The signs of the GOP's demise were present even before this.

QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins Georgia Republican primary

"A US businesswoman who has expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory has won the Republican nomination for a seat in the House of Representatives. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now expected to be elected in November to represent Georgia's heavily conservative 14th congressional district, and become QAnon's first devotee in Congress.

It comes amid a social media crackdown on the conspiracy theory. QAnon says "deep-state" traitors are plotting against Donald Trump.

Ms Greene is part of a growing list of Republican candidates to express support for the conspiracy theory."
When you nominate a weak-minded dolt to run for prez who believes Ted Cruz's dad was involved in JFK's assassination, windmills cause cancer, Obama wiretapped him, and Joe Scarborough is a murderer, it's no longer a stretch when a QAnon-nut is expected to win an election for Congress.

During the last 3 1/2 years there has been a deluge of illegal, unethical, immoral, corrupt, incompetent, actions taken by the Orange Menace. Not to mention unprecedented claims of expansive presidential authority. It has made it hard to maintain a sense of outrage as outrageous things have become the norm. However, we should be concerned that the GOP has become a party of bizarre conspiracy theorists.

We need at least two vibrant, informed, serious parties who are willing to compromise to take on the country's problems. We only have one.
yet Analog Joe's Penn base is now the Trump base.
I guess the dems are not embarrassed by all of the rioting and looting their thugs are I've always said dems have no for one of them to point a bony finger of indignation towards us is laughable....
The Orange Menace called Kamala Harris a "dangerous" pick while...............

"President Donald Trump wasted little time congratulating Marjorie Greene, the Republican candidate in Georgia’s 14th district who is bound to be Congress’ first open QAnon supporter."

Gosh, what a piece of shit he is.
I don't follow the conspiracy stuff, but I do see the term. I'm not sure what this has to do with the "demise" of a party. You are going to have outliers and different reasons people vote for someone, it's not just "oh I want the conspiracy person". What were their policy differences and ideas?

The Dems have them too, look at AOC. Look who just won their Primary in Minnesota, and she's been openly supportive of those who do not like Israel. It was unheard of for a Dem candidate to be so strongly outspoken against U.S ally, but she has been, and rewarded for it by her constituents.

There are some very open socialist supporters in the Dem Party, what does that mean for them and their party?

Meanwhile on democrat plantation: Ilhan Omar wins easily.

The party of AOC has no business lecturing anyone. The candidate that the OP is bent up about (or rather, what CNN told him to be bent up about), is probably good candidate since they are this angry.

Yeah we are embarrassed.....for you.....
Is Qanon like Kanon? The anonymous group of men who all received blowjobs from Kamala in order to advance her career.
Republicans put forth another QAnon conspiracy supporter as candidate

Desperate conspiracy theories is the only chance Trump has at reelection. Can Trump be any more of a failure? With a real president, America should have this pandemic under control and America's economy should be well on the way to recovery like China. Instead the pandemic is raging out of control, Americans are dying like flies, and the economy is gasping for air as China fly past America. This is just EMBARRASSING for the richest and most powerful country in the world.
Hahahahahahahahaha poor wacko libbers....Sleepy Joe and Knees Harris and you lecture us on desperation....
We need at least two vibrant, informed, serious parties who are willing to compromise to take on the country's problems. We only have one.

Which one would that be? Surely, you aren't referring to the party of "Russia! Russia! Russia!" and abusing articles of impeachment over a hearsay phone call, are you, TDS Lord?

And I'm not sure where you get off criticizing Greene. The right has weirdos like her and you have screwballs like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, so who are you to talk?
We need at least two vibrant, informed, serious parties who are willing to compromise to take on the country's problems. We only have one.

Which one would that be? Surely, you aren't referring to the party of "Russia! Russia! Russia!" and abusing articles of impeachment over a hearsay phone call, are you, TDS Lord?

And I'm not sure where you get off criticizing Greene. The right has weirdos like her and you have screwballs like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, so who are you to talk?
Well, I'm sorry but it is a fact that a maj of gopers in the House wanted a debt deal when Boehner was speaker, and McConnell actually had one to pass his chamber, but if Boehner had actually brought the bill to the floor, he'd have seen a revolt by and a challenge to his speakership.

There's not doubt there are extremes in both parties, though, I agree.
I guess the dems are not embarrassed by all of the rioting and looting their thugs are I've always said dems have no for one of them to point a bony finger of indignation towards us is laughable....
Obviously dems are looters. It only stands to reason.
I don't see any MAGA hats out there....
I guess the dems are not embarrassed by all of the rioting and looting their thugs are I've always said dems have no for one of them to point a bony finger of indignation towards us is laughable....
Obviously dems are looters. It only stands to reason.
Hell they loot the treasury to the tune of trillions in debt......
Which one would that be? Surely, you aren't referring to the party of "Russia! Russia! Russia!"

Are you paid to push Trump-Putin cult propaganda, or do you do it out of Stalinist devotion?

I mean, reality denial at your level must have some kind of cause.

No sane person denies the Trump Russia connection. Only paid shills, the corrupt, the insane, the terminally butthurt, or the profoundly stupid try that.

Oh wait, there is one other category. The very, very desperate. The ones who know how badly they're losing, and are just tearfully flailing away, not knowing what else to do.

That's not necessary. You don't have to live out your life bearing the stain of being a Trump cult loser. Just walk away from the Trump cult. There's a world of normal people out there. Come out and meet them.
Which one would that be? Surely, you aren't referring to the party of "Russia! Russia! Russia!"

Are you paid to push Trump-Putin cult propaganda, or do you do it out of Stalinist devotion?

I mean, reality denial at your level must have some kind of cause.

No sane person denies the Trump Russia connection. Only paid shills, the corrupt, the insane, the terminally butthurt, or the profoundly stupid try that.

Oh wait, there is one other category. The very, very desperate. The ones who know how badly they're losing, and are just tearfully flailing away, not knowing what else to do.

That's not necessary. You don't have to live out your life bearing the stain of being a Trump cult loser. Just walk away from the Trump cult. There's a world of normal people out there. Come out and meet them.
Wellllll, I'd agree Trump did commit an impeachable offense with the Ukraine demand for dirtying Analog Joe for aid. But, the dem version of the Freedom Caucus wanted to impeach Trump since the day after he beat Hillary.

Pelosi held them at bay because it is in the dems interests to be seen as the party of adults. (facemasks and fully open schools, anyone?) Once Trump started using Pompano and Bill "the belt" Barr for dirty election tricks, the dems had to something or just stop having elections all together.

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