The Soap-Opera of Liberalism Continues!

Gender isn't junk, burka girl.
It's like PC sent out a signal for a left loon and you came running.

BTW snowflake, what gender do you think you are?
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
Oh, I am aware of Kleinfelters, and the even more rare XYY syndrome that also affects males. But both are relatively rare genetic abnormalities.
Since you persist in failing to provide additional information for your claims, here: "XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.
The XY male anomoly, also called Swyer Syndrome, results in an infertile individual with all female genetalia except ovaries. It occurs in about one in every 80,000 live births.
So, either we are experiencing a significant increase in some pretty serious genetic mutations, or we need to leave the bathroom, locker room situation alone. In the case of those afflicted with Swyer's, we shouldn't even need to legislate allowing them to use female facilities, since they already present as females. If they want to use the men's room/locker room, just go into a stall, no one will be the wiser.
Any way you want to twist this tail, it's much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, I suspect that the greatest majority of those "afflicted" by transgender delusions have fallen victim to another fad.
Pretty hard to make a big deal about transgender when you can't decide gender in the first place. Saying all XX this way and all XY the other will give you - some very interesting locker room experiences.
More than two what? Or are you one of these science-deniers?
We have many sexes, and many genders, and quite a few sexual orientations.

No, it's a genetic FACT there isn't. If your cells are filled with Y-shaped male chromosomes you are MALE. Regardless of what is done to alter one's body, a tranny's individual cells are MALE in their biochemistry. Sorry, but there are certain biological absolutes of all life on this planet and that is one of them.
LOL. It's not a absolute in science, it's an absolute to you. And if you go down that road, XY showers in one and XX in another, then you're going to have a lot a mixed up kids wondering why there are boys in the girls room and girls in the boys room? Go for it.

Your garbled understanding of genetics is on par with Shaquille O'Neal's flat-Earth belief and the evangelical idiocy that Earth is only 6000 years old (even though the written history of the Chinese goes back further than that). Let's review the simple fact again, sir: if a lifeform has a set of XX chromosomes then it is biochemically female, if it has XY chromosomes it is biochemically male. What part of that is so hard to understand?
It's not hard to understand - it simply isn't true. What we call male and female is (mostly) external appearance. Junk is not - genetics.

And do explain for us the other variants of XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY, X0, etc.?
Let's not pick and choose, provide the entire table:
Chromosome abnormalities (Q90–Q99, 758)



X/Y linked

other karyotypes/mosaics




Gender isn't junk, burka girl.
No, it's biology. If you have junk, you're a boy.
Ah, no. And how do we know this? Because we have XY females and XX males.

And junk BTW, refers to all sexes (we have more than two).
More than two what? Or are you one of these science-deniers?
We have many sexes, and many genders, and quite a few sexual orientations.

And let's keep the fun going - XY gonadal dysgenesis - Wikipedia
There are two sexes, and a few (rare) genetic disorders that present as sexual anomolies. Sexual orientation is a social construct that is currently promoted as quite fashionable and those who claim to be sexually aberrant are being prompted to become increasingly offensive by being awarded some special status.
We know there are more than two sexes. Rare or not nature is not black and white.
Gender isn't junk, burka girl.
It's like PC sent out a signal for a left loon and you came running.

BTW snowflake, what gender do you think you are?
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.

Show some evidence of that. :link: or I call :bsflag:

If you have XX chromsome, you ain't got "junk"
Junk refers to all sexes, and XX can have male junk. See above.
We have many sexes, and many genders, and quite a few sexual orientations.

No, it's a genetic FACT there isn't. If your cells are filled with Y-shaped male chromosomes you are MALE. Regardless of what is done to alter one's body, a tranny's individual cells are MALE in their biochemistry. Sorry, but there are certain biological absolutes of all life on this planet and that is one of them.
LOL. It's not a absolute in science, it's an absolute to you. And if you go down that road, XY showers in one and XX in another, then you're going to have a lot a mixed up kids wondering why there are boys in the girls room and girls in the boys room? Go for it.

Your garbled understanding of genetics is on par with Shaquille O'Neal's flat-Earth belief and the evangelical idiocy that Earth is only 6000 years old (even though the written history of the Chinese goes back further than that). Let's review the simple fact again, sir: if a lifeform has a set of XX chromosomes then it is biochemically female, if it has XY chromosomes it is biochemically male. What part of that is so hard to understand?
It's not hard to understand - it simply isn't true. What we call male and female is (mostly) external appearance. Junk is not - genetics.

