
Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
America needs a taste of pure socialism/communism, It would be a good learning experience and the end to that liberal/commie utopian dream...

Inside the corrosive agendas of Congressman Luis Gutierrez.
January 29, 2016
John Perazzo


Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Illinois) reacted with elation to the Supreme Court's recentannouncementthat it will soon hear the case ofTexas v. United States, to determine the fate of President Obama's “Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents” (DAPA). That executive action, which Obama issued in November 2014 by circumventing Congress and usurping its lawmaking authority, gave millions of illegal immigrants temporary legal status, work permits, eligibility for certain publicly funded benefits, and protection from deportation.

It's not at all surprising that Gutierrez avidly supports DAPA. Like all dutiful socialists, he has long viewed the heavy hand of centralized government as the indispensable linchpin of civil society. When he launched his political career as a Chicago alderman in the1980s, Gutierrezwas a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party. Throughout his 23 years in the House of Representatives, he has been a member of theCongressional Progressive Caucus, the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. And his political campaigns have drawn significant support from the Democratic Socialists of America.

In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the New Party in Chicago. Thegoalof this socialist political entity was to endorse and elect far-left public officials—usually Democrats—as a means of moving theDemocratic Party ever further to the left, thereby setting the stage for the eventual rise of a new socialist “third party.” The New Party's most noteworthy member at that time was none other than Barack Hussein Obama.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members to pressure President Bill Clinton to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members.

During his years in Congress, Gutierrez has proudly cultivated a reputation as the Democratic Party's leading voice on immigration issues, and has been at the forefront of the effort to pass comprehensive reform legislation. In 2001 he became the firstelected official to sponsor a version of the DREAM Act—designed to create a pathway-to-citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as minors.Eight years later, heco-sponsoreda bill topavesuch a path for virtuallyallillegal immigrants.

In 2010 Gutierrez threatened to oppose Obamacare because it included provisions that would prohibit illegals from purchasing health insurance through government-run exchanges. He ultimately decided to back the legislation, however, because he was confident that Congress would soon “move forward on a comprehensive immigration reform package.” “I have only one loyalty,” Gutierrezemphasizedlater that year, “and that’s to the immigrant community.”

On August 1, 2014—in the midst of a sudden, massive influx across America's southern border by more than 50,000 unaccompanied, illegal-immigrant minors hailing from Central America—Gutierrez assertedthat conservatives who advocated closing the border to these newcomers were essentially obsessed with finding ways to “get meaner [and] nastier with immigrants.” In a press conference that same day, Gutierrez accused Republicans of: having reached the “least common denominator of hatefulness”; behaving “as though they despise and hate all of our [Hispanic immigrant] children”; permitting “the loudest, meanest, most vile voices” to dominate their party; and viewing Hispanic immigrants as “a vile, repugnant community.”


In other words, Luis Gutierrez is a very sick, delusional demagogue whose agenda is, quite literally, to destroy the American society that he utterly despises—and then remake it in accordance with his own racialist and socialist obsessions. Or to put it more succinctly, Luis Gutierrez is a proud Democrat.

The Socialist Face of “Immigrant Rights”
America needs a taste of pure socialism/communism, It would be a good learning experience and the end to that liberal/commie utopian dream...

Inside the corrosive agendas of Congressman Luis Gutierrez.
January 29, 2016
John Perazzo


Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Illinois) reacted with elation to the Supreme Court's recentannouncementthat it will soon hear the case ofTexas v. United States, to determine the fate of President Obama's “Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents” (DAPA). That executive action, which Obama issued in November 2014 by circumventing Congress and usurping its lawmaking authority, gave millions of illegal immigrants temporary legal status, work permits, eligibility for certain publicly funded benefits, and protection from deportation.

It's not at all surprising that Gutierrez avidly supports DAPA. Like all dutiful socialists, he has long viewed the heavy hand of centralized government as the indispensable linchpin of civil society. When he launched his political career as a Chicago alderman in the1980s, Gutierrezwas a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party. Throughout his 23 years in the House of Representatives, he has been a member of theCongressional Progressive Caucus, the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. And his political campaigns have drawn significant support from the Democratic Socialists of America.

In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the New Party in Chicago. Thegoalof this socialist political entity was to endorse and elect far-left public officials—usually Democrats—as a means of moving theDemocratic Party ever further to the left, thereby setting the stage for the eventual rise of a new socialist “third party.” The New Party's most noteworthy member at that time was none other than Barack Hussein Obama.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members to pressure President Bill Clinton to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members.

During his years in Congress, Gutierrez has proudly cultivated a reputation as the Democratic Party's leading voice on immigration issues, and has been at the forefront of the effort to pass comprehensive reform legislation. In 2001 he became the firstelected official to sponsor a version of the DREAM Act—designed to create a pathway-to-citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as minors.Eight years later, heco-sponsoreda bill topavesuch a path for virtuallyallillegal immigrants.

