The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

I’m an American citonot a world citizen. I want a country that is focused on AMERICSBS not whatever is going i in the rest of the world.
Like I said we need a democratic landslide to end this idiotic GOP garbage...

“We need lots of free shit funneled to the bottom feeders of America.. let’s take that shit from America’s Best.”
War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

YUP, he is virtually advocating for a 1984 system.
I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

LOL, you're as bad as palos. Do you really think that you saying this 200 times a day makes it true?
You're in favor of making EVERYONE do what YOU think is "fair".
I have a masters in history, you have a masters in GOP propaganda that everyone in the world outside your bubble nose is crap. What do you have against a healthy middle and working class? 35 years of GOP dominance and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. You don't know that, but you know every phony Scandal and misinformation the GOP propaganda machine spews at you.

You begging wack-jobs fucked insisted on expanding our underclass to a point which rivals filthy thirdworld we have way too many takers and not nearly enough makers. You can’t have a plethora of free shit for yourself and for your illegal buddy Gustavo...not gonna fuckin happen.
If I were a beggar like you I’d get behind a movement to deport the fuck out of disgusting thirdworlders and close the fucking border for good. It’s the only pathway for you pet humans to get spoon fed more free shit. GET ON IT!
I am happily retired thanks and illegals don't get welfare. Pass a good national ID card and enforce it, the only solution which is done in many countries, silly racist dupe.

Bullcrap. Illegals do get welfare, lying dupetastic super duplicitous non-functional useful idiot:

"Whether illegal aliens can obtain state benefits is not clear-cut. The short answer appears to be that they are not legally entitled to most benefits, but do in fact receive them."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?
Last time Pew research check ed, 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% owned hom es, and none get welfare or vote, super duper. The kids go to school end of story. Waiting for that landslide... To fix all your messes, GOP dumbasses...
The genius of the Constitution is inherent in its success.

AND, its success has been stare decisis, the zeitgeist of the times (notwithstanding the Federalist Society) and the wording given license to the reader*** as to its meaning.

***For example, the ambiguity of the 2nd A., & the meaning of general Welfare.

So you agree with Heller and Citizens United?

What does this ^^^ question have to deal with my post?
I will respond even though it has nothing to do it seems with my comment above.

Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage.
YUP, he is virtually advocating for a 1984 system.
I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

LOL, you're as bad as palos. Do you really think that you saying this 200 times a day makes it true?
You're in favor of making EVERYONE do what YOU think is "fair".
I have a masters in history, you have a masters in GOP propaganda that everyone in the world outside your bubble nose is crap. What do you have against a healthy middle and working class? 35 years of GOP dominance and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. You don't know that, but you know every phony Scandal and misinformation the GOP propaganda machine spews at you.

You begging wack-jobs fucked insisted on expanding our underclass to a point which rivals filthy thirdworld we have way too many takers and not nearly enough makers. You can’t have a plethora of free shit for yourself and for your illegal buddy Gustavo...not gonna fuckin happen.
If I were a beggar like you I’d get behind a movement to deport the fuck out of disgusting thirdworlders and close the fucking border for good. It’s the only pathway for you pet humans to get spoon fed more free shit. GET ON IT!
I am happily retired thanks and illegals don't get welfare. Pass a good national ID card and enforce it, the only solution which is done in many countries, silly racist dupe.

Bullcrap. Illegals do get welfare, lying dupetastic super duplicitous non-functional useful idiot:

"Whether illegal aliens can obtain state benefits is not clear-cut. The short answer appears to be that they are not legally entitled to most benefits, but do in fact receive them."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?
Last time Pew research check ed, 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% owned hom es, and none get welfare or vote, super duper. The kids go to school end of story. Waiting for that landslide... To fix all your messes, GOP dumbasses... ignorant fucks really believe that shit. So what’s going on in that super shithole Mexifornia then? Fuck, if wetbacks are so productive and people are overtaxed why don’t shit add up?
We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

I’m an American citonot a world citizen. I want a country that is focused on AMERICSBS not whatever is going i in the rest of the world.
Like I said we need a democratic landslide to end this idiotic GOP garbage...

