The Soap-Opera of Liberalism Continues!

I regret I almost forgot to mention another aspect of human nature: gender-dysphoric-friendly laws can easily be abused by male sexual predators PRETENDING to be tranny just to have more access to girls at a private, vulnerable moment. Also, let's be bluntly logical: when in public the average person only spends a few minutes of their life in a public lavatory anyway! Nobody has explained how it actually HARMS a male gender-dysphoric to use the public toilet congruent with his bio-plumbing!
I regret I almost forgot to mention another aspect of human nature: gender-dysphoric-friendly laws can easily be abused by male sexual predators PRETENDING to be tranny just to have more access to girls at a private, vulnerable moment. Also, let's be bluntly logical: when in public the average person only spends a few minutes of their life in a public lavatory anyway! Nobody has explained how it actually HARMS a male gender-dysphoric to use the public toilet congruent with his bio-plumbing!
That's just fear-mongering. Save it.

If you want to be worried be worried about men who like little boys. They are always in the same bathrooms. Hello, father McFeely.
LOL. It's not a absolute in science, it's an absolute to you. And if you go down that road, XY showers in one and XX in another, then you're going to have a lot a mixed up kids wondering why there are boys in the girls room and girls in the boys room? Go for it.

Your garbled understanding of genetics is on par with Shaquille O'Neal's flat-Earth belief and the evangelical idiocy that Earth is only 6000 years old (even though the written history of the Chinese goes back further than that). Let's review the simple fact again, sir: if a lifeform has a set of XX chromosomes then it is biochemically female, if it has XY chromosomes it is biochemically male. What part of that is so hard to understand?
It's not hard to understand - it simply isn't true. What we call male and female is (mostly) external appearance. Junk is not - genetics.

And do explain for us the other variants of XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY, X0, etc.?
Let's not pick and choose, provide the entire table:
Chromosome abnormalities (Q90–Q99, 758)


X/Y linked

other karyotypes/mosaics




Works for me. All kinds of interesting folks out there, starting with XX males and XY females.
And all of them are extremely rare. So rare that I see no reason to change society's rules to accommodate those truly afflicted by such abnormalities. But, as previously observed, most of these "transgendered", gender-confused persons are more likely infected with some faddish fetish and are most interested in forcing their agenda on normal people.

I went to high school with a slender kid that was forming breasts (at that time people with signs of both sexes were called Hermaphrodites), and he completely identified himself as male. He often times joked about them by saying "You want to place with them? It will probably the only time in your life you'll touch a titty!" That guy had girls hanging off him all the time, and was known as, what would be called nowadays, a "player".
Your garbled understanding of genetics is on par with Shaquille O'Neal's flat-Earth belief and the evangelical idiocy that Earth is only 6000 years old (even though the written history of the Chinese goes back further than that). Let's review the simple fact again, sir: if a lifeform has a set of XX chromosomes then it is biochemically female, if it has XY chromosomes it is biochemically male. What part of that is so hard to understand?
It's not hard to understand - it simply isn't true. What we call male and female is (mostly) external appearance. Junk is not - genetics.

And do explain for us the other variants of XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY, X0, etc.?
Let's not pick and choose, provide the entire table:
Chromosome abnormalities (Q90–Q99, 758)


X/Y linked

other karyotypes/mosaics




Works for me. All kinds of interesting folks out there, starting with XX males and XY females.
And all of them are extremely rare. So rare that I see no reason to change society's rules to accommodate those truly afflicted by such abnormalities. But, as previously observed, most of these "transgendered", gender-confused persons are more likely infected with some faddish fetish and are most interested in forcing their agenda on normal people.

I went to high school with a slender kid that was forming breasts (at that time people with signs of both sexes were called Hermaphrodites), and he completely identified himself as male. He often times joked about them by saying "You want to place with them? It will probably the only time in your life you'll touch a titty!" That guy had girls hanging off him all the time, and was known as, what would be called nowadays, a "player".
Variety is - the spice of life.
"....what happens when a brawny boy wants to be one of the girls – fiercely competing with females in weightlifting, brutally tackling girls on the football field or even dealing powerful knockout punches to ladies in a mixed martial-arts cage?