And do explain for us the other variants of XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY, X0, etc.?
Let's not pick and choose, provide the entire table:
Chromosome abnormalities (Q90–Q99, 758)


X/Y linked

other karyotypes/mosaics




Works for me. All kinds of interesting folks out there, starting with XX males and XY females.
It's like PC sent out a signal for a left loon and you came running.

BTW snowflake, what gender do you think you are?
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
If they look like males, let them continue to use the men's room. Who's gonna tease them about that?
If they look like females, same thing applies.
Great, so it's just based upon looks and we can easily fix that (for your comfort).
I'm not as concerned about my comfort, but about the comfort of the other 99.7-97% of the population, depending on which stats you want to use. I am aware of other countries and cultures where facilities are multi-gender, but this isn't one of them. Why would you insist that 97% of the women/girls (or man/boys) be made uncomfortable just to accommodate a population of delusional individuals who cannot handle who, or what, they are?
It's like PC sent out a signal for a left loon and you came running.

BTW snowflake, what gender do you think you are?
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
Oh, I am aware of Kleinfelters, and the even more rare XYY syndrome that also affects males. But both are relatively rare genetic abnormalities.
Since you persist in failing to provide additional information for your claims, here: "XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.
The XY male anomoly, also called Swyer Syndrome, results in an infertile individual with all female genetalia except ovaries. It occurs in about one in every 80,000 live births.
So, either we are experiencing a significant increase in some pretty serious genetic mutations, or we need to leave the bathroom, locker room situation alone. In the case of those afflicted with Swyer's, we shouldn't even need to legislate allowing them to use female facilities, since they already present as females. If they want to use the men's room/locker room, just go into a stall, no one will be the wiser.
Any way you want to twist this tail, it's much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, I suspect that the greatest majority of those "afflicted" by transgender delusions have fallen victim to another fad.
Pretty hard to make a big deal about transgender when you can't decide gender in the first place. Saying all XX this way and all XY the other will give you - some very interesting locker room experiences.
OK, flat out...
If a woman encounters something in a women's locker room equipped like a male, and she finds it offensive enough to complain, the dude goes back over to the other side where no one will notice the difference. Same goes for guys who don't fancy having a woman dress out with them. If the individual in question is discreet enough that he/she goes unnoticed, no problem. But if some dude, who thinks he might be a "woman" wants to dress out with his "junk" on display, well...I find that questionable.
No, it's a genetic FACT there isn't. If your cells are filled with Y-shaped male chromosomes you are MALE. Regardless of what is done to alter one's body, a tranny's individual cells are MALE in their biochemistry. Sorry, but there are certain biological absolutes of all life on this planet and that is one of them.
LOL. It's not a absolute in science, it's an absolute to you. And if you go down that road, XY showers in one and XX in another, then you're going to have a lot a mixed up kids wondering why there are boys in the girls room and girls in the boys room? Go for it.

Your garbled understanding of genetics is on par with Shaquille O'Neal's flat-Earth belief and the evangelical idiocy that Earth is only 6000 years old (even though the written history of the Chinese goes back further than that). Let's review the simple fact again, sir: if a lifeform has a set of XX chromosomes then it is biochemically female, if it has XY chromosomes it is biochemically male. What part of that is so hard to understand?
It's not hard to understand - it simply isn't true. What we call male and female is (mostly) external appearance. Junk is not - genetics.

And do explain for us the other variants of XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY, X0, etc.?
Let's not pick and choose, provide the entire table:
Chromosome abnormalities (Q90–Q99, 758)


