The strange case of Mark Sanford

Sanford cheated on his wife, zero fucks given, has no effect on you and me at all.

Pelosi and the others i named make policies that have an effect on everyone....

next ?

Sanford makes policies as well, genius. He is a govenor you know.

Dr Mr. Moonbat,

Sanford cheating on his wife has nothing to do with any political policy. On the other hand for example, ramming the belief of global warming down our throats and creating a stupid energy tax on the basis of beleiving this farce is a very big deal in terms of political policy. Hell, Sanford was AGAINST the stimulus disaster so obviously cheating on his wife has not had any effect on his policy making decisions.


Mr. Common Sense
OMG, do you believe in the talking snake theory of creation, and that the earth is 6,000 years old, too?
Biased media trying to make the Republican party look bad while downplaying their own parties indiscretions and unacceptable behavior?

NBC, CBS, and ABC Highlight Sanford's GOP Label; Downplayed Label For Disgraced Dem

In the wake of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford’s admission to having an affair, evening and morning newscasts on NBC, CBS, and ABC all immediately identified him as a Republican. In contrast, in March of last year, the networks rarely identified disgraced New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as a Democrat in the wake of his affair with a prostitute.

In a 2008 study of evening and morning network newscasts following the Spitzer scandal, NewsBusters’ Rich Noyes found that within the first week of news coverage Spitzer was only identified as a Democrat 20% of the time. However, within the first 24 hours of Sanford’s confession to having an affair, he was identified as a Republican 100% of the time, during coverage on all the networks.

Lauer Labels Sanford a Republican but Omits 'D' Next to McGreevey

NBC's Matt Lauer, at the top of Thursday’s Today show, was careful to note the party affiliation of Mark Sanford as he announced "The political future of South Carolina's governor Mark Sanford, a once-rising star in the Republican Party, is very much in doubt." However when he invited on former Democratic New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey – who resigned after admitting an affair with a gay man who he appointed to office – to discuss the story, he never mentioned McGreevey was a Democrat.

After a set-up piece by Mark Potter, Lauer interviewed McGreevey and asked him the ex-governor, "If it comes out that the governor used taxpayer money to go to Argentina on one or more occasions, does that complicate the issue? And, and would that make it more difficult for him to survive in office?" Interestingly Lauer failed to mention the fact that this was one of the reasons that forced McGreevey to step down

Yeah, and Fox News labeled him a DEMOCRAT. Along with Mark Foley, whom Fox News also labeled a Democrat during that scandal.



A terrible accident, I'm sure......that keeps happening over and over. Dirty pricks.
Sanford makes policies as well, genius. He is a govenor you know.

Dr Mr. Moonbat,

Sanford cheating on his wife has nothing to do with any political policy. On the other hand for example, ramming the belief of global warming down our throats and creating a stupid energy tax on the basis of beleiving this farce is a very big deal in terms of political policy. Hell, Sanford was AGAINST the stimulus disaster so obviously cheating on his wife has not had any effect on his policy making decisions.


Mr. Common Sense

Dr Mr. Moonbat,

Sanford cheating on his wife has nothing to do with any political policy. On the other hand for example, ramming the belief of global warming down our throats and creating a stupid energy tax on the basis of beleiving this farce is a very big deal in terms of political policy. Hell, Sanford was AGAINST the stimulus disaster so obviously cheating on his wife has not had any effect on his policy making decisions.


Mr. Common Sense

True, but jumping off the grid and leaving the country without alerting anyone just to get some vee jay jay, seriously calls into question his mental capacity and decision making. He should step down immediately, he is an embarrasement to SC.

The speed of his collapse was shocking. Even his former chief of staff and friend of 30 years, state Sen. Tom Davis, said he didn't know about the affair until Wednesday.
"I think that South Carolinians, in particular Americans, have tremendous capacity for forgiveness. That said, they can also recognize hypocrisy. I think the tale of the tape will be the next few days, whether or not Governor Sanford is sincere in his repentance," Davis told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Thursday.

A top South Carolina Republican leader says philandering Gov. Mark Sanford should resign and practice the philosophy he's preached of holding GOP leaders accountable. Glenn McCall is one of the state's two national representatives to the Republican National Committee. He's also a county party chairman and said Thursday that party members want Sanford out.

SC GOP leader wants unfaithful gov's resignation - Yahoo! News

I don't necessarily agree 100% because i haven't seen an irrational position he's taken on an issue but your argument is much more sensible, nik should learn from you instead of George Lakoff .........

