The Storm Is Coming! Declassified Documents In Deep State Coup To Be Released By Wednesday, July 31

I wouldn’t get too excited. You saw what happen to the pathetic democrats on this board who swore up and down that Mueller’s testimony in front of congress was going to be the linchpin to impeaching the Orange Clown. You don’t hear a peep from them now.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.
Hey little girlyman, according to Mueller, zero Americans within the Trump Campaign met with any Russians. Fact!
I wouldn’t get too excited. You saw what happen to the pathetic democrats on this board who swore up and down that Mueller’s testimony in front of congress was going to be the linchpin to impeaching the Orange Clown. You don’t hear a peep from them now.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.
Hey little girlyman, according to Mueller, zero Americans within the Trump Campaign met with any Russians. Fact!
The whole world of Journalism law enforcement and intelligence knows all about it. You dupes are just pathetic.
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Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia

Jump to campaign · ... 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly praised Russian ... Trump claimed, "I never met Putin, I don't know who ...
Trump administration ...
Trump campaign members
Trump business partners

Trump Tower meeting - Wikipedia

Jump to Russian lobbyists · Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer best known ... would meet with Trump campaign members or ...
The Moscow Project
Trump's Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 251 contacts with Russia-linked ...

Apr 30, 2019 · Scavino headed the Trump campaign's social media efforts. .... a meeting between the Campaign and the Russian ... › swalwell
Russia: Trump & His Team's Ties

JD Gordon: Gordon, a national security advisor for the Trump campaign met with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak during ...
Trump Russia affair: Key questions answered


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You mean like you democrats learned that impeachment was a no go after Mueller shit on your dreams in front of congress?

yep, I mean just like the democrats learned that impeachment was a no go after Mueller shit on their dreams in front of congress?

you people are no different than they are.

The "we are going to them them (Obama/Hillary) crowd is just as naive and gullible as was the "we are going to get Trump" crowd.

But it is fun to sit over here never having bought into either and laugh as you dumb fucks.

Actually I posted that Hellary would never ever be taken down and I was right.

and I have said from day 1 that Trump did nothing illegal and that impeaching him would end our country as we know it...and I am still right.
I'm not sure how it would end the country? The dems will whine that the GOP are lawless crooks and the GOP will whine that the dems are also lawless crooks. SSDD, unless Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz can nail some of the deep state conspirators.

If Trump were to be impeached for having done nothing wrong it would lead to an endless series of impeachments every time the opposition party held the House. One thing about politics in this country, once one side does something first, it become commonplace after that.

That is what I mean.
1. The founding fathers wanted the bar for impeachment to be very high, otherwise the president would be impeached by the opposition party on a regular basis. Dershowitz describes the various discussions on what the threshold for impeachment should be. Could Trump take an impeachment to the USSC for a ruling on Constitutionality?
2. That said, there is no legal definition of what grounds need to be. So the House and Senate can declare anything impeachable. Dershowitz argues that the USSC should be the final arbiter on impeachment, without a constitutional basis?!
3. Your "constitutional crisis" could happen, from the article, link below:
"In his latest foray, Dershowitz proposes the worst possible option. If the Senate holds a trial and convicts, Dershowitz suggests, the president should simply refuse to leave office and insist that the Supreme Court adjudicate his claim that his conviction violated the Constitution. Dershowitz stakes out the strongest possible claim for judicial supremacy. The Supreme Court and the Supreme Court alone should resolve all disagreements about constitutional meaning, and the president should simply defy Congress until the court intercedes."

Alan Dershowitz Is Wrong About Impeachments

I hope the dems push impeachment, I'd like to see Trump challenge it in the USSC to see if it's actually impeachable.
It’s called s coup
Get rid of the guy who beat you by declaring he cheated to get there and is unfit to be there.
When no function of law will back you up, make up something else.
It seems patience has paid off. With Ratcliffe being appointed head of DNI it's now time to unload the declassified docs for the public to finally see. Just less than 48 hours to go folks.

Joe diGenova: “Declassified documents will be released this week … by Wednesday” (July 31st)….

They can release documents until their dicks fall off.

I couldn't care less

When they start locking up the scum of the Earth.... dimocrap FILTH, then I'll take notice.

All they're doing now is flapping their gums and wringing their hands like old women.

Until some dimocrap FILTH are Frog-Marched to Prison, they can all go straight to Hell.

I'll believe it when I see it

You sound enraged that your blob let you down on that front too. Its not your fault, You can’t help being stupid.
First, we don’t know if he did anything illegal. There just isn’t any proof to merit impeachment. Second, I have more faith in our country than to believe that an impeachment would end our country as we know it, whatever that means.

You know, that whole 'innocent till proven guilty" thing...

If Trump were to be impeached for having done nothing wrong it would lead to an endless series of impeachments every time the opposition party held the House. One thing about politics in this country, once one side does something first, it become commonplace after that.

That is what I mean.

