The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression you are privy to inside information.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that a trade deal is closer?

Not Trump bullshit or bureaucratic rhetoric or news service guesses...unbiased, factual proof?

I bet you can provide no such link.
Regardless I can't see this deal being anything great. The new Nafta is hardly changed at all. And yet it still went from the worst trade deal ever to being great. Go figure. The shit people will believe.

Agreed. China can read the polls - they know Trump is almost certainly a lame duck. They also know that whomever takes office after he leaves will drop all the trade crap.

So why would they give huge concessions?

They will probably give a minor concession which allows Trump to make it sound huge (when it really is little/nothing) so he can try and save face.
Yes just like the new nafta. Barely changed, but they will act like there is some huge win. Some people will even believe it.
Auto workers here would disagree........more being built here........LOL
Yeah going great.
GM Warns Ohio: 1,607 Lordstown workers to lose jobs
Some places go up .....others go the North they took massive hits from their own policies.........other places not so much..........

You take one example that fits your narrative and nothing more...........the auto manufacturers up north took a beating a long time ago......why so many plants opened up down south.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression
OMG! Trump going to turn us into Soylent Green! “Soylent Green is people!”

And we're getting closer to a deal with China. you are privy to inside information.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that a trade deal is closer?

Not Trump bullshit or bureaucratic rhetoric or news service guesses...unbiased, factual proof?

I bet you can provide no such link.
Regardless I can't see this deal being anything great. The new Nafta is hardly changed at all. And yet it still went from the worst trade deal ever to being great. Go figure. The shit people will believe.

Agreed. China can read the polls - they know Trump is almost certainly a lame duck. They also know that whomever takes office after he leaves will drop all the trade crap.

So why would they give huge concessions?

They will probably give a minor concession which allows Trump to make it sound huge (when it really is little/nothing) so he can try and save face.
Yes just like the new nafta. Barely changed, but they will act like there is some huge win. Some people will even believe it.

Some? Tens of millions of Trumpbots.

Ridiculous. They just blindly believe whatever they tell them.
Exactly like Obamabots.
We went over 200 years without Free Trade Agreements without Great Depressions..........negotiated trade one on one.......a give and take the house of cards blames a fart in the wind for ups and downs.........

QE inflated the did cheap money from the Fed..........all they need is a rumor and stocks plunge or boom........insanity.
Did Trade Tariffs Cause the Great Depression?
my god souplines must be everywhere

And if this happened on Obama's watch - you would undoubtedly be calling it terrible.

Obviously no soup lines everywhere.

But if you want your manchild to be better hope to God this is not the beginning of bad times. Trump is at 40% in the respected polls with a 'great' economy. With a bad one - he will nose dive.
Case ya didnt know market doesn't = economy...…..
Another Warning That A 2019 Recession Is Coming
until of course Christmas sales figures hit.....talked to someone yesterday,,,sales alrdy double last yrs...….
Growth predictions are low. Get your head out of your ass.
my god souplines must be everywhere

And if this happened on Obama's watch - you would undoubtedly be calling it terrible.

Obviously no soup lines everywhere.

But if you want your manchild to be better hope to God this is not the beginning of bad times. Trump is at 40% in the respected polls with a 'great' economy. With a bad one - he will nose dive.
Case ya didnt know market doesn't = economy...…..
Another Warning That A 2019 Recession Is Coming
until of course Christmas sales figures hit.....talked to someone yesterday,,,sales alrdy double last yrs...….
Growth predictions are low. Get your head out of your ass.
just the facts right from the floor
We went over 200 years without Free Trade Agreements without Great Depressions..........negotiated trade one on one.......a give and take the house of cards blames a fart in the wind for ups and downs.........

QE inflated the did cheap money from the Fed..........all they need is a rumor and stocks plunge or boom........insanity.
Did Trade Tariffs Cause the Great Depression?
Baloney...........Rampant speculation caused the Great Depression...............kept jacking the markets to insanity............using bank money from the general public instead of investment capital...........going ever and ever higher on stuff not worth the paper it was written on..............

When the last of the Glass Steagal act was killed it allowed Too Big to Fail to self regulate and they bundled crap and drove the market to insanity.......of course it was going to eventually bust............just as it is eventually was propped up by the Fed.
We went over 200 years without Free Trade Agreements without Great Depressions..........negotiated trade one on one.......a give and take the house of cards blames a fart in the wind for ups and downs.........