It’s now happening across America and around the world.



A female athlete’s muscular structure (People image created by Kjpargeter –

Biological males are joining women’s teams, smashing records and dominating in sports such as weightlifting, softball, cycling, track, wrestling, football, volleyball, dodgeball, handball, cricket, golf, basketball and mixed martial arts.

The movement for “equality” has apparently inspired transgender athletes to join teams of their preferred gender. And that often means biological males are competing against biological females on women’s teams."
Female athletes crushed by ‘women who were once men’
Perfect dodge for boys/men who couldn't cut it with other boys/men. So the losers become "transgender" so they can be a bunch of girls/women. Used to be shameful for a male to beat a female. Now, it appears it's a trophy achievement.

I believe the term 'snowflake' is appropriate here.
Gender isn't junk, burka girl.
It's like PC sent out a signal for a left loon and you came running.

BTW snowflake, what gender do you think you are?


Head in the's an ostrich!
So, what's your beef?

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
Trump refuses to own any of his fuck ups, whines about everything under the sun, bitches because the world doesnt lick his ass, and tweets like a teenage girl at all hours in the morning ... and liberalism is a soap opera ?


yeah, right.

RW idiots crack me up.

Why must you on the Left use vulgarity as your default?


...or lack of it.
Here's the bottom line I honestly don't understand: even if a tranny guy is 100% convinced he's a woman in a male body, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO THEM TO USE THE FEMALE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC??? A toilet is a toilet is a toilet! Is it really HURTING tranny's to use the toilet corresponding to their birth-equipment?

Hell, I remember at Grateful Dead shows in the early '90s, regular non-tranny women were actually invading our Men's rooms in YUUUGE amounts simply because the lines were so much shorter. These normal cis-girls were invading our bathrooms simply for convenient expediency, not to make any statement about gender. Nobody really seemed to give a shit, as I recall (though I was on somewhat exorbitant amounts of LSD at the time, I admit).

Everybody has to identify as a victim....or the Liberals are out of office.
Here's the bottom line I honestly don't understand: even if a tranny guy is 100% convinced he's a woman in a male body, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO THEM TO USE THE FEMALE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC??? A toilet is a toilet is a toilet! Is it really HURTING tranny's to use the toilet corresponding to their birth-equipment?

Hell, I remember at Grateful Dead shows in the early '90s, regular non-tranny women were actually invading our Men's rooms in YUUUGE amounts simply because the lines were so much shorter. These normal cis-girls were invading our bathrooms simply for convenient expediency, not to make any statement about gender. Nobody really seemed to give a shit, as I recall (though I was on somewhat exorbitant amounts of LSD at the time, I admit).

Everybody has to identify as a victim....or the Liberals are out of office.
Hard to be more of a victim than you, burka girl. All you can do is whine about how unfair life is.
Here's the bottom line I honestly don't understand: even if a tranny guy is 100% convinced he's a woman in a male body, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO THEM TO USE THE FEMALE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC??? A toilet is a toilet is a toilet! Is it really HURTING tranny's to use the toilet corresponding to their birth-equipment?

Hell, I remember at Grateful Dead shows in the early '90s, regular non-tranny women were actually invading our Men's rooms in YUUUGE amounts simply because the lines were so much shorter. These normal cis-girls were invading our bathrooms simply for convenient expediency, not to make any statement about gender. Nobody really seemed to give a shit, as I recall (though I was on somewhat exorbitant amounts of LSD at the time).
Why is it so important? I don't know, why is it so important to you that you go only into the men's room?

It goes to identity. It's the reason I'd imagine you having a beer watching in the game in your tighty whities not your pretty panties and push-up bra.

I'm saying is SHOULDN'T be about a person's identity or emotions. It should be about organized logic: if you have a dick you go to the dick room, if you have a vagina you go to the vagina room. Unless there's a MAJOR advantage to using the opposite restroom (like I said before, at rock concerts the line at the men's room is astronomically shorter). Public toilets have been this way for generations and nobody complained about it until this recent society obsession over gender dysphoria. I say if it ain't broke don't fix it!

