The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression
It is called a correction, it happens most of the time every 12 months or so. In this case it could be a big correction. How it works the stocks become over priced so the market drives the price down until the buyers come back online. In this case I have not idea just how low they will go. Its a good time for Soros to short the hell out of the market, because this is part of how he makes money. Me I think I will just sit awhile and see how it plays out. My back in price is about 19k but I have been wrong before.
2 years ago intelligent people hoped trump was joking for most of his policy.

For at least 20 months they should have realized he wasn't joking.
Trump policy didn't really start taking effect till this year. We can see the result of that.

So which policy(s) do you feel are responsible?
All this tariff silliness is clearly quite the problem.

Prove it. The biggest losers in the stock market are big tech, because they are overrated, and manufacturing companies that outsourced overseas.
I think you called that segment of the market pretty much right. I look for the gas stocks to stay about the same within 3 bucks or so. The Building stocks are going to have a ride.
Kinda crazy how we get a real economy working the quantative easing stopping and the Fed Reserve no longer shoving money out the door for free and raising interest rates above zero is making the market adjust. Who'd have thought?
They will work against Trump after all they are apart of the Deep State.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?

It was until trump and republicans passed those tax cuts for the rich and big business. Until all of trump's tariffs. Until all of the republicans and trump's deregulation of Wall Street, banking and business. Until trump and his republican congress has written two budgets.

Obama handed trump a good economy, low unemployment and lower deficits. If trump and his republican congress had not made all those changes things wouldn't be so bad and you could say it's still Obama's economy because it was still his policies.

You can't do that. You people have crowed about all the deregulation, tax cuts and those tariffs for months. You just don't realize what those changes do to our economy.

Big business didn't use that tax cut to invest in the business, not for higher wages, not to hire people. They used that tax cut to buy their own stock back. Which in the short term inflates the value of that stock. Which causes the stock market to increase. The problem with that is it's short term. In the long term it has concentrated more wealth in fewer hands. Has artificially inflated the stock value which will cause it to lower about a year or so later. Because the increase wasn't due to increased profits or innovation. It's "creative accounting" at it's worst. It's the rest of us who are hurt by all of it. Along with our nation because we have less revenues to pay the nation's bills. Don't give me any garbage about cutting spending. trump has done the exact same thing past republicans did, he slashed taxes but increased spending like a drunken sailor.
Lets see now...where was the market at when Trump took over? The market allways goes through a correction and it's been on fire lately.

Shut up losers.
So being flat all year is on fire? Way to be uninformed.

The market isn't flat.

Actually the market is at a loss this year. Thus far.

The market was at 24,719.22 in December 2017.

Today it's 23,592.98.

That's a loss of 1.126.24 for the year so far.

The year has a couple weeks left to go. Hopefully it will at least recover the loss and be flat.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?
It usually takes 2 years for a Republican to fuck up the economy...seen with Bush Jr, Now with Trump.
Tariffs, trade wars, tax cuts to the rich, clown show in the WH, uncertainty with a mentally disturbed president and you want the economy to keep riding on Obama's wave?
Not happening.
Dan Stubbs, post: 21409051
They will work against Trump after all they are apart of the Deep State.

Ooooooohh! “The Deep State’

Isn’t the orange headed braggadocio supposed to defeat and avenge the deep state for all you sixpackaday guntotin jobless white males and their gawd fearin’ wimmin that stand by their beerbellied man?

How can the deep state hinder the Great the Great White Hope and smartest man that ever lived on this planet?

Trumpo constantly reminds us how smart he is:

” I’m, like, a smart person”
“Trust me. I’m like a smart person.”
“I’m a very intelligent person.”

In December 2016, a month after the election, Trump explained why he intended to be the first president since Harry Truman to avoid getting daily updates from intelligence professionals about national security threats. “I’m, like, a smart person,” he told Chris Wallace of Fox News.

A few days after his inauguration, during a visit to CIA headquarters, Trump felt the need to tell the nation’s top spies, “Trust me. I’m like a smart person.” In October, during an impromptu press conference on the South Lawn of the White House, Trump again boasted about his intellectual credentials. It came in response to a reporter who asked Trump if he should be more civil. “Well, I think the press makes me more uncivil than I am,” the president said, and then quickly switched the topic from his manners to his mind. “You know, people don’t understand, I went to an Ivy League college. I was a nice student. I did very well. I’m a very intelligent person.”

Why Trump Keeps Telling the World 'I’m Smart'

A very smart vastly wealthy person setting forth to become president of the United States in order to patriotically and selflessly defeat the deep state for the little guy wouid have a plan and know the way to carry through with it like building a luxury high rise tower. (same thing).

No, the problem is not the deep state. Trump is actually a very stupid man elected by very stupid people.

A smart man does not screw a porn star while his newborn son is being nursed into this world and then run for POTUS , throw money at the sex industry star to shut her up, and then wonder why he can’t get away with it.

