The Stars And Bars Can Represent Evil....

Thanks to the trolls the question of Clinturd/Gore using the S&B never took flight. And once again the leftists get to ignore their hypocrisy....thanks, pinheads.
it's not real. it's a fake. just like your dd214 - assuming you ever took the time to forge one.
That's not the Stars and Bars.
That is correct...That is the official Confederate Battle Flag..
This stars and bars flag - Google Search the Official flag of the Confederate States of America.
It doesn't matter really. The Battle Flag represents southern heritage to those who believe in their "Southerness"....That flag however was co-opted by evil people who used it to represent a base hatred of blacks. The KKK took it and used it to represent their hatred toward not only blacks, but other minorities.....And which is news to many, the KKK also did not accept "Papists"( Catholics) and many other Christian denominations. Now did the KKK accept Jews.
All but Caucasian Anglo-Saxon Protestants were viewed by the KKK as mortal enemies of "Caucasian Purity"....
And so it goes.
Here's an irony. I saw a white kid blasting Hip Hop from his car....On the bumper....A Confederate Battle Flag sticker....
The KKK also uses the U.S. flag, which also flew over a slave nation for nearly 100 years. Anyone condemning the Confederate battle flag but not the U.S. flag for the same reason is a hypocrite not worth listening to.
Oh please go self fornicate.....Better still. Get your America hating ass into some kind of mobile conveyance and get the fuck out.
Thinking is hard.

Is that why you avoid it?
You got me, partner.

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