The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.
When you say communist you say you are a brainwashed functional GOP moron... Nobody is for communism.
Karl Marx (the father of communism) used the terms socialism and communism interchangeably. The anti socialists are on to something.
Every country has elements of socialism
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

It’s clearly idiots.
People having kids they can’t afford. That’s the problem in India, America, South America, Europe, Canada, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Russia.

Imagine if everyone living in poverty stopped having so many kids. Imagine they cut their birth rates in half.

This planet would be paradise

Organized religions are like political parties, they need more people to become relevant and then be able to control them with guilt and fear; then use the collections box and baskets to build massive structures, and provide alms to people they feel are deserving.
LOL, really?
Just walk away son, it's ok.
IS "Stare Decisis" situational or not?

Are you trying to be an asshole, or does it come to you naturally?

Is it situational or not?

It seems being an asshole is forever, and thus not situational for you.

Answer the question and I'll leave you alone.
YOU brought up "Stare Decisis".
YOU said it only applied to the decisions you agreed with.

Why not just admit you've been cornered and that you indeed believe it to "situational"?
Why is this so hard for you? Just be honest.




Grow up. You got called out for your hypocrisies.
The genius of the Constitution is inherent in its success.

AND, its success has been stare decisis, the zeitgeist of the times (notwithstanding the Federalist Society) and the wording given license to the reader*** as to its meaning.

***For example, the ambiguity of the 2nd A., & the meaning of general Welfare.

So you agree with Heller and Citizens United?

What does this ^^^ question have to deal with my post?
I will respond even though it has nothing to do it seems with my comment above.

Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage.

"Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage"

As stated, your love of "Stare Decisis" ends at decisions you don't agree with.
"Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage"

As stated, your love of "Stare Decisis" ends at decisions you don't agree with.

You asked, whether he agreed with certain decisions. Question asked, and answered. That doesn't in any way imply that his general support for honoring precedent is contingent on his agreement with it. Some precedent (like Plessy) is not worth honoring, and was generally seen as such, and thus it was overturned. Apparently, that was too high a dose of nuance for your comprehension.

As a consequence, you are just embarrassing yourself in the eyes of everyone with above-third-grade reading comprehension.

But hey, do not let that stop your silly, self-aggrandizing victory lap. The spectacle is still cute.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.
When you say communist you say you are a brainwashed functional GOP moron... Nobody is for communism.
Karl Marx (the father of communism) used the terms socialism and communism interchangeably. The anti socialists are on to something.
Every country has elements of socialism
Be specific remember socialism is: collective or governmental ownership of the means of production and distribution. It is also a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done. Again please be specific as to which countries and element.
I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

I have a masters in history, you have a masters in GOP propaganda that everyone in the world outside your bubble nose is crap. What do you have against a healthy middle and working class? 35 years of GOP dominance and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. You don't know that, but you know every phony Scandal and misinformation the GOP propaganda machine spews at you.

You begging wack-jobs fucked insisted on expanding our underclass to a point which rivals filthy thirdworld we have way too many takers and not nearly enough makers. You can’t have a plethora of free shit for yourself and for your illegal buddy Gustavo...not gonna fuckin happen.
If I were a beggar like you I’d get behind a movement to deport the fuck out of disgusting thirdworlders and close the fucking border for good. It’s the only pathway for you pet humans to get spoon fed more free shit. GET ON IT!
I am happily retired thanks and illegals don't get welfare. Pass a good national ID card and enforce it, the only solution which is done in many countries, silly racist dupe.

Bullcrap. Illegals do get welfare, lying dupetastic super duplicitous non-functional useful idiot:

"Whether illegal aliens can obtain state benefits is not clear-cut. The short answer appears to be that they are not legally entitled to most benefits, but do in fact receive them."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?
Last time Pew research check ed, 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% owned hom es, and none get welfare or vote, super duper. The kids go to school end of story. Waiting for that landslide... To fix all your messes, GOP dumbasses... ignorant fucks really believe that shit. So what’s going on in that super shithole Mexifornia then? Fuck, if wetbacks are so productive and people are overtaxed why don’t shit add up?

