The South's Last, Desperate Stand

Personally, I don't care if someone wants to marry someone of the same sex. It isn't my thing and it isn't going to affect me.
For all I care, if someone wants to marry a goat or a chair, I don't give a sh!t; again, it doesn't affect how I live my life.
That said, those supporting same-sex marriage and those opposed need to get something through their heads.
Because of the current situation we are faced with in this nation, same-sex marriage is.....temporary. It may go on for some generations, but over time it will end.
The current administration is frequently funneling in tens of thousands of Muslims on a regular basis.
Eighty percent of the mosques in this nation preach hatred against non-Muslims; eighty-five percent teach the same ideology in Canada. Most of those mosques being built are funded by the Saudis (which follows an ultra-strict version of Islam referred to as Wahabi). Oh yes, the funding is provided via the money we give them through our gas consumption.
Muslim immigrants and so-called refugees consistently have larger families than westerners.
President Obama has pulled out the sympathy card for those coming in, saying that there are politicians that want to deny women/widows and orphans a home here. If one checks, one will find that the large number of those coming in are fighting age males.
Currently the United States has only "two" Muslim politicians in Congress and as more and more Muslims vote and enter into politics, that number will, of course, increase.
The change of the overall makeup of congress and the senate will change to one that is more pro-Islamic. Once Muslims have enough power in the halls of congress and the senate, the laws of the land will naturally change.
Eventually, they will just eliminate the U.S. Constitution and replace it with Sharia and the Hadith.
This will take several generations but it WILL happen. To deny it or ignore it won't change the outcome.
Once it does happen, same-sex marriage will no longer be an issue as gays and lesbians will be rounded up and dealt with in the manner that Islam deals with such individuals. It'll be...."off with their heads."
For those bleeding-heart liberals and religious types who think that "they believe in a God as do we," you just have to look around strict Islamic nations for won't find them...they are considered anti-Islamic and the teaching is that the "people of the book (Christians and Jews) are the enemy who must be converted, subjugated, or killed. They also preach against anyone who doesn't obey the Quran (this of course included anyone that is non-Muslim).

Muslims make up 1.71% of the population. They are, with very rare exception, perfectly law abiding citizens. Making your narrative unlikely, as they lack both the numbers and the will to do as you indicate.

Perhaps your anti-muslim post would be better suited for its own thread.
You could say that sodomite marriage was the Hussein administration's "last desperate stand". I can guarantee that Alabama will be around a long time after Barry Obama is nothing but a bitter memory.
You could say that sodomite marriage was the Hussein administration's "last desperate stand". I can guarantee that Alabama will be around a long time after Barry Obama is nothing but a bitter memory.

Alabama isn't going anywhere. Nor is there any indication that same sex marriage is either.
You could say that sodomite marriage was the Hussein administration's "last desperate stand". I can guarantee that Alabama will be around a long time after Barry Obama is nothing but a bitter memory.
Gotta be the dumbest post of the year
You could say that sodomite marriage was the Hussein administration's "last desperate stand". I can guarantee that Alabama will be around a long time after Barry Obama is nothing but a bitter memory.
Gotta be the dumbest post of the year

Meh. Its a little generic to be particularly memorable.

But then, we're only a week into this year. So the bar is set kinda low.
Personally, I don't care if someone wants to marry someone of the same sex. It isn't my thing and it isn't going to affect me.
For all I care, if someone wants to marry a goat or a chair, I don't give a sh!t; again, it doesn't affect how I live my life.
That said, those supporting same-sex marriage and those opposed need to get something through their heads.
Because of the current situation we are faced with in this nation, same-sex marriage is.....temporary. It may go on for some generations, but over time it will end.
The current administration is frequently funneling in tens of thousands of Muslims on a regular basis.
Eighty percent of the mosques in this nation preach hatred against non-Muslims; eighty-five percent teach the same ideology in Canada. Most of those mosques being built are funded by the Saudis (which follows an ultra-strict version of Islam referred to as Wahabi). Oh yes, the funding is provided via the money we give them through our gas consumption.
Muslim immigrants and so-called refugees consistently have larger families than westerners.
President Obama has pulled out the sympathy card for those coming in, saying that there are politicians that want to deny women/widows and orphans a home here. If one checks, one will find that the large number of those coming in are fighting age males.
Currently the United States has only "two" Muslim politicians in Congress and as more and more Muslims vote and enter into politics, that number will, of course, increase.
The change of the overall makeup of congress and the senate will change to one that is more pro-Islamic. Once Muslims have enough power in the halls of congress and the senate, the laws of the land will naturally change.
Eventually, they will just eliminate the U.S. Constitution and replace it with Sharia and the Hadith.
This will take several generations but it WILL happen. To deny it or ignore it won't change the outcome.
Once it does happen, same-sex marriage will no longer be an issue as gays and lesbians will be rounded up and dealt with in the manner that Islam deals with such individuals. It'll be...."off with their heads."
For those bleeding-heart liberals and religious types who think that "they believe in a God as do we," you just have to look around strict Islamic nations for won't find them...they are considered anti-Islamic and the teaching is that the "people of the book (Christians and Jews) are the enemy who must be converted, subjugated, or killed. They also preach against anyone who doesn't obey the Quran (this of course included anyone that is non-Muslim).

