The Solution To American Antisemitism

Anti-Semitism is as old as the hills and just as pervasive. It will never go away. In that sense, it is just like racism.

"We" should only concern ourselves with overt actions, actions that are harmful to the objects of anti-Semitism (& racism). But of course, "action" include threats and inflammatory speech, which have lately become ubiquitous.

Such speech is NOT protected by the First Amendment, and should be sanctioned by the institutions where it takes place. Students being expelled should not be out of the question.
Maybe you can tell us why worldwide Jews are being attacked even in this Country and especially on college campuses?
I hardly think he knows. Anti semites seem to think that they know something more than the rest of us. Here's my belief...and i do have a biblical world can one not have that view if you're noticing what is going on in the world. What is behind it? evil. The thing called Satan. From the beginning of God's creation he has aimed to destroy man, God's creation. And then it was God's chosen, then Christ and here we are again....destroying the jewish nation. He has lost on all counts. Now if he can destroy all Jews then he can prevent the 144,ooo jewish evangelists who will evangelize the world in the last days. maybe even he can prevent God's judgement or cause it to come on all God's creation to destroy God's creation and everything. . He wants the world as his own. hell on earth. to defeat God.

There is no solution. Prayer maybe? Because this does appear to be a spiritual battle. God has delayed judgement before. The nation would have to repent...we would have to have Godly leaders.
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Nationality is irrelevant...In warfare, the aggressor is the one who sets the terms.

The jihadists want to deem civilians as combatants, that shit cuts both ways...Don't give me any of the sob sister shit when their human shields get killed.

This thread is about American Antisemitism so don't give me any of the sob imaginary shit that has nothing to do with American Antisemitism.

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