“We need lots of free shit funneled to the bottom feeders of America.. let’s take that shit from America’s Best.”
Thanks to the Democrats, we don't need any more reform to help the poor. What we need is to tax the rich enough so we can help the middle class and working class, dumbass. Basically we need a democratic landslide...all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and regulation so they can have another corrupt economic bubble we can all pay for. Only propaganda and Dupes like you make it possible...
We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

I’m an American citonot a world citizen. I want a country that is focused on AMERICSBS not whatever is going i in the rest of the world.
Like I said we need a democratic landslide to end this idiotic GOP garbage...

“We need lots of free shit funneled to the bottom feeders of America.. let’s take that shit from America’s Best.”

I'd call you an idiot but for the fact you can read and echo talking points. To do so one simply needs to be a half wit above a dim wit.
Like I said we need a democratic landslide to end this idiotic GOP garbage...

My ancestors came here 118-360+ years ago because they didn’t want to be part of Europe anymore. They helped found s nation very different from European countries. We need to pay attention to that and stay separated from the rest of the world.
The genius of the Constitution is inherent in its success.

AND, its success has been stare decisis, the zeitgeist of the times (notwithstanding the Federalist Society) and the wording given license to the reader*** as to its meaning.

***For example, the ambiguity of the 2nd A., & the meaning of general Welfare.

So you agree with Heller and Citizens United?

What does this ^^^ question have to deal with my post?
I will respond even though it has nothing to do it seems with my comment above.

Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage.

That's what I thought.
"Stare Decisis" is only good when you agree with it.
When you start to spew stupidity about socialism and communism in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your right wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one.

When you start to spew stupidity about Nazi's and Fascists in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your rleft wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one
The right as a whole is a lot closer to being Nazi's then the left is to being socialist or communists. There is not one thing about the left that would even come close to align itself with the main tenets of either.
When you start to spew stupidity about socialism and communism in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your right wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one.

When you start to spew stupidity about Nazi's and Fascists in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your rleft wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one
The right as a whole is a lot closer to being Nazi's then the left is to being socialist or communists. There is not one thing about the left that would even come close to align itself with the main tenets of either.

Sure thing.
I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

I have a masters in history, you have a masters in GOP propaganda that everyone in the world outside your bubble nose is crap. What do you have against a healthy middle and working class? 35 years of GOP dominance and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. You don't know that, but you know every phony Scandal and misinformation the GOP propaganda machine spews at you.

You begging wack-jobs fucked insisted on expanding our underclass to a point which rivals filthy thirdworld we have way too many takers and not nearly enough makers. You can’t have a plethora of free shit for yourself and for your illegal buddy Gustavo...not gonna fuckin happen.
If I were a beggar like you I’d get behind a movement to deport the fuck out of disgusting thirdworlders and close the fucking border for good. It’s the only pathway for you pet humans to get spoon fed more free shit. GET ON IT!
I am happily retired thanks and illegals don't get welfare. Pass a good national ID card and enforce it, the only solution which is done in many countries, silly racist dupe.

Bullcrap. Illegals do get welfare, lying dupetastic super duplicitous non-functional useful idiot:

"Whether illegal aliens can obtain state benefits is not clear-cut. The short answer appears to be that they are not legally entitled to most benefits, but do in fact receive them."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?
Last time Pew research check ed, 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% owned hom es, and none get welfare or vote, super duper. The kids go to school end of story. Waiting for that landslide... To fix all your messes, GOP dumbasses... ignorant fucks really believe that shit. So what’s going on in that super shithole Mexifornia then? Fuck, if wetbacks are so productive and people are overtaxed why don’t shit add up?
That link agrees with me and it's posted by an idiot.
When you start to spew stupidity about socialism and communism in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your right wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one.

When you start to spew stupidity about Nazi's and Fascists in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your rleft wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one
The right as a whole is a lot closer to being Nazi's then the left is to being socialist or communists. There is not one thing about the left that would even come close to align itself with the main tenets of either.

Sure thing.
Only GOP voters and right-wingers feel fine about martial law if necessary to stop all these commies LOL
We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

I’m an American citonot a world citizen. I want a country that is focused on AMERICSBS not whatever is going i in the rest of the world.
Like I said we need a democratic landslide to end this idiotic GOP garbage...

“We need lots of free shit funneled to the bottom feeders of America.. let’s take that shit from America’s Best.”
Thanks to the Democrats, we don't need any more reform to help the poor. What we need is to tax the rich enough so we can help the middle class and working class, dumbass. Basically we need a democratic landslide...all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and regulation so they can have another corrupt economic bubble we can all pay for. Only propaganda and Dupes like you make it possible...

