The south is still largely the descendants of the confederacy

These are the words: ""is trying to promote demographically significant candidates, they are still rife with homophobic, transphobic and religious bigotry." The party is trying but is having real problems is what the sentence means.

Yes, I got that part.

And in stating that, he is judging the "demographically significant" candidates to be better based on their "demographics" not the job they have been doing.

That's racism.

He is saying a Black or Brown Candidate is better than a White one.

That's racism.

Thus, Rubio is better than TRump because of his skin color.

I disagree. You seem to agree.

Do you really?
Bigots are everywhere, dumbfuck
Yep, and they are ALL conservatives!

Farrakan is a conservative?

Sharpton is a conservative?

Their followers are conservatives?


Well, now that you mention it, Yes! Farrakhan AND Sharpton , being men of the Muslim and the other Christian... Yes they are Conservatives. Neither or them condone abortions or wanton murder of people who don't look like them. Farrakhan believes in self sufficiency and abhors handouts. Both men have exhibited high moral traits and have been faithful to their wives and are good fathers. By any metric, those traditional family values and impeccable moral values would make them REAL conservatives...not like the pseudo-wannabes in the GOP who strive for such values without every really attaining them... like ..YOU.

And yes, their followers are far more conservative than Trump or most of the GOP I have seen.
But that doesn't make them all bigots. Farrakhan is a reactionary so I guess he would appear to be a bigot to some. Sharpton is also a reactionary. He doesn't preach hate he just speaks out against injustice against his people. Someone has to.

They speak Hate. Don't be silly.

You admit they are not Conservative under the definition you were using above.

THus, your above claim "and they are all conservatives" is complete bullshit.

ANd obviously so, so it was a lie.

And you are a liar.
Farrakhan's reaction to hate might seem hateful to those who are friends of Shootspeeders, Meathead or Steve McGarret. His approach is to fight fire with fire. I can fault no one for doing that.
Farrakhan is a militant conservative whose traditional values are as good as anyone's on the right...probably even better.

Sharpton is more mellow in his approach to the overt and subtle racism that still permeates our society. But, the reverend still upholds all the values that serve as the cornerstone of conservatism. I don't fault him either for standing up like a man and getting loud about inequality. Why do you begrudge anyone who does the right to do so, regardless of ethnicity or so-called race?

You may assign hate to Farrakhan or Sharpton but if so, their hate comes from interactions and experiences that are well documented in our historical archives. Blacks didn't start it, elements within White society did; and with extreme prejudice I might add.

Conservatism as defined by the dictionary is one thing but the "conservatism" displayed by many on the right is a pseudo- conservatism of convenience. It has become an identity used by RW White males to plot, conspire and galvanize behind a strategy that probably includes genocide if they ever get the means to do it. All the while pretending to have Christian values...kinda like the Nazi Christians.
Bigots are everywhere, dumbfuck
Yep, and they are ALL conservatives!

Farrakan is a conservative?

Sharpton is a conservative?

Their followers are conservatives?


Well, now that you mention it, Yes! Farrakhan AND Sharpton , being men of the Muslim and the other Christian... Yes they are Conservatives. Neither or them condone abortions or wanton murder of people who don't look like them. Farrakhan believes in self sufficiency and abhors handouts. Both men have exhibited high moral traits and have been faithful to their wives and are good fathers. By any metric, those traditional family values and impeccable moral values would make them REAL conservatives...not like the pseudo-wannabes in the GOP who strive for such values without every really attaining them... like ..YOU.

And yes, their followers are far more conservative than Trump or most of the GOP I have seen.
But that doesn't make them all bigots. Farrakhan is a reactionary so I guess he would appear to be a bigot to some. Sharpton is also a reactionary. He doesn't preach hate he just speaks out against injustice against his people. Someone has to.

They speak Hate. Don't be silly.

You admit they are not Conservative under the definition you were using above.

THus, your above claim "and they are all conservatives" is complete bullshit.

ANd obviously so, so it was a lie.

And you are a liar.
Farrakhan's reaction to hate might seem hateful to those who are friends of Shootspeeders, Meathead or Steve McGarret. His approach is to fight fire with fire. I can fault no one for doing that.
Farrakhan is a militant conservative whose traditional values are as good as anyone's on the right...probably even better.

