the similarities between President Trump & Mr Reagan are scintillatingly stunning, folks!

RR and T are 2 of the best POTUS of all time along with Eisenhower, Calvin Coolidge , Jefferson and Washington
Coolidge? I did not see that coming.
If this thread had been made five years ago I would be posting the truth that Coolidge was the last good Republican president America had.He was the greatest Republican president of the twentieth century by leaps and bounds,none of the others came even close,Before trump he was the last president that served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.
like Trump, Reagan exploited fear and bigotry. he too showed no empathy for the poor. reclassifying mustard and ketchup as the two vegetables required for nutritious school lunches would be funny if it weren't so sad...he too was a hypocrite, a protectionist's not accident that Trump's Trade Rep, Robert Lighthizer, got his training as Deputy US Trade Rep under Reagan, 40 years earlier
If this thread had been made five years ago I would be posting the truth that Coolidge was the last good Republican president America had.He was the greatest Republican president of the twentieth century by leaps and bounds,none of the others came even close,Before trump he was the last president that served the people instead of the bankers and corporations.

US bankers wouldn't touch Trump.. But Russian bankers were his go-to source for financing.
basquebromance total bullshit..AND I have a releative in the school food program--the kids THROW WAY the fruits and vegetables!!!!--it's a waste of EVERYone's $$$$
''fear and bigotry''--HHAHAHAHAHAH--that's the Dems
As many of you believe Trump is the persona he plays in front of his crowds the fact is Trump is more complex than you think.

You compare Trump to the likes of Clinton, Obama and so on but Trump is not like any of them, so he come off uneducated and thuggish but he is like most common people which is what the other poster was trying to express ( I believe that is what they were expressing... )

Trump is well educated no matter the tabloid nonsense and he knows what he is doing and believe me the man is no fool...

Trump has convinced so many in what he says is true, so let not insult the man by trying to say he is uneducated because the man is very educated in how to seduce society and has study the greatest minds to understand how to sway the common man.

Now with that written my personal hate for Trump stems from decades of his flamboyant lifestyle and flaunting his sexual affairs in public while trying to be the second coming of Lorenzo the Magnificent...

The man rub me the wrong way but I would never proclaim he is dumb or lacking education and let me be clear the man can scam almost anyone like the Devil he is!
Listen to him speak! He's a dullard! He can barely read! He can't pronounce 3-syllable words! His utterances are nonsense!

Has Faux News already killed 80% of your brain cells?
basquebromance total bullshit..AND I have a releative in the school food program--the kids THROW WAY the fruits and vegetables!!!!--it's a waste of EVERYone's $$$$
''fear and bigotry''--HHAHAHAHAHAH--that's the Dems
So, let them go hungry, right? That's the soulless QOP philosophy. As long as YOU are eating, fuck everyone else, right?

President Trump has a degree from a top Ivy League institution. Are you suggesting the Wharton School graduates 'tards? What does that say about the validity of the degrees from elite institutions?
What does it say about a rich fat brat who cheats on exams?

Just listen to Trumpolini talk. He's a psychotic dullard.
wrong--Biden is destroying the US...Mr Trump was trying to protect the US
Wrong... Trump was enriching his crime family and his ego and has never given a damn about the USA or anyone but himself.

Biden is doing decent policies. Too centrist for my liking... but so much better than anything from today's RepubliQan fascists.
He has a Bachelors Degree from University of Pennsylvania. That puts him in the top 30% of Americans when it comes to formal education and equivalent to 80% or all US Presidents.
Yet he is a cretin! He is semi-literate, bought his way through college, is a severely psychotic narcissist, and how does THAT compare to other USA Presidents?

Well Reagan was a devil, so was Jackson, and we've had some real incompetents in office, but NOBODY comes close to Trumpolini as worst Pres ever
I don’t care that Don is crude and vulgar. I do care about his total lack of intelligence and his many ridiculously stupid actions.

The problem now is Joe is just as bad as Don, but the MSM and many Americans aren’t paying attention.
Trump is NOT well-educated.. He's severely dyslectic and compensates by being a loud bully. He can't read and doesn't listen.
Trump bought his way through Wharton. Cheated his way in, had his sister dojo’s assignments
Not only is he poorly educated, he has a limited attention span and will not listen to those who actually are educated

He's always been insulated from consequences by his money or his father's money.. and he has no conscience or shame.. Bad combination, yet Evangelical Christians approve of him.
Not only is he poorly educated, he has a limited attention span and will not listen to those who actually are educated

The idea that Trump is "stupid" is a common trope traditionally used against Republicans.

Dubya was considered mentally retarded and a tool of the Cheney Family. Reagan was senile and stupid. Ford got hit in the head too many times during his tremendous football career. Justice Clarence Thomas is an Affirmative Action Dumb Ass.

Trump is a self made billionaire who established his own tremendous university. He isn't "stupid" by any sense of the word.
The idea that Trump is "stupid" is a common trope traditionally used against Republicans.

Dubya was considered mentally retarded and a tool of the Cheney Family. Reagan was senile and stupid. Ford got hit in the head too many times during his tremendous football career. Justice Clarence Thomas is an Affirmative Action Dumb Ass.

Trump is a self made billionaire who established his own tremendous university. He isn't "stupid" by any sense of the word.

Dubya wasn't retarded just not very bright.

Trump inherited $300 million.. and his father had ALWAYS bailed him out. That's not self made.
The idea that Trump is "stupid" is a common trope traditionally used against Republicans.

Dubya was considered mentally retarded and a tool of the Cheney Family. Reagan was senile and stupid. Ford got hit in the head too many times during his tremendous football career. Justice Clarence Thomas is an Affirmative Action Dumb Ass.

Trump is a self made billionaire who established his own tremendous university. He isn't "stupid" by any sense of the word.
Bush was average but was willing to listen to others

Trump is a moron who thinks he is the brightest person in the room

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