Look beggar.....we have middle class folks on this board who told you about their tax cuts and you continue to pretend you don’t know about them....ask Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about their tax cuts....Ask them if the scrawny Negro with the oversized hearing devices ever cut their taxes.
the GOP doesn't give a damn about illegal workers,
if so they would not have voted for Trump 1+1=2
Wrong ,the right actually has only one reason that they exist and all the rest is made up for votes. They exist simply as a power to transfer all the wealth to the top. The rest is simply a source for votes. Captain precarious cares nothing about anyone other then himself and that includes his family
When you start to spew stupidity about socialism and communism in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your right wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one.

When you start to spew stupidity about Nazi's and Fascists in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your rleft wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one
The right as a whole is a lot closer to being Nazi's then the left is to being socialist or communists. There is not one thing about the left that would even come close to align itself with the main tenets of either.

Sure thing.
Only GOP voters and right-wingers feel fine about martial law if necessary to stop all these commies LOL

More deflection and obfuscation.
the GOP doesn't give a damn about illegal workers,
if so they would not have voted for Trump 1+1=2
Wrong ,the right actually has only one reason that they exist and all the rest is made up for votes. They exist simply as a power to transfer all the wealth to the top. The rest is simply a source for votes. Captain precarious cares nothing about anyone other then himself and that includes his family

Neither does Obama or Hillary.
Time to put your big boy pants on.
When you start to spew stupidity about socialism and communism in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your right wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one.

When you start to spew stupidity about Nazi's and Fascists in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your rleft wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one
The right as a whole is a lot closer to being Nazi's then the left is to being socialist or communists. There is not one thing about the left that would even come close to align itself with the main tenets of either.

Sure thing.
what do you think about the spike in violence against Jews gays Muslims and blacks since Trump? Of course you don't know about that, but believe that two year old clips of antifa in Berkeley prove the left is violent, super duper.
Last edited:
When you start to spew stupidity about socialism and communism in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your right wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one.

When you start to spew stupidity about Nazi's and Fascists in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your rleft wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one
The right as a whole is a lot closer to being Nazi's then the left is to being socialist or communists. There is not one thing about the left that would even come close to align itself with the main tenets of either.

Sure thing.
what do you think about the spike in violence against Jews days Muslims and blacks since Trump? Of course you don't know about that, but believe that two year old clips of an tifa in Berkeley prove the left is violent, super duper.

Deflection and obfuscation. This will never work on me.
We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

I’m an American citonot a world citizen. I want a country that is focused on AMERICSBS not whatever is going i in the rest of the world.
Like I said we need a democratic landslide to end this idiotic GOP garbage...

“We need lots of free shit funneled to the bottom feeders of America.. let’s take that shit from America’s Best.”
Thanks to the Democrats, we don't need any more reform to help the poor. What we need is to tax the rich enough so we can help the middle class and working class, dumbass. Basically we need a democratic landslide...all the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and regulation so they can have another corrupt economic bubble we can all pay for. Only propaganda and Dupes like you make it possible...

Look beggar.....we have middle class folks on this board who told you about their tax cuts and you continue to pretend you don’t know about them....ask Dont Taz Me Bro and sealybobo about their tax cuts....Ask them if the scrawny Negro with the oversized hearing devices ever cut their taxes.
It was a tax cut for the rich , that is just a simple fact , something that in no way do they need nor did this country. Obama already had this country back on it's feet and Business had never in history done so well. Fortune magazine said it all
Trump’s Tax Cuts Are the Biggest Wealth Grab in Modern History
When you start to spew stupidity about socialism and communism in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your right wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one.

When you start to spew stupidity about Nazi's and Fascists in this country, you are just proving that the brain cells that get burned up with your rleft wing hatred is massive, Its as rare as a $2 1/2 dollar Gold piece, 99.9% of us haven't even seen one
The right as a whole is a lot closer to being Nazi's then the left is to being socialist or communists. There is not one thing about the left that would even come close to align itself with the main tenets of either.

Sure thing.
what do you think about the spike in violence against Jews days Muslims and blacks since Trump? Of course you don't know about that, but believe that two year old clips of an tifa in Berkeley prove the left is violent, super duper.

Good, proud, real Americans want their country back. They’re pissed at themselves for being generous and kind for decades. They took the filth in and put them on their backs for years and now it’s biting them in the ass. You dirty bastards woke the sleeping’re along for the ride now bud.

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