Shit doesn't add up, it's disposed of on the trash heap of history, along with fiscal conservatism, crony capitalism and boondoggles thanks to Gov. Brown's vision and fiscal responsibility.

You believe otherwise because your handlers tell you what to believe. Many changes have taken place in CA since the terminator left office, suggested by our States Executive and passed by our legislature and the voters who understood setting priorities pragmatically will benefit all of CA down the road.
You begging wack-jobs fucked insisted on expanding our underclass to a point which rivals filthy thirdworld we have way too many takers and not nearly enough makers. You can’t have a plethora of free shit for yourself and for your illegal buddy Gustavo...not gonna fuckin happen.
If I were a beggar like you I’d get behind a movement to deport the fuck out of disgusting thirdworlders and close the fucking border for good. It’s the only pathway for you pet humans to get spoon fed more free shit. GET ON IT!
I am happily retired thanks and illegals don't get welfare. Pass a good national ID card and enforce it, the only solution which is done in many countries, silly racist dupe.

Bullcrap. Illegals do get welfare, lying dupetastic super duplicitous non-functional useful idiot:

"Whether illegal aliens can obtain state benefits is not clear-cut. The short answer appears to be that they are not legally entitled to most benefits, but do in fact receive them."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?
Last time Pew research check ed, 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% owned hom es, and none get welfare or vote, super duper. The kids go to school end of story. Waiting for that landslide... To fix all your messes, GOP dumbasses... ignorant fucks really believe that shit. So what’s going on in that super shithole Mexifornia then? Fuck, if wetbacks are so productive and people are overtaxed why don’t shit add up?

Shit doesn't add up, it's disposed of on the trash heap of history, along with fiscal conservatism, crony capitalism and boondoggles thanks to Gov. Brown's vision and fiscal responsibility.

You believe otherwise because your handlers tell you what to believe. Many changes have taken place in CA since the terminator left office, suggested by our States Executive and passed by our legislature and the voters who understood setting priorities pragmatically will benefit all of CA down the road.

You’re digging deep hoping to fabricate some Leftarded bullshit. Let’s look at shit for its surface value...Whatta ya say
"Some of Heller, yes. Citizens United (both) are attacks on democracy as vile as Russia's attack on democracy and the GOP's attack on universal suffrage"

As stated, your love of "Stare Decisis" ends at decisions you don't agree with.

You asked, whether he agreed with certain decisions. Question asked, and answered. That doesn't in any way imply that his general support for honoring precedent is contingent on his agreement with it. Some precedent (like Plessy) is not worth honoring, and was generally seen as such, and thus it was overturned. Apparently, that was too high a dose of nuance for your comprehension.

As a consequence, you are just embarrassing yourself in the eyes of everyone with above-third-grade reading comprehension.

But hey, do not let that stop your silly, self-aggrandizing victory lap. The spectacle is still cute.

LOL, you're dismissed as is your hypocrisy. He got called out, got caught, and was exposed. Your judgments mean nothing to me. If a thing is settled it is settled whether he, or you agree with it or not.
I am happily retired thanks and illegals don't get welfare. Pass a good national ID card and enforce it, the only solution which is done in many countries, silly racist dupe.

Bullcrap. Illegals do get welfare, lying dupetastic super duplicitous non-functional useful idiot:

"Whether illegal aliens can obtain state benefits is not clear-cut. The short answer appears to be that they are not legally entitled to most benefits, but do in fact receive them."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?
Last time Pew research check ed, 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% owned hom es, and none get welfare or vote, super duper. The kids go to school end of story. Waiting for that landslide... To fix all your messes, GOP dumbasses... ignorant fucks really believe that shit. So what’s going on in that super shithole Mexifornia then? Fuck, if wetbacks are so productive and people are overtaxed why don’t shit add up?

