decades. We live now in another world than we had lived before this war had started.
Both, I guess. Since 2008 Russia brigth mqany Russian combatahnats into this area. But many Russian who lived there had perhaps never had problems at all. Or do you think for example the war in Syria was made from the Syrians?
Two different places two different times. I presented facts. I presented what the democratic party did. Less than a year later we have a war we are in against Russia.

Crimean natives? I heard when Turks had conquered the Crimea they had murdered all former natives. Russia conquered the Crimea in 1799 and still today exist Crimean Tartars (=Turks). So no one is able to call Russians criminals in this context. That's absurde.
Well that's nonsense. The Montreax Convention restrictions on non-Black Sea warships is 15,000 tons aggregate and 10,000 tons for any individual ship. IOW, the US could have one Burke DDG or one Tico CG in the Black Sea for up to 21 days, but not both at the same time. And no aircraft carriers can transit.

Russia is not at war with the US or NATO. Russia is fighting Ukrainians who are armed mostly with the same weapons as Russia, but a few western weapons too. Not even the best ones- just the short range tube and rocket artillery, and mostly older versions at that...
We are giving the Ukraine 13 billion in weapons

We are giving the Ukraine technical strategic information

We agreed to move make them a partner in NATO

We agreed to be part of a strong Black Sea alliance.

No involvement?
Two different places two different times.


2008 and 2022 is for me nearly the same time.

I presented facts. I presented what the democratic party did.

It's stupid to say so. The USA is envolved because of Russia - not because of the Democratic Party of the USA. Russia is the biggest country and the biggest nuclear power of the world. This war has lots of consequences for the western world - and not only for the western world.

Less than a year later we have a war we are in against Russia.

Crimean natives? I heard when Turks had conquered the Crimea they had murdered all former natives. Russia conquered the Crimea in 1799 and still today exist Crimean Tartars (=Turks). So no one is able to call Russians criminals in this context. That's absurde.
Who made this partnership with the Ukraine, the democratic party

Should we talk about how long parts of the US have been in the hands of others?
We should talk about this

We should talk about this

Should we? If we should, why didn't you start talking about it?
You have presented no facts. The document you linked simply says the US will support Ukraine is fighting against Russian aggression and in its efforts to build a strong democracy and economy.

First fact, the US is not at war with Russia; it is simply providing aid to Ukraine to resist the Russian invasion. If the US were in the war, the Russian army in Ukraine would have been destroyed months ago.

Russia does not own the Black Sea. In fact the Russian fleet in the Black Sea is far inferior to the much larger Turkish fleet there and US and European ships have for many years sailed through the Black Sea.

Russia has no special rights in the Black Sea and no special rights in Ukraine. Your argument comes down to a staunch defense of Russian imperialism, which is exactly what I said. Again, you have shown there is no rational basis for claiming the US is at war with Russia or that the US provoked the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
I did not argue or present my opinion. I just stated facts.

Rational bazis that we are fighting a proxy war, other than tactical information about russia and the weapons used to sink russian ships
Who made this partnership with the Ukraine, the democratic party

Sorry - but the political parties of the USA are totally unimportant in this context. The problemn is to do the right things and to let it be to do the wrong things. What do you think what's right or wrong to do now?

I heard when Turks had conquered the Crimea they had murdered all former natives.

1) the only small part south tip of Crimea they took over

2) a Lie

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