The sounds of trumpets and mysterious ring in skies over Israel.

They are called vortex rings...rare but not unheard of. Last ones I saw were in China
Those trumpet sounds have been going on for awhile all over the world. There are a lot of theories why.
Yeah, I definitely remember seeing something on the weather channel about strange weather phenomena that cannot be of yet.

These trumpet sounds are one of those things. Sometimes the trumpets sounds become deafening.

I think there are only theories.
There are all kinds of underground caverns and many of them expanding due to drying aquifiers.

I wouldnt be surprised if some large updrafts might not cause temporary reverbations on occasion if the conditions are exactly right in various places around the world.

One thing I do know, when Christ returns you wont have to strain your ears and squint your eyes to perceive it.
There are all kinds of underground caverns and many of them expanding due to drying aquifiers.

I wouldnt be surprised if some large updrafts might not cause temporary reverbations on occasion if the conditions are exactly right in various places around the world.

One thing I do know, when Christ returns you wont have to strain your ears and squint your eyes to perceive it.

OBVIOUSLY an heavenly Klezmer jam session
OBVIOUSLY an heavenly Klezmer jam session
Isnt it interesting how all three Abrahamic faiths are expecting a Messiah?

Muslims and Christians expect Jesus to return and Jews are like holding out for a redo. lol

you harbor a very simplistic device within your body-----sometimes called "the brain". A huge portion of the
Primate brain----ESPECIALLY of the genus/species HOMO SAPIEN is called the FOREBRAIN. The fact that the forebrain is so large accounts for the Prominent forehead seen in the genus/species members --Homo sapien. Via white matter tracts just about the entire non forebrain parts of the brain CONNECTE to the forebrain. The forebrain is
the site of intellect. Not all prominent foreheads are associated with intellect------sometimes a really prominent forehead is a sign of developmental delay due to hydrocephalus. You may have noticed that ZIKA VIRUS brains------are associated with a minimal forehead. The religions of the world VERY OFTEN note an "avatar" on earth
SAVIOR--------Prometheus donated FIRE to mankind----which is why he remains "crucified" on a mountain. Hercules is another ----"on earth" savior. Vishnu of India tends to show up as an avatar too. The concept of a man/god "returning" to earth is not at all unique.. It seems to me that the concept of a man/god "returning" to DESTROY other religions as muslims perceive Jesus----does seem kinda unique to me-------the CROSS smashing Jesus. (admittedly-----one could say that Jesus was not the only
Pharisee from the Roman times who would have liked to stamp out crucifixtion------every consider that fact?----Muhummad has other motives)

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