The spokesman for the MS-13 gang Senator Chuck Schumer has condemned President Trump

Subjective interpretation is not empirically objective fact. Interpret all you want. The transcript shows the subject was MS-13. Trump referred to MS-13 as animals.

No, he referred to Immigrants as animals.

"We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we're stopping a lot of them — but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals. And we're taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that's never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It's crazy.

No mention of MS-13, or "Some of these people", or any kind of qualifier.
Actually, no he didn’t and I asked you to post your evidence!

Nope he called ms13 animals.

The spokesman for the MS-13 gang Senator Chuck Schumer has condemned President Trump for his criticism of MS-13 criminals

Don’t you wish that the Democrats cared just 1% as much for American citizens as they do for illegal alien MS-13 gang members?

Chuck Schumer spends the day defending MS-13 from Trump’s ‘animal’ comments

View attachment 193979

You actually had to go to CANADA to get this news source?--The Canada Free Press is something we're supposed to believe?

Have you viewed any of the Russian adds that were inundated on FACEBOOK yet? Do they look like REAL news to you? You apparently haven't learned a dam thing yet,




russian ads facebook - Yahoo Image Search Results
Last edited:
The spokesman for the MS-13 gang Senator Chuck Schumer has condemned President Trump for his criticism of MS-13 criminals

Don’t you wish that the Democrats cared just 1% as much for American citizens as they do for illegal alien MS-13 gang members?

Chuck Schumer spends the day defending MS-13 from Trump’s ‘animal’ comments

View attachment 193979

You actually had to go to CANADA to get this news source?--The Canada Free Press is something we're supposed to believe?

Have you viewed any of the Russian adds that were inundated on FACEBOOK yet? Do they look like REAL news to you? You apparently haven't learned a dam thing yet,




russian ads facebook - Yahoo Image Search Results
OMG! Russian memes! I'm sure that if it wasn't for the Russian memes everybody would have voted for Hills...

Damn Russians! idiots. The whole Mueller thing is a smoke screen. The left is playing right into Trump's hands.

We are going to clean up in 2020.
You are back tracking because he only called MS-13 ‘animals’. When and where did Trump say something racist about Immigrants?

No he called IMMIGRANTS animals. And he called them rapists before that. And he called their countries "Shitholes' before that.

The woman asking the question referred to MS 13 specifically. You just quoted his response to her.

She mentioned MS13 in passing... and again, given all the other racist shit Trump says, all the fucking time, he doesn't get a mulligan.
You are back tracking because he only called MS-13 ‘animals’. When and where did Trump say something racist about Immigrants?

No he called IMMIGRANTS animals. And he called them rapists before that. And he called their countries "Shitholes' before that.

The woman asking the question referred to MS 13 specifically. You just quoted his response to her.

She mentioned MS13 in passing... and again, given all the other racist shit Trump says, all the fucking time, he doesn't get a mulligan.

You are back tracking because he only called MS-13 ‘animals’. When and where did Trump say something racist about Immigrants?

No he called IMMIGRANTS animals. And he called them rapists before that. And he called their countries "Shitholes' before that.

The woman asking the question referred to MS 13 specifically. You just quoted his response to her.

She mentioned MS13 in passing... and again, given all the other racist shit Trump says, all the fucking time, he doesn't get a mulligan.

Lefties build the case for open borders/relaxed immigration by pointing out how bad things are in their countries; Mexico and Syria, as recent examples. Liberals say they are bad, Trump calls them shitholes. There is no difference.
Subjective interpretation is not empirically objective fact. Interpret all you want. The transcript shows the subject was MS-13. Trump referred to MS-13 as animals.

No, he referred to Immigrants as animals.

"We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we're stopping a lot of them — but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals. And we're taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that's never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It's crazy.

No mention of MS-13, or "Some of these people", or any kind of qualifier.

You really are a lazy, incompetent, comprehension deficient left-tard..

Your own post shows he was referring to MS13 not to immigrants in general.
Subjective interpretation is not empirically objective fact. Interpret all you want. The transcript shows the subject was MS-13. Trump referred to MS-13 as animals.

No, he referred to Immigrants as animals.

"We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we're stopping a lot of them — but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals. And we're taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that's never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It's crazy.

No mention of MS-13, or "Some of these people", or any kind of qualifier.

You really are a lazy, incompetent, comprehension deficient left-tard..

Your own post shows he was referring to MS13 not to immigrants in general.

Here's the proof that ErroneousJoe is a liar in the other slander of Trump:

"Tim Kaine falsely says Trump said 'all Mexicans are"
"The thing that amazes me is the depth of his trash talking with Latinos, saying all Mexicans are rapists and going after Latino immigrants," Kaine said.

No doubt, Trump has made controversial statements about the groups Kaine cited. But did Trump go as far as saying "all Mexicans are rapists?"

We asked the Clinton-Kaine campaign for evidence. It cited 16 instances since June 2015 when Trump said that some of the unauthorized immigrants crossing the Mexican border into the U.S. are hardened criminals and rapists.

...Trump, in none of the quotes, made the charge that "all Mexicans are rapists," as Kaine said. There’s nothing that even approached such a contention.

So we rate Kaine’s statement False." Trump didn't say 'all' Mexicans are rapists

As we have learned in so many examples....

Every word from a Democrat/Liberal is a lie.
“I think that is the Interpretarion most reasonable people draw”

Another play by the Left. They can’t factually or empirically validate their position but they are certain because people like them share the same view.