He is the chief executive of his state. If a cashier at McDonald's disappeared from work for a week with no communication with coworkers or supervisors they would be fired, why should a man in his position of power be treated any different? What he did was reckless and inexcusable.
Dr Mr. Moonbat,

Sanford cheating on his wife has nothing to do with any political policy. On the other hand for example, ramming the belief of global warming down our throats and creating a stupid energy tax on the basis of beleiving this farce is a very big deal in terms of political policy. Hell, Sanford was AGAINST the stimulus disaster so obviously cheating on his wife has not had any effect on his policy making decisions.


Mr. Common Sense

True, but jumping off the grid and leaving the country without alerting anyone just to get some vee jay jay, seriously calls into question his mental capacity and decision making. He should step down immediately, he is an embarrasement to SC.

The speed of his collapse was shocking. Even his former chief of staff and friend of 30 years, state Sen. Tom Davis, said he didn't know about the affair until Wednesday.
"I think that South Carolinians, in particular Americans, have tremendous capacity for forgiveness. That said, they can also recognize hypocrisy. I think the tale of the tape will be the next few days, whether or not Governor Sanford is sincere in his repentance," Davis told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Thursday.

A top South Carolina Republican leader says philandering Gov. Mark Sanford should resign and practice the philosophy he's preached of holding GOP leaders accountable. Glenn McCall is one of the state's two national representatives to the Republican National Committee. He's also a county party chairman and said Thursday that party members want Sanford out.

SC GOP leader wants unfaithful gov's resignation - Yahoo! News

I don't necessarily agree 100% because i haven't seen an irrational position he's taken on an issue but your argument is much more sensible, nik should learn from you instead of George Lakoff .........

He is the chief executive of his state. If a cashier at McDonald's disappeared from work for a week with no communication with coworkers or supervisors they would be fired, why should a man in his position of power be treated any different? What he did was reckless and inexcusable.

Is getting blown in the white house while conducting foreign policy over the phone reckless and inexcusable?
I don't necessarily agree 100% because i haven't seen an irrational position he's taken on an issue but your argument is much more sensible, nik should learn from you instead of George Lakoff .........

He is the chief executive of his state. If a cashier at McDonald's disappeared from work for a week with no communication with coworkers or supervisors they would be fired, why should a man in his position of power be treated any different? What he did was reckless and inexcusable.

Is getting blown in the white house while conducting foreign policy over the phone reckless and inexcusable?

Yes it is, and your point is?
He is the chief executive of his state. If a cashier at McDonald's disappeared from work for a week with no communication with coworkers or supervisors they would be fired, why should a man in his position of power be treated any different? What he did was reckless and inexcusable.

Is getting blown in the white house while conducting foreign policy over the phone reckless and inexcusable?

Yes it is, and your point is?

I believe Clinton was guilty of that.
I believe Clinton was guilty of that.

Again, what is your point in regards to the thread? Is there some new law that I am not aware of, the "if Clinton did it, it is ok" law?

No, the law seems to be, when Clinton does it, it's ok, but when a conservative republican does that or much less, it isn't.

Thanks for renforcing that you had no point, just typical mud slinging to get off the topic. We are discussing the actions of a SC Governor who abandoned his duties and went MIA for a week, and you bring up Clinton as a reason why his actions were not so bad. Good one! :lol:
Again, what is your point in regards to the thread? Is there some new law that I am not aware of, the "if Clinton did it, it is ok" law?

No, the law seems to be, when Clinton does it, it's ok, but when a conservative republican does that or much less, it isn't.

Thanks for renforcing that you had no point, just typical mud slinging to get off the topic. We are discussing the actions of a SC Governor who abandoned his duties and went MIA for a week, and you bring up Clinton as a reason why his actions were not so bad. Good one! :lol:

I assume you agree, then, that Clinton was unjustly impeached.
No, the law seems to be, when Clinton does it, it's ok, but when a conservative republican does that or much less, it isn't.

Thanks for renforcing that you had no point, just typical mud slinging to get off the topic. We are discussing the actions of a SC Governor who abandoned his duties and went MIA for a week, and you bring up Clinton as a reason why his actions were not so bad. Good one! :lol:

I assume you agree, then, that Clinton was unjustly impeached.

Clinton should have been impeached for lying, that is my opinion. Again, what is your point in regards to this thread about SC Gov. Sanford?
Again, what is your point in regards to the thread? Is there some new law that I am not aware of, the "if Clinton did it, it is ok" law?

