The single reason for Liberating Iraq was WMDs.. what was single reason for ACA?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
EVERYONE KNOWS there was ONLY ONE reason for liberating Iraq was WMDs.. RIGHT?
Since there were none found then the Liberation was not necessary.

Therefore we need ONE simple reason for Obamacare being passed?

What major reason did Obamacare PASS by ONLY 6 votes?

Those Congress members passed Obamacare primarily and for what major reason?

Please tell me what single major reason was Obamacare passed?
Granny says its the biggest tax increase in American history...
House votes to repeal health care law
11 July`12 WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives voted 244-185 Wednesday to repeal in full President Obama's health care law in a symbolic display of opposition to the law after the Supreme Court's decision to uphold it.
Five Democrats sided with Republicans, who were unanimous in support of repeal. It was the 33rd vote to repeal or defund the law since Republicans took control of the chamber last year. None of the GOP's efforts stood a chance of enactment because Democrats control the Senate and the White House, which issued a veto threat Monday on the GOP's repeal bill. "We are resolved to have this law go away, and we're going to do everything we can to stop it," said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

The vote was aimed squarely at November's elections, when voters will be given their opportunity to weigh in on the health care law. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans are in unanimous opposition to the law and campaigning on a unified pledge to repeal it if the party is in control of Congress and the White House next year.

Even if Republicans sweep full control of Congress and the White House, a full repeal of the president's signature achievement is an uphill and complex legislative battle, in part because many provisions of the law are popular with the American public and because Senate rules usually require super-majorities to move forward on such sweeping legislation. Romney was booed by a heavily Democratic audience at a NAACP Convention in Houston when he reiterated on Wednesday his pledge to repeal it. The Republican and Democratic congressional campaign operations use the law in ads in competitive races across the country.

A July 2 Pew Research Center survey underscored the two parties' hurried efforts to frame the health care debate before Election Day: A high number of Americans are uninformed on the law and the Supreme Court's ruling to uphold it. Overall, 45% said they either didn't know what the court ruled or believed the court had rejected most of the law. Nearly one-quarter had no opinion.


See also:

Democrats block Senate vote on Obama tax plan
11 July WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats blocked a Senate vote Wednesday on President Barack Obama's plan to extend expiring tax cuts for a year for everyone but the highest-earning Americans as the two parties maneuvered to try embarrassing each other on one of the election year's foremost issues.
The move came just two days after Obama urged Congress to vote on his proposal. Democrats plan to take up the president's proposal before Congress' August recess. Without action by lawmakers, wide-ranging tax cuts enacted a decade ago under President George W. Bush will expire on New Year's Day. That's an outcome that economists say would be a blow to the already weak economy. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., proposed votes on two amendments to a small business tax cut bill the chamber is debating. One was on Obama's plan, the other on a Republican alternative that would include top earners in the extended tax reductions.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., blocked the votes on both for now, saying the Senate would return to them after it finishes the small business tax measure. Aides said Democrats want to focus now on the small business measure, which they view as a winning issue for them, and turn later this month to Obama's plan to extend the broader tax cuts, which they see as a draw for voters. "We'll get to the tax issues," Reid said. "That way we'll be able to talk in more detail about Gov. Romney's taxes," a reference to Democratic demands that wealthy GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney release more of his income tax returns. The White House voiced support for Reid's blocking action. Presidential spokesman Jay Carney called the GOP move "a gimmick."

The proposal floated by Republicans "was not the president's proposal, did not include the other middle-class tax cuts that were part of the president's proposal," Carney said. Carney said that Reid promised the Senate would have a chance to vote on Obama's most recent proposal and he would take him at his word. Trying to take the offensive, Obama's re-election campaign released a television ad it will air in nine states where the election could be close, contrasting the middle-income tax breaks Obama has proposed with the tax cuts Romney's plan would provide for wealthy individuals and corporations. "Two plans, your choice," the announcer says. Obama would exclude families earning over $250,000 a year from the renewed tax cuts, saying they should contribute to deficit reduction. Republicans say by excluding those people, the plan would in effect raise taxes on many business people and stifle job creation. Republicans said Reid blocked the votes to protect vulnerable Democrats seeking re-election this fall from having to vote on Obama's plan.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said Obama's proposal "is not just an economic disaster. It's a political loser and they know it." Out of 119 million U.S. households, just 2.5 million — or 2 percent — reported making at least $250,000 in 2010, according to Census Bureau figures. An estimated 940,000 taxpayers reporting business earnings will earn enough money to see their tax rates rise in 2013 unless lawmakers act, according to Congress' nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation. That is just 3.5 percent of taxpayers reporting business earnings — a figure Democrats use to show how few businesses would pay higher tax rates under Obama's plan. The committee also estimated that those 940,000 taxpayers will account for 53 percent of the $1.3 trillion in business earnings reported in 2013 — a number Republicans cite to argue that the higher rates will hurt the economy and job creation.