Liberals believe Interpretation is a vehicle towards making something real. Why do you think they want to own the Courts? They own the media so that’s a start.

Guy, if this was the first racist thing Trump has said about Immigrants, you might give him a mulligan...

But it isn't the first. It won't be the last before he's frog-marched out of the White House.
Well, you’re lying and haven’t presented evidence to support your claim! Post baby

Show me in my claims where I make a statement that needs empirically validated data? You said “that is the interpretation MOST people draw”. Most? Most of what? Where is your source of people being surveyed to back your claim? If you don’t have it, then don’t say “most”.
Well your post was quoted! Read it and then post a link with trump making such remarks!
You are back tracking because he only called MS-13 ‘animals’. When and where did Trump say something racist about Immigrants?

No he called IMMIGRANTS animals. And he called them rapists before that. And he called their countries "Shitholes' before that.

The woman asking the question referred to MS 13 specifically. You just quoted his response to her.

She mentioned MS13 in passing... and again, given all the other racist shit Trump says, all the fucking time, he doesn't get a mulligan.
Well no, no he didn’t but your forte is to lie and you succeeded in doing just that
Go figure? The 'spokesman' for MS-13 is a Democrat. Personally, i fully support Trump hunting every MS-13 member down. They don't belong in my country. Hussein and Democrats invited them here, but i didn't. Ship them all back to their hellhole homes. And then for God's sake, secure the damn Border!

Uh, guy, the founder of your Mormon Cult was fucking a whole bunch of underaged girls.... you really should watch where you throw stones.

Now, do try to stay on the topic. Trump called Mexicans rapists. He called poor countries shitholes and he called immigrants animals.

We have a word for people like that. That word is "Racist".
Here's the proof that ErroneousJoe is a liar in the other slander of Trump:

"Tim Kaine falsely says Trump said 'all Mexicans are"
"The thing that amazes me is the depth of his trash talking with Latinos, saying all Mexicans are rapists and going after Latino immigrants," Kaine said.

Um, that he called ANY Of them rapists was what was racist, Mail Order Bride From Hell...
You really are a lazy, incompetent, comprehension deficient left-tard..

Your own post shows he was referring to MS13 not to immigrants in general.

Where. He never said MS13 once. He probably couldnt' tell you what MS13 was on a bet.

Uh, guy, the founder of your Mormon Cult was fucking a whole bunch of underaged girls.... you really should watch where you throw stones.

Now, do try to stay on the topic. Trump called Mexicans rapists. He called poor countries shitholes and he called immigrants animals.

We have a word for people like that. That word is "Racist".

Where and when did Trump say:

ALL Mexicans are rapists?
ALL poor countries are shitholes?
ALL Immigrants are animals?

Show US where he said it? Otherwise quit promoting falsehoods.

BTW - Poor countries are shitholes. Calling them such is not racist. Many people who come from those countries call them shitholes and want to come here for a better life. Those who want to come here illegally and rape and murder like animals, well, they can move next door to you and you can call US all racists. My Mexican wife and children will laugh.
Where and when did Trump say:

ALL Mexicans are rapists?
ALL poor countries are shitholes?
ALL Immigrants are animals?

Why does the word "all" have to be in there? The fact he said it at all is the problem. It shows he's a racist who doesn't have the decorum or compassion to be president.

Poor countries are shitholes. Calling them such is not racist.

Um, yeah it is. Sorry.
Where and when did Trump say:

ALL Mexicans are rapists?
ALL poor countries are shitholes?
ALL Immigrants are animals?

Why does the word "all" have to be in there? The fact he said it at all is the problem. It shows he's a racist who doesn't have the decorum or compassion to be president.

Poor countries are shitholes. Calling them such is not racist.

Um, yeah it is. Sorry.

You are clearly entitled to your opinion and interpretation. Show US the consensus that calling a poor country a shithole is racist? Saying that a country and ALL who come out are beneath others is racist. Where and when has that been declared and by whom? If you can site something empirically and not your interpretation, then you may have an instance.
Uh, guy, the founder of your Mormon Cult was fucking a whole bunch of underaged girls.... you really should watch where you throw stones.

Now, do try to stay on the topic. Trump called Mexicans rapists. He called poor countries shitholes and he called immigrants animals.

We have a word for people like that. That word is "Racist".

Your extreme, lying bigotry against my religion is not relevant to the topic of this thread. But it is no surprise that you'll resort to bring up such hateful lies, as a way of deflecting attention from your own direct defense of a man convicted of drugging, raping, and sodomizing a young girl. Just goes to show what sort of extreme, subhuman, filth you truly are, not that it demonstrates anything that isn't already widely known about you.
Uh, guy, the founder of your Mormon Cult was fucking a whole bunch of underaged girls.... you really should watch where you throw stones.

Now, do try to stay on the topic. Trump called Mexicans rapists. He called poor countries shitholes and he called immigrants animals.

We have a word for people like that. That word is "Racist".

Your extreme, lying bigotry against my religion is not relevant to the topic of this thread. But it is no surprise that you'll resort to bring up such hateful lies, as a way of deflecting attention from your own direct defense of a man convicted of drugging, raping, and sodomizing a young girl. Just goes to show what sort of extreme, subhuman, filth you truly are, not that it demonstrates anything that isn't already widely known about you.

He’s on The Left.... theregor feels entitled to bigotry, not be called out and accuse anyone they do not agree with of being a bigot.

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