The spokesman for the MS-13 gang Senator Chuck Schumer has condemned President Trump

Why is Trump only concerned with MS 13?

The US is infested with gang activity

He made a comment about ms 13 in the context of a meeting on illegals.

And you take that as reason to believe that he does not care about other gangs?

Do you support deporting all ms 13 members and preventing any more from coming in?
He made a comment about ms 13 in the context of a meeting on illegals.

And you take that as reason to believe that he does not care about other gangs?

Do you support deporting all ms 13 members and preventing any more from coming in?

KKKorrell, you can't have it both ways.

Either he was calling all Undocumented immigrants 'animals', or he was just saying it about MS-13, which is an American gang.
He made a comment about ms 13 in the context of a meeting on illegals.

And you take that as reason to believe that he does not care about other gangs?

Do you support deporting all ms 13 members and preventing any more from coming in?

KKKorrell, you can't have it both ways.

Either he was calling all Undocumented immigrants 'animals', or he was just saying it about MS-13, which is an American gang.

Are you saying that in 2018, there is no MS13 in Mexico, El Salvador, or other parts of Central America? If you find that MS13 is outside the US, and, you will, are you saying they have no ties to the MS13 in America?
The Democrats OWN the problems, and violent crime we have from illegal aliens, and MS-13. They are more than willing to put American citizens at more risk to advance their agenda. It is unbelievable, but they get away with it due to most of the Media not holding them accountable.
The spokesman for the MS-13 gang Senator Chuck Schumer has condemned President Trump for his criticism of MS-13 criminals

Don’t you wish that the Democrats cared just 1% as much for American citizens as they do for illegal alien MS-13 gang members?

Chuck Schumer spends the day defending MS-13 from Trump’s ‘animal’ comments

View attachment 193979

Would anyone expect anything less from that dumbass?

Who in their right mind would defend a bunch of gangbangers??

Chuck Schumer of course. What a fucking maroon.
He made a comment about ms 13 in the context of a meeting on illegals.

And you take that as reason to believe that he does not care about other gangs?

Do you support deporting all ms 13 members and preventing any more from coming in?

KKKorrell, you can't have it both ways.

Either he was calling all Undocumented immigrants 'animals', or he was just saying it about MS-13, which is an American gang.

Are you saying that in 2018, there is no MS13 in Mexico, El Salvador, or other parts of Central America? If you find that MS13 is outside the US, and, you will, are you saying they have no ties to the MS13 in America?

You bet your ass they are in Mexico, El Salvador and a host of other countries as well.

Anyone who thinks differently isn't as smart as that box of rocks.
He made a comment about ms 13 in the context of a meeting on illegals.

And you take that as reason to believe that he does not care about other gangs?

Do you support deporting all ms 13 members and preventing any more from coming in?

KKKorrell, you can't have it both ways.

Either he was calling all Undocumented immigrants 'animals', or he was just saying it about MS-13, which is an American gang.

Are you saying that in 2018, there is no MS13 in Mexico, El Salvador, or other parts of Central America? If you find that MS13 is outside the US, and, you will, are you saying they have no ties to the MS13 in America?

You bet your ass they are in Mexico, El Salvador and a host of other countries as well.

Anyone who thinks differently isn't as smart as that box of rocks.

Yep.... clearly not solely an American gang.
Hello outraged, politically correct friends!

We know that Trump was referring to MS13 the other day when he used the term “animals”. We know that in that particular exchange he was responding to a LEO who was expressing concern about the gang.

And, while nobody is defending MS13, intelligent people are taking the man’s history into account as we grasp the full intent of his rhetoric. People who are not PC don’t view these comments in a vacuum. They’re part of the Trump story as a whole.

If you want to be PC, you will bend over backwards to defend the Bigot In Chief as he issues dog whistle after dog whistle. You will never point out that MS13 is an American gang and that MS13 members are not pouring across the border. You will never point out that immigrants are less violent and commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.

Thanks for your concern. It’s always so much fun.

No worries.

It's like when the media said Trump banned all Muslim immigrants. It turns out that he only banned certain immigrants from certain countries, which were predominantly Muslim. Obama also did this, yet the media lied and said he banned all Muslims cuz he hates them.