Muslims make up 1.71% of the population. They are, with very rare exception, perfectly law abiding citizens. Making your narrative unlikely, as they lack both the numbers and the will to do as you indicate.

Perhaps your anti-muslim post would be better suited for its own thread.
I stand by my statement. The numbers will change, however, it will take "generations." The operative word here is "generations."
But you have my permission to live your lifestyle while we go swimming, snorkeling, jet skiing, fishing, hunting, eating fresh vegetables, fresh seafood,
I've been doing a lot of that for years. I could swear that I'm living in the northeast, but I guess I'm living in Florida. Damn

Look down at the beach sand. If the sand is brown and ugly, you're in the northeast. If the sand is so white it hurts your eyes to look at it without sunshades, you're on the Emerald Coast in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico.
You've obviously never been to the Cape
But you have my permission to live your lifestyle while we go swimming, snorkeling, jet skiing, fishing, hunting, eating fresh vegetables, fresh seafood,
I've been doing a lot of that for years. I could swear that I'm living in the northeast, but I guess I'm living in Florida. Damn

Look down at the beach sand. If the sand is brown and ugly, you're in the northeast. If the sand is so white it hurts your eyes to look at it without sunshades, you're on the Emerald Coast in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico.
You've obviously never been to the Cape

You've obviously never been on the Gulf side. Yes, the Cape is on the Atlantic just as is the northeast. Ugly brown sand. I live in Pensacola. Beautiful blindingly white clean sand and crystal water.
But you have my permission to live your lifestyle while we go swimming, snorkeling, jet skiing, fishing, hunting, eating fresh vegetables, fresh seafood,
I've been doing a lot of that for years. I could swear that I'm living in the northeast, but I guess I'm living in Florida. Damn

Look down at the beach sand. If the sand is brown and ugly, you're in the northeast. If the sand is so white it hurts your eyes to look at it without sunshades, you're on the Emerald Coast in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico.
You've obviously never been to the Cape

You've obviously never been on the Gulf side. Yes, the Cape is on the Atlantic just as is the northeast. Ugly brown sand. I live in Pensacola. Beautiful blindingly white clean sand and crystal water.
I've been to Florida. The beaches are beautiful. I had a great time. I'm originally from Texas. I've lived all over. Hawaii has great beaches as well. So does California. So, yeah. Cool story, bro :thup:
But you have my permission to live your lifestyle while we go swimming, snorkeling, jet skiing, fishing, hunting, eating fresh vegetables, fresh seafood,
I've been doing a lot of that for years. I could swear that I'm living in the northeast, but I guess I'm living in Florida. Damn

Look down at the beach sand. If the sand is brown and ugly, you're in the northeast. If the sand is so white it hurts your eyes to look at it without sunshades, you're on the Emerald Coast in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico.
You've obviously never been to the Cape

You've obviously never been on the Gulf side. Yes, the Cape is on the Atlantic just as is the northeast. Ugly brown sand. I live in Pensacola. Beautiful blindingly white clean sand and crystal water.

I've lived in Tampa. Its gorgeous. The prettiest beaches in the US mainland are gulf coast beaches., unquestioningly. Though Hawaii takes the cake if we include the whole US.

Its the pee-pee warm ocean water that wins it for them too.
To paraphrase a popular idiom, "you can lead a country to sodomite marriage but you can't make them accept it".
To paraphrase a popular idiom, "you can lead a country to sodomite marriage but you can't make them accept it".

You don't need to 'make' them. As majority supported preceded the ruling:

Record-High 60% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage


Record-High 60% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

This about a month before the ruling. And if you break it down by age group, you have to all the way to the 65 and up crowd before you find a group that doesn't have majority support for same sex marriage.

