The Sioux are standing (again) against corrupt government overreach

per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

Sh**'s outdated. I'm not shedding any tears. It's American land.

So if it's American land, the government has the right to violate contracts? How does that work?

And what is outdated?

No citizen should be claiming national lands. There's no arian lands. There's no African lands. It's outdated. I don't give a sh**. Assimilate.
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

Sh**'s outdated. I'm not shedding any tears. It's American land.

So if it's American land, the government has the right to violate contracts? How does that work?

And what is outdated?

No citizen should be claiming national lands. There's no arian lands. There's no African lands. It's outdated. I don't give a sh**. Assimilate.

This isn't really a case if that. Yes tribes view ownership of land in the collective.. Sort of. But what all this land use garbage is about, what it has always been about, is government meddling in land use and claiming ownership of lands. They bribe the residents to establish a toe hold, paying them and promising them anything it takes...and once they get control, they take the resources, clear people off it, and do what they want with it. It's what Brits did to us that resulted in our revolution and the crafting of the's what our gov't did to Indians when they first started to erode the constitution, it's what is happening today.
per usual

Someone will end up dead, they are already throwing them in jail. Our enemy is our out of control, criminal, overreaching government. Government treaties established tribal control over lands a hundred years ago..just as government treaties established grazing rights over lands a hundred years ago.

Sh**'s outdated. I'm not shedding any tears. It's American land.

So if it's American land, the government has the right to violate contracts? How does that work?

And what is outdated?

No citizen should be claiming national lands. There's no arian lands. There's no African lands. It's outdated. I don't give a sh**. Assimilate.

This isn't really a case if that. Yes tribes view ownership of land in the collective.. Sort of. But what all this land use garbage is about, what it has always been about, is government meddling in land use and claiming ownership of lands. They bribe the residents to establish a toe hold, paying them and promising them anything it takes...and once they get control, they take the resources, clear people off it, and do what they want with it. It's what Brits did to us that resulted in our revolution and the crafting of the's what our gov't did to Indians when they first started to erode the constitution, it's what is happening today.

Not following it closely; I can believe our govt. pulling any sh**. Just was saying my general outlook.
Notice how the leo are once again standing with the wrong side.

Not sure what you're complaining about. Conservatives love the authoritarian police state. #BlueLivesMatter more than everyone else's.
Not this conservative, troll. And none of the conservatives I know. Maybe you don't know what a conservative is. It won't be the first concept that has escaped your grasp, that's for sure. And how blue.lives matter has anything to do.with authoritarianism any more than the other blm, I don't know. Smoke less.weed, cross.dress less often and maybe your brain will develop.
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Well guess what goes around comes around. Indians in Oregon stood with their government against those who were fighting [ although a very foolish way to do so ] BLM . Of course most are on welfare because their land and jobs were taken . So now they want to stand up to the same gov they sided with? So far only whites are being massacred by the feds, but it will start happening to the rest again. Who will defend you next time? Nobody is left that gives a shit anymore about their own ass much less someone elses.
Actually, "Indians" didn't. That scrub Peter Walker, a progressive douchebag from Berkeley who was transplanted at UO and who pretends he's a part of the ranching community in Eastern Oregon, dug up some reprobate Indian, and PAID him to trot around and say what he told him to.

I remind the native community, again and again, that they are on the same side as the ranchers. In fact, some of them ARE ranchers, themselves, and deal with the same garbage from our criminal, unconstitutional government agencies that everybody else does..namely harassment, theft, vandalism, assault, and contract violations.
Like hell. You are a liar, Kosher. The Piute wanted nothing to do with the felons that occupied the Malhuer Refuge. This is that same fight as was fought there. Private enterprise wanting to do as they please, and take what they please, irregardless of the consequences for those in the area.

The Refuge preserved and protected the heritage of the Native Americans, and protected the wildlife that is a part of their heritage and belief system. Those felons that occupied the Refuge stole artifacts, and generally expressed their contempt for the Native Americans.

And most of the ranchers in Harney County did not support the felons, either. In fact, when the Bundy's tried to get some of the ranchers to sign onto their nonsense, not one person signed on.
Oklahoma was red peoples land, yet they had this land run in 1889 and took away all but the Eastern side of Okiehoma, and then several years later, had yet another land run and got the rest of Oklahoma, relegating the tribes to small enclaves.....
1. The land allowed to be claimed was undeveloped land.

2. posting one case of the government cheating them does not prove that every case is similar.
Undeveloped in the eyes of the whites. The Native Americans considered it developed just as they liked it. Really dumb way to justify thievery.
Oklahoma was red peoples land, yet they had this land run in 1889 and took away all but the Eastern side of Okiehoma, and then several years later, had yet another land run and got the rest of Oklahoma, relegating the tribes to small enclaves.....
1. The land allowed to be claimed was undeveloped land.