No, the law seems to be, when Clinton does it, it's ok, but when a conservative republican does that or much less, it isn't.

Thanks for renforcing that you had no point, just typical mud slinging to get off the topic. We are discussing the actions of a SC Governor who abandoned his duties and went MIA for a week, and you bring up Clinton as a reason why his actions were not so bad. Good one! :lol:
actually, if you werent such a hypocrite, you would know that you just said that what Sanford did means he should resign, and what clinton did was also just as bad, but you then deflect and say its not the same
I assume you agree, then, that Clinton was unjustly impeached.

Clinton should have been impeached for lying, that is my opinion. Again, what is your point in regards to this thread about SC Gov. Sanford?

The point is that many on the left have a double standard when it comes to republicans committing infractions vs. democrats committing infractions. At least you don't have that double standard.
actually, she does have that double standard
she said Sanford should resign because he had an affair
but Clinton was justly impeached because of the lying, not his extra marital affairs
I assume you agree, then, that Clinton was unjustly impeached.

Clinton should have been impeached for lying, that is my opinion. Again, what is your point in regards to this thread about SC Gov. Sanford?

The point is that many on the left have a double standard when it comes to republicans committing infractions vs. democrats committing infractions. At least you don't have that double standard.

I see the double standard on both sides, I see many on the right dismissing his behavior as acceptable because of similar infractions by the Democrats. Instead of discussing the topic and stating opinion on his actions we hear "but what about when Clinton and Edwards did it"
Clinton should have been impeached for lying, that is my opinion. Again, what is your point in regards to this thread about SC Gov. Sanford?

The point is that many on the left have a double standard when it comes to republicans committing infractions vs. democrats committing infractions. At least you don't have that double standard.
actually, she does have that double standard
she said Sanford should resign because he had an affair
but Clinton was justly impeached because of the lying, not his extra marital affairs

No I said he should resign because he abandoned his duties as chief executive of his state. Traveling out of country with no communication with staff or family is what I have a problem with, not the affair itself. Find one post where I said he should resign because of his affair, go ahead genius. I never did, every post I criticized his actions of going off the grid with no communication.
Again, what is your point in regards to the thread? Is there some new law that I am not aware of, the "if Clinton did it, it is ok" law?

No, the law seems to be, when Clinton does it, it's ok, but when a conservative republican does that or much less, it isn't.

Thanks for renforcing that you had no point, just typical mud slinging to get off the topic. We are discussing the actions of a SC Governor who abandoned his duties and went MIA for a week, and you bring up Clinton as a reason why his actions were not so bad. Good one! :lol:
first off, he didnt abandone his duties, and he wasnt MIA
The point is that many on the left have a double standard when it comes to republicans committing infractions vs. democrats committing infractions. At least you don't have that double standard.
actually, she does have that double standard
she said Sanford should resign because he had an affair
but Clinton was justly impeached because of the lying, not his extra marital affairs

No I said he should resign because he abandoned his duties as chief executive of his state. Traveling out of country with no communication with staff or family is what I have a problem with, not the affair itself. Find one post where I said he should resign because of his affair, go ahead genius. I never did, every post I criticized his actions of going off the grid with no communication.
except he didnt abandone his duties
and people knew where he was, just they werent telling anyone
The point is that many on the left have a double standard when it comes to republicans committing infractions vs. democrats committing infractions. At least you don't have that double standard.
actually, she does have that double standard
she said Sanford should resign because he had an affair
but Clinton was justly impeached because of the lying, not his extra marital affairs

No I said he should resign because he abandoned his duties as chief executive of his state. Traveling out of country with no communication with staff or family is what I have a problem with, not the affair itself. Find one post where I said he should resign because of his affair, go ahead genius. I never did, every post I criticized his actions of going off the grid with no communication.

You'll agree, then, Clinton should have resigned when it was brought up that he was getting blown while conducting foreign policy over the phone?
It goes both ways, both parties go on attack mode when the other is vulnerable. I agree it is personal business if the actions involve a simple affair, you are failing to realize the potentional consequences of his actions. He did not just have an affair, he left the country without informing his staff, family, or anyone else. If there was a terroist attack or natural disaster in South Carolina what would be the consequences if the leader simply disaapeared with no communication with staff or family? This guy fucked up big time, and should be held accountable.

That is my quote from an earlier post in this thread, as you can see I could careless about his affair, his actions and his judgement is what I was criticizing.

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