The state's popular vote compact is dead

Democrats are the biggest election cheaters since Xi. They can't win elections without cheating

The ruling is wrong.

It's not democrats who do all they can to prevent people from voting.

There is no credible evidence of any democrat cheating.

republicans did work with russians to win the 2016 election. republicans did use stollen documents in the 2016 election.
Oh, really? You have proof they did? If I recall correctly, the Mueller report found no collusion...
This could go either way. If I remember correctly, it was the Democrats who wanted to abolish the electoral college after the 2016 election.

So what would happen in states like California and New York if the electors didn't have to go along with the liberal popular vote?
Democrats are the biggest election cheaters since Xi. They can't win elections without cheating

The ruling is wrong.

It's not democrats who do all they can to prevent people from voting.

There is no credible evidence of any democrat cheating.

republicans did work with russians to win the 2016 election. republicans did use stollen documents in the 2016 election.

There is no credible evidence of any democrat cheating.

That sound you hear is every Democrat politician in Chicago laughing and falling off their chair.
Democrats are the biggest election cheaters since Xi. They can't win elections without cheating

The ruling is wrong.

It's not democrats who do all they can to prevent people from voting.

There is no credible evidence of any democrat cheating.

republicans did work with russians to win the 2016 election. republicans did use stollen documents in the 2016 election.

Wikileaks does not work for Russia, GOP or DNC!

You should be more upset with your political party than Wikileaks!
Democrats are the biggest election cheaters since Xi. They can't win elections without cheating

The ruling is wrong.

It's not democrats who do all they can to prevent people from voting.

There is no credible evidence of any democrat cheating.

republicans did work with russians to win the 2016 election. republicans did use stollen documents in the 2016 election.
Oh, really? You have proof they did? If I recall correctly, the Mueller report found no collusion...

The mueller report said that they weren't looking for collusion. They were looking for conspiracy. They found that trump did work with the russians but it didn't rise to the level of conspiracy. Which I disagree. I believe that trump did conspire with the russians to win that election. He came out and said he would do it again.

And yes trump used stolen documents.

The hacked documents from the DNC and John Podesta. Those were stolen. It's illegal to accept stolen documents.
Why bother having an election in each state then?

Those elections in the states are not prescribed by the constitution. The states can choose their electors however they wish. If they want to use an election to choose electors who promise to vote one or another way, then the states can do that. But once chosen, the electors can do whatever they want. They alone have the power to choose how they will vote.

It's really no different than any other office. Your Congressperson can promise you all kinds of things to convince you to vote for them. But once they are in office, their votes are their decision to make. Just because they turn out to be faithless Congresspeople doesn't mean you get to nullify them.
Democrats are the biggest election cheaters since Xi. They can't win elections without cheating

The ruling is wrong.

It's not democrats who do all they can to prevent people from voting.

There is no credible evidence of any democrat cheating.

republicans did work with russians to win the 2016 election. republicans did use stollen documents in the 2016 election.
Oh, really? You have proof they did? If I recall correctly, the Mueller report found no collusion...

The mueller report said that they weren't looking for collusion. They were looking for conspiracy. They found that trump did work with the russians but it didn't rise to the level of conspiracy. Which I disagree. I believe that trump did conspire with the russians to win that election. He came out and said he would do it again.

And yes trump used stolen documents.

The hacked documents from the DNC and John Podesta. Those were stolen. It's illegal to accept stolen documents.

The hacked documents from the DNC and John Podesta. Those were stolen. It's illegal to accept stolen documents.

That's why everyone who was involved in publishing the Pentagon Papers went to prison.....
This is a bad ruling and I hope it gets overturned.

When the people of a state cast their ballots for president they should with the knowledge that the electors for their state will abide by the election results.

Faithless elector: A court ruling just changed how we pick our president
The electoral college should as it normally has done vote the state popular vote.

But the court just ruled they do not have to.
Why have elections?
Democrats are the biggest election cheaters since Xi. They can't win elections without cheating

Sure seems to be the case. Look at the vote harvesting they were doing in California. Illegal everywhere but there.

Can you imagine the shit storm if the GOP harvested votes in Georgia, Ohio, or Michigan the left would be freaking out.
It happened in North Carolina and they did freak out. However the same guy who did it for the GOP in 2018 did it for the democrats in 2012
This is a bad ruling and I hope it gets overturned.

When the people of a state cast their ballots for president they should with the knowledge that the electors for their state will abide by the election results.

Faithless elector: A court ruling just changed how we pick our president
The electoral college should as it normally has done vote the state popular vote.

But the court just ruled they do not have to.
Why have elections?

That does seem to be the question at hand. According to this court our presidential election is meaningless and seems to just be a ruse to placate the people.
This is a bad ruling and I hope it gets overturned.

When the people of a state cast their ballots for president they should with the knowledge that the electors for their state will abide by the election results.

Faithless elector: A court ruling just changed how we pick our president
The electoral college should as it normally has done vote the state popular vote.

But the court just ruled they do not have to.
Why have elections?

That does seem to be the question at hand. According to this court our presidential election is meaningless and seems to just be a ruse to placate the people.
Hard to argue with that interpretation.
Under our Electoral College system the vote for president is taken every 4 years on the Monday following the 2nd Wednesday in December. This vote is limited to 538 delegates chosen by the states and the District of Columbia. People seem to think we the people vote for president while in fact what we vote for in November are our state's delegates to the Electoral College

Many legal experts have said any state law which tells an elector how he or she must vote is unconstitutional and a state has no right to replace an elector that was voted in by the people. This federal ruling has backed the judgement of these experts
Democrats are the biggest election cheaters since Xi. They can't win elections without cheating

The ruling is wrong.

It's not democrats who do all they can to prevent people from voting.

There is no credible evidence of any democrat cheating.

republicans did work with russians to win the 2016 election. republicans did use stollen documents in the 2016 election.
Oh, really? You have proof they did? If I recall correctly, the Mueller report found no collusion...

The mueller report said that they weren't looking for collusion. They were looking for conspiracy. They found that trump did work with the russians but it didn't rise to the level of conspiracy. Which I disagree. I believe that trump did conspire with the russians to win that election. He came out and said he would do it again.

And yes trump used stolen documents.

The hacked documents from the DNC and John Podesta. Those were stolen. It's illegal to accept stolen documents.
They did not possess stolen documents. They read documents, just as we all do, off the internet. SC rulings prove that documents published on the internet can be read by anybody. Look up Bartnicki v. Vopper ,532 U.S. 514 (2001)

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