2. posting one case of the government cheating them does not prove that every case is similar.
Undeveloped in the eyes of the whites. The Native Americans considered it developed just as they liked it. Really dumb way to justify thievery.
You know nothing of real history, Indians not "Native Americans"(white mans politically correct neutered term) don't view Land as a possession in general. It's an Indian thing you would not understand
Oklahoma was red peoples land, yet they had this land run in 1889 and took away all but the Eastern side of Okiehoma, and then several years later, had yet another land run and got the rest of Oklahoma, relegating the tribes to small enclaves.....
1. The land allowed to be claimed was undeveloped land.

2. posting one case of the government cheating them does not prove that every case is similar.
Undeveloped in the eyes of the whites. The Native Americans considered it developed just as they liked it. Really dumb way to justify thievery.
You know nothing of real history, Indians not "Native Americans"(white mans politically correct neutered term) don't view Land as a possession in general. It's an Indian thing you would not understand
That is correct. Their general attitude is that the land belongs to all. Kind of like BLM land, Forest Service land, and the National Parks and Refuges.
With all the welfare and affirmative action injuns get, they got no business complaining about anything.

"Ugh - me want more welfare wampum. buy more firewater from white-eyes."

Injuns are even bigger losers than blacks. At least blacks are good athletes.
What is happening in North Dakota is that the Lakota of the Standing Rock Reservation are trying to protect their water. The oil corporations do not have a good reputation for insuring that the pipelines crossing rivers are adaquetely protected against breakage. An example is the Yellowstone River. Twice they have had a burst pipe on that river, and the valves failed to shut down the flow in a timely manner. If they can save a buck on how they install the pipelines, they will, whatever potential for disaster that it entails.

Several of my wife's relatives are among those at the protest. Time to make sure that all the provisions for safety are not only followed, but extra precautions are taken, it is a large pipe.
Well guess what goes around comes around. Indians in Oregon stood with their government against those who were fighting [ although a very foolish way to do so ] BLM . Of course most are on welfare because their land and jobs were taken . So now they want to stand up to the same gov they sided with? So far only whites are being massacred by the feds, but it will start happening to the rest again. Who will defend you next time? Nobody is left that gives a shit anymore about their own ass much less someone elses.
Actually, "Indians" didn't. That scrub Peter Walker, a progressive douchebag from Berkeley who was transplanted at UO and who pretends he's a part of the ranching community in Eastern Oregon, dug up some reprobate Indian, and PAID him to trot around and say what he told him to.

I remind the native community, again and again, that they are on the same side as the ranchers. In fact, some of them ARE ranchers, themselves, and deal with the same garbage from our criminal, unconstitutional government agencies that everybody else does..namely harassment, theft, vandalism, assault, and contract violations.
Like hell. You are a liar, Kosher. The Piute wanted nothing to do with the felons that occupied the Malhuer Refuge. This is that same fight as was fought there. Private enterprise wanting to do as they please, and take what they please, irregardless of the consequences for those in the area.

The Refuge preserved and protected the heritage of the Native Americans, and protected the wildlife that is a part of their heritage and belief system. Those felons that occupied the Refuge stole artifacts, and generally expressed their contempt for the Native Americans.

And most of the ranchers in Harney County did not support the felons, either. In fact, when the Bundy's tried to get some of the ranchers to sign onto their nonsense, not one person signed on.

Wrong ! I agree it was a very stupid desperate mistake for the ranchers to go there. What they thought were it would draw attention to their cause and millions of American would seee what the fedds are doign to people. Well they found out that most won't stand up.

Also there were no felons there at all, everyone of them were hard working ranchers who were robbed and persecuted by feds.

Indians were thrown out of the reserve years ago, so how is it protecting them? Their land was taken over by BLM. Also most indians are on welfare along with many others so of course they won't risk losing that. Indians who use to have jobs like the rabnchers are now dependants of the feds. 85% of Oregon has been taken over by feds.
With all the welfare and affirmative action injuns get, they got no business complaining about anything.

"Ugh - me want more welfare wampum. buy more firewater from white-eyes."

Injuns are even bigger losers than blacks. At least blacks are good athletes.
Bigotry noted.

Anti American bigots shouldn't throw stones . The same government that stole the indians freedoms are the ones you defend now. So don't act like you care. You just hate white people. Either a racist minority or a self loathing white lib, which one?
Undeveloped in the eyes of the whites. The Native Americans considered it developed just as they liked it. Really dumb way to justify thievery.
Redefining words is an old libtard mind trick and a really dumb way to justify primitive people living in their own shit and eating each other.
That is correct. Their general attitude is that the land belongs to all. Kind of like BLM land, Forest Service land, and the National Parks and Refuges.
No, not like that at all, stupid shit.... the GOVERNMENT STILL OWNS THE LAND, fuck face.

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