The strange case of Mark Sanford

actually, she does have that double standard
she said Sanford should resign because he had an affair
but Clinton was justly impeached because of the lying, not his extra marital affairs

No I said he should resign because he abandoned his duties as chief executive of his state. Traveling out of country with no communication with staff or family is what I have a problem with, not the affair itself. Find one post where I said he should resign because of his affair, go ahead genius. I never did, every post I criticized his actions of going off the grid with no communication.

You'll agree, then, Clinton should have resigned when it was brought up that he was getting blown while conducting foreign policy over the phone?

Apples and oranges, E.
actually, she does have that double standard
she said Sanford should resign because he had an affair
but Clinton was justly impeached because of the lying, not his extra marital affairs

No I said he should resign because he abandoned his duties as chief executive of his state. Traveling out of country with no communication with staff or family is what I have a problem with, not the affair itself. Find one post where I said he should resign because of his affair, go ahead genius. I never did, every post I criticized his actions of going off the grid with no communication.
except he didnt abandone his duties
and people knew where he was, just they werent telling anyone

Who knew where he was the Lt.Gov? How about the national guard did they know how to reach the CINC? Did law enforcement know? Did his family know? Who are all these people that knew?

Another thing DC, please show where I said Sanford should resign because of the affair, I would like to know where you read this.
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Thanks for renforcing that you had no point, just typical mud slinging to get off the topic. We are discussing the actions of a SC Governor who abandoned his duties and went MIA for a week, and you bring up Clinton as a reason why his actions were not so bad. Good one! :lol:

I assume you agree, then, that Clinton was unjustly impeached.

Clinton should have been impeached for lying, that is my opinion. Again, what is your point in regards to this thread about SC Gov. Sanford?
Sanford lied to everyone.
It goes both ways, both parties go on attack mode when the other is vulnerable. I agree it is personal business if the actions involve a simple affair, you are failing to realize the potentional consequences of his actions. He did not just have an affair, he left the country without informing his staff, family, or anyone else. If there was a terroist attack or natural disaster in South Carolina what would be the consequences if the leader simply disaapeared with no communication with staff or family? This guy fucked up big time, and should be held accountable.

That is my quote from an earlier post in this thread, as you can see I could careless about his affair, his actions and his judgement is what I was criticizing.
except his family and staff knew
they just werent telling anyone
No I said he should resign because he abandoned his duties as chief executive of his state. Traveling out of country with no communication with staff or family is what I have a problem with, not the affair itself. Find one post where I said he should resign because of his affair, go ahead genius. I never did, every post I criticized his actions of going off the grid with no communication.

You'll agree, then, Clinton should have resigned when it was brought up that he was getting blown while conducting foreign policy over the phone?

Apples and oranges, E.

Right, because Clinton isn't a born-again Christian and this guy is.
It goes both ways, both parties go on attack mode when the other is vulnerable. I agree it is personal business if the actions involve a simple affair, you are failing to realize the potentional consequences of his actions. He did not just have an affair, he left the country without informing his staff, family, or anyone else. If there was a terroist attack or natural disaster in South Carolina what would be the consequences if the leader simply disaapeared with no communication with staff or family? This guy fucked up big time, and should be held accountable.

That is my quote from an earlier post in this thread, as you can see I could careless about his affair, his actions and his judgement is what I was criticizing.
except his family and staff knew
they just werent telling anyone

except his family and staff knew
they just werent telling anyone


are you going to agree that Clinton should have resigned or should we just assume you are a partisan hack?

I thought I already made myself clear, and it is you who is clearly displaying the attributes of a partisan hack. For the good of the country Clinton SHOULD have resigned for lying if not I would have had no problem with him being impeached.

are you going to agree that Clinton should have resigned or should we just assume you are a partisan hack?

I thought I already made myself clear, and it is you who is clearly displaying the attributes of a partisan hack. For the good of the country Clinton SHOULD have resigned for lying if not I would have had no problem with him being impeached.

Nice dodge of my original question. Is getting blown while on the phone conducting foreign policy something a President should resign for?
You'll agree, then, Clinton should have resigned when it was brought up that he was getting blown while conducting foreign policy over the phone?

Apples and oranges, E.

Right, because Clinton isn't a born-again Christian and this guy is.

I was thinking more along the lines of one was actually on the job and where he was supposed to be and the other was being derelict and not where he supposed to be.

I got no idea what religion has to do with it.
Apples and oranges, E.

Right, because Clinton isn't a born-again Christian and this guy is.

I was thinking more along the lines of one was actually on the job and where he was supposed to be and the other was being derelict and not where he supposed to be.

I got no idea what religion has to do with it.

If Sanford were President of the US and committed this act, you would then say, it was worse than conducting foreign policy while getting fellated?
are you going to agree that Clinton should have resigned or should we just assume you are a partisan hack?

I thought I already made myself clear, and it is you who is clearly displaying the attributes of a partisan hack. For the good of the country Clinton SHOULD have resigned for lying if not I would have had no problem with him being impeached.

Nice dodge of my original question. Is getting blown while on the phone conducting foreign policy something a President should resign for?

Speaking of dodging, you managed to dodge the entire topic of the thread your posting in, and you have the balls to call others a partisan hack. The only thing Clinton should have resigned or been impeached for is lying.
Right, because Clinton isn't a born-again Christian and this guy is.

I was thinking more along the lines of one was actually on the job and where he was supposed to be and the other was being derelict and not where he supposed to be.

I got no idea what religion has to do with it.

If Sanford were President of the US and committed this act, you would then say, it was worse than conducting foreign policy while getting fellated?

I know you are desperately trying to stretch this as far as you can, but you are seriously failing. I know this is hard for you to swallow, but a Republican fucked up and should resign, it happens he is human. Stop trying to mental gymnastics your