the similarities between President Trump & Mr Reagan are scintillatingly stunning, folks!

asked in January 2016 to be more specific about when America was great, Trump pinpointed the 80's, the decade he rose to national prominence. "I think during the Reagan years we were very good. We felt good about our country", Trump bellowed

as the NYT writes:

"similarly to Reagan, Trump's political rise came in the post-Great Recession decade of grievance. in his latest spirit-of-the-age makeover, he became a cipher for the Rust Belt rage in America's old industrial heartland, a billionaire recast as a working-class hero. In this age of disruption, he emerged as the ultimate disruptive politician, a 1-man particle collider for the political/cultural/technological/economic changes that reshaped America with such manic suddenness."

Reagan wasn't crude or vulgar.
Reagan was a nice guy
Trump is a prick

Vulgar is derived from the Latin 'vulgus' meaning 'the common people'.

As Americans, we have always taken quite pride in choosing our leaders from among the common people. We should eschew the political elite and the generational politicians.

Alright... Trump is very common and very dumb lacking an education.

He has a Bachelors Degree from University of Pennsylvania. That puts him in the top 30% of Americans when it comes to formal education and equivalent to 80% or all US Presidents.

He never went to class because he knew everything about everything.. His professors said he was the dumbest student they ever had.

President Trump has a degree from a top Ivy League institution. Are you suggesting the Wharton School graduates 'tards? What does that say about the validity of the degrees from elite institutions?

He got into Wharton on a favor from a family friend, didn't attend classes and his father basically bought his education..
asked in January 2016 to be more specific about when America was great, Trump pinpointed the 80's, the decade he rose to national prominence. "I think during the Reagan years we were very good. We felt good about our country", Trump bellowed

as the NYT writes:

"similarly to Reagan, Trump's political rise came in the post-Great Recession decade of grievance. in his latest spirit-of-the-age makeover, he became a cipher for the Rust Belt rage in America's old industrial heartland, a billionaire recast as a working-class hero. In this age of disruption, he emerged as the ultimate disruptive politician, a 1-man particle collider for the political/cultural/technological/economic changes that reshaped America with such manic suddenness."

Reagan wasn't crude or vulgar.
Reagan was a nice guy
Trump is a prick

Actually, people who know Trump know that he's a tremendous guy, a fantastic host. He graciously offered to have a world meeting at his home in Mar a Lago, I can't see a guy like Sleepy Joe bringing world leaders to one of his residences.
asked in January 2016 to be more specific about when America was great, Trump pinpointed the 80's, the decade he rose to national prominence. "I think during the Reagan years we were very good. We felt good about our country", Trump bellowed

as the NYT writes:

"similarly to Reagan, Trump's political rise came in the post-Great Recession decade of grievance. in his latest spirit-of-the-age makeover, he became a cipher for the Rust Belt rage in America's old industrial heartland, a billionaire recast as a working-class hero. In this age of disruption, he emerged as the ultimate disruptive politician, a 1-man particle collider for the political/cultural/technological/economic changes that reshaped America with such manic suddenness."

Reagan wasn't crude or vulgar.
Reagan was a nice guy
Trump is a prick

Actually, people who know Trump know that he's a tremendous guy, a fantastic host. He graciously offered to have a world meeting at his home in Mar a Lago, I can't see a guy like Sleepy Joe bringing world leaders to one of his residences.

Trump lives in a resort hotel, not a home and he collects revenue for himself.
Sorry bro, nothing in the political realm is ever "scintillatingly stunning". Mostly it's tedious and tiresome something like comparing JFK to Lincoln. It only works in your mind.
Reagan and Trump are both old, divorced entertainers who were once Democrats. They were both not-particularly-religious but cozied up to evangelicals anyway, and relied mostly on the votes of white America. They both loved them some deregulation wherever they could find it, and believed heavily in stimulating growth by boosting corporations.

And that's where it ends. Both men borrowed a ton to cut taxes while boosting military spending, but Reagan did so during high unemployment when the military-Keynesian idea was really, really needed, while Trump did so when unemployment was quite low. Reagan reached across the aisle a lot, and opposed dictators at every turn; Trump did the opposites. Reagan had governing experience, and won by landslides; Trump had no political experience and failed to ever carry the popular vote. Reagan encouraged conservatives with empowering, heroic messages, while Trump relies on inflaming negative emotions. Reagan also had empathy and believed in equality and was rarely combative, none of which describe Trump.

These days, claiming kinship with Reagan is like a bunch of medieval Germans dressing in togas and laurel wreaths and calling themselves the Holy Roman Empire; namely, an obvious but effective way to sponge some of the former glory onto the new guys. They're more different than alike.
Trump's campaign slogan was Make America Great Again. Reagan's was Let's Make America Great Again.

a distinction without a difference, like the eighth note that separates the bassline in "Under Pressure" from the one in "Ice, Ice Baby"
Vulgar is derived from the Latin 'vulgus' meaning 'the common people'.

