The State Of The Union Address

Will you be watching? Why or why not? ( optional )

I won't be watching this great orator give a great speech. I don't trust anything President Obama has to say, because I don't trust the man and his vision for our country. However, in general, I have not watched many of the speeches by other presidents either, because I know it is all fluff. Had to learn that the hard way.

What a president does, ater the speeches, are the things I want to know. I will be watching the pundits analysis of the speech, only. I do know that when Obama starts talking about "investing" he is really talking about...spending. We don't have any money. Presidents ratings usually rise after a good speech, as the president did so well with, in Tucson.

Speechwriters have a hard time writing State of the Union speeches and they usually do a great job trying to please all of the people. From NPR:

"For a White House speechwriter, there is a conflict in the State of the Union address. It's the speech that gets all the attention, where the president lays out his legislative agenda for the year ahead. But as far as poetry, arc and theme, it can also be the clunkiest.

"They can be an absolute legislative laundry list," says Mary Kate Cary, a speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush. "And that doesn't make it very fun to write.

"On one hand, it's nice to have the glory of saying, 'Well, I wrote the State of the Union address,' " she says. "But really, you'd rather want to be known for writing the inaugural address. That's where the poetry is, and the State of the Union is a bit of a slog, I think."

Writing State Of The Union Speech: A Juggling Act : NPR

Um, don't tell me, let me guess: "We need jobs and here is how we are going to get them; we will create jobs!" "We need to cut deficit spending and here is how we are going do it; we are going to cut spending." Am I right? I've seen that movie before.
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That's funny Rdean. I'm watching on Fox and have not heard a single phrase even remotely like that. You must be getting Faux from France or something.
Sorry bout that,

1. Just saw the camera pan over to Gary Cooke who looked like he was hit in the eye, anyone know what happened ro him?:confused:

We had no idea how we were going to beat the Russians in space after Sputnik. This is our Sputnik moment. Did he just say he has no idea how to fix the economy?

Biden looks like he wants a beer right now really bad.

The seating arrangement seems to be dulling the applause.
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Talks about education as a family priority and then launches into Race For the Top as the most meaningful program for Education in a generation. How is that family and more importantly, why are we not seeing better results, if it is so helpful? He doesn't get the disconnect.

Children of illegal immigrants are Americans? We need to make them Americans? Fuck you Obama.
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When the President's on, you watch. That's how I was grown, anyway. Whether you like him or not is irrelevant.

That is how I was raised. No matter what, we watched. I have probably seen most State of the Unions since Reagan was President.
When the President's on, you watch. That's how I was grown, anyway. Whether you like him or not is irrelevant.

exactly , except when you've heard it all before. I have not watched one in 25 years. Its a show, and delivery skews expectations. I don't want to be conned.

For instance ; as I was turned off my dvd player the TV goes back to the last station which had him on...and he was at that very moment I swear to god saying that if a bill crosses his desk with earmarks in it, he'll veto it.

Uhm, see? this is just the usual regurgitated Unicorn poopy.

He said that 2 years ago..and that lasted till...........wait for it.......the first bill he signed......I'll read it thank you.
I think my favorite part was Joe Biden's facial expression through half the speech that was saying "Mr. President, have you forgotten what party you're in?"
Deregulate where it can be without harming safety.
Less tax loopholes.
A chicken every pot.
Nice phrases, but no meat.
Apparently, we the people get to pull the government out of the hole. Particularly if your rich. Guess I get a pass on this one.

I think smoked salmon will be the highlight for me.
As SOTU speeches go, it wasn't too bad, had some good moments, was about as bipartisan as you'll get in one of these things. He didn't have my head banging in frustration on the desk more than a half dozen times or so. He was a bit more animated than he has been lately, but the speech itself I think will be judged pretty flat and won't go down in history as great oratory. Not much memorable to take from it.

Best line: He will veto earmarks in any bill that comes to him. If he sticks with that he'll get some approval points. I'll believe it when I see it if the earmarks are put there by Democrats though. The biggest disappointment is that he is obviously still not serious in significant cuts in spending and balancing the budget.

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