Sharpton is more mellow in his approach to the overt and subtle racism that still permeates our society. But, the reverend still upholds all the values that serve as the cornerstone of conservatism. I don't fault him either for standing up like a man and getting loud about inequality. Why do you begrudge anyone who does the right to do so, regardless of ethnicity or so-called race?

You may assign hate to Farrakhan or Sharpton but if so, their hate comes from interactions and experiences that are well documented in our historical archives. Blacks didn't start it, elements within White society did; and with extreme prejudice I might add.

Conservatism as defined by the dictionary is one thing but the "conservatism" displayed by many on the right is a pseudo- conservatism of convenience. It has become an identity used by RW White males to plot, conspire and galvanize behind a strategy that probably includes genocide if they ever get the means to do it. All the while pretending to have Christian values...kinda like the Nazi Christians.
"Long as them nurthen ag-gataters stay outta mah state, that'll be jes fhine.
Nice opinion.....

From snowbirds to Cubans to Illegals being dispersed all over the place by the govt without notifying local and state agencies 1st, to Syrian 'refugees', the South is being changed, just like the rest of the nation.

I used to only see illegals in my community late at night shopping at Wal Mart in an attempt to avoid possible confrontation with locals. I see them all over at all times now. No problem, just pointing out that communities, states, the nation is changing...fundamentally changing.

Claiming the Confederate Flag is one of the top problems we face is ridiculous.
Claiming you can't get rid of the flag is because the south is full of bigots SOUNDS like the ranting of a bigot.
I live in the south, and in that same community where I see a much more diverse population I can not tell you the last time I have seen a confederate flag.

You told me what you think. I am not calling you a 'liar' or even a 'bigot'. I am just telling you what I see.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
I'm a descendant of Cherokee Indians, so screw you and your quack genealogy.

It is quite offensive that you can do nothing but stereotype people who live here in the south.

You get mad when people stereotype Muslims, so why is it okay to do the same to southerners?
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?
You are lying again. There was such segregation in many places throughout the south and bordering states. google Rosewood Florida and Greenwood, OK. Both of these Black segregated enclaves were prosperous. That doomed them to destruction by marauding conservative murderers
and rioters who just could not stand to see their stereotypical Negro prosper.
Yep, and they are ALL conservatives!

Farrakan is a conservative?

Sharpton is a conservative?

Their followers are conservatives?


Well, now that you mention it, Yes! Farrakhan AND Sharpton , being men of the Muslim and the other Christian... Yes they are Conservatives. Neither or them condone abortions or wanton murder of people who don't look like them. Farrakhan believes in self sufficiency and abhors handouts. Both men have exhibited high moral traits and have been faithful to their wives and are good fathers. By any metric, those traditional family values and impeccable moral values would make them REAL conservatives...not like the pseudo-wannabes in the GOP who strive for such values without every really attaining them... like ..YOU.

And yes, their followers are far more conservative than Trump or most of the GOP I have seen.
But that doesn't make them all bigots. Farrakhan is a reactionary so I guess he would appear to be a bigot to some. Sharpton is also a reactionary. He doesn't preach hate he just speaks out against injustice against his people. Someone has to.

They speak Hate. Don't be silly.

You admit they are not Conservative under the definition you were using above.

THus, your above claim "and they are all conservatives" is complete bullshit.

ANd obviously so, so it was a lie.

And you are a liar.
Farrakhan's reaction to hate might seem hateful to those who are friends of Shootspeeders, Meathead or Steve McGarret. His approach is to fight fire with fire. I can fault no one for doing that.
Farrakhan is a militant conservative whose traditional values are as good as anyone's on the right...probably even better.

Sharpton is more mellow in his approach to the overt and subtle racism that still permeates our society. But, the reverend still upholds all the values that serve as the cornerstone of conservatism. I don't fault him either for standing up like a man and getting loud about inequality. Why do you begrudge anyone who does the right to do so, regardless of ethnicity or so-called race?

You may assign hate to Farrakhan or Sharpton but if so, their hate comes from interactions and experiences that are well documented in our historical archives. Blacks didn't start it, elements within White society did; and with extreme prejudice I might add.

Conservatism as defined by the dictionary is one thing but the "conservatism" displayed by many on the right is a pseudo- conservatism of convenience. It has become an identity used by RW White males to plot, conspire and galvanize behind a strategy that probably includes genocide if they ever get the means to do it. All the while pretending to have Christian values...kinda like the Nazi Christians.
"Long as them nurthen ag-gataters stay outta mah state, that'll be jes fhine.
You don't have cable TV? That is the means to get in yoah state now!
Ah only watch Fox an NASCAR, and that Sharpton fellah ain't on .... thank God.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
I'm a descendant of Cherokee Indians, so screw you and your quack genealogy.

