The Sky is Falling - Leftist Scare Tactics

1) 1939 - Dept. of the Interior says “oil supplies to last only 13 years”

2) 1944 - Feds predict 21 out of 41 commodities will be exhausted by 2000, including tin, nickel, zinc & lead

3) 1968 – Lib hero Paul Ehrlich forecasts 65 million Americans will die of starvation between 1980-1989

4) 1970 – Earth Day, also Ehrlich: “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct”

5) 1970 – Earth Day, Professor Kenneth E.F. Watt: “The world will be eleven degrees colder by the year 2000”

6) 1974 – Time Magazine article is titled “Another Ice Age”

7) 1974 – US Geological Survey announces “US has only a 10-year supply of natural gas“

More recently, the global warming WHOPPERS are far too numerous to list. Much more likely to be proven predictions:

1) Enviro/socialists will keep peddling their snake oil to young students and media morons.

2) These crooks will bilk trillions from taxpayers by inventing crisis after crisis.

Actually, you're talking about scientists, in the 30's!, an author making a buck, and "Time the Fascist Newsletter", dingbat. You are the dupes of the greedy idiot rich and the only people in the world who don't believe in global warming (also the less than 1% of scientists who are bought off).
(smile) you post like a robot kid...never anything to add, never anything that makes any sense.

You must be about what, 19?

franco you truly are an idiot :)

They had to change it to "Climate Change" because they couldn't prove there was warming.....

But we have nothing to fear, Obama said that upon his election history would note that it was at that precise moment the seas stop rising....

BS. You're the only people in the world who don't believe in it. Thanks for the memorized talking point, Prof. Rushbeckdupe.

The truth is so repetitive, isn't it. Sorry it isn't as exciting as the endlessly new BS from the RW Entertainment Complex, chump.

I'm a 61 yearold retired teacher/salesman/buyer/writer. Try reading a paper of record like the NYT instead of bought off drivel and lying charlatans.
OP- Pubspam from the Pub Propaganda Machine, for dupes only.

Meanwahile RWers said SS, welfare, UE, Medicare/aid, integration, the UN, League of Nations, Workers Comp were all the end of the USA and communist plots, like Gay Marriage and Universal Health Today. STOOPID chumps of the greedy idiot rich FOREVER.
NYT....alrighty then....

If you are 61 you are an emotionally stunted ill educated man...

NYT hasn't been worthwhile for 30 years.

I post things from every imaginable kind of just comforts you to try and marginalize those who routinely bitch slap you.

Here is a hard truth for you, you don't know anything about anything..and you think that calling every a pubcrap makes you cute.....and smart.

Sorry dad, it marinalizes you ;)

(smile) you post like a robot kid...never anything to add, never anything that makes any sense.

You must be about what, 19?

BS. You're the only people in the world who don't believe in it. Thanks for the memorized talking point, Prof. Rushbeckdupe.

The truth is so repetitive, isn't it. Sorry it isn't as exciting as the endlessly new BS from the RW Entertainment Complex, chump.

I'm a 61 yearold retired teacher/salesman/buyer/writer. Try reading a paper of record like the NYT instead of bought off drivel and lying charlatans.
All your sources are lockstep members of the Pub Propaganda Machine- perhaps you just don't know it, dupe-

Strange you think the NYT lost it when Reagan, Rush, and Newt, etc, started ranting about it LOL- the beginnings of the Propaganda Machine.

It was right about Reagan's deficits, the S+L scandal, Iraq, the chickenhawk stupidity of Nicaraugua, Irangate, El Salvador, etc etc. All catastrophes for those countries and us that ended with the great idiot, W. Bush.
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Do you think it's fair that the richest pay an actual 17% in all taxes and fees while the middle class pays 24%, or corporations an actual 12%? Because THAT is what you're defending, chumps of greedy rich a-holes.
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Apparently you think calling names and outright dispariging those who disagree with you passes as intellectualism...

Alas it just isn't so old timer......perhaps you realize how close you are to a retirement facility and it makes you cranky?

In the real world credibility demans real sources (which you never cite) just spout epithets and and pat yourself on the back and think "There but for the grace of god go I".

I hope your progeny are more intelligent than you are pops.

All your sources are lockstep members of the Pub Propaganda Machine- perhaps you just don't know it, dupe-

Strange you think the NYT lost it when Reagan, Rush, and Newt, etc, started ranting about it LOL- the beginnings of the Propaganda Machine.

It was right about Reagan's deficits, the S+L scandal, Iraq, the chickenhawk stupidity of Nicaraugua, Irangate, El Salvador, etc etc. All catastrophes for those countries and us that ended with the great idiot, W. Bush.
Wasn't the sky going to fall if we didn't pass health-care in 2010? wow, things are so much better now! so many doctors offering free health-care! yippee!! go to a hospital, get an operation, no problem, no charge! such a success story.
I have a solution, lets just print up a measly 85 Billion, put it in the bank, and call it a day. Done !!!

He's already doing that........but he's using it to prop up the stock-market. Every month $40 billion in stock is purchased by the United States government with freshly printed money.

The cool thing about it is the rich 1%ers keep getting richer and we keep getting poorer because of inflation.

And it doesn't cost us one single dime.....according to Obama.
franco you truly are an idiot :)

They had to change it to "Climate Change" because they couldn't prove there was warming.....

But we have nothing to fear, Obama said that upon his election history would note that it was at that precise moment the seas stop rising....

You forget, it was called global cooling first.
No, I posted that earlier, Global Cooling and acid rain were he buzzwords of the 70's.

franco you truly are an idiot :)

They had to change it to "Climate Change" because they couldn't prove there was warming.....

But we have nothing to fear, Obama said that upon his election history would note that it was at that precise moment the seas stop rising....

You forget, it was called global cooling first.
No, I posted that earlier, Global Cooling and acid rain were he buzzwords of the 70's.

franco you truly are an idiot :)

They had to change it to "Climate Change" because they couldn't prove there was warming.....

But we have nothing to fear, Obama said that upon his election history would note that it was at that precise moment the seas stop rising....

You forget, it was called global cooling first.

You'll find I'm disparaging your info, dupes. NOT calling you an emotionally scarred 19 year old, or the general lazy bum taker etc Pub psychobabble. lol
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