The Single Greatest Mistake…

Another idiot thread. If republicans were so fucking great we'd have no problems with COVID19 since a republican is the president. But this is to be expected from an Asian so stupid that she calls this the Chinese virus.
How is a president supposed to stop a pandemic? :cuckoo:

You forget that their recent attempt at governance was god, Jesus and the messiah.....
One can certainly understand such a belief on their part, as he promised that his election "was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth"

And after his mistakes at H1N1, he must be able to stop one......
..this is the first time this has ever happened's like curing the common cold--you ''can't''
..this is a HUMAN thing = imperfect
Another idiot thread. If republicans were so fucking great we'd have no problems with COVID19 since a republican is the president. But this is to be expected from an Asian so stupid that she calls this the Chinese virus.
It came from China, dipstick.

Its bad enough that you're the Democrat Party's bitch.

But are you really going to let them give your ass to the ChiCom propagandists for a pack of cigarettes?
Another idiot thread. If republicans were so fucking great we'd have no problems with COVID19 since a republican is the president. But this is to be expected from an Asian so stupid that she calls this the Chinese virus.

Re-post sans vulgarity and I'll put you in your place.....again.

Sometime your posts are so obscenely vulgar and profane in the lies, and divisions that you are seeking to sow, that the only reasonable sane response to your idiocy is to say "What the fuck are you talking about brainwashed and delusional count (take out the "o").

We're responding to your vulgar lies and propaganda with all of the eloquence such bullshit deserves.
Another idiot thread. If republicans were so fucking great we'd have no problems with COVID19 since a republican is the president. But this is to be expected from an Asian so stupid that she calls this the Chinese virus.
It came from China, dipstick.

Its bad enough that you're the Democrat Party's bitch.

But are you really going to let them give your ass to the ChiCom propagandists for a pack of cigarettes?

In other words, President Trump hasn't the first clue on how to stop this pandemic so you fools are going to stand there bleating about the Chinese, while the USA STILL doesn't have an cheap, efficient or accurate testing system, the hospitals don't have PPE's, and 2,000 Americans are still dying every day.

The toll of the sick and dying is climbing every single day. You'll soon have over 1 million people seriously ill, and uncounted tens of thousands with mild symptoms..

The virus may have started in China, but the total clusterfuck that has characterized the American response to the disease, is classic Donald Trump - ego fuelled bad decisions and lies, and getting angry and casting blame when it all blows up in his face. This time it's not just millions of dollars he's flushing down the drain with his chaos and bad management, it's tens of thousands of American lives.
Last edited:
Another idiot thread. If republicans were so fucking great we'd have no problems with COVID19 since a republican is the president. But this is to be expected from an Asian so stupid that she calls this the Chinese virus.

Re-post sans vulgarity and I'll put you in your place.....again.

Sometime your posts are so obscenely vulgar and profane in the lies, and divisions that you are seeking to sow, that the only reasonable sane response to your idiocy is to say "What the fuck are you talking about brainwashed and delusional count (take out the "o").

We're responding to your vulgar lies and propaganda with all of the eloquence such bullshit deserves.

How many lies can you fit in one short post, you fool.

You will never find me using vulgarity other than in someone's quote.

I never lie......ever.

'Propaganda' is a my linked, sourced, and documented posts are never 'propaganda.'

There is no "we" that supports your posts: you are simply a poorly brought up individual who defaults to vulgarity when you find yourself unable to refute the truth of my posts.

And, speaking of lies and propaganda.....

Are these accurate quotes of yours?

“It's not a child, and it's not alive. To refer to a zygote or a fetus….”

Pro-abortion? Why?

“…pretend that those who are not yet living, are alive and have rights.”

"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“…a zygote is not a human being.”

"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

“ It's not a "human being", until it's sentient, aware, and able to breathe on its own. “

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

“The fetus is NOT a human being. “

The Politics of Pregnancy.
Did I just hear on the news that Democrat NY Governor Cuomo is denying that he mandated that the nursing homes must re-admit patients discharged from hospitals......resulting in huge numbers of Wuhan virus deaths????

"Two weeks ago, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was first asked about his policy that forced nursing homes to admit patients infected with the coronavirus.

“That’s a good question, I don’t know,” the governor answered, turning to an aide.

On Tuesday, Cuomo was asked about a report from the Associated Press that his team had added more than 1,700 deaths to the count of those who died in nursing homes, bringing the total to at least 4,813.

“I don’t know the details, frankly,” the governor answered, turning to an aide."