It is quite offensive that you can do nothing but stereotype people who live here in the south.

You get mad when people stereotype Muslims, so why is it okay to do the same to southerners?
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?

I've lived in Pensacola, Florida for over forty years. We have had zero protesting and civil disobedience. Some folks think the South is still the way it was way back in the 1950's and early 1960's. Most of our cities are modern and the people get along with one another. We have no gangs running the streets in Pensacola.
Then how did you get so screwed up in your racial worldview? Until now, I have heard you say nothing positive about Blacks.
Ah only watch Fox an NASCAR, and that Sharpton fellah ain't on .... thank God.
That figures. But,the message is still getting into your state to the people that matter.
Nah, Ah thaynk we got this'un covered, cause that there demonic party is 'bout 95% black, and only 'bout 5% ah us whats'd evah vote fer a demon, and we 'publicans have near two thirds ah the pepple, and got em on the run near 2 ter 1.

Nah, Ah ain't sayin' we'ah nevah vote fer a fellah looked lak Little Marco, but we's goin' with that fahr'ed up what guy wit that pelt on his hayed.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
I'm a descendant of Cherokee Indians, so screw you and your quack genealogy.

It is quite offensive that you can do nothing but stereotype people who live here in the south.

You get mad when people stereotype Muslims, so why is it okay to do the same to southerners?
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?

I've lived in Pensacola, Florida for over forty years. We have had zero protesting and civil disobedience. Some folks think the South is still the way it was way back in the 1950's and early 1960's. Most of our cities are modern and the people get along with one another. We have no gangs running the streets in Pensacola.
Then how did you get so screwed up in your racial worldview? Until now, I have heard you say nothing positive about Blacks.

I didn't say anything positive about Blacks here either. I said in most of the cities of the South the people get along with one another. That statement includes Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners, etc. You have a problem with that?
The south is a haven for Midwestern workers. Tel em you are from up north and you move to the top of the list.
I'm a descendant of Cherokee Indians, so screw you and your quack genealogy.

It is quite offensive that you can do nothing but stereotype people who live here in the south.

You get mad when people stereotype Muslims, so why is it okay to do the same to southerners?
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?

I've lived in Pensacola, Florida for over forty years. We have had zero protesting and civil disobedience. Some folks think the South is still the way it was way back in the 1950's and early 1960's. Most of our cities are modern and the people get along with one another. We have no gangs running the streets in Pensacola.
Then how did you get so screwed up in your racial worldview? Until now, I have heard you say nothing positive about Blacks.

I didn't say anything positive about Blacks here either. I said in most of the cities of the South the people get along with one another. That statement includes Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners, etc. You have a problem with that?
Ok, my bad, I see you STILL have a fucked up world view when it comes to Blacks. I thought there were more Blacks in the south than any demographic bad....
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?

I've lived in Pensacola, Florida for over forty years. We have had zero protesting and civil disobedience. Some folks think the South is still the way it was way back in the 1950's and early 1960's. Most of our cities are modern and the people get along with one another. We have no gangs running the streets in Pensacola.
Then how did you get so screwed up in your racial worldview? Until now, I have heard you say nothing positive about Blacks.

I didn't say anything positive about Blacks here either. I said in most of the cities of the South the people get along with one another. That statement includes Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners, etc. You have a problem with that?
Ok, my bad, I see you STILL have a fucked up world view when it comes to Blacks. I thought there were more Blacks in the south than any demographic bad....

Actually we're very diverse down here.
And all you stupid northern libs are tripping over each other trying to move down here.

Life is better down here.

No's's awful...we're all racist and AIDS is everywhere!!! You should definitely never visit and never move here its horrible!!!!!! Save yourself! Stay away!!
Bigots are everywhere, dumbfuck
Yep, and they are ALL conservatives!

Farrakan is a conservative?

Sharpton is a conservative?

Their followers are conservatives?


Well, now that you mention it, Yes! Farrakhan AND Sharpton , being men of the Muslim and the other Christian... Yes they are Conservatives. Neither or them condone abortions or wanton murder of people who don't look like them. Farrakhan believes in self sufficiency and abhors handouts. Both men have exhibited high moral traits and have been faithful to their wives and are good fathers. By any metric, those traditional family values and impeccable moral values would make them REAL conservatives...not like the pseudo-wannabes in the GOP who strive for such values without every really attaining them... like ..YOU.

