The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Manonthestreet, post: 2140853
Market he inherited was artificially depressed beyond what it should have to assure his election. Banks cleaned up on that one after wiping how many investors......

Buy stock in tin foil folks. Right wingers are grabbing it up to make their hats.
Manonthestreet, post: 2140853
Market he inherited was artificially depressed beyond what it should have to assure his election. Banks cleaned up on that one after wiping how many investors......

Buy stock in tin foil folks. Right wingers are grabbing it up to make their hats.
Proof is how quickly it bounced back....go look how long it took to recover from Great depression. We didnt have a depression...….we had part recession ...part show.....
UUUmmmmm ummmmmr racist...pathetic

I didn’t say you were a racist. You read the facts that I gave you and you take the victim route - dont have answer based on facts.

Trumpo is white . Obama is black. Those are facts too.

So why is your perception of Trumpo’s economy so much higher than Obama’s.

Objective analysis of facts wouid not give you that perception. So there must be a subjective or biased angle.
UUUmmmmm ummmmmr racist...pathetic

I didn’t say you were a racist. You read the facts that I gave you and you take the victim route - dont have answer based on facts.

Trumpo is white . Obama is black. Those are facts too.

So why is your perception of Trumpo’s economy so much higher than Obama’s.

Objective analysis of facts wouid not give you that perception. So there must be a subjective or biased angle.
Right you just threw the colors in ……….dont lie
Manonthestreet, post: 21408620
Just just sit there dumbass SEELLLLLLL

I’m sitting waiting for your explanation of why you think a 4.6% GDP quarter under s black President is so much worse than a 4.2% quarter under a white President,

If you have an explanation i’d Like to hear it,

It’s obvious you didn’t have an answer ready for print. Just tears.
one qtr......lets use whole record eh...……...after 8 yrs.....LLMMAAOOO......why does Bloomberg think current situation is disconnected from reality...haven't seen lib touch that one...inconvenient facts and all
Leftists always cheering for low stock market.

Last year's Trump record of having the stock market up for every month of the year must have hurt like hell.
my god souplines must be everywhere

And if this happened on Obama's watch - you would undoubtedly be calling it terrible.

Obviously no soup lines everywhere.

But if you want your manchild to be better hope to God this is not the beginning of bad times. Trump is at 40% in the respected polls with a 'great' economy. With a bad one - he will nose dive.
Case ya didnt know market doesn't = economy...…..
Another Warning That A 2019 Recession Is Coming
until of course Christmas sales figures hit.....talked to someone yesterday,,,sales alrdy double last yrs...….

Look everyone!!!

Some faceless nobody named 'Manonthestreet' says he talked to 'someone' who says Christmas sales at his/her whatever-the-heck-it-is 'alrdy double last yrs'!!!

America is saved!!!!!!!
I'll take this "depression" over Obamas new normal anyday

Well then, you wouldn't be very smart to do that, would you? Obama's stock market tripled throughout his 8 years. Trump's stock market started stalling as soon as his first budget was passed, and went into the tank completely when Trump started his trade war.
Market he inherited was artificially depressed beyond what it should have to assure his election. Banks cleaned up on that one after wiping how many investors......

Why do you continue to believe such bullshit lies?

The economy was shedding 500,000 jobs a month when Obama took office. The Great Recession was a direct result of W's cut and spend policies. The same thing happened to the Reagan economy 7 years into his term: the stock market crashed; unemployment hit 6%. Both of these men made big tax cuts, and then went on spending sprees, and they deregulated.

Trump has done the exact same thing. The definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Leftists always cheering for low stock market.

Last year's Trump record of having the stock market up for every month of the year must have hurt like hell.

Leftists cheer when stock market goes down now. Righties cheered when stock markets went down under Obama.

So what? It's called partisan politics.

Are you just waking up to this?
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?
Obama did not start a trade war

The EU and China did decades ago.
one qtr......lets use whole record eh...……...after 8 yrs.....LLMMAAOOO......why does Bloomberg think current situation is disconnected from reality...haven't seen lib touch that one...inconvenient facts and all have heard of punctuation, right?
Didn't the market know trump policy 2 years ago, weren't the "huge deficits" known months ago. Predictions...won't even go there.
2 years ago intelligent people hoped trump was joking for most of his policy.

For at least 20 months they should have realized he wasn't joking.
Trump policy didn't really start taking effect till this year. We can see the result of that.

So which policy(s) do you feel are responsible?
All this tariff silliness is clearly quite the problem.

Prove it. The biggest losers in the stock market are big tech, because they are overrated, and manufacturing companies that outsourced overseas.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression



There's been no more consistent theme over President Donald Trump's first year in office than his praising of a rising stock market and his efforts to tie it directly to his administration. But after mentioning stock market gains roughly 200 times since winning the presidential election in late 2016, including 25 times last month alone, Trump has gone silent on stocks as they posted a pair of their worst single-day point performances in history, falling more than 1,800 points.That juxtaposition has his opponents going after him.

"Has Trump even mentioned the stock market dropping 1,700 points in 2 days?" tweeted liberal pundit Shaun King. "He took credit dozens of times when it went up, but is all of a sudden silent today when it plummeted."
No president has tied themselves closer to the stock market than Trump — now the chickens have come home to roost

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