The "Spin" Is Most Amusing

Ask the tens of thousands of illegals who now will not be able to 'game the system' if they think President Trump "backed down". HAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA!
President Donald Trump on Friday night backed down from imposing a 5% tariff on all goods entering the country from Mexico, instead reaching an agreement with the country.

"Backed down? :auiqs.jpg:

Trump Backs Off Of Mexico Tariff Threat After Agreement Is Made | HuffPost

Yep, he backed down. He got some vague promise from Mexico and backed down, just like he did with the threat the close the border.

I called this last Sunday, said he would do exactly what he did when with the threat to close to border.
If you believe President Trump will repeat what BONOBO did you are delusional.
BONOBO saw a budding DEM voter everytime an illegal snuck across the border.

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