I really enjoy you and your peeps in the press continuing to discredit themselves. Thanks to such efforts, your voices are being turned off all across America.
Yes it is. And the media and the left are PURPOSELY taking his remark out of context. So Chucky Schumer whining that immigrants are not animals is the lowest form of political lying. Because that was NOT the context of the statement. Press credentials need to be put in "time-out" until this juvenile hissy fit calms down...

No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.

Let's fix the propaganda you've been fed. Here is the question that was asked by the Press and his "animal" response WITHOUT MSNBC/CNN phony editing...

Video link:Trump’s ‘animal’ comments taken out of context

It was COMPLETELY in response to a Press question about MS-13.. I saw it happen live. He was not calling all immigrants animals as the entire left media and Chucky Schumer and others are asserting.

What Trump is doing is typical Trump. He claims that California is releasing all of these violent offenders when it is not true nor does he offer any evidence of it. Trump's ICE operates the same way by falsely claiming that young people are members of MS-13. A federal judge recently called out ICE for lying for falsely accusing the young person of being with MS-13.

Of course you change the subject to YOUR subject which is "destroy Trump" even if you have to LIE about what he says.

ICE has judicial review. That's a GOOD thing. So if a person has no serious criminal record and is ONLY ACCUSED of being a gang member -- that will be resolved. But Cali IS shuffling illegals with criminal records AWAY from Fed Enforcement. THat's illegal. And Stupid. Because they CARE what that illegal's criminal record actually is -- they just are psychotic with Trump rage and want to throw a hissy fit and put their citizens in danger...
Why is Trump only concerned with MS 13?

The US is infested with gang activity

He's not. And neither are the majority of folks in the Socialist Republic of Cali. They are JUST as concerned about Kate Steinley and the hundreds of other pathethic cases where the lefties granted sanctuary to CRIMINAL aliens who have been apprehended and deported MULTIPLE times and ended up killing and repeat offending.

Cali jails are FILLED with illegals. Something over 30% of the inmate population. That's happening because the sanctuary folks will NOT cooperate on getting these folks OUT of the country or attempts to CONTROL the immigration in the 1st place.
Are you saying that in 2018, there is no MS13 in Mexico, El Salvador, or other parts of Central America? If you find that MS13 is outside the US, and, you will, are you saying they have no ties to the MS13 in America?

I'm not saying anything to you, you are kind of a retard.

The Democrats OWN the problems, and violent crime we have from illegal aliens, and MS-13. They are more than willing to put American citizens at more risk to advance their agenda. It is unbelievable, but they get away with it due to most of the Media not holding them accountable.

Or because of outside of the Fox News Fear-Sphere, it just ain't that big of a deal.
Are you saying that in 2018, there is no MS13 in Mexico, El Salvador, or other parts of Central America? If you find that MS13 is outside the US, and, you will, are you saying they have no ties to the MS13 in America?

I'm not saying anything to you, you are kind of a retard.

The Democrats OWN the problems, and violent crime we have from illegal aliens, and MS-13. They are more than willing to put American citizens at more risk to advance their agenda. It is unbelievable, but they get away with it due to most of the Media not holding them accountable.

Or because of outside of the Fox News Fear-Sphere, it just ain't that big of a deal.

When a liberal retorts with name calling or slamming Fox News as his core retort in a debate, it is definitive sign they have lost the debate.
It is not clear that Trump was referring to MI-13.

Yes it is. And the media and the left are PURPOSELY taking his remark out of context. So Chucky Schumer whining that immigrants are not animals is the lowest form of political lying. Because that was NOT the context of the statement. Press credentials need to be put in "time-out" until this juvenile hissy fit calms down...

No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.

Let's fix the propaganda you've been fed. Here is the question that was asked by the Press and his "animal" response WITHOUT MSNBC/CNN phony editing...

Video link:Trump’s ‘animal’ comments taken out of context

It was COMPLETELY in response to a Press question about MS-13.. I saw it happen live. He was not calling all immigrants animals as the entire left media and Chucky Schumer and others are asserting.

Actually it was a response to a question asked by the Fresno county sheriff.

Hello outraged, politically correct friends!

We know that Trump was referring to MS13 the other day when he used the term “animals”. We know that in that particular exchange he was responding to a LEO who was expressing concern about the gang.