"New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals
State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’"
…during the Chinese virus odyssey wasn’t made by Birx, or Fauci, ….or Trump. See if you can figure out who gets the dubious award.

“Coronavirus' Top Targets: Men, Seniors, Smokers” Coronavirus Links: Smokers, Men, Seniors

“Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York” Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York

“Forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus patients is just insane — and evil”

“At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died”
At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died

“New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’” WSJ News Exclusive | New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

“'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy” 'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy

New York is a one-party state.

Guess which party.

Mark Simone:

"The Difference - How NY Killed Nursing Home Patients/How Florida Saved Them
By Mark SimoneMay 28, 2020
New York's response was so bungled and reckless, while Florida was response was so strategic and targeted.
One great example was the handling of the most vulnerable - nursing home residents. More than a third of the nation’s Covid deaths have occurred among the residents and staff of long-term-care facilities—a share that jumps as high as 80 percent in Minnesota and West Virginia.

But, here is what the difference was between New York state and Florida:
Florida’s response to Covid-19 focused on nursing homes.
Florida counts more than 350,000 people living or working in such facilities, and the state has one of the highest shares of residents over the age of 65.
At the start of the outbreak, Florida deployed rapid-response teams to these facilities to test, treat, and, if necessary, isolate or quarantine residents testing positive for the virus. The state issued PPE to these facilities and mandated its use. While New York was moving sick patients into nursing homes, Florida was moving them out.
On March 15, DeSantis prohibited the transfer of Covid-19-positive patients into long-term-care facilities and established Covid-only homes for getting residents out who could not be properly isolated or treated.

By contrast, New York governor Andrew Cuomo—celebrated in the media, while DeSantis was condemned — ORDERED on March 25th that infected patients be admitted into nursing homes, where Cuomo himself had said the virus could spread “like fire through grass.” It did and 6000 seniors died because of this disastrous and deadly decision, 30% of New York state's deaths. He has never explained why he didn't use the 4000 empty beds in the Javitz Center hospital or the 1000 beds on the hospital ship Comfort, all sent at great expense by the President and never used.

…during the Chinese virus odyssey wasn’t made by Birx, or Fauci, ….or Trump. See if you can figure out who gets the dubious award.

“Coronavirus' Top Targets: Men, Seniors, Smokers” Coronavirus Links: Smokers, Men, Seniors

“Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York” Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York

“Forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus patients is just insane — and evil”

“At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died”
At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died

“New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’” WSJ News Exclusive | New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

“'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy” 'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy

New York is a one-party state.

Guess which party.

"Ceremony Honoring Governor Cuomo's COVID-19 Response To Be Held At Now-Vacant Nursing Home
July 21st, 2020

ALBANY, NY—A ceremony honoring Governor Cuomo's fantastic response to the coronavirus pandemic will be held at a convenient location: a now-vacant nursing home upstate.

Cuomo was awarded the United States Award for Disease Response Excellence by Dr. Anthony Fauci at the recently vacated venue.
"We just had all this free space opened up," said Cuomo. "This is a great new space to host all kinds of cool events. They've got a cafeteria, lots of available beds for a little shut-eye, and a room to play Bingo. I could get comfortable here."
Dr. Fauci praised Cuomo's response and awarded him a medal honoring his contribution to the fight against the pandemic in a solemn ceremony.
The ceremony concluded with a game of shuffleboard.
"New York did it right," Fauci said in an empty room at the nursing home. "They had the right response to this thing: overreact with people who probably won't die from the virus and send the elderly to nursing homes to make sure they are safe. Governor Cuomo is a pro-science hero."
…during the Chinese virus odyssey wasn’t made by Birx, or Fauci, ….or Trump. See if you can figure out who gets the dubious award.

“Coronavirus' Top Targets: Men, Seniors, Smokers” Coronavirus Links: Smokers, Men, Seniors

“Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York” Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York

“Forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus patients is just insane — and evil”

“At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died”
At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died

“New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’” WSJ News Exclusive | New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

“'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy” 'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy

New York is a one-party state.

Guess which party.

…during the Chinese virus odyssey wasn’t made by Birx, or Fauci, ….or Trump. See if you can figure out who gets the dubious award.

“Coronavirus' Top Targets: Men, Seniors, Smokers” Coronavirus Links: Smokers, Men, Seniors

“Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York” Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York

“Forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus patients is just insane — and evil”

“At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died”
At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died

“New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’” WSJ News Exclusive | New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

“'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy” 'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy

New York is a one-party state.