EVERYONE KNOWS there was ONLY ONE reason for liberating Iraq was WMDs.. RIGHT?
Since there were none found then the Liberation was not necessary.

Therefore we need ONE simple reason for Obamacare being passed?

What major reason did Obamacare PASS by ONLY 6 votes?

Those Congress members passed Obamacare primarily and for what major reason?

Please tell me what single major reason was Obamacare passed?

:lmao: :lmao:
EVERYONE KNOWS there was ONLY ONE reason for liberating Iraq was WMDs.. RIGHT?
Since there were none found then the Liberation was not necessary.

Therefore we need ONE simple reason for Obamacare being passed?

What major reason did Obamacare PASS by ONLY 6 votes?

Those Congress members passed Obamacare primarily and for what major reason?

Please tell me what single major reason was Obamacare passed?

WMD was not the "simple" reason for Iraq. Iraq was a very Complex situation, with many Reasons for it, only simple minded Liberals needed 1 Clear reason like WMD to justify removing Saddam.
Granny says its the biggest tax increase in American history...
House votes to repeal health care law
11 July`12 WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives voted 244-185 Wednesday to repeal in full President Obama's health care law in a symbolic display of opposition to the law after the Supreme Court's decision to uphold it.
Five Democrats sided with Republicans, who were unanimous in support of repeal. It was the 33rd vote to repeal or defund the law since Republicans took control of the chamber last year. None of the GOP's efforts stood a chance of enactment because Democrats control the Senate and the White House, which issued a veto threat Monday on the GOP's repeal bill. "We are resolved to have this law go away, and we're going to do everything we can to stop it," said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

The vote was aimed squarely at November's elections, when voters will be given their opportunity to weigh in on the health care law. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans are in unanimous opposition to the law and campaigning on a unified pledge to repeal it if the party is in control of Congress and the White House next year.

Even if Republicans sweep full control of Congress and the White House, a full repeal of the president's signature achievement is an uphill and complex legislative battle, in part because many provisions of the law are popular with the American public and because Senate rules usually require super-majorities to move forward on such sweeping legislation. Romney was booed by a heavily Democratic audience at a NAACP Convention in Houston when he reiterated on Wednesday his pledge to repeal it. The Republican and Democratic congressional campaign operations use the law in ads in competitive races across the country.

A July 2 Pew Research Center survey underscored the two parties' hurried efforts to frame the health care debate before Election Day: A high number of Americans are uninformed on the law and the Supreme Court's ruling to uphold it. Overall, 45% said they either didn't know what the court ruled or believed the court had rejected most of the law. Nearly one-quarter had no opinion.


See also:

Democrats block Senate vote on Obama tax plan
11 July WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats blocked a Senate vote Wednesday on President Barack Obama's plan to extend expiring tax cuts for a year for everyone but the highest-earning Americans as the two parties maneuvered to try embarrassing each other on one of the election year's foremost issues.
The move came just two days after Obama urged Congress to vote on his proposal. Democrats plan to take up the president's proposal before Congress' August recess. Without action by lawmakers, wide-ranging tax cuts enacted a decade ago under President George W. Bush will expire on New Year's Day. That's an outcome that economists say would be a blow to the already weak economy. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., proposed votes on two amendments to a small business tax cut bill the chamber is debating. One was on Obama's plan, the other on a Republican alternative that would include top earners in the extended tax reductions.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., blocked the votes on both for now, saying the Senate would return to them after it finishes the small business tax measure. Aides said Democrats want to focus now on the small business measure, which they view as a winning issue for them, and turn later this month to Obama's plan to extend the broader tax cuts, which they see as a draw for voters. "We'll get to the tax issues," Reid said. "That way we'll be able to talk in more detail about Gov. Romney's taxes," a reference to Democratic demands that wealthy GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney release more of his income tax returns. The White House voiced support for Reid's blocking action. Presidential spokesman Jay Carney called the GOP move "a gimmick."

