The Sioux are standing (again) against corrupt government overreach

The pipe line is in fact planned to cross private land. But the Indians have a case if they were promised some control over how the water is used, and presumably they were, in their treaties.

Treaties......"as long as grass grow and wind blow and the sky is blue".

They lied.
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

Sh**'s outdated. I'm not shedding any tears. It's American land.
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

Sh**'s outdated. I'm not shedding any tears. It's American land.

So if it's American land, the government has the right to violate contracts? How does that work?

And what is outdated?
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

When did the great chiefs in Washington ever hold up to the terms of any treaty with American Native Indians?
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

When did the great chiefs in Washington ever hold up to the terms of any treaty with American Native Indians?

There ae plenty of Amerindian reservations east of the Mississippi River.

They didnt start slaughtering whites and were allowed to remain in accordance with the treaties. The state of Virginia still has one tribe that pays its taxes every with several deer carcuses, in accord with a two hundred year old treaty.
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

Sh**'s outdated. I'm not shedding any tears. It's American land.

Do you support the Bundy boys and their fight with the BLM??
I find the contrast interesting between how liberals react to Amerindians protesting the federal government vrs when white people do it. With Amerindians the attitude is "Poor Native Americans, they have been lied to, cheated and murdered without cause! Damned government, leave them alone!"

But with whites often in very similar circumstances as DC corruption spreads further into the hinterland, the attitude is "Stupid red-necks; just shoot them all!"

The Truth is that Liberals just hate and despise white people.

Kosher, I am not directing this at you of course as you are not a Liberal.
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

When did the great chiefs in Washington ever hold up to the terms of any treaty with American Native Indians?

There ae plenty of Amerindian reservations east of the Mississippi River.

They didnt start slaughtering whites and were allowed to remain in accordance with the treaties. The state of Virginia still has one tribe that pays its taxes every with several deer carcuses, in accord with a two hundred year old treaty.

Oklahoma was red peoples land, yet they had this land run in 1889 and took away all but the Eastern side of Okiehoma, and then several years later, had yet another land run and got the rest of Oklahoma, relegating the tribes to small enclaves.....
Oklahoma was red peoples land, yet they had this land run in 1889 and took away all but the Eastern side of Okiehoma, and then several years later, had yet another land run and got the rest of Oklahoma, relegating the tribes to small enclaves.....
1. The land allowed to be claimed was undeveloped land.

2. posting one case of the government cheating them does not prove that every case is similar.
Oklahoma was red peoples land, yet they had this land run in 1889 and took away all but the Eastern side of Okiehoma, and then several years later, had yet another land run and got the rest of Oklahoma, relegating the tribes to small enclaves.....
1. The land allowed to be claimed was undeveloped land.

2. posting one case of the government cheating them does not prove that every case is similar.
It did not matter that it was undeveloped, it was Indian land by treaty...

Custer was slaughtered along with his men because they were trying to take land from Indians because gold was found in the Black Hills of South Dakota..I have many more examples...Treaty payments never made, food never given that was promised causing starvation and death....
I find the contrast interesting between how liberals react to Amerindians protesting the federal government vrs when white people do it. With Amerindians the attitude is "Poor Native Americans, they have been lied to, cheated and murdered without cause! Damned government, leave them alone!"

But with whites often in very similar circumstances as DC corruption spreads further into the hinterland, the attitude is "Stupid red-necks; just shoot them all!"

The Truth is that Liberals just hate and despise white people.

Kosher, I am not directing this at you of course as you are not a Liberal.
They seem to think that any time Indians take a stand, they stand for government control, instead of against it. They can't conceive of intelligent, independent, freedom loving Indians any better than they can understand the same traits in blacks. To them these people are slaves...beholden and thankful for their chains.

Of course the reality I something different. Indians are not pets...and they are not stupid. They are ranchers and livestock and land owners and they know better than most the dangers of allowing the government to control the land.

Communities in Central, Southern Utah crushed under weight of national monuments
According to Lewis and Clark most indians were peaceful good people. But they did not beleive in land ownership. They thought all the earth and land belonged to mother nature.

Contracts and treaties were broken like they are today with the rest of us only today its laws and sedition. Founders made a grave mistake by not limiting congrssional terms. They turn into dictators and theives if left in power too long.

The white man did beleive in land ownership and did not like the idea of nomads traveling around settling anywhere they liked, espaiially on lands other people owned. Settlers worked hard to carve out their towns. They beleived in education and progression where indians stayed in the traditiions of the past.

Indians did help the Tom Jefferson and others set up the Republican form of government though. Different than the Roman Republic in many ways.

It was cultutre clash as always. And the fact indians wanted to live like it was still 2000BC. Plus they were invaded many times by the same ones who totally wiped out the bloody Aztecs, the chicanos .

History is a good thing to know if you read between the lines. Reservations NEVER should have been used. Land and lots of it should have been alotted,imo.
According to Lewis and Clark most indians were peaceful good people. But they did not beleive in land ownership. They thought all the earth and land belonged to mother nature.

Contracts and treaties were broken like they are today with the rest of us only today its laws and sedition. Founders made a grave mistake by not limiting congrssional terms. They turn into dictators and theives if left in power too long.

The white man did beleive in land ownership and did not like the idea of nomads traveling around settling anywhere they liked, espaiially on lands other people owned. Settlers worked hard to carve out their towns. They beleived in education and progression where indians stayed in the traditiions of the past.

Indians did help the Tom Jefferson and others set up the Republican form of government though. Different than the Roman Republic in many ways.

It was cultutre clash as always. And the fact indians wanted to live like it was still 2000BC. Plus they were invaded many times by the same ones who totally wiped out the bloody Aztecs, the chicanos .

History is a good thing to know if you read between the lines. Reservations NEVER should have been used. Land and lots of it should have been alotted,imo.
I know all that...and it's pretty irrelevant to this.
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

Sh**'s outdated. I'm not shedding any tears. It's American land.

Do you support the Bundy boys and their fight with the BLM??

Dn't even know who they are.... But I couldn't give a sh** about Black Crimes Matter.

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