Guess which party. it's admitted that the number of deaths is twice that number reported:

"New York May Have Undercounted Nursing-Home Covid Deaths by Half
Jan. 28, 2021, 10:38 AM
New York may have had twice as many coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes than the official count of more than 8,700 reflects, state Attorney General Letitia James said."
…during the Chinese virus odyssey wasn’t made by Birx, or Fauci, ….or Trump. See if you can figure out who gets the dubious award.

“Coronavirus' Top Targets: Men, Seniors, Smokers” Coronavirus Links: Smokers, Men, Seniors

“Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York” Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York

“Forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus patients is just insane — and evil”

“At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died”
At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died

“New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’” WSJ News Exclusive | New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

“'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy” 'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy

New York is a one-party state.

Guess which party.
Add PA to the list with Herr Wolf a the helm, and the gender confused former Sec. Of Health Levine, who after killing thousands in PA nursing homes and moving his mother out of one prior to Covid patients being allowed in. And he is now awarded for his evil by a promotion to the Biden cabal of losers in DC, evil pays big time in our sorry society.
…during the Chinese virus odyssey wasn’t made by Birx, or Fauci, ….or Trump. See if you can figure out who gets the dubious award.

“Coronavirus' Top Targets: Men, Seniors, Smokers” Coronavirus Links: Smokers, Men, Seniors

“Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York” Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York

“Forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus patients is just insane — and evil”

“At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died”
At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died

“New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’” WSJ News Exclusive | New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

“'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy” 'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy

New York is a one-party state.

Guess which party.
Add PA to the list with Herr Wolf a the helm, and the gender confused former Sec. Of Health Levine, who after killing thousands in PA nursing homes and moving his mother out of one prior to Covid patients being allowed in. And he is now awarded for his evil by a promotion to the Biden cabal of losers in DC, evil pays big time in our sorry society.

I read that story, and saw the pic.

Sadly, nothing the, Democrats, do remains the bottom of the barrel for long......they manage to be more insane with each new act.
Another idiot thread. If republicans were so fucking great we'd have no problems with COVID19 since a republican is the president. But this is to be expected from an Asian so stupid that she calls this the Chinese virus.

7 of the top 10 states with the most infected and deaths are from blue states.

I think because that's where most of the stupid people are. :thup:
…during the Chinese virus odyssey wasn’t made by Birx, or Fauci, ….or Trump. See if you can figure out who gets the dubious award.

“Coronavirus' Top Targets: Men, Seniors, Smokers” Coronavirus Links: Smokers, Men, Seniors

“Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York” Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York

“Forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus patients is just insane — and evil”

“At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died”
At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died

“New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’” WSJ News Exclusive | New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

“'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy” 'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy

New York is a one-party state.

Guess which party.
25 % from less than 1% of the population! Nice move Mario Jr. Now he and his pet AG are scrambling to find scapegoats! I used to work in nursing homes and I'll tell you there was no other outcome possible from this action!
Another idiot thread. If republicans were so fucking great we'd have no problems with COVID19 since a republican is the president. But this is to be expected from an Asian so stupid that she calls this the Chinese virus.

7 of the top 10 states with the most infected and deaths are from blue states.

I think because that's where most of the stupid people are. :thup:
Megacities are a plauge on us and nobody will discuss it! From Corona to poverty to omni directional racism, murder, violence, riots , fear of those around you all higher in the super cities. Had COVID been as deadly as originally predicted these cities would have allowed the virus to cause so much death they wouldn't have been able to keep up with disposing of the bodies. This summer many of them burned night after night after night. They generate neighborhoods that would corrupt the Pope. But no politician dares go there! Cowards!
…during the Chinese virus odyssey wasn’t made by Birx, or Fauci, ….or Trump. See if you can figure out who gets the dubious award.

“Coronavirus' Top Targets: Men, Seniors, Smokers” Coronavirus Links: Smokers, Men, Seniors

“Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York” Coronavirus News: Nursing home deaths represent 25% of all COVID-19 fatalities in New York

“Forcing nursing homes to take coronavirus patients is just insane — and evil”

“At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died”
At a NY nursing home forced to take COVID-19 patients, 24 residents have died

“New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

State cites urgent need to expand hospital capacity; doctors group says decision ‘represents a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.’” WSJ News Exclusive | New York Mandates Nursing Homes Take Covid-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals

“'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy” 'Blood on his hands': Mark Levin rips Andrew Cuomo over 'deadly fiat' nursing home controversy

New York is a one-party state.

Guess which party.

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