As Americans, we have always taken quite pride in choosing our leaders from among the common people. We should eschew the political elite and the generational politicians.

Alright... Trump is very common and very dumb lacking an education.

As many of you believe Trump is the persona he plays in front of his crowds the fact is Trump is more complex than you think.

You compare Trump to the likes of Clinton, Obama and so on but Trump is not like any of them, so he come off uneducated and thuggish but he is like most common people which is what the other poster was trying to express ( I believe that is what they were expressing... )

Trump is well educated no matter the tabloid nonsense and he knows what he is doing and believe me the man is no fool...

Trump has convinced so many in what he says is true, so let not insult the man by trying to say he is uneducated because the man is very educated in how to seduce society and has study the greatest minds to understand how to sway the common man.

Now with that written my personal hate for Trump stems from decades of his flamboyant lifestyle and flaunting his sexual affairs in public while trying to be the second coming of Lorenzo the Magnificent...

The man rub me the wrong way but I would never proclaim he is dumb or lacking education and let me be clear the man can scam almost anyone like the Devil he is!

Trump is NOT well-educated.. He's severely dyslectic and compensates by being a loud bully. His older sister did his homework for years. To quote Rex Tillerson, Trump is an effing moron.
That is why T is worth billions and his buildings are all over the world and you’re worth very little . Nothing more than a deranged old hag who supports terrorism
RR and T are 2 of the best POTUS of all time along with Eisenhower, Calvin Coolidge , Jefferson and Washington
RR and T are 2 of the best POTUS of all time along with Eisenhower, Calvin Coolidge , Jefferson and Washington
what about WJC? (William Jefferson Clinton)
You can blame him for the failed NAFTA, the obliteration of US manufacturing and is responsible in evil Chinese becoming a big power and stealing our technology; not to mention, he blew up the rules of the stock market back to wild speculation
Got to love Silent Cal
Do I miss him more than I ever
Wow am I getting old
Vulgar is derived from the Latin 'vulgus' meaning 'the common people'.

As Americans, we have always taken quite pride in choosing our leaders from among the common people. We should eschew the political elite and the generational politicians.

Alright... Trump is very common and very dumb lacking an education.

He has a Bachelors Degree from University of Pennsylvania. That puts him in the top 30% of Americans when it comes to formal education and equivalent to 80% or all US Presidents.
Then how come he thinks Finland is in Russia?
"Whatever history may say about me when I'm gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears" - President Reagan, as quoted in a billboard in his hometown of Tampico, Illinois
there are statues of Reagan in DC, Poland, and even near the Berlin Wall which fell at his feet!
"The American sound," Ronald Reagan said, "is hopeful, big-hearted, idealistic, daring, decent & fair." So was he.
asked in January 2016 to be more specific about when America was great, Trump pinpointed the 80's, the decade he rose to national prominence. "I think during the Reagan years we were very good. We felt good about our country", Trump bellowed

as the NYT writes:

"similarly to Reagan, Trump's political rise came in the post-Great Recession decade of grievance. in his latest spirit-of-the-age makeover, he became a cipher for the Rust Belt rage in America's old industrial heartland, a billionaire recast as a working-class hero. In this age of disruption, he emerged as the ultimate disruptive politician, a 1-man particle collider for the political/cultural/technological/economic changes that reshaped America with such manic suddenness."
Major differerence in the two,one was a warmonger and globalist,the other is not.
Reagan and Trump are both old, divorced entertainers who were once Democrats. They were both not-particularly-religious but cozied up to evangelicals anyway, and relied mostly on the votes of white America. They both loved them some deregulation wherever they could find it, and believed heavily in stimulating growth by boosting corporations.

And that's where it ends. Both men borrowed a ton to cut taxes while boosting military spending, but Reagan did so during high unemployment when the military-Keynesian idea was really, really needed, while Trump did so when unemployment was quite low. Reagan reached across the aisle a lot, and opposed dictators at every turn; Trump did the opposites. Reagan had governing experience, and won by landslides; Trump had no political experience and failed to ever carry the popular vote. Reagan encouraged conservatives with empowering, heroic messages, while Trump relies on inflaming negative emotions. Reagan also had empathy and believed in equality and was rarely combative, none of which describe Trump.

These days, claiming kinship with Reagan is like a bunch of medieval Germans dressing in togas and laurel wreaths and calling themselves the Holy Roman Empire; namely, an obvious but effective way to sponge some of the former glory onto the new guys. They're more different than alike.
Oh REALLY.? Is that why when Reagan left office,his job approval rating was very low buy the American people,and is that why there were millions around the country that turned out in droves fir trumps rallies and has the support of the military because because he allegedly failed to carry the popular vote? Nice fantasy there. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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