And, while nobody is defending MS13, intelligent people are taking the man’s history into account as we grasp the full intent of his rhetoric. People who are not PC don’t view these comments in a vacuum. They’re part of the Trump story as a whole.

If you want to be PC, you will bend over backwards to defend the Bigot In Chief as he issues dog whistle after dog whistle. You will never point out that MS13 is an American gang and that MS13 members are not pouring across the border. You will never point out that immigrants are less violent and commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.

Thanks for your concern. It’s always so much fun.

Why is it only commiecrats can hear dog whistles?

No it is not you Trump ANIMAL. Trump making false accusations is the lowest for political lying and you are the lowest form of political ANIMAL.

How did I become an Animal here? I just happened to hear his speech. And was SHOCKED at the blatant and INTENTIONAL misrepresentations coming out of the "radicalized" American Media. Including the criminal video/audio edits of the President's commments.

I'm NOT in this war. You tribal warriors are just KILLING MY COUNTRY. And I want you all to just destroy BOTH your corrupt and inept parties. So that America can move on. And the press has ALREADY destroyed themselves with lies and omissions and bias. The 2 parties are killing each really well. Any day that happens is a good day for me. I want it over with sooner rather than later.

There was no mis-representation of what he said. He talked about people crossing the border. This is a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The fact that he refuses to apologize for the garbage he spews is appalling. That is why a plurality see him as racist.

Let's fix the propaganda you've been fed. Here is the question that was asked by the Press and his "animal" response WITHOUT MSNBC/CNN phony editing...

Video link:Trump’s ‘animal’ comments taken out of context

It was COMPLETELY in response to a Press question about MS-13.. I saw it happen live. He was not calling all immigrants animals as the entire left media and Chucky Schumer and others are asserting.

What Trump is doing is typical Trump. He claims that California is releasing all of these violent offenders when it is not true nor does he offer any evidence of it. Trump's ICE operates the same way by falsely claiming that young people are members of MS-13. A federal judge recently called out ICE for lying for falsely accusing the young person of being with MS-13.

Of course you change the subject to YOUR subject which is "destroy Trump" even if you have to LIE about what he says.

ICE has judicial review. That's a GOOD thing. So if a person has no serious criminal record and is ONLY ACCUSED of being a gang member -- that will be resolved. But Cali IS shuffling illegals with criminal records AWAY from Fed Enforcement. THat's illegal. And Stupid. Because they CARE what that illegal's criminal record actually is -- they just are psychotic with Trump rage and want to throw a hissy fit and put their citizens in danger...

They are also charging felons with misdemeanors to protect them form ICE.

When a liberal retorts with name calling or slamming Fox News as his core retort in a debate, it is definitive sign they have lost the debate.

Again, it's kind of tiresome to watch you guys shit yourselves because Fox News told you this gang with only a few hundred members is such a threat.

Trump plays on your worst instincts, and you think it's fine. That's what makes you kind of a retard...

Hello outraged, politically correct friends!

We know that Trump was referring to MS13 the other day when he used the term “animals”. We know that in that particular exchange he was responding to a LEO who was expressing concern about the gang.

And, while nobody is defending MS13, intelligent people are taking the man’s history into account as we grasp the full intent of his rhetoric. People who are not PC don’t view these comments in a vacuum. They’re part of the Trump story as a whole.

If you want to be PC, you will bend over backwards to defend the Bigot In Chief as he issues dog whistle after dog whistle. You will never point out that MS13 is an American gang and that MS13 members are not pouring across the border. You will never point out that immigrants are less violent and commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.

Thanks for your concern. It’s always so much fun.

Why is it only commiecrats can hear dog whistles?


It isn’t. But it’s mainly nutbag losers who issue them.
When a liberal retorts with name calling or slamming Fox News as his core retort in a debate, it is definitive sign they have lost the debate.

Again, it's kind of tiresome to watch you guys shit yourselves because Fox News told you this gang with only a few hundred members is such a threat.

Trump plays on your worst instincts, and you think it's fine. That's what makes you kind of a retard...

View attachment 194257

Who is telling you that MS 13 is only a few hundred members? I would also request that you stop using the term “retard”. Many of us here have ties and relationships with people who through no fault or error of their own were born with development issues. The term is offensive.

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