A very stupid man to put his young son and third wife through all this for his greed and lust to match the wealth and power of Vladimir Putin. And now to blame THE DEEP STATE for his failings.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

Huh? So is this Obama's market or Trump's?

It was until trump and republicans passed those tax cuts for the rich and big business. Until all of trump's tariffs. Until all of the republicans and trump's deregulation of Wall Street, banking and business. Until trump and his republican congress has written two budgets.

Obama handed trump a good economy, low unemployment and lower deficits. If trump and his republican congress had not made all those changes things wouldn't be so bad and you could say it's still Obama's economy because it was still his policies.

You can't do that. You people have crowed about all the deregulation, tax cuts and those tariffs for months. You just don't realize what those changes do to our economy.

Big business didn't use that tax cut to invest in the business, not for higher wages, not to hire people. They used that tax cut to buy their own stock back. Which in the short term inflates the value of that stock. Which causes the stock market to increase. The problem with that is it's short term. In the long term it has concentrated more wealth in fewer hands. Has artificially inflated the stock value which will cause it to lower about a year or so later. Because the increase wasn't due to increased profits or innovation. It's "creative accounting" at it's worst. It's the rest of us who are hurt by all of it. Along with our nation because we have less revenues to pay the nation's bills. Don't give me any garbage about cutting spending. trump has done the exact same thing past republicans did, he slashed taxes but increased spending like a drunken sailor.

The Trumporats will be scattering in fear of your information. Good work.
And we're getting closer to a deal with China. you are privy to inside information.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that a trade deal is closer?

Not Trump bullshit or bureaucratic rhetoric or news service guesses...unbiased, factual proof?

I bet you can provide no such link.
Regardless I can't see this deal being anything great. The new Nafta is hardly changed at all. And yet it still went from the worst trade deal ever to being great. Go figure. The shit people will believe.

Agreed. China can read the polls - they know Trump is almost certainly a lame duck. They also know that whomever takes office after he leaves will drop all the trade crap.

So why would they give huge concessions?

They will probably give a minor concession which allows Trump to make it sound huge (when it really is little/nothing) so he can try and save face.
Yes just like the new nafta. Barely changed, but they will act like there is some huge win. Some people will even believe it.
Auto workers here would disagree........more being built here........LOL

The new NAFTA did not change what percent has be be made here, just what percent has to be made in North America.
The market is up, my side did it.

The market is down, your side did it.

Middle school economics.

We are but one player in a global economy, which no one sitting potus can turn on a dime.

What any one potus /congress does do is create economic legislation

Said legalese takes time to manifest , or come to any relevant fruition

The examples are endless, ergo any reference to the "_______potus economy" has to include factors w/variables fermenting far before they held office

Expect a 50% market drop, folks. There's no way to prevent it.

We have a currency crisis. That's the problem. This is the biggest bubble in the history of man. K?
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We are but one player in a global economy, which no one sitting potus can turn on a dime.
What any one potus /congress does do is create economic legislation
Said legalese takes time to manifest , or come to any relevant fruition
The examples are endless, ergo any reference to the "_______potus economy" has to include factors w/variables fermenting far before they held office
Too complicated for the tribes.
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

I wonder if Obama will take Credit for that?
First year, Trump left the Obama economy alone and the Stock Market boomed

Second year we got a glimpse of the Trump economy as he started unnecessary (who starts a trade war with unemployment under four percent) trade wars and the market has crashed
So tired of all this winning.

Two benchmark U.S. stock indexes are careening toward a historically bad December.

Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 are on pace for their worst December performance since 1931, when stocks were battered during the Great Depression. The Dow and S&P 500 are down 7.8 percent and 7.6 percent this month, respectively.

The stock market is on pace for its worst December since the Great Depression

I wonder if Obama will take Credit for that?
Who cares? I'm more worried about my 401K.
2 years ago intelligent people hoped trump was joking for most of his policy.

For at least 20 months they should have realized he wasn't joking.
Trump policy didn't really start taking effect till this year. We can see the result of that.

So which policy(s) do you feel are responsible?
All this tariff silliness is clearly quite the problem.

Prove it. The biggest losers in the stock market are big tech, because they are overrated, and manufacturing companies that outsourced overseas.
It was doing fine till trump policy really kicked in.
For at least 20 months they should have realized he wasn't joking.
Trump policy didn't really start taking effect till this year. We can see the result of that.

So which policy(s) do you feel are responsible?
All this tariff silliness is clearly quite the problem.

Prove it. The biggest losers in the stock market are big tech, because they are overrated, and manufacturing companies that outsourced overseas.
It was doing fine till trump policy really kicked in.
At the end of his first year, Trump got his tax cut passed
Then he started trade wars with the rest of the world

Market has been in shock ever since
The Formula for that is

One Part Deep State Plus two parts Fake Russia Russia, Fold in Some Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes, Raise Interest Rates to undermine the economy, and bake until golden brown.

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