The signs of the GOP's demise were present even before this.

Both parties have their fringes.
That's fair to say. But the folks on the fringe of the left are there because of their political views, not because they think the Moon is made of green cheese.
But, the mainstream of the Dem party is Marxist/Gun-Grabber, so which is worse?

Dems have the better fringe (real liberals) and Repubs have the better mainstream (by far, it ain't even close).

If the Republicans could get rid of their Jesus Nazis, quit kowtowing to international interests, and cut back on feeding the military/industrial complex, I would call myself a Republican.

For the Dems to get my approval, they would need to rid themselves of Marxists and anyone proposing a ban on any type of firearm. That would be the entire party, minus what remains of the very few real liberals.
You're absolutely right OP. Trump is a manifestation of the GOP's wish list for over 4 decades now. He's their chickens coming home to roost.

Trump didn't 'take over' the GOP, he's a product of the GOP - Trump represents exactly who Republicans are.
Trump didn't 'take over' the GOP, he's a product of the GOP - Trump represents exactly who Republicans are.
There's no question the lies of right wing media gave rise to incompetent whack jobs like $arah Paylin which in turn made room for the cult of personality that put Capt. Clorox in the WH.
The same could be said for the socialists and communists that are in the democratic party. Times are changing.
Extreme political views are not equivalent to crazy conspiracy theories.
I'll take a CT nut over a socialist/communist any day, berg. Your tribe are much more dangerous
for this country.
No sane person denies the Trump Russia connection. Only paid shills, the corrupt, the insane, the terminally butthurt, or the profoundly stupid try that.

The only people still buying into that nonsense are far left mentally deranged conspiracy theorists like yourself and I won't get into the irony of you referring to other people as profoundly stupid, Man Boobs.
The only people still buying into that nonsense
But, as you know, it's fact....not nonsense. Denying it calls your connection with reality in to question.


QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins Georgia Republican primary

"A US businesswoman who has expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory has won the Republican nomination for a seat in the House of Representatives. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now expected to be elected in November to represent Georgia's heavily conservative 14th congressional district, and become QAnon's first devotee in Congress.

It comes amid a social media crackdown on the conspiracy theory. QAnon says "deep-state" traitors are plotting against Donald Trump.

Ms Greene is part of a growing list of Republican candidates to express support for the conspiracy theory."
When you nominate a weak-minded dolt to run for prez who believes Ted Cruz's dad was involved in JFK's assassination, windmills cause cancer, Obama wiretapped him, and Joe Scarborough is a murderer, it's no longer a stretch when a QAnon-nut is expected to win an election for Congress.

During the last 3 1/2 years there has been a deluge of illegal, unethical, immoral, corrupt, incompetent, actions taken by the Orange Menace. Not to mention unprecedented claims of expansive presidential authority. It has made it hard to maintain a sense of outrage as outrageous things have become the norm. However, we should be concerned that the GOP has become a party of bizarre conspiracy theorists.

We need at least two vibrant, informed, serious parties who are willing to compromise to take on the country's problems. We only have one.

Just to show you how clueless Republicans are, the reason they want4ed her is because she is a woman. They thing their problems with women can be solved by running women. The reason why Republicans are losing suburban women is their policies. Look at what is happening in Arizona. McSalley moved to the far right and she will likely lose to a man. If this woman ran in a suburban districtb she would be clobbered.
I don't follow the conspiracy stuff, but I do see the term. I'm not sure what this has to do with the "demise" of a party. You are going to have outliers and different reasons people vote for someone, it's not just "oh I want the conspiracy person". What were their policy differences and ideas?

The Dems have them too, look at AOC. Look who just won their Primary in Minnesota, and she's been openly supportive of those who do not like Israel. It was unheard of for a Dem candidate to be so strongly outspoken against U.S ally, but she has been, and rewarded for it by her constituents.

There are some very open socialist supporters in the Dem Party, what does that mean for them and their party?

So what. Not supporting Israeli policies does not mean you do not like Israel. Netanyahu's policies does not mean you hate Israel. Worth noting that right wing hate groups have killed more people than terrorists.

Her election has everything to do with the demise of the party. Rural areas are shrinking while suburban areas are growing. Candidates like Greene cannot exist in that environment. The Republican Party cannot exist in that environment.
QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins Georgia Republican primary

"A US businesswoman who has expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory has won the Republican nomination for a seat in the House of Representatives. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now expected to be elected in November to represent Georgia's heavily conservative 14th congressional district, and become QAnon's first devotee in Congress.

It comes amid a social media crackdown on the conspiracy theory. QAnon says "deep-state" traitors are plotting against Donald Trump.

Ms Greene is part of a growing list of Republican candidates to express support for the conspiracy theory."
When you nominate a weak-minded dolt to run for prez who believes Ted Cruz's dad was involved in JFK's assassination, windmills cause cancer, Obama wiretapped him, and Joe Scarborough is a murderer, it's no longer a stretch when a QAnon-nut is expected to win an election for Congress.

During the last 3 1/2 years there has been a deluge of illegal, unethical, immoral, corrupt, incompetent, actions taken by the Orange Menace. Not to mention unprecedented claims of expansive presidential authority. It has made it hard to maintain a sense of outrage as outrageous things have become the norm. However, we should be concerned that the GOP has become a party of bizarre conspiracy theorists.

We need at least two vibrant, informed, serious parties who are willing to compromise to take on the country's problems. We only have one.
She is tame compared to the fing squad on the demrat side of the aisle.

"there is a worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who rule the world, essentially, and they control everything. They control politicians, and they control the media. They control Hollywood, and they cover up their existence, essentially. And they would have continued ruling the world, were it not for the election of President Donald Trump. Now, Donald Trump in this conspiracy theory knows all about this evil cabal's wrongdoing. But one of the reasons that Donald Trump was elected was to put an end to them, basically. And now we would be ignorant of this behind-the-scenes battle of Donald Trump and the U.S. military—that everyone backs him and the evil cabal—were it not for 'Q.' And what 'Q' is—is basically a poster on 4chan, who later moved to 8chan, who reveals details about this secret behind-the-scenes battle, and also secrets about what the cabal is doing and also the mass sort of upcoming arrest events through these posts."[29]
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Democrat's idea for leadership proves to be:

Old white male with history of racist remarks
Old white male with dementia
A woman of color
Sexism, sexual harassment & inappropriate behavior
Prosecutor who apparently treats blacks unfairly
Adultery, and climbed to the top by grabbing her pussy

I don't know, looks like the OP is projection to me.

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