In 2010 Gutierrez threatened to oppose Obamacare because it included provisions that would prohibit illegals from purchasing health insurance through government-run exchanges. He ultimately decided to back the legislation, however, because he was confident that Congress would soon “move forward on a comprehensive immigration reform package.” “I have only one loyalty,” Gutierrezemphasizedlater that year, “and that’s to the immigrant community.”

On August 1, 2014—in the midst of a sudden, massive influx across America's southern border by more than 50,000 unaccompanied, illegal-immigrant minors hailing from Central America—Gutierrez assertedthat conservatives who advocated closing the border to these newcomers were essentially obsessed with finding ways to “get meaner [and] nastier with immigrants.” In a press conference that same day, Gutierrez accused Republicans of: having reached the “least common denominator of hatefulness”; behaving “as though they despise and hate all of our [Hispanic immigrant] children”; permitting “the loudest, meanest, most vile voices” to dominate their party; and viewing Hispanic immigrants as “a vile, repugnant community.”


In other words, Luis Gutierrez is a very sick, delusional demagogue whose agenda is, quite literally, to destroy the American society that he utterly despises—and then remake it in accordance with his own racialist and socialist obsessions. Or to put it more succinctly, Luis Gutierrez is a proud Democrat.

The Socialist Face of “Immigrant Rights”
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
America needs a taste of pure socialism/communism, It would be a good learning experience and the end to that liberal/commie utopian dream...

Inside the corrosive agendas of Congressman Luis Gutierrez.
January 29, 2016
John Perazzo


Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Illinois) reacted with elation to the Supreme Court's recentannouncementthat it will soon hear the case ofTexas v. United States, to determine the fate of President Obama's “Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents” (DAPA). That executive action, which Obama issued in November 2014 by circumventing Congress and usurping its lawmaking authority, gave millions of illegal immigrants temporary legal status, work permits, eligibility for certain publicly funded benefits, and protection from deportation.

It's not at all surprising that Gutierrez avidly supports DAPA. Like all dutiful socialists, he has long viewed the heavy hand of centralized government as the indispensable linchpin of civil society. When he launched his political career as a Chicago alderman in the1980s, Gutierrezwas a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party. Throughout his 23 years in the House of Representatives, he has been a member of theCongressional Progressive Caucus, the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. And his political campaigns have drawn significant support from the Democratic Socialists of America.

In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the New Party in Chicago. Thegoalof this socialist political entity was to endorse and elect far-left public officials—usually Democrats—as a means of moving theDemocratic Party ever further to the left, thereby setting the stage for the eventual rise of a new socialist “third party.” The New Party's most noteworthy member at that time was none other than Barack Hussein Obama.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members to pressure President Bill Clinton to free 16 convicted terrorists belonging to the FALN, a Marxist-Leninist paramilitary organization that had carried out 146 bombings during a 25-year period. Indeed, Gutierrez was the FALN's chief spokesman and advocate during the campaign to release its incarcerated members.

During his years in Congress, Gutierrez has proudly cultivated a reputation as the Democratic Party's leading voice on immigration issues, and has been at the forefront of the effort to pass comprehensive reform legislation. In 2001 he became the firstelected official to sponsor a version of the DREAM Act—designed to create a pathway-to-citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as minors.Eight years later, heco-sponsoreda bill topavesuch a path for virtuallyallillegal immigrants.

In 2010 Gutierrez threatened to oppose Obamacare because it included provisions that would prohibit illegals from purchasing health insurance through government-run exchanges. He ultimately decided to back the legislation, however, because he was confident that Congress would soon “move forward on a comprehensive immigration reform package.” “I have only one loyalty,” Gutierrezemphasizedlater that year, “and that’s to the immigrant community.”

On August 1, 2014—in the midst of a sudden, massive influx across America's southern border by more than 50,000 unaccompanied, illegal-immigrant minors hailing from Central America—Gutierrez assertedthat conservatives who advocated closing the border to these newcomers were essentially obsessed with finding ways to “get meaner [and] nastier with immigrants.” In a press conference that same day, Gutierrez accused Republicans of: having reached the “least common denominator of hatefulness”; behaving “as though they despise and hate all of our [Hispanic immigrant] children”; permitting “the loudest, meanest, most vile voices” to dominate their party; and viewing Hispanic immigrants as “a vile, repugnant community.”


In other words, Luis Gutierrez is a very sick, delusional demagogue whose agenda is, quite literally, to destroy the American society that he utterly despises—and then remake it in accordance with his own racialist and socialist obsessions. Or to put it more succinctly, Luis Gutierrez is a proud Democrat.

The Socialist Face of “Immigrant Rights”
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
I see no threads from you since 2012 just a lot of hot liberal bull shit. Your little post shoulda started with your name...

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