The spokesman for the MS-13 gang Senator Chuck Schumer has condemned President Trump


Video: Did Trump Really Call Immigrants “Animals”?
Why is Trump only concerned with MS 13?

The US is infested with gang activity

Because that was specifically what the interviewer ASKED him about. Moron!

And rightfully so, they are a big gang that murders people, traffics drugs...

Then again, you must have only got the part where Trump said "they are animals" from CNN.
It is not clear that Trump was referring to MI-13.

Yes it is. And the media and the left are PURPOSELY taking his remark out of context. So Chucky Schumer whining that immigrants are not animals is the lowest form of political lying. Because that was NOT the context of the statement. Press credentials need to be put in "time-out" until this juvenile hissy fit calms down...

No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.

Let's fix the propaganda you've been fed. Here is the question that was asked by the Press and his "animal" response WITHOUT MSNBC/CNN phony editing...

Video link:Trump’s ‘animal’ comments taken out of context

It was COMPLETELY in response to a Press question about MS-13.. I saw it happen live. He was not calling all immigrants animals as the entire left media and Chucky Schumer and others are asserting.

What Trump is doing is typical Trump. He claims that California is releasing all of these violent offenders when it is not true nor does he offer any evidence of it. Trump's ICE operates the same way by falsely claiming that young people are members of MS-13. A federal judge recently called out ICE for lying for falsely accusing the young person of being with MS-13.
It is not clear that Trump was referring to MI-13.

Yes it is. And the media and the left are PURPOSELY taking his remark out of context. So Chucky Schumer whining that immigrants are not animals is the lowest form of political lying. Because that was NOT the context of the statement. Press credentials need to be put in "time-out" until this juvenile hissy fit calms down...

No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.
This is where you are lying by mis-representing what he said. He never said Mexicans were rapists and murderers. He said a large part of the people Mexican and other nationales, crossing the border were rapist and murderers. So you are just as guilty as left wing media at lying.
Ya know, I’m getting so tired of conservatives telling me that I love MS-13, that I am THIS CLOSE to calling up and joining the gang!

You know, the same way that calling people racist turns them into Trump supporting bigots.
It is not clear that Trump was referring to MI-13.

Yes it is. And the media and the left are PURPOSELY taking his remark out of context. So Chucky Schumer whining that immigrants are not animals is the lowest form of political lying. Because that was NOT the context of the statement. Press credentials need to be put in "time-out" until this juvenile hissy fit calms down...

No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.
This is where you are lying by mis-representing what he said. He never said Mexicans were rapists and murderers. He said a large part of the people Mexican and other nationales, crossing the border were rapist and murderers. So you are just as guilty as left wing media at lying.

Is what he said true? Are a large part of southern border crossing immigrants rapists and murderers?
Had Obama said this about the MS13 animals, the Regressives would be nodding their heads in solemn agreement.

Hey folks, this is contemporary American politics: Transparent, feigned outrage at every possible opportunity. Enjoy.
It is not clear that Trump was referring to MI-13.

Yes it is. And the media and the left are PURPOSELY taking his remark out of context. So Chucky Schumer whining that immigrants are not animals is the lowest form of political lying. Because that was NOT the context of the statement. Press credentials need to be put in "time-out" until this juvenile hissy fit calms down...

No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.

Let's fix the propaganda you've been fed. Here is the question that was asked by the Press and his "animal" response WITHOUT MSNBC/CNN phony editing...

Video link:Trump’s ‘animal’ comments taken out of context

It was COMPLETELY in response to a Press question about MS-13.. I saw it happen live. He was not calling all immigrants animals as the entire left media and Chucky Schumer and others are asserting.
... and note the Regressives try their deflect/pivot/attack routine even when the subject is MS13.

These zealots don't care who they have to align themselves with.

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Had Obama said this about the MS13 animals, the Regressives would be nodding their heads in solemn agreement.

Hey folks, this is contemporary American politics: Transparent, feigned outrage at every possible opportunity. Enjoy.
It is truly amazing to watch the liberal media dupe leftists over and over again.

There is no doubt Trump can be a bombastic fool all on his own, but the liberal media has a tremendous need to inflate and exaggerate his comments. Does anyone think that has something to do with making money, ie ratings?
Had Obama said this about the MS13 animals, the Regressives would be nodding their heads in solemn agreement.