As a nation we're rapidly aging out of opposition to same sex marriage.
Politics and legalese aside, 1. why does it matter to anyone what two people do in the privacy of their homes? Why is it so horrible for two people to love each other and want to make a permanent, legal commitment to each other? Why?

1. "Gay marriage" is no longer in the privacy of someone's home. It is a public declaration of a family union. Children share implicitly in the marriage contract, so pay attention to my next point:

2. What is horrible by gays hijacking marriage is that so doing, they strip children of a vital necessity (a mother and father in marriage) for which the marriage contract was invented for over a thousand years ago. Adults CANNOT create contracts that strip children of a vital necessity. They are not merely voidable contracts, they are IMMEDIATELY VOID while their ink is still wet. Without challenge. That's bedrock law on contracts dear. The only hope children had was the marriage contract to bring both a mother and father into their daily lives. With "gay marriage" there is never any hope of that happening for them.

That's "Why?"...Ancient immutable, longstanding law and contract statutes..
I'm not familiar with the contract statutes or longstanding law you are referring to. Marriage has only been around for 1,000 years? You've lost me there. But it sounds like long-standing tradition is a big part of your objection to gay marriage, is that right?
Personally, I don't care if someone wants to marry someone of the same sex. It isn't my thing and it isn't going to affect me.
For all I care, if someone wants to marry a goat or a chair, I don't give a sh!t; again, it doesn't affect how I live my life.
That said, those supporting same-sex marriage and those opposed need to get something through their heads.
Because of the current situation we are faced with in this nation, same-sex marriage is.....temporary. It may go on for some generations, but over time it will end.
The current administration is frequently funneling in tens of thousands of Muslims on a regular basis.
Eighty percent of the mosques in this nation preach hatred against non-Muslims; eighty-five percent teach the same ideology in Canada. Most of those mosques being built are funded by the Saudis (which follows an ultra-strict version of Islam referred to as Wahabi). Oh yes, the funding is provided via the money we give them through our gas consumption.
Muslim immigrants and so-called refugees consistently have larger families than westerners.
President Obama has pulled out the sympathy card for those coming in, saying that there are politicians that want to deny women/widows and orphans a home here. If one checks, one will find that the large number of those coming in are fighting age males.
Currently the United States has only "two" Muslim politicians in Congress and as more and more Muslims vote and enter into politics, that number will, of course, increase.
The change of the overall makeup of congress and the senate will change to one that is more pro-Islamic. Once Muslims have enough power in the halls of congress and the senate, the laws of the land will naturally change.
Eventually, they will just eliminate the U.S. Constitution and replace it with Sharia and the Hadith.
This will take several generations but it WILL happen. To deny it or ignore it won't change the outcome.
Once it does happen, same-sex marriage will no longer be an issue as gays and lesbians will be rounded up and dealt with in the manner that Islam deals with such individuals. It'll be...."off with their heads."
For those bleeding-heart liberals and religious types who think that "they believe in a God as do we," you just have to look around strict Islamic nations for won't find them...they are considered anti-Islamic and the teaching is that the "people of the book (Christians and Jews) are the enemy who must be converted, subjugated, or killed. They also preach against anyone who doesn't obey the Quran (this of course included anyone that is non-Muslim).
I agree with your opening statement. The Muslim thing deserves its own thread.
You could say that sodomite marriage was the Hussein administration's "last desperate stand". I can guarantee that Alabama will be around a long time after Barry Obama is nothing but a bitter memory.
So, if you don't mind my guessing, by calling it "sodomite marriage," are your personal objections to gay marriage based on your religious beliefs?
Yes, because people don't have to accept, promote or play along with ephemeral repugnant behaviors.

Homesexuals have existed all through human history, it is hardly ephemeral ("lasting for a very short time." synonyms: transitory,transient,fleeting,passing,short-lived,momentary,brief,short).

That's like saying government doesn't have to treat interracial marriages equally because they are engaged in an ephemeral repugnant behavior. And yes, since blacks could marry and whites could marry equally, interracial marriages is a behavior unless you care to shows a biological reason that a white man being married to a black woman (as was the case for the Lovings).

Yes, because people don't have to accept, promote or play along with ephemeral repugnant behaviors.

Homesexuals have existed all through human history, it is hardly ephemeral ("lasting for a very short time." synonyms: transitory,transient,fleeting,passing,short-lived,momentary,brief,short).

Bulimia, cleptomania and murder have all existed through human history. It doesn't mean they're legally equal to a race of people. Behaviors aren't race. How could anyone make this mistake? Behaviors can and do change (Anne Heche). Race never does from birth.

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