The Sioux are standing (again) against corrupt government overreach

All races and tribes kill and rip each other off, including indians who killed each other and enslaved captured indians from other tribes. Whitey did not invent war or slavery its a human thing. Whitey did invent lots of useful things all benefits from.EXCEPT weapons of mass destruction.
er....I have no prob with whitey. I have a big problem with feds igniring treaties and contracts regarding land use.

So do I but there is nothing we can do at this point in time to stop them. I only vent knowing we are helpless with all their resources of todays armies.
Wrong ! I agree it was a very stupid desperate mistake for the ranchers to go there. What they thought were it would draw attention to their cause and millions of American would seee what the fedds are doign to people. Well they found out that most won't stand up.

What they should have 'found out' had they looked is that most Americans are not going to support lawless behavior in the name of a just cause when our basic liberties are still intact.

Is the government too big? Yes. Is it outside the scope the Founding Fathers intended for it? Completely, yes.

IS the government removing everyone's guns and stifling everyone's free speech? FUCK NO.

But when they do far more people INSIDE AND OUTSIDE the government at state, federali and local level will stand up.

Dont doubt it dude.
Well guess what goes around comes around. Indians in Oregon stood with their government against those who were fighting [ although a very foolish way to do so ] BLM . Of course most are on welfare because their land and jobs were taken . So now they want to stand up to the same gov they sided with? So far only whites are being massacred by the feds, but it will start happening to the rest again. Who will defend you next time? Nobody is left that gives a shit anymore about their own ass much less someone elses.
Actually, "Indians" didn't. That scrub Peter Walker, a progressive douchebag from Berkeley who was transplanted at UO and who pretends he's a part of the ranching community in Eastern Oregon, dug up some reprobate Indian, and PAID him to trot around and say what he told him to.

I remind the native community, again and again, that they are on the same side as the ranchers. In fact, some of them ARE ranchers, themselves, and deal with the same garbage from our criminal, unconstitutional government agencies that everybody else does..namely harassment, theft, vandalism, assault, and contract violations.
Like hell. You are a liar, Kosher. The Piute wanted nothing to do with the felons that occupied the Malhuer Refuge. This is that same fight as was fought there. Private enterprise wanting to do as they please, and take what they please, irregardless of the consequences for those in the area.

The Refuge preserved and protected the heritage of the Native Americans, and protected the wildlife that is a part of their heritage and belief system. Those felons that occupied the Refuge stole artifacts, and generally expressed their contempt for the Native Americans.

And most of the ranchers in Harney County did not support the felons, either. In fact, when the Bundy's tried to get some of the ranchers to sign onto their nonsense, not one person signed on.
No, the refuse stacked the artifacts in an unheated building and let the rats shit and.piss all over them. The refuge agents brought in carp to the lake and then brought in explosives to.kill the carp when the carpt started decimating the young bird and native fish populations.

The Paiute were dragged in from other locales (because there are none indigenous to that area and none live there now) stand up before gatherings of Walkers friends and interested Chinese investors and say what Walker told them to say.
What the asshat environmentalists do is use. to glean support from non locals, then present the bribed group as representative.of the native people. It's the same ploy used by shysters back in the day when they gave liquor and military coats to the Indians who would betray their people.
In Utah, the fight for a Bears Ears monument heats up
The only massacreas recently are against white groups only. All the others can have radical compounds un-bothered even protected. They can riot in the streets and rob,burn and kill . Don't touch all the drug cartels and other criminals coming across the borders, kill the agents who don't like it. Or put them in prison like Bush did Ramos and the other agent doing their job. Then tell the criminal to sue and get millions from the American suckers.