The proposal floated by Republicans "was not the president's proposal, did not include the other middle-class tax cuts that were part of the president's proposal," Carney said. Carney said that Reid promised the Senate would have a chance to vote on Obama's most recent proposal and he would take him at his word. Trying to take the offensive, Obama's re-election campaign released a television ad it will air in nine states where the election could be close, contrasting the middle-income tax breaks Obama has proposed with the tax cuts Romney's plan would provide for wealthy individuals and corporations. "Two plans, your choice," the announcer says. Obama would exclude families earning over $250,000 a year from the renewed tax cuts, saying they should contribute to deficit reduction. Republicans say by excluding those people, the plan would in effect raise taxes on many business people and stifle job creation. Republicans said Reid blocked the votes to protect vulnerable Democrats seeking re-election this fall from having to vote on Obama's plan.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said Obama's proposal "is not just an economic disaster. It's a political loser and they know it." Out of 119 million U.S. households, just 2.5 million — or 2 percent — reported making at least $250,000 in 2010, according to Census Bureau figures. An estimated 940,000 taxpayers reporting business earnings will earn enough money to see their tax rates rise in 2013 unless lawmakers act, according to Congress' nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation. That is just 3.5 percent of taxpayers reporting business earnings — a figure Democrats use to show how few businesses would pay higher tax rates under Obama's plan. The committee also estimated that those 940,000 taxpayers will account for 53 percent of the $1.3 trillion in business earnings reported in 2013 — a number Republicans cite to argue that the higher rates will hurt the economy and job creation.


The last Democrat that ran on a platform of raising taxes lost in 49 of the 50 states.
EVERYONE KNOWS there was ONLY ONE reason for liberating Iraq was WMDs.. RIGHT?
Since there were none found then the Liberation was not necessary.

Therefore we need ONE simple reason for Obamacare being passed?

What major reason did Obamacare PASS by ONLY 6 votes?

Those Congress members passed Obamacare primarily and for what major reason?

Please tell me what single major reason was Obamacare passed?

To transform America as Obama promised. What better way than giving the Government control of the 17% of the economy that affects 100% of the people..
Most congress members that voted for Obamacare believed that there were 47 million uninsured and they incorrectly thought that Obamacare would cover 47 million uninsured.

If you asked all those that voted "yes" if you knew that:
10 million of the supposedly 47 million uninsured were NOT citizens and
14 million of the supposedly uninsured WERE already covered by Medicaid and
that 18.3 million of uninsured were
A) able to buy if they wanted as they made over $50k/year
B) were under age 34 and therefore didn't have the need
C) UNLIKE Pelosi ARE NOT free-loaders, i.e. they pay their own medical bills
do you then think those people would have voted to destroy health care as we know it for a total
of less then 5 million people?
Don't you think an alternative method of providing coverage would be created then?

So logically there is NO reason based on the FACT there are less then 5 million that truly need insurance that Obamacare was so grandiose, so all destructive OTHER then Obama again fulfilling his preference which is:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 |
EVERYONE KNOWS there was ONLY ONE reason for liberating Iraq was WMDs.. RIGHT?
Since there were none found then the Liberation was not necessary.

Therefore we need ONE simple reason for Obamacare being passed?

What major reason did Obamacare PASS by ONLY 6 votes?

Those Congress members passed Obamacare primarily and for what major reason?

Please tell me what single major reason was Obamacare passed?

Purple. Because aliens don't wear hats.
To cover more people, and make people who can afford health insurance but do no buy it, then rack of unpaid medical bills forcing others to pay the price responsible.
Just think.......

For the money we wasted on an ill-informed invasion of Iraq we could have had a universal healthcare program ten years ago

Thanks to the party of "Let em die"
So now it is "liberating" Iraq?

We invaded Iraq becuase thy MIGHT use WMD's on us, how is that liberating them?
Iraq was the first use of The Bush Doctrine.
Last edited:
Just think.......

For the money we wasted on an ill-informed invasion of Iraq we could have had a universal healthcare program ten years ago

Thanks to the party of "Let em die"
Now with National Healthcare it's "Make Them Die".

I'm afraid it is not

Republicans have been blocking access to affordable healthcare for generations
So now it is "liberating" Iraq?

We invaded Iraq becuase thy MIGHT use WMD's on us, how is that liberating them?
Iraq was the first use of The Bush Doctrine.

The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling for regime change in Iraq.[1][2] It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government.

The Act found that between 1980 and 1998 Iraq had:

committed various and significant violations of International Law,
had failed to comply with the obligations to which it had agreed following the Gulf War and
further had ignored Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council

"To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq." Oct. 16, 2002
Public law 107-243, 116 Stat.
1497-1502) Introduced as H.J.Res. 114, passed the House on October 10, 2002
296-133, (68.9% of the house)
the Senate on October 11 - 77-23. (77%)

NOT my words ... but Bill Clinton!

Then of course we had these Democrats favoring "Liberation of Iraq"!!!

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