The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

Good for you, I'm happy you are comfy. Now try to read with a bit more comprehension and a little less bias.

let's simplify this.
Is "Stare decisis" situational?

Is Plessy v. Ferguson still a precedent?
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.


The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution is the constant misinterpretations, summary legislative abuse, along with canned FF quotes by fascist jingoists

'We the People' means all of us, warts and all, not 'We the chosen few'

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

Good for you, I'm happy you are comfy. Now try to read with a bit more comprehension and a little less bias.

let's simplify this.
Is "Stare decisis" situational?

Is Plessy v. Ferguson still a precedent?

LOL, really?
Just walk away son, it's ok.
IS "Stare Decisis" situational or not?
I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

Good for you, I'm happy you are comfy. Now try to read with a bit more comprehension and a little less bias.

let's simplify this.
Is "Stare decisis" situational?

Is Plessy v. Ferguson still a precedent?

LOL, really?
Just walk away son, it's ok.
IS "Stare Decisis" situational or not?

Are you trying to be an asshole, or does it come to you naturally?
Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

Good for you, I'm happy you are comfy. Now try to read with a bit more comprehension and a little less bias.

let's simplify this.
Is "Stare decisis" situational?

Is Plessy v. Ferguson still a precedent?

LOL, really?
Just walk away son, it's ok.
IS "Stare Decisis" situational or not?

Are you trying to be an asshole, or does it come to you naturally?

Is it situational or not?
Good for you, I'm happy you are comfy. Now try to read with a bit more comprehension and a little less bias.

let's simplify this.
Is "Stare decisis" situational?

Is Plessy v. Ferguson still a precedent?

LOL, really?
Just walk away son, it's ok.
IS "Stare Decisis" situational or not?

Are you trying to be an asshole, or does it come to you naturally?

Is it situational or not?

It seems being an asshole is forever, and thus not situational for you.
let's simplify this.
Is "Stare decisis" situational?

Is Plessy v. Ferguson still a precedent?

LOL, really?
Just walk away son, it's ok.
IS "Stare Decisis" situational or not?

Are you trying to be an asshole, or does it come to you naturally?

Is it situational or not?

It seems being an asshole is forever, and thus not situational for you.

Answer the question and I'll leave you alone.
YOU brought up "Stare Decisis".
YOU said it only applied to the decisions you agreed with.

Why not just admit you've been cornered and that you indeed believe it to "situational"?
Why is this so hard for you? Just be honest.
“We need lots of free shit funneled to the bottom feeders of America.. let’s take that shit from America’s Best.”
Thanks to the Democrats, we don't need any more reform to help the poor. What we need is to tax the rich enough so we can help the middle class and working class, dumbass. Basically we need a democratic landslide...all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and regulation so they can have another corrupt economic bubble we can all pay for. Only propaganda and Dupes like you make it possible...

Look beggar.....we have middle class folks on this board who told you about their tax cuts and you continue to pretend you don’t know about them....ask Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about their tax cuts....Ask them if the scrawny Negro with the oversized hearing devices ever cut their taxes.
I didn’t need trump to cut my taxes. He just caused inflation by giving everyone a tax break and added to the debt.

It should have been a middle class only tax break. That would have benefitted everyone because the middle class will spend that money at the makers business’

Show us where that $3k per year that Trump gave you gets eaten up by inflation. We’re standing by.
When you give everyone money it doesn’t cause inflation? My bad if I’m wrong

You don’t really think inflation has climbed by $3k per year do you?
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:


The ambiguous wording of the 2nd Amendment ranks high up there.

Having a directly elected President is another.

Giving that President a hand in lawmaking (veto), violating the separation of powers, would qualify.

Giving the Senate a say on matters not materially affecting how the Several States are being run was truly a horrendous, unforced error, as was making treaties subject of Senate ratification (another violation of the separation of powers), as was giving all States, no matter their population, two votes.

Letting the Several States run Federal elections was just gross. Setting up a FPTP, winner-takes-all voting system was worse, still.

The biggest of all is the missing text in the 1st Amendment, that should have read like, "Under no circumstances whatsoever, and in no context, and no matter how it is used or intended to be used, does money, or any other thing of value, changing hands equal Constitutionally protected speech."
Is Plessy v. Ferguson still a precedent?

LOL, really?
Just walk away son, it's ok.
IS "Stare Decisis" situational or not?

Are you trying to be an asshole, or does it come to you naturally?

Is it situational or not?

It seems being an asshole is forever, and thus not situational for you.

Answer the question and I'll leave you alone.
YOU brought up "Stare Decisis".
YOU said it only applied to the decisions you agreed with.

Why not just admit you've been cornered and that you indeed believe it to "situational"?
Why is this so hard for you? Just be honest.
Thanks to the Democrats, we don't need any more reform to help the poor. What we need is to tax the rich enough so we can help the middle class and working class, dumbass. Basically we need a democratic landslide...all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and regulation so they can have another corrupt economic bubble we can all pay for. Only propaganda and Dupes like you make it possible...

Look beggar.....we have middle class folks on this board who told you about their tax cuts and you continue to pretend you don’t know about them....ask Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about their tax cuts....Ask them if the scrawny Negro with the oversized hearing devices ever cut their taxes.
I didn’t need trump to cut my taxes. He just caused inflation by giving everyone a tax break and added to the debt.

It should have been a middle class only tax break. That would have benefitted everyone because the middle class will spend that money at the makers business’

Show us where that $3k per year that Trump gave you gets eaten up by inflation. We’re standing by.
When you give everyone money it doesn’t cause inflation? My bad if I’m wrong

You don’t really think inflation has climbed by $3k per year do you?
If beef, chicken, gas, furniture, gas and electric bills, car registration, gas taxes, sure inflation could eat up my tax break. Or if trump and republicans deregulate the investment industry and they start putting in hidden fees like they did on Bush’s watch but obama and Elizabeth Warren put a stop to. That shits probably back again.

Ultimately I don’t think republican policies benefit us down the line. Then you’ll blame democrats for the cuts to Medicare and social security

You see the point? Republicans are not good for the middle class.

I’m doing fine, right now. And I should be ok. But then I thought that in 2000 and bush caused the Great Recession.

And you guys can’t ever accept responsibility unless it’s for Obama’s great economy he handed you
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

It’s clearly idiots.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

It’s clearly idiots.
People having kids they can’t afford. That’s the problem in India, America, South America, Europe, Canada, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Russia.

Imagine if everyone living in poverty stopped having so many kids. Imagine they cut their birth rates in half.

This planet would be paradise
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.
The rich vote in their self interest too

The difference is that the wealthy can buy influence while the poor can’t
Is Plessy v. Ferguson still a precedent?

LOL, really?
Just walk away son, it's ok.
IS "Stare Decisis" situational or not?

Are you trying to be an asshole, or does it come to you naturally?

Is it situational or not?

It seems being an asshole is forever, and thus not situational for you.

Answer the question and I'll leave you alone.
YOU brought up "Stare Decisis".
YOU said it only applied to the decisions you agreed with.

Why not just admit you've been cornered and that you indeed believe it to "situational"?
Why is this so hard for you? Just be honest.




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