The State Of The Union Address

Holy Crap! before this speech his numbers were 41 per cent approval of his vision..tonight 88 percent. Overall approval of speech by those that watched 91 per cent...8 per cent disapproval. That is an astounding turnaround. Man O man..that guy has one motherfucking silver tongue!

He did give an excellent speech and I like what I heard, but now it's time to see if he'll walk the walk. I am naturally skeptical he will because there is little in his political past to show that he supports many of these things and he had two years of his party in complete control to do them. Time will tell.
Form over substance - the official slogan of the United States of America.

We are going to hear a lot of that when we hold the libs feet to the fire in a couple of months from now. Why all these broken promises? How come he didn't veto that bill with all those pork barrel provisions?
Sorry bout that,

1. Well I see Clinton got to Obama, gave him the *low down*.
2. Him moving towards the so called center, is just a political ploy.
3. We are going to have to put down * Obama health care*.
4. Thats all *CWN* out got out of his speach.

Holy Crap! before this speech his numbers were 41 per cent approval of his vision..tonight 88 percent. Overall approval of speech by those that watched 91 per cent...8 per cent disapproval. That is an astounding turnaround. Man O man..that guy has one motherfucking silver tongue!

He did give an excellent speech and I like what I heard, but now it's time to see if he'll walk the walk. I am naturally skeptical he will because there is little in his political past to show that he supports many of these things and he had two years of his party in complete control to do them. Time will tell.

Complete control? Not hardly. That would take a 2/3s majority in both houses with the rules changed to prevent filibusters. It would also take a strong economy with low unemployment and low inflation. That would be a setting that would allow a president to do whatever he wanted. Or...a 9/11 event that would force the people and congress to back the president.

Ya it was a well written and delivered speech. Tomorrow the members of congress won't be playing footsie and sitting in each others laps...:lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually, it wasn't the President's party that was in control. It was Idiot Pelosi's party that was in control.
Form over substance - the official slogan of the United States of America.

We are going to hear a lot of that when we hold the libs feet to the fire in a couple of months from now. Why all these broken promises? How come he didn't veto that bill with all those pork barrel provisions?

Hopefully so. However, there are a lot of people out there thinking the President's speech sounds like a promising fresh start when in reality it sounded like 2008 with a liberal :)lol:) sprinkling of synonyms. I have a feeling, come 2012, that old saying "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" is going to need an addendum.
*yawn*..the whole thing has become one big campaign speech. Unicorns galore. And the rebuttal is stupid. its the SOTU addy, why does the party out of power get to respond? whats the point?

I'll read it, I won't watch.

Because they have always been able to respond. It's a sign of our Strong Democracy that the Opposition is allowed to rebuke. Would you rather live somewhere where only one side is allowed out?

The STUA is a bully pulpit as it is. Take away the Rebuttal and it will be even worse.
What they really need to do is have the rebuttal first because they always have had it written prior to the presidents speech.
Then the president can respond to all their back door negativity.

Oh I found someone who is as far right as hanity, it's Bret HUME, and he calls himself a reporter, OMG what TEA BAGGER HE IS.
Form over substance - the official slogan of the United States of America.

We are going to hear a lot of that when we hold the libs feet to the fire in a couple of months from now. Why all these broken promises? How come he didn't veto that bill with all those pork barrel provisions?

Hopefully so. However, there are a lot of people out there thinking the President's speech sounds like a promising fresh start when in reality it sounded like 2008 with a liberal :)lol:) sprinkling of synonyms. I have a feeling, come 2012, that old saying "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" is going to need an addendum.

Unfortunately that is a problem for the President. I did a quick runthrough of networks after the SOTU and almost all the focus groups gathered to watch, whether on Fox or the more liberal stations, remained skeptical that there was any sincerity expressed tonight. And I also am way too jaded to take it seriously until I see some positive results.

Whether GOP or Democrat, I don't believe them when they had the chance to do something and didn't, then much later state that by golly we have to do this. If President Obama had been serious about all that 'investment' for infrastructure, new technology, etc., then why wasn't the stimulus money directed toward that instead of most of it going to bail out and pay off his cronies? We need to be more bipartisan, work together, be more civil? The President had two years to make that happen but instead we got "I won" and "You (the opposition) will have to sit in back." And now all of a sudden we should believe he is sincere?

It's enough to make a body disbelieve almost anything.
Complete control? Not hardly. That would take a 2/3s majority in both houses with the rules changed to prevent filibusters. It would also take a strong economy with low unemployment and low inflation. That would be a setting that would allow a president to do whatever he wanted. Or...a 9/11 event that would force the people and congress to back the president.

It only takes 60 votes in the Senate to shut down a filibuster, not a 2/3 majority, and the Democrats had 60 Senate seats until Scott Brown won the special election in Massachusetts last year. That's how they got the health insurance legislation passed.

Ya it was a well written and delivered speech. Tomorrow the members of congress won't be playing footsie and sitting in each others laps...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Agreed. They'll be back to sniping at each other like normal.
My absolute favorite part of the speech was the crap about 'high speed trains'..... quicker than flying and... apparently... without the 'pat downs'.... he's apparently not smart enough to recognize the massive potential terrorist threat for such a great target. What a fucking idiot.
My absolute favorite part of the speech was the crap about 'high speed trains'..... quicker than flying and... apparently... without the 'pat downs'.... he's apparently not smart enough to recognize the massive potential terrorist threat for such a great target. What a fucking idiot.

you get up on the wrong side of the bed today?
My absolute favorite part of the speech was the crap about 'high speed trains'..... quicker than flying and... apparently... without the 'pat downs'.... he's apparently not smart enough to recognize the massive potential terrorist threat for such a great target. What a fucking idiot.

you get up on the wrong side of the bed today?

Its just a giant shell game. The Agriculture shell has subsidies for food production, then we take money from farmers to pay for trains connecting the big cities in shell number two. All the time government holds your money and is "helping" people.

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