X/Y linked

other karyotypes/mosaics




Works for me. All kinds of interesting folks out there, starting with XX males and XY females.
And all of them are extremely rare. So rare that I see no reason to change society's rules to accommodate those truly afflicted by such abnormalities. But, as previously observed, most of these "transgendered", gender-confused persons are more likely infected with some faddish fetish and are most interested in forcing their agenda on normal people.
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
Oh, I am aware of Kleinfelters, and the even more rare XYY syndrome that also affects males. But both are relatively rare genetic abnormalities.
Since you persist in failing to provide additional information for your claims, here: "XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.
The XY male anomoly, also called Swyer Syndrome, results in an infertile individual with all female genetalia except ovaries. It occurs in about one in every 80,000 live births.
So, either we are experiencing a significant increase in some pretty serious genetic mutations, or we need to leave the bathroom, locker room situation alone. In the case of those afflicted with Swyer's, we shouldn't even need to legislate allowing them to use female facilities, since they already present as females. If they want to use the men's room/locker room, just go into a stall, no one will be the wiser.
Any way you want to twist this tail, it's much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, I suspect that the greatest majority of those "afflicted" by transgender delusions have fallen victim to another fad.
Pretty hard to make a big deal about transgender when you can't decide gender in the first place. Saying all XX this way and all XY the other will give you - some very interesting locker room experiences.
OK, flat out...
If a woman encounters something in a women's locker room equipped like a male, and she finds it offensive enough to complain, the dude goes back over to the other side where no one will notice the difference. Same goes for guys who don't fancy having a woman dress out with them. If the individual in question is discreet enough that he/she goes unnoticed, no problem. But if some dude, who thinks he might be a "woman" wants to dress out with his "junk" on display, well...I find that questionable.
It's all based on looks. They will behave themselves (they already do).
Gender isn't junk, burka girl.
No, it's biology. If you have junk, you're a boy.
Ah, no. And how do we know this? Because we have XY females and XX males.

And junk BTW, refers to all sexes (we have more than two).
More than two what? Or are you one of these science-deniers?
We have many sexes, and many genders, and quite a few sexual orientations.

And let's keep the fun going - XY gonadal dysgenesis - Wikipedia

I identify as a lesbian because I enjoy a good "muff dive" too!
LOL. It's not a absolute in science, it's an absolute to you. And if you go down that road, XY showers in one and XX in another, then you're going to have a lot a mixed up kids wondering why there are boys in the girls room and girls in the boys room? Go for it.

Your garbled understanding of genetics is on par with Shaquille O'Neal's flat-Earth belief and the evangelical idiocy that Earth is only 6000 years old (even though the written history of the Chinese goes back further than that). Let's review the simple fact again, sir: if a lifeform has a set of XX chromosomes then it is biochemically female, if it has XY chromosomes it is biochemically male. What part of that is so hard to understand?
It's not hard to understand - it simply isn't true. What we call male and female is (mostly) external appearance. Junk is not - genetics.

And do explain for us the other variants of XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY, X0, etc.?
Let's not pick and choose, provide the entire table:
Chromosome abnormalities (Q90–Q99, 758)


X/Y linked

other karyotypes/mosaics




Works for me. All kinds of interesting folks out there, starting with XX males and XY females.
And all of them are extremely rare. So rare that I see no reason to change society's rules to accommodate those truly afflicted by such abnormalities. But, as previously observed, most of these "transgendered", gender-confused persons are more likely infected with some faddish fetish and are most interested in forcing their agenda on normal people.
Spare us the dogma. Transgenderism isn't new, it's just rational people are dealing with it better now. You're the type who would have said there aren't that many gays around so why worry about them having equal rights.
Gender isn't junk, burka girl.
No, it's biology. If you have junk, you're a boy.
Ah, no. And how do we know this? Because we have XY females and XX males.

And junk BTW, refers to all sexes (we have more than two).
More than two what? Or are you one of these science-deniers?
We have many sexes, and many genders, and quite a few sexual orientations.

And let's keep the fun going - XY gonadal dysgenesis - Wikipedia

I identify as a lesbian because I enjoy a good "muff dive" too!
I'm sure the wife appreciates that.
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
If they look like males, let them continue to use the men's room. Who's gonna tease them about that?
If they look like females, same thing applies.
Great, so it's just based upon looks and we can easily fix that (for your comfort).
I'm not as concerned about my comfort, but about the comfort of the other 99.7-97% of the population, depending on which stats you want to use. I am aware of other countries and cultures where facilities are multi-gender, but this isn't one of them. Why would you insist that 97% of the women/girls (or man/boys) be made uncomfortable just to accommodate a population of delusional individuals who cannot handle who, or what, they are?
Because they won't be uncomfortable and if people stop making a big deal out of it you'll see that.
Here's the bottom line I honestly don't understand: even if a tranny guy is 100% convinced he's a woman in a male body, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO THEM TO USE THE FEMALE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC??? A toilet is a toilet is a toilet! Is it really HURTING tranny's to use the toilet corresponding to their birth-equipment?

