The simplest of Qst. regarding HC coverage.....

There is no Constitutional mandate for the federal government to provide "needed" services, only those mandated by the document.

Well, that "pursuit of happiness" phrase may include NOT going bankrupt because you developed leukemia.....

BTW, The Constitution MUST evolve.....otherwise we'd still slave owners.
There is an amendment process for "evolving" the constitution.
Since there still homeless and liberals consider having a home a "right" why are they not sharing their own homes with the less fortunate?

hey, moron.......we are here talking about HEALTH CARE COVERAGE....not homes.

Why don;t you just go have another drink and go pick your nose.
There is no Constitutional mandate for the federal government to provide "needed" services, only those mandated by the document.

Well, that "pursuit of happiness" phrase may include NOT going bankrupt because you developed leukemia.....

No concern of the federal government.

BTW, The Constitution MUST evolve.....otherwise we'd still slave owners.

Feel free to introduce and have ratified an amendment to make HC a right. Until then, it's not.
Are the things people need such as food, shelter, cloths rights that are to be provided for them, or do we have an expectation that adults provide for themselves. It's one thing to have a safety net for the less fortunate, but there is a difference in needs and rights.

Somehow, the rest of the civilized world has found the "middle ground" to your query.......For us, instead, the lobbyists still manage to bribe our politicians to do the bidding of the lobbyists' employers.
Middle ground? So a need is right-ish?
Feel free to introduce and have ratified an amendment to make HC a right. Until then, it's not.

We''re working on it........Medicare was the first step....Universal, single-payer is next....Thanks for the suggestion.
Middle ground? So a need is right-ish?

As a personal favor, look up the definition of "commodity".....
Okay, I did and stand corrected... health care is a service, thus not a commodity. Well, tangible items such as flu shots would be commodities, so maybe it's both commodities and services. Still, it is a need, not a right such as the right to free speech. It is something that people buy with their hard earned money.
hey, moron.......we are here talking about HEALTH CARE COVERAGE....not homes.

Why don;t you just go have another drink and go pick your nose.

We don't all care to overindulge but thank you for the benefit of your experience. But, OK, so to rephrase, since there are sick people who can't afford even Obamacare (especially?), why are you not, as a most progressive liberal, proving care to at least one in your own home? Or is that sort of service to the less fortunate not permitted by the terms and conditions of your party membership?

Oh, I AM sorry you found the original question too difficult.
Healthcare IS, HAS BEEN , and hopefully ALWAYS WILL BE a PRIVILEGE rather than a Right.

I dont know of a single historical civilization where this has not been the case.

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