It's not feelings, it's about the facts.

Just not for Liberals.
Haters gonna hate...until it happens to them

I Let My Daughter Transition at 4 Years Old — And Have Zero Regrets Today

I was raised as a devout, conservative Christian with strong Republican values in the South. It's a place where being different can not only be unforgiving, but unsafe. I was, and am, an active member of our local church. I used to lead a small ministry teaching Bible study, and I didn't support or condone those living the LGBTQ lifestyle. That was just part of the Christian makeup I'd been brought up to believe. I knew I'd instill those same principles in my children.

But all of my beliefs and convictions were brought into question when, at 18 months old, Kai began exhibiting very strong female characteristics. From the moment my child was born, everything about Kai was geared toward femininity. She would pull T-shirts down around her waist to make them into skirts. She would tie long-sleeved shirts around her head and pretend like it was long hair. I tried so hard to force her into wearing clothes with camouflage and superhero patterns, and I even gave her severe, flat-top haircuts. Kai has three other siblings who are boys, so it was also a very testosterone-filled family environment, which I thought might help. Everything was fishing and spitting and boy stuff. But Kai just continued to be Kai.

As a Christian mother raising a Christian family, it was a very difficult time for me. I wasn't ready to give in and allow Kai to transition socially — especially at such a young age. My internal struggle beat me up daily. I felt like I couldn't go against everything I'd been taught to believe, and yet I also couldn't let Kai live in such obvious agony. I wasn't ready to face the fact that my one-and-a-half-year-old child was a girl. That battle lasted for a couple years.
Trump refuses to own any of his fuck ups, whines about everything under the sun, bitches because the world doesnt lick his ass, and tweets like a teenage girl at all hours in the morning ... and liberalism is a soap opera ?


yeah, right.

RW idiots crack me up.

Why must you on the Left use vulgarity as your default?


...or lack of it.
Adults swear, child. We are allowed to, burka PC girl.
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
Oh, I am aware of Kleinfelters, and the even more rare XYY syndrome that also affects males. But both are relatively rare genetic abnormalities.
Since you persist in failing to provide additional information for your claims, here: "XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.
The XY male anomoly, also called Swyer Syndrome, results in an infertile individual with all female genetalia except ovaries. It occurs in about one in every 80,000 live births.
So, either we are experiencing a significant increase in some pretty serious genetic mutations, or we need to leave the bathroom, locker room situation alone. In the case of those afflicted with Swyer's, we shouldn't even need to legislate allowing them to use female facilities, since they already present as females. If they want to use the men's room/locker room, just go into a stall, no one will be the wiser.
Any way you want to twist this tail, it's much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, I suspect that the greatest majority of those "afflicted" by transgender delusions have fallen victim to another fad.
Pretty hard to make a big deal about transgender when you can't decide gender in the first place. Saying all XX this way and all XY the other will give you - some very interesting locker room experiences.

Nothing is ever "all" or "never", there will always be anomalies. Just as the brain identifying itself as the opposite sex that one was born with is an anomaly.

Just because an individual is the victim of an anomaly doesn't necessarily give them a right to "special" treatment. If identifying as the opposite sex resides in the mind, doesn't that suggest a mental disorder, especially in those without a genetic anomaly?

"...there will always be anomalies."

The poster you're addressing is a case in point....he's 'Lefty Loosey'...but look at his avi.
Here's the bottom line I honestly don't understand: even if a tranny guy is 100% convinced he's a woman in a male body, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO THEM TO USE THE FEMALE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC??? A toilet is a toilet is a toilet! Is it really HURTING tranny's to use the toilet corresponding to their birth-equipment?

Haters gonna hate...until it happens to them

I Let My Daughter Transition at 4 Years Old — And Have Zero Regrets Today

I was raised as a devout, conservative Christian with strong Republican values in the South. It's a place where being different can not only be unforgiving, but unsafe. I was, and am, an active member of our local church. I used to lead a small ministry teaching Bible study, and I didn't support or condone those living the LGBTQ lifestyle. That was just part of the Christian makeup I'd been brought up to believe. I knew I'd instill those same principles in my children.