Hell, I remember at Grateful Dead shows in the early '90s, regular non-tranny women were actually invading our Men's rooms in YUUUGE amounts simply because the lines were so much shorter. These normal cis-girls were invading our bathrooms simply for convenient expediency, not to make any statement about gender. Nobody really seemed to give a shit, as I recall (though I was on somewhat exorbitant amounts of LSD at the time, I admit).
Here's the bottom line I honestly don't understand: even if a tranny guy is 100% convinced he's a woman in a male body, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO THEM TO USE THE FEMALE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC??? A toilet is a toilet is a toilet! Is it really HURTING tranny's to use the toilet corresponding to their birth-equipment?

Hell, I remember at Grateful Dead shows in the early '90s, regular non-tranny women were actually invading our Men's rooms in YUUUGE amounts simply because the lines were so much shorter. These normal cis-girls were invading our bathrooms simply for convenient expediency, not to make any statement about gender. Nobody really seemed to give a shit, as I recall (though I was on somewhat exorbitant amounts of LSD at the time).
Why is it so important? I don't know, why is it so important to you that you go only into the men's room?

It goes to identity. It's the reason I'd imagine you having a beer watching in the game in your tighty whities not your pretty panties and push-up bra.
Gender isn't junk, burka girl.
It's like PC sent out a signal for a left loon and you came running.

BTW snowflake, what gender do you think you are?
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Please continue. I can't wait for your scientific explanation as to how this works.
Learn some biology today. 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development
Didn't read your article since it says right in the title it's a disorder. Meaning it's not normal. The exact opposite of what you're trying to portray it as.
Gender isn't junk, burka girl.
It's like PC sent out a signal for a left loon and you came running.

BTW snowflake, what gender do you think you are?
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Please continue. I can't wait for your scientific explanation as to how this works.
Learn some biology today. 46,XX testicular disorder of sex development
Didn't read your article since it says right in the title it's a disorder. Meaning it's not normal. The exact opposite of what you're trying to portray it as.
Of course it's not normal. Normal is XY = male. It just kills your ability to say who is and isn't - male.
Here's the bottom line I honestly don't understand: even if a tranny guy is 100% convinced he's a woman in a male body, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO THEM TO USE THE FEMALE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC??? A toilet is a toilet is a toilet! Is it really HURTING tranny's to use the toilet corresponding to their birth-equipment?

Hell, I remember at Grateful Dead shows in the early '90s, regular non-tranny women were actually invading our Men's rooms in YUUUGE amounts simply because the lines were so much shorter. These normal cis-girls were invading our bathrooms simply for convenient expediency, not to make any statement about gender. Nobody really seemed to give a shit, as I recall (though I was on somewhat exorbitant amounts of LSD at the time).
Why is it so important? I don't know, why is it so important to you that you go only into the men's room?

It goes to identity. It's the reason I'd imagine you having a beer watching in the game in your tighty whities not your pretty panties and push-up bra.

I'm saying is SHOULDN'T be about a person's identity or emotions. It should be about organized logic: if you have a dick you go to the dick room, if you have a vagina you go to the vagina room. Unless there's a MAJOR advantage to using the opposite restroom (like I said before, at rock concerts the line at the men's room is astronomically shorter). Public toilets have been this way for generations and nobody complained about it until this recent society obsession over gender dysphoria. I say if it ain't broke don't fix it!
It's like PC sent out a signal for a left loon and you came running.

BTW snowflake, what gender do you think you are?
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
Oh, I am aware of Kleinfelters, and the even more rare XYY syndrome that also affects males. But both are relatively rare genetic abnormalities.
Since you persist in failing to provide additional information for your claims, here: "XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.
The XY male anomoly, also called Swyer Syndrome, results in an infertile individual with all female genetalia except ovaries. It occurs in about one in every 80,000 live births.
So, either we are experiencing a significant increase in some pretty serious genetic mutations, or we need to leave the bathroom, locker room situation alone. In the case of those afflicted with Swyer's, we shouldn't even need to legislate allowing them to use female facilities, since they already present as females. If they want to use the men's room/locker room, just go into a stall, no one will be the wiser.
Any way you want to twist this tail, it's much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, I suspect that the greatest majority of those "afflicted" by transgender delusions have fallen victim to another fad.
Pretty hard to make a big deal about transgender when you can't decide gender in the first place. Saying all XX this way and all XY the other will give you - some very interesting locker room experiences.

Nothing is ever "all" or "never", there will always be anomalies. Just as the brain identifying itself as the opposite sex that one was born with is an anomaly.

Just because an individual is the victim of an anomaly doesn't necessarily give them a right to "special" treatment. If identifying as the opposite sex resides in the mind, doesn't that suggest a mental disorder, especially in those without a genetic anomaly?

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