QE inflated the did cheap money from the Fed..........all they need is a rumor and stocks plunge or boom........insanity.
Did Trade Tariffs Cause the Great Depression?
Baloney...........Rampant speculation caused the Great Depression...............kept jacking the markets to insanity............using bank money from the general public instead of investment capital...........going ever and ever higher on stuff not worth the paper it was written on..............

When the last of the Glass Steagal act was killed it allowed Too Big to Fail to self regulate and they bundled crap and drove the market to insanity.......of course it was going to eventually bust............just as it is eventually was propped up by the Fed.
I'll take what some economists are saying.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression
And you are smiling like a mule eating Briar's aren't you ???? Anything to get at that Trumpster eh ???
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression
And you are smiling like a mule eating Briar's aren't you ???? Anything to get at that Trumpster eh ???
No actually I would prefer my 401K was growing.
how many did we lose..weren't some in CAnada..Remember His hairness whining … plant was Volt and other crappy hybrid......America is losing electric race by usual half ass design efforts
We went over 200 years without Free Trade Agreements without Great Depressions..........negotiated trade one on one.......a give and take the house of cards blames a fart in the wind for ups and downs.........

QE inflated the did cheap money from the Fed..........all they need is a rumor and stocks plunge or boom........insanity.
Did Trade Tariffs Cause the Great Depression?
Baloney...........Rampant speculation caused the Great Depression...............kept jacking the markets to insanity............using bank money from the general public instead of investment capital...........going ever and ever higher on stuff not worth the paper it was written on..............

When the last of the Glass Steagal act was killed it allowed Too Big to Fail to self regulate and they bundled crap and drove the market to insanity.......of course it was going to eventually bust............just as it is eventually was propped up by the Fed.
I'll take what some economists are saying.
Same assholes who nearly destroyed this nation in 2008. bundling shit and putting a ribbon on it then selling it again and again and again.......making sure that they weren't the one stuck with it in the end..........

Using FDIC backed money and gov't insured housing betting so the tax payer get stuck with the bill.............The Glass Steagal was done to make sure they never did it again..................once gone it only took them 8 years to destroy us.
U.S. GDP Grew 4.6% In Second Quarter 2014.

Not s typo. 2104 Obama was President.

Manonthestreet, post: 21408158
I'll take this "depression" over Obamas new normal anyday

Wouid you take the Great Bush Recession over Obama’s recovery with eight years of steady growth?

There is really not much difference between the Trump miracle and Obama’s new normal, specifically when duration and stability are factored in.

Trumpo’s economy has already peaked in the second quarter this year and will not likely see 3% GDP for a full quarter for the end of this year or for the rest of his term if he lasts two more years.

Slower growth is being forecast in most forecasts will keep Trumpo’s economy on a par with Obama’s economic recovery. That will certainly be true if a recession hits by the second half of 2019.

U.S. GDP growth will rise to 3.1 percent in 2018, 2.5 percent in 2019, and 2.0 percent in 2020. That's according to the most recent forecast released at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on September 26, 2018. This estimate takes into account Trump's economic policies.”

What Will the Economy Do in 2018 and Beyond?

Why are you so impressed with Trumpo’s economy?

“The Bureau of Economic Analysis this week released revised growth estimates for the second quarter, showing that the U.S. economy expanded at a 4.2 percent clip during April, May and June. That's the strongest quarterly rate of expansion America has seen since mid-2014.”

Trumpo’s 4.2 quarter (looks like his only quarter above 4%) does not beat Obama’s best quarter of 4.6%.

U.S. GDP Grew 4.6% In Second Quarter 2014, Up From Earlier Estimates.

U.S. GDP Grew 4.6% In Second Quarter 2014, Up From Earlier Estimates

I’d like you to explain why you have the ingrained perception that white guy Trumpo’s economy is so much better than black guy Obama’s?

The numbers tell us that Trumpo’s 6% GDP economic miracle has NOT happened yet and no one expects it to do better than it did earlier this year - a brief stint above 4%.

That’s it.
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I'll take this "depression" over Obamas new normal anyday

Well then, you wouldn't be very smart to do that, would you? Obama's stock market tripled throughout his 8 years. Trump's stock market started stalling as soon as his first budget was passed, and went into the tank completely when Trump started his trade war.
I'll take this "depression" over Obamas new normal anyday

Well then, you wouldn't be very smart to do that, would you? Obama's stock market tripled throughout his 8 years. Trump's stock market started stalling as soon as his first budget was passed, and went into the tank completely when Trump started his trade war.
Market he inherited was artificially depressed beyond what it should have to assure his election. Banks cleaned up on that one after wiping how many investors......

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