But all of my beliefs and convictions were brought into question when, at 18 months old, Kai began exhibiting very strong female characteristics. From the moment my child was born, everything about Kai was geared toward femininity. She would pull T-shirts down around her waist to make them into skirts. She would tie long-sleeved shirts around her head and pretend like it was long hair. I tried so hard to force her into wearing clothes with camouflage and superhero patterns, and I even gave her severe, flat-top haircuts. Kai has three other siblings who are boys, so it was also a very testosterone-filled family environment, which I thought might help. Everything was fishing and spitting and boy stuff. But Kai just continued to be Kai.

As a Christian mother raising a Christian family, it was a very difficult time for me. I wasn't ready to give in and allow Kai to transition socially — especially at such a young age. My internal struggle beat me up daily. I felt like I couldn't go against everything I'd been taught to believe, and yet I also couldn't let Kai live in such obvious agony. I wasn't ready to face the fact that my one-and-a-half-year-old child was a girl. That battle lasted for a couple years.

To know what the Left is doing, note what they charge the other side with.

Case in Lefties hate traditional modes and mores.....and 99% of the population.

Liberalism, like Islamofascism demands submission.
I regret I almost forgot to mention another aspect of human nature: gender-dysphoric-friendly laws can easily be abused by male sexual predators PRETENDING to be tranny just to have more access to girls at a private, vulnerable moment. Also, let's be bluntly logical: when in public the average person only spends a few minutes of their life in a public lavatory anyway! Nobody has explained how it actually HARMS a male gender-dysphoric to use the public toilet congruent with his bio-plumbing!

You didn't have to mention it.

It's a reason why many will no longer patronize Target.
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
Oh, I am aware of Kleinfelters, and the even more rare XYY syndrome that also affects males. But both are relatively rare genetic abnormalities.
Since you persist in failing to provide additional information for your claims, here: "XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.
The XY male anomoly, also called Swyer Syndrome, results in an infertile individual with all female genetalia except ovaries. It occurs in about one in every 80,000 live births.
So, either we are experiencing a significant increase in some pretty serious genetic mutations, or we need to leave the bathroom, locker room situation alone. In the case of those afflicted with Swyer's, we shouldn't even need to legislate allowing them to use female facilities, since they already present as females. If they want to use the men's room/locker room, just go into a stall, no one will be the wiser.
Any way you want to twist this tail, it's much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, I suspect that the greatest majority of those "afflicted" by transgender delusions have fallen victim to another fad.
Pretty hard to make a big deal about transgender when you can't decide gender in the first place. Saying all XX this way and all XY the other will give you - some very interesting locker room experiences.

Nothing is ever "all" or "never", there will always be anomalies. Just as the brain identifying itself as the opposite sex that one was born with is an anomaly.

Just because an individual is the victim of an anomaly doesn't necessarily give them a right to "special" treatment. If identifying as the opposite sex resides in the mind, doesn't that suggest a mental disorder, especially in those without a genetic anomaly?
No. It suggest that it's the mind, not the body, that tells you who you are just as the mind, not the body, tells you who you want to bed down with or pray to.
I'm male. I'm even XY. Not all males are. Some are XX.
Sorry, "males" with XX chromosomes are females, but I'm guessing you were out smoking the ganga the day they had that lecture in health class.
Ah, no. They are males (and look like them) but they are XX. XX male syndrome - Wikipedia

What you thought was a hard and fast rule is - not. Biology is (unlike most) not a simpleton. Next up, XY females, and XXY, XYY, XXXY, XYYY (watch out, they're nuts), and X0, just one X. The is no Y0, they die in the womb.
Oh, I am aware of Kleinfelters, and the even more rare XYY syndrome that also affects males. But both are relatively rare genetic abnormalities.
Since you persist in failing to provide additional information for your claims, here: "XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.
The XY male anomoly, also called Swyer Syndrome, results in an infertile individual with all female genetalia except ovaries. It occurs in about one in every 80,000 live births.
So, either we are experiencing a significant increase in some pretty serious genetic mutations, or we need to leave the bathroom, locker room situation alone. In the case of those afflicted with Swyer's, we shouldn't even need to legislate allowing them to use female facilities, since they already present as females. If they want to use the men's room/locker room, just go into a stall, no one will be the wiser.
Any way you want to twist this tail, it's much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, I suspect that the greatest majority of those "afflicted" by transgender delusions have fallen victim to another fad.
Pretty hard to make a big deal about transgender when you can't decide gender in the first place. Saying all XX this way and all XY the other will give you - some very interesting locker room experiences.

