“the smell of freedom”.

What courage do you teach them?

The courage to force others to breathe your stink?

No one is ever been forced to do anything by me.

I’ll tell my state champion, my PhD and my Iraqi war veteran about your opinion. I think they’ll have a good laugh
No one is ever been forced to do anything by me.

I’ll tell my state champion, my PhD and my Iraqi war veteran about your opinion. I think they’ll have a good laugh
I’ll let them read your posts

They will really laugh at that
Funny when I drive past the house of a smoker on a cold or rainy day and see the so called “Man of the House” hunched over outside trying to smoke his cigarette
Or when I see them driving with a cigarette dangling outside the window

The wife won’t allow it around the kids
That has nothing to do with any laws and everything to do with a bitchy wife
One household does not define a society.

There is absolutely no prohibition of smoking in one's own home
Doesn’t have to be

Smokers are routinely exiled from their own homes.
Many condos and apartments ban smoking
Doesn’t have to be

Smokers are routinely exiled from their own homes.
Many condos and apartments ban smoking
Routinely and you know this how?

Oh yeah you drive around looking for people smoking outside and people don't own apartments they rent from a landlord who sets terms. And we all know condo boards are full of control freak assholes like you.
Routinely and you know this how?

Oh yeah you drive around looking for people smoking outside and people don't own apartments they rent from a landlord who sets terms. And we all know condo boards are full of control freak assholes like you.

The tide has turned against smokers
When I grew up in the 60s, smokers were almost fifty percent of the population. They smoked anytime, anyplace they wanted and non smokers were expected to accommodate their filthy habit.
Today, it is around 15 percent and smokers are repeatedly exiled to remote locations away from regular people.

One of the best things our society ever did
The tide has turned against smokers
When I grew up in the 60s, smokers were almost fifty percent of the population. They smoked anytime, anyplace they wanted and non smokers were expected to accommodate their filthy habit.
Today, it is around 15 percent and smokers are repeatedly exiled to remote locations away from regular people.

One of the best things our society ever did

There will always be a significant percentage of the population that smokes no matter how much you want to control them
There will always be a significant percentage of the population that smokes no matter how much you want to control them

Their days are numbered.

Smokers are predominantly in the older population. Young people no longer consider it “cool”

Once smoking was no longer “cool” it’s doom was sealed

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