Hey folks, this is contemporary American politics: Transparent, feigned outrage at every possible opportunity. Enjoy.
It is truly amazing to watch the liberal media dupe leftists over and over again.

There is no doubt Trump can be a bombastic fool all on his own, but the liberal media has a tremendous need to inflate and exaggerate his comments. Does anyone think that has something to do with making money, ie ratings?
Ratings are important, but ideology is more so.
Yes it is. And the media and the left are PURPOSELY taking his remark out of context. So Chucky Schumer whining that immigrants are not animals is the lowest form of political lying. Because that was NOT the context of the statement. Press credentials need to be put in "time-out" until this juvenile hissy fit calms down...

No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.
This is where you are lying by mis-representing what he said. He never said Mexicans were rapists and murderers. He said a large part of the people Mexican and other nationales, crossing the border were rapist and murderers. So you are just as guilty as left wing media at lying.

Is what he said true? Are a large part of southern border crossing immigrants rapists and murderers?
It's not their sheep sneaking across the border, it's their fox's and wolves. Instead of staying in their own country and making it better they use their muscle and skill to escape to America. As long as we allow them to continue to do that they will have no incentive to fixing their own country. It perpetuate the problem to allow them to come here and send money back home it doesn't solve it.
The spokesman for the MS-13 gang Senator Chuck Schumer has condemned President Trump for his criticism of MS-13 criminals

Don’t you wish that the Democrats cared just 1% as much for American citizens as they do for illegal alien MS-13 gang members?

Chuck Schumer spends the day defending MS-13 from Trump’s ‘animal’ comments

View attachment 193979

Well MS 13 worships satan and kills people, which reduces carbon emissions, so Dims naturally feel compelled to defend their brothers.
Hello outraged, politically correct friends!

We know that Trump was referring to MS13 the other day when he used the term “animals”. We know that in that particular exchange he was responding to a LEO who was expressing concern about the gang.

And, while nobody is defending MS13, intelligent people are taking the man’s history into account as we grasp the full intent of his rhetoric. People who are not PC don’t view these comments in a vacuum. They’re part of the Trump story as a whole.

If you want to be PC, you will bend over backwards to defend the Bigot In Chief as he issues dog whistle after dog whistle. You will never point out that MS13 is an American gang and that MS13 members are not pouring across the border. You will never point out that immigrants are less violent and commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.

Thanks for your concern. It’s always so much fun.
No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.
This is where you are lying by mis-representing what he said. He never said Mexicans were rapists and murderers. He said a large part of the people Mexican and other nationales, crossing the border were rapist and murderers. So you are just as guilty as left wing media at lying.

Is what he said true? Are a large part of southern border crossing immigrants rapists and murderers?
It's not their sheep sneaking across the border, it's their fox's and wolves. Instead of staying in their own country and making it better they use their muscle and skill to escape to America. As long as we allow them to continue to do that they will have no incentive to fixing their own country. It perpetuate the problem to allow them to come here and send money back home it doesn't solve it.

You did not answer the question.
When did he call "all" immigrants animals?

Read the transcripts, dummy.

Joe just makes stuff up as he goes.

Not a serious poster.

I don't have to make stuff up.

Watch the Whole Video

SHERIFF MIMS: And I appreciated Mr. Homan and ICE. We had a great relationship; we still do. But now ICE is the only law enforcement agency that cannot use our databases to find the bad guys. They cannot come in and talk to people in our jail, unless they reach a certain threshold. They can’t do all kinds of things that other law enforcement agencies can do. And it’s really put us in a very bad position.

[Trump]:: It’s a disgrace. Okay? It’s a disgrace.

SHERIFF MIMS: It’s a disgrace.

[Trump]: And we’re suing on that, and we’re working hard, and I think it will all come together, because people want it to come together. It’s so ridiculous. The concept that we’re even talking about is ridiculous. We’ll take care of it, Margaret. We’ll win.

SHERIFF MIMS: Thank you. There could be an MS-13 member I know about — if they don’t reach a certain threshold, I cannot tell ICE about it.

[Trump]: We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It’s crazy.

Now please note, MS-13 is only mentioned in PASSING, like they have to be an MS-13 member for ICE to get involved, not some undocumented worker who got picked up for a traffic violation.

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