Nothing is ever "all" or "never", there will always be anomalies. Just as the brain identifying itself as the opposite sex that one was born with is an anomaly.

Just because an individual is the victim of an anomaly doesn't necessarily give them a right to "special" treatment. If identifying as the opposite sex resides in the mind, doesn't that suggest a mental disorder, especially in those without a genetic anomaly?[/QUOT
Here's the bottom line I honestly don't understand: even if a tranny guy is 100% convinced he's a woman in a male body, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO THEM TO USE THE FEMALE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC??? A toilet is a toilet is a toilet! Is it really HURTING tranny's to use the toilet corresponding to their birth-equipment?

Hell, I remember at Grateful Dead shows in the early '90s, regular non-tranny women were actually invading our Men's rooms in YUUUGE amounts simply because the lines were so much shorter. These normal cis-girls were invading our bathrooms simply for convenient expediency, not to make any statement about gender. Nobody really seemed to give a shit, as I recall (though I was on somewhat exorbitant amounts of LSD at the time).
Why is it so important? I don't know, why is it so important to you that you go only into the men's room?

It goes to identity. It's the reason I'd imagine you having a beer watching in the game in your tighty whities not your pretty panties and push-up bra.

It's NOT an emotionally important point to me that as a guy I use the guys' room. It's simply one of those things I do without even thinking about it! Honestly, I'm simply obeying basic societal normalities that those of us with "garden hoses" use the men's room. Why do liberals make this simple, basic activity so much more complicated than it needs to be? Public lavatories are only a brief, trivial moment in a human lifespan, there is no need to wallow in sexual angst over it, that's my point.
Haters gonna hate...until it happens to them

I Let My Daughter Transition at 4 Years Old — And Have Zero Regrets Today

I was raised as a devout, conservative Christian with strong Republican values in the South. It's a place where being different can not only be unforgiving, but unsafe. I was, and am, an active member of our local church. I used to lead a small ministry teaching Bible study, and I didn't support or condone those living the LGBTQ lifestyle. That was just part of the Christian makeup I'd been brought up to believe. I knew I'd instill those same principles in my children.

But all of my beliefs and convictions were brought into question when, at 18 months old, Kai began exhibiting very strong female characteristics. From the moment my child was born, everything about Kai was geared toward femininity. She would pull T-shirts down around her waist to make them into skirts. She would tie long-sleeved shirts around her head and pretend like it was long hair. I tried so hard to force her into wearing clothes with camouflage and superhero patterns, and I even gave her severe, flat-top haircuts. Kai has three other siblings who are boys, so it was also a very testosterone-filled family environment, which I thought might help. Everything was fishing and spitting and boy stuff. But Kai just continued to be Kai.

As a Christian mother raising a Christian family, it was a very difficult time for me. I wasn't ready to give in and allow Kai to transition socially — especially at such a young age. My internal struggle beat me up daily. I felt like I couldn't go against everything I'd been taught to believe, and yet I also couldn't let Kai live in such obvious agony. I wasn't ready to face the fact that my one-and-a-half-year-old child was a girl. That battle lasted for a couple years.

To know what the Left is doing, note what they charge the other side with.

Case in Lefties hate traditional modes and mores.....and 99% of the population.

Liberalism, like Islamofascism demands submission.

Hate traditional modes? Modes of transportation? Horse and buggy is fine with me, just clean up the shit.

Wow, liberals hate "traditional mores"? That's a little harsh...and wrong. Eschew some maybe, but not hate. Nothing wrong with updating either. It's no skin off my nose to ask someone what their preferred pronoun is. Mine's "she" BTW.

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