The Squad Melts Down - Drops Another F-Bomb In New False Accusation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.
These Ladies are doing a great service for America by reminding America that 4 of them is about all we need.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally

Ever notice that all the little commie fascists all call YOU one just because you won't let them run your life?


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.
Fascist? how is it no different than what you leftist do?
OH that's right you're fascist
Trump has found the kink in the Dem's armor and delights in poking a stick at it.
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist.
So telling Americans who hate this country....telling an anti-Semitic terrorist supporter...they could should leave is 'fascist'?!

Yet falsely claiming that the President made 'racist' comments and officially voting to condemn the remarks he never made, despite Democrats admitting the President never used anyone's name and never bringing up anyone's color is 'fascist'?!

Yet falsely claiming that the President initiated a public rebuke of the anti-Semitic terrorist-supporting Democrat who made this false accusation - OR the public rebuke of the anti-Semitic terrorist-supporting Democrat who made this false accusation by American citizens is somehow 'Fascist'?!


Today's voiced outrage by AOC and Omar is just ANOTHER declaration by Democrats that Americans citizens insulting, making fun of, and / or publicly rebuking Democrats should be 'Illegal and / or is 'fascist'.

It's neither of those things - its exercising their Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech. Attempting to squash that or strip Americans of that freedom is the REAL threat!



After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.

It's calling them on their piles of daily bullshit, against us, our President, our allies, our country...
You did not listen to the crowds last time, you are not listening to them now. The odd squad does not stand for what this country represents. Nevertheless, they have the right to fight us and we have the right to fight back. Expect it.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
They’ve learned well from their masters. Scream as loud as you can lies and they will eventually be believed. Their masters just never expected it to be turned on themselves.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.
Yes, it's a sad day. You're right, Puppz.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.
Fascist? how is it no different than what you leftist do?
OH that's right you're fascist

OL's OK. She is not a fascist. Unlike many here, she actually kind of gets it some of the time, and fights fair. But she's wrong calling us xenophobes. I'm not a xenophobe. I have absolutely not a thing against anyone coming here from Australia, Argentina, England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Poland, Belarus, Italy, or Russia and a few other countries! You know, all the non-shithole countries!
Last edited:
It's hard to imagine that such ignorant, low quality people like the squat are allegedly college educated. They act like spoiled little bitches who will lie, cheat and steal to get whatever they want. Then when reasonable people show hatred against their act, they go into their hurt little girl routine. I've been around long enough to know these girls are cons and BS artists.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.

It's calling them on their piles of daily bullshit, against us, our President, our allies, our country...
You did not listen to the crowds last time, you are not listening to them now. The odd squad does not stand for what this country represents. Nevertheless, they have the right to fight us and we have the right to fight back. Expect it.
What crowds do I need to listen to? The ones chanting "Send her back?"
That's exactly what I mean by fascistic. This is not healthy. Trump was wrong to come out with that 'go back where you came from' tweet and his supporters have taken it and run....too far.
This is disgusting. I don't care WHAT they've said. I've been reading whatever I can find that Omar has said, and to me she sounds like a typical Progressive with some added baggage due to being Muslim in a country that would treat her like THIS.
You're playing into her hand. You are "fighting back" against shadows that are not even real. It's not American to be like this, unless you considered 1693 Salem "American."


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.
For me, it's fueled by commiephobia.

And when dealing with commies, the ends justify the means.

I don't give a FUCK about their little feelings. They have declared war on my liberty.

Put a side by side picture of Hitler with this picture of Omar-she has the same hand gestures and expression-but her mouth seems to exude more hate than he did.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.
Fascist? how is it no different than what you leftist do?
OH that's right you're fascist

OL's OK. She is not a fascist. Unlike many here, she actually kind of gets it some of the time, and fights fair. But she's wrong calling us xenophobes. I'm not a xenophobe. I have absolutely not a thing against anyone coming here from Australia, Argentina, England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Belarus, Italy, or Russia and a few other countries! You know, all the non-shithole countries!

Hopefully you did that on purpose, toob. LOL
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.

I'd have deported both of them and AOC too if I were careful what you wish for.


After falsely accusing President Trump of using 'racist' remarks in an attack against Omar and other members of The Squad and after leading the Democratic Party in the House to officially condemn the President for something he did not do - which totally backfired as Trump's approval rose to 72% during all of this, Omar has now taken the Lead for The Squad in launching another false accusation against the President:

"Democratic Reps.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar alleged Thursday that President Trump is steering the country toward fascism, as they ramped up their criticism of the president in the wake of a fiery rally where he repeatedly blasted the freshman lawmakers.'

After American Citizens attending a recent Trump rally issued a very public rebuke of D-Omar's false claim against the President (that President Trump's statement that people who hate America can / should leave was 'racist') by beginning the chant 'Send Her Back', Omar and AOC today accused President Trump of instigating the spontaneous act by the audience.

They went far further than that, though, reacting to the president’s recent comments -- as well as the rally crowd's reaction -- by saying it shows they're “not in politics anymore. We are not in politics anymore. We are in racism… we are in a fascistic government.”

(Keep in mind that this comment is coming from a far left Democrat who days ago called her own Speaker of the House a 'racist' and who, just today, voiced her support for stripping US citizens of their CHOICE of health care by making private health insurance illegal.)

Although Democrats in the House voted to condemn the President's 'racist' comments, the Democrats admitted President Trump never mentioned anyone by name and never brought up anyone's color when he stated his opinion (that millions of Americans share) that people who hate the country should leave. Much like then, Omar and AOC today falsely accused / attacked President Trump for the 'Send Her Back' chant. The FACT is President Trump did not instigate the chant.

President Trump made that clear today, but the facts don't matter. 'The Squad', who showed they are willing to call their own Party Leader in the House a 'Racist' when she attempted to contain their radical behavior and anti-Semitic propaganda, is focused on undermining the President of the United States and intent on getting him Impeached if possible - truth / facts be damned.

Evidently 'The Squad' was so angry and frustrated their last false narrative / attack failed, and at the rebuke Americans voiced in their chant, that they dropped ANOTHER 'F-Bomb' during their Press Conference today.


AOC, Ilhan Omar accuse Trump of 'spewing fascist ideology' after rally
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.
For me, it's fueled by commiephobia.

And when dealing with commies, the ends justify the means.

I don't give a FUCK about their little feelings. They have declared war on my liberty.

Now they're communists, too?
This entire attack by Trump and conservatives against those four women IS fascist. I don't go flinging that word around, nor Nazi either, but this IS fascistic. I don't know that it is well thought out enough to be an ideology, and I'm still not convinced that Trump is a racist. But this I know: what you all are cold bloodedly doing to Omar and Tlaib, particularly, is viscious and unwarranted and fueled by xenophobia.

I'd have deported both of them and AOC too if I were careful what you wish for.
Well, you can't deport AOC or Tlaib, since they were born here. It's a good thing you're not President, then.

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