Shit doesn't add up, it's disposed of on the trash heap of history, along with fiscal conservatism, crony capitalism and boondoggles thanks to Gov. Brown's vision and fiscal responsibility.

You believe otherwise because your handlers tell you what to believe. Many changes have taken place in CA since the terminator left office, suggested by our States Executive and passed by our legislature and the voters who understood setting priorities pragmatically will benefit all of CA down the road.

You’re digging deep hoping to fabricate some Leftarded bullshit. Let’s look at shit for its surface value...Whatta ya say

I'm fairly certain he fancies himself as one of the smartest kids in the sand box.
Bullcrap. Illegals do get welfare, lying dupetastic super duplicitous non-functional useful idiot:

"Whether illegal aliens can obtain state benefits is not clear-cut. The short answer appears to be that they are not legally entitled to most benefits, but do in fact receive them."

What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive?
Last time Pew research check ed, 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes, 35% owned hom es, and none get welfare or vote, super duper. The kids go to school end of story. Waiting for that landslide... To fix all your messes, GOP dumbasses... ignorant fucks really believe that shit. So what’s going on in that super shithole Mexifornia then? Fuck, if wetbacks are so productive and people are overtaxed why don’t shit add up?

Shit doesn't add up, it's disposed of on the trash heap of history, along with fiscal conservatism, crony capitalism and boondoggles thanks to Gov. Brown's vision and fiscal responsibility.

You believe otherwise because your handlers tell you what to believe. Many changes have taken place in CA since the terminator left office, suggested by our States Executive and passed by our legislature and the voters who understood setting priorities pragmatically will benefit all of CA down the road.

You’re digging deep hoping to fabricate some Leftarded bullshit. Let’s look at shit for its surface value...Whatta ya say

I'm fairly certain he fancies himself as one of the smartest kids in the sand box.

Oh for sure... Wry Catcher is always the smartest guy in the room...just ask him/her.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

"Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history."

And liberal books banned
and liberal ideas banished from schools
we need to shun liberals
teach our kids to hate them
until our kids start beating their kids up
and them they start killing them

But that's ok but liberals are evil and should be outlawed.

Now tell me again how you believe in free speech and rights for everyone.

And how you are NOT a fascist.

Perhaps if the shoe were on the other foot you might understand;

Because conservatives advocate denying rights, banning ideas, denying free speech, and using any means necessary to win it is obvious that conservatism should be illegal!
And liberal books banned
10th Amendment says liberal central government is illegal because liberal central government had been the source of evil in human history, but it does not say anything about banning liberal books. Do you understand?
well regulated capitalism won.

has the blind liberal ever heard of Bernie Sanders and Obamacommiecare??Trend has been clear since day s when liberals spied for Stalin. If you had bothered with college you'd know the basics.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.
Written by white slave owners and rapists?
well regulated capitalism won.

has the blind liberal ever heard of Bernie Sanders and Obamacommiecare??Trend has been clear since day s when liberals spied for Stalin. If you had bothered with college you'd know the basics.
Nothing like a zero college made up mind.
So stupid
And you would have know the real Latin def of liberal?
Liber, free, for the individual and small gov.
You stil blabbing the rush def?
well regulated capitalism won.

has the blind liberal ever heard of Bernie Sanders and Obamacommiecare??Trend has been clear since day s when liberals spied for Stalin. If you had bothered with college you'd know the basics.
Healthcare was such a mess before Obamacare it is ridiculous and also ridiculously expensive. Obamacare is working despite pure sabotage by the GOP. It is designed to be worked on and needs some work. And I have a masters in history you're so wrong always LOL.
Healthcare was such a mess before Obamacare it is ridiculous and also ridiculously expensive.

our subject is not whether it's a mess but whether Obamacommiecare is socialist or well regulated capitalism. Do you understand that you are now a socialist if you stick with that party?

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