The State Of The Union Address

The SOTU is always a terrible speech.

Everyone, from the Deputy Assistant Secretary for White House Mail to the Congress have their demands for exactly what the language should be, and the resulting speech is always a terrible clunker.

If you think this is new for Obama, you should really watch some older SOTUs.
Didn't deserve much praise. Pretty Ho-Hum in my opinion. "Investing" more in Solar Energy and High Speed Rails? Yea that will solve our massive Debt. problems. What is Government "Investing" anyway? It's just more Government spending. His spending freeze pledge has been universally panned. It doesn't even amount to a drop in the bucket. He's just not serious about addressing our Debt debacle. The only ones who will profit from his "Investment" plans will be him & the Fat-Cats over at GE. GE is running the show in this White House. Make no mistake about that. Look for all kinds of "Green" proposals from this White House in the near future. Gee what a coincidence,it will be GE who benefits most from these "Green" proposals. It's all just a sad scam now. Look to 2012 for real change. Hopefully it will happen.
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The Sputnik reference started out with him basically saying the American government didn't know how to fix the problem. Not a good analogy. You want to be more definitive and have a plan to fix the jobs problem. Interesting that he has gutted NASA, but expects new jobs out of the industry.

Also, how is the current economy notably better than the last time he gave the SOTU? Unemployment was just about the same spot.

Political theater at best.
And government financed 'bullet trains' in a country about the size of a medium size or even larger U.S. state is possible. Not as practical in a nation with the third largest land area in the world.

Yeah, and what's this shit about not needing to have a TSA "pat-down" before getting on a bullet train?

I LOVE being pat-down!:(
I personally liked what I heard. What's the big deal? Obama is a great orator and his speech, as is usually the case with SOTU speeches was vague, uplifting and very short on details. But, as a speech, I liked it. The GOP's "Contract on America" is vague and short on details and yet all of you "righties" loved that. So, why not love the SOTU speech too?
Loved the President's speech. I'm staying in a hotel so I got to watch a lot of the news programs I never see.

Watched Rachel Maddow for the first time. Smart and funny lady.

Thought it strange that CNN put Michelle Bachman on as a second GOP rebuttal to the State of the Union Speech. First time I've seen or heard Bachman.
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Did you hit the $11 cashews?

No, just the $3.50 latte from the hotel Starbucks.

Glad you had a nice stay. Sorry I don't share the SOTU opinion.

That's ok. We don't have to think alike. That's the way it goes with our political system. It's cyclical. I was an unhappy citizen under Bush as President for eight years. Now, republicans are unhappy with Obama for the last two.

I'm trying to remember if there was a time when any US President enjoyed bipartisan support.

What a contemptible arse this man is. And everyone applauded! Probably because they are exempt from such humiliation and degradation. :doubt:
Funny. How about his family gets grouped and see what he thinks is funny then.

All it will take is one nut job to change that.
Yeah, real FUNNY OBAMA, yuk yuk

the man is a joke as a President, and the laugh is on us.

good grief.
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