And yes, their followers are far more conservative than Trump or most of the GOP I have seen.
But that doesn't make them all bigots. Farrakhan is a reactionary so I guess he would appear to be a bigot to some. Sharpton is also a reactionary. He doesn't preach hate he just speaks out against injustice against his people. Someone has to.

They speak Hate. Don't be silly.

You admit they are not Conservative under the definition you were using above.

THus, your above claim "and they are all conservatives" is complete bullshit.

ANd obviously so, so it was a lie.

And you are a liar.
Farrakhan's reaction to hate might seem hateful to those who are friends of Shootspeeders, Meathead or Steve McGarret. His approach is to fight fire with fire. I can fault no one for doing that.
Farrakhan is a militant conservative whose traditional values are as good as anyone's on the right...probably even better.

Sharpton is more mellow in his approach to the overt and subtle racism that still permeates our society. But, the reverend still upholds all the values that serve as the cornerstone of conservatism. I don't fault him either for standing up like a man and getting loud about inequality. Why do you begrudge anyone who does the right to do so, regardless of ethnicity or so-called race?

You may assign hate to Farrakhan or Sharpton but if so, their hate comes from interactions and experiences that are well documented in our historical archives. Blacks didn't start it, elements within White society did; and with extreme prejudice I might add.

Conservatism as defined by the dictionary is one thing but the "conservatism" displayed by many on the right is a pseudo- conservatism of convenience. It has become an identity used by RW White males to plot, conspire and galvanize behind a strategy that probably includes genocide if they ever get the means to do it. All the while pretending to have Christian values...kinda like the Nazi Christians.

Your support of their racist hate is noted.

Your justifications and rationalization of their racist hate is noted and dismissed.

Your negative opinion on your ideological enemies is noted and dismissed.

Your agreement that the term "conservative" to describe personal value systems, AND the term "Conservative" to describe political alliance as being two completely different terms is noted and appreciated.

Thus your claim that all bigots are conservatives is shown to NOT mean that in the sense of political affiliation.

Tragic trivia, pretty much no slave owners fought for the Confederacy, and European immigrants who had no idea what the war was about fought for the Union, to gain the promised citizenship. Lincoln was a genocidal basketcase.
....That's why they fight so hard to keep the confederate flag flying in the state capitals. The GOP has been getting the votes of the bigots for decades. All right wing groups vote republican. So for Paul Ryan to disavow bigotry in the republican party, is just a big lie. Without the bigot vote, the GOP loses every time. Everybody knows the bigots didn't vote for Obama. And everybody knows the bigots love seeing Obama smeared by the GOP for the last seven years.
But Paul Ryan's declaration has given all of the bigot vote to Trump. And Trump loves having those's the vast majority of republican voters.
But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots. There are many already, even in congress, that are threatening to leave the GOP if Trump gets the nomination,...which looks more than probable.
And even a lot of pentagon generals are threatening to resign if Trump becomes POTUS.

The implosion of the GOP could be the greatest thing to ever happen in America.
I'm a descendant of Cherokee Indians, so screw you and your quack genealogy.

It is quite offensive that you can do nothing but stereotype people who live here in the south.

You get mad when people stereotype Muslims, so why is it okay to do the same to southerners?
"But this may be an epiphany to republicans that aren't bigots."

This is hardly stereotyping. But you know that MOST SOUTHERNERS ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE CONFEDERACY, don't you.
I lived in Alabama when I was a kid. There was a sign at the railroad tracks that said, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NI**ERS ON THIS SIDE OF THE TRACK AFTER SUNDOWN. The other side of the track was called ni**er town.
You and I both know that sentiment is still prevalent throughout the south.
BTW, I'm Cherokee and Blackfoot...and I'm very aware of the genocide done to Real Americans, by the white bigots.

I've worked in the SOuth, and socialized with my co-workers. THere was no such segregation.

How long ago was your childhood?
You are lying again. There was such segregation in many places throughout the south and bordering states. google Rosewood Florida and Greenwood, OK. Both of these Black segregated enclaves were prosperous. That doomed them to destruction by marauding conservative murderers
and rioters who just could not stand to see their stereotypical Negro prosper.

I did.

Rosewood was in 1923.

Nearly one hundred years ago.

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