So does that mean you believe Clinton’s impeachment was justified? If not, why wasn’t Bush or BO impeached also for doing nothing.
I wouldn’t get too excited. You saw what happen to the pathetic democrats on this board who swore up and down that Mueller’s testimony in front of congress was going to be the linchpin to impeaching the Orange Clown. You don’t hear a peep from them now.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.

And impeachment is still off the table. My point is proven, thank you very much.
I wouldn’t get too excited. You saw what happen to the pathetic democrats on this board who swore up and down that Mueller’s testimony in front of congress was going to be the linchpin to impeaching the Orange Clown. You don’t hear a peep from them now.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.

And impeachment is still off the table. My point is proven, thank you very much.
It is off the table until it is on the table. They seem to want to investigate a few things.
F* releasing documents, & no 'scapegoats'...

I want to see the following indicted, Perp-walked, and sent to prison based on exposed evidence of crimes:

I wouldn’t get too excited. You saw what happen to the pathetic democrats on this board who swore up and down that Mueller’s testimony in front of congress was going to be the linchpin to impeaching the Orange Clown. You don’t hear a peep from them now.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.

And impeachment is still off the table. My point is proven, thank you very much.
It is off the table until it is on the table. They seem to want to investigate a few things.

It’s true. When you swear allegiance to a political party you have to turn off your brain. Franco you are every bit as pathetic as the Trumpsters you despise.
I wouldn’t get too excited. You saw what happen to the pathetic democrats on this board who swore up and down that Mueller’s testimony in front of congress was going to be the linchpin to impeaching the Orange Clown. You don’t hear a peep from them now.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.

And impeachment is still off the table. My point is proven, thank you very much.
It is off the table until it is on the table. They seem to want to investigate a few things.
3 years no evidence, no crime, no indictments / convictions for collusion / obstruction...Nadler just lied his ass off and declared again he wants to see the .05% of the report he knows he could have already read but refused and already knows he can't get, which amounts to BS political theatrics...

'It's Mueller Time' turned into 'Weekend at Bernies' that exposed Mueller as a figurehead with Weismann running the witch hunt...

...and to top it off, after D-Schiff's attempt to salvage the disaster by declaring the Russians are still hard at work attempting to alter our election in 2020, do the Democrats turn their efforts to stopping the Russians and the tremendous threat they pose, according to them?

Hell No! They ignore the Russians they just warned us about and announce they are doubling their efforts to take down the President of the United States...



First, we don’t know if he did anything illegal. There just isn’t any proof to merit impeachment. Second, I have more faith in our country than to believe that an impeachment would end our country as we know it, whatever that means.

You know, that whole 'innocent till proven guilty" thing...

If Trump were to be impeached for having done nothing wrong it would lead to an endless series of impeachments every time the opposition party held the House. One thing about politics in this country, once one side does something first, it become commonplace after that.

That is what I mean.

So does that mean you believe Clinton’s impeachment was justified? If not, why wasn’t Bush or BO impeached also for doing nothing.

I think it was petty but there was a legit reason, he did commit perjury after all.

Neither were, but there was a lot of talk about doing so during both admins.
It seems patience has paid off. With Ratcliffe being appointed head of DNI it's now time to unload the declassified docs for the public to finally see. Just less than 48 hours to go folks.

Joe diGenova: “Declassified documents will be released this week … by Wednesday” (July 31st)….

There’s a storm coming alright. For the Trump family next year. I see a lot of Republicans rats are jumping off the sinking ship and resigning before the elections,

You people are going to need a new religion.
It seems patience has paid off. With Ratcliffe being appointed head of DNI it's now time to unload the declassified docs for the public to finally see. Just less than 48 hours to go folks.

Joe diGenova: “Declassified documents will be released this week … by Wednesday” (July 31st)….

There’s a storm coming alright. For the Trump family next year. I see a lot of Republicans rats are jumping off the sinking ship and resigning before the elections,

You people are going to need a new religion.
Your delusions are duly noted as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.
It seems patience has paid off. With Ratcliffe being appointed head of DNI it's now time to unload the declassified docs for the public to finally see. Just less than 48 hours to go folks.

Joe diGenova: “Declassified documents will be released this week … by Wednesday” (July 31st)….

There’s a storm coming alright. For the Trump family next year. I see a lot of Republicans rats are jumping off the sinking ship and resigning before the elections,

You people are going to need a new religion.
Your delusions are duly noted as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.

It seems patience has paid off. With Ratcliffe being appointed head of DNI it's now time to unload the declassified docs for the public to finally see. Just less than 48 hours to go folks.

Joe diGenova: “Declassified documents will be released this week … by Wednesday” (July 31st)….

There’s a storm coming alright. For the Trump family next year. I see a lot of Republicans rats are jumping off the sinking ship and resigning before the elections,

You people are going to need a new religion.
Your delusions are duly noted as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.

How does it feel knowing your being ethnically cleansed out of existence?
How does it feel knowing your being ethnically cleansed out of existence?

Wait until we start playing Cowboys and dimocraps, scumbag

You should get down on your knees and thank Trump for delaying it a generation or two.

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