Yet let a few Waco biker gangs, Ruby Ridgers, Waco Religious 'cults' or militia in Oregon from or meet and its killing time for feds.
What the asshat environmentalists do is use. to glean support from non locals, then present the bribed group as representative.of the native people. It's the same ploy used by shysters back in the day when they gave liquor and military coats to the Indians who would betray their people.
In Utah, the fight for a Bears Ears monument heats up

Indians always betray their people, take a good look at the casinos they took over and kept money for themselves. Indians didn't benefit from a penny of the casino millions. People are people no tribe is immune to corruption.
All races and tribes kill and rip each other off, including indians who killed each other and enslaved captured indians from other tribes. Whitey did not invent war or slavery its a human thing. Whitey did invent lots of useful things all benefits from.EXCEPT weapons of mass destruction.
er....I have no prob with whitey. I have a big problem with feds igniring treaties and contracts regarding land use.

So do I but there is nothing we can do at this point in time to stop them. I only vent knowing we are helpless with all their resources of todays armies.
Then if you ever have to fight them, you dont fight them from within armies.

You kill them one by one on their doorsteps the old fashioned way.
Indians always betray their people, take a good look at the casinos they took over and kept money for themselves. Indians didn't benefit from a penny of the casino millions. People are people no tribe is immune to corruption.
A whole bunch of those 'Indians' were white before they found out that they could go to the rez and build a casino.
The Indians should ask for something like a yearly commission for the pipeline. Then all will be solved, won't it?
Any links to the Treaty itself here?
The land in question was originally granted to the tribe via treaties which have been violated, repeatedly. That's how feds do business. Now is privately owned, but everybody acknowledges it as stolen...and the Indians have water rights...but those are ignored as well ex ept when the feds want the tribes to help them shut down local, private resource management. The environmentalist groups that should be all over this are currently directing their funds to support illegal seizure and control of public lands and Indian lands in the name of "monumentizing" lol.
Any links to the Treaty itself here?
The land in question was originally granted to the tribe via treaties which have been violated, repeatedly. That's how feds do business. Now is privately owned, but everybody acknowledges it as stolen...and the Indians have water rights...but those are ignored as well ex ept when the feds want the tribes to help them shut down local, private resource management. The environmentalist groups that should be all over this are currently directing their funds to support illegal seizure and control of public lands and Indian lands in the name of "monumentizing" lol.

So, basically they're dealing with confused land titles with unclear provenances and most likely some bizarre state riparian laws?
If you hate patriots who make foolish mistakes liek Bundy, just click on last 5 min.s into video.

Get a good look at what ranchers and others with land Hillery and Harry Reid want go through. The burning down of family homes and cattle burned alive.

This is what your news hides but its what has been going on for decades now. Indians should be on the side of the ranchers not the lying gov who kicks all off land for a turtle they themselves are killing.

Mentals in PETA are hypocits who only care about their agendas.

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Any links to the Treaty itself here?
The land in question was originally granted to the tribe via treaties which have been violated, repeatedly. That's how feds do business. Now is privately owned, but everybody acknowledges it as stolen...and the Indians have water rights...but those are ignored as well ex ept when the feds want the tribes to help them shut down local, private resource management. The environmentalist groups that should be all over this are currently directing their funds to support illegal seizure and control of public lands and Indian lands in the name of "monumentizing" lol.

Not all the land was given to the indians, but what was was stolen back by the feds. As was land belonging to the ranchers. Oregon state was not handed or contracted to anyone. Only a small part was given to the indians and it wasn't the indians that are there now but another tribe[ from what I hear ], could be wrong.
Any links to the Treaty itself here?
The land in question was originally granted to the tribe via treaties which have been violated, repeatedly. That's how feds do business. Now is privately owned, but everybody acknowledges it as stolen...and the Indians have water rights...but those are ignored as well ex ept when the feds want the tribes to help them shut down local, private resource management. The environmentalist groups that should be all over this are currently directing their funds to support illegal seizure and control of public lands and Indian lands in the name of "monumentizing" lol.

So, basically they're dealing with confused land titles with unclear provenances and most likely some bizarre state riparian laws?
No, we're dealing with the end result of the illegal land seizures and land use policies of our government. Hold them accountable. The Indians who live there, who still have water rights, say no pipeline over their water. The feds have no authority and should not be granted any to force them to accept the pipeline. can cross the.river further down, in the.middle of the cities where the environmentalist dipshits who cheer federal interference in land.use, live.

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