The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

The genius of the Constitution is inherent in its success.

AND, its success has been stare decisis, the zeitgeist of the times (notwithstanding the Federalist Society) and the wording given license to the reader*** as to its meaning.

***For example, the ambiguity of the 2nd A., & the meaning of general Welfare.

So you agree with Heller and Citizens United?

What does this ^^^ question have to deal with my post?
I will respond even though it has nothing to do it seems with my comment above.

Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage.

That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.
As soon as they could, the centralized Federal Government originally created to serve the States became an all powerful, overbearing monolith.

Also, they used the statement to "promote the general welfare" in the Constitution to mean do anything we want, when we went if we can claim it is for the general welfare of the people. Such an abuse of power.
I will go with the Supreme Court on that one LOL
As soon as they could, the centralized Federal Government originally created to serve the States became an all powerful, overbearing monolith.

Also, they used the statement to "promoter the general welfare" in the Constitution to mean do anything we want, when we went if we can claim it is for the general welfare of the people. Such an abuse of power.
Neither does Obama or Hillary.
Time to put your big boy pants on.
You have no idea what Democrats stand for. Hint dot-dot-dot raising taxes on the rich, cutting them on the rest comma help and justice for the middle class and the working class, actual solution of ID card to end illegal immigration...but you know every detail of every phony Scandal against Democrats that never go anywhere in the real world because they are totaled garbage brainwashed functional moron.

Deflection and obfuscation. I told you, it won't work.
No but you answering a point about your scum bag president with something Clinton or Obama did, hell 90% not even did but you claim it anyway. Like it makes it Ok for scum bag because someone else did it in the past, now that is a waste,

I'll wait for you to show where I've shown myself to be Trump guy, c'mon. Do it.
My statement is wrong only if your point is that the screw ball is in no way your president. Is that your point????????

You need to show where I've supported Trump. If you can't , integrity would dictate a retraction and an apology.
When you start to spew stupidity about socialism and communism in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your right wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one.
I have a small collection of them...They're certainly worth more than that commie Fed lettuce you Marxist stooges have been passing around for "money" for the last century.
Thanks to the Democrats, we don't need any more reform to help the poor. What we need is to tax the rich enough so we can help the middle class and working class, dumbass. Basically we need a democratic landslide...all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and regulation so they can have another corrupt economic bubble we can all pay for. Only propaganda and Dupes like you make it possible...

Look beggar.....we have middle class folks on this board who told you about their tax cuts and you continue to pretend you don’t know about them....ask Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about their tax cuts....Ask them if the scrawny Negro with the oversized hearing devices ever cut their taxes.
I didn’t need trump to cut my taxes. He just caused inflation by giving everyone a tax break and added to the debt.

It should have been a middle class only tax break. That would have benefitted everyone because the middle class will spend that money at the makers business’

Show us where that $3k per year that Trump gave you gets eaten up by inflation. We’re standing by.
is this guy nuts 3k

That’s what he once posted his ‘cut’ was....if you made any fucking money at all you would have got a cut as well. See, this cut wasn’t intended for lowlife wouldn’t have got one.
There is only one insignificant lowlife here. Its your normal right wing hate driven by their mothers liking someone else more then them.
The genius of the Constitution is inherent in its success.

AND, its success has been stare decisis, the zeitgeist of the times (notwithstanding the Federalist Society) and the wording given license to the reader*** as to its meaning.

***For example, the ambiguity of the 2nd A., & the meaning of general Welfare.

So you agree with Heller and Citizens United?

What does this ^^^ question have to deal with my post?
I will respond even though it has nothing to do it seems with my comment above.

Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage.

That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.
So you agree with Heller and Citizens United?

What does this ^^^ question have to deal with my post?
I will respond even though it has nothing to do it seems with my comment above.

Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage.

That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.
What does this ^^^ question have to deal with my post?
I will respond even though it has nothing to do it seems with my comment above.

Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage.

That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

It applies until it is repealed or overturned, which you would have understood had you considered my comment in context (post 177). You asked my opinion, and my opinion is CU is the law, until a supreme court decides differently. Examples Dred Scott and Plessy.

I don't believe CU is in anyway Constitutional. Its premise makes B. Franklin's Comment precognitive, that we have a Republic if we can keep it.
What does this ^^^ question have to deal with my post?
I will respond even though it has nothing to do it seems with my comment above.

Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage.

That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

Good for you, I'm happy you are comfy. Now try to read with a bit more comprehension and a little less bias.
That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

It applies until it is repealed or overturned, which you would have understood had you considered my comment in context (post 177). You asked my opinion, and my opinion is CU is the law, until a supreme court decides differently. Examples Dred Scott and Plessy.

I don't believe CU is in anyway Constitutional. Its premise makes B. Franklin's Comment precognitive, that we have a Republic if we can keep it.

Then you really DON'T believe in "Stare Decisis". It really is just that simple.
It truly is.
That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

Good for you, I'm happy you are comfy. Now try to read with a bit more comprehension and a little less bias.

You got in your hypocrisy, it's ok.
That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.

Duh. But to disagree requires a good deal more than "I don't agree with it". Which brings us up to the zeitgeist of the times and Marbury v. Madison in re the Federalist Society's Ideology.

You've been revealed as a fraud, deal with it.

I don't take orders from the likes of you. Especially when the comment you've made lacks substance and thought; I do take constructive criticism seriously, your's is nothing more than an idiot-gram. See my signature line for its meaning.

Where did I order you to do anything?
You are a hypocrite partisan hack, nothing more. It's ok, I am comfy letting you be what you are. Mu point was spot on.One doesn't get to talk about "Stare Decisis" and then admit that it ONLY applies to decisions one agrees with.

Good for you, I'm happy you are comfy. Now try to read with a bit more comprehension and a little less bias.

let's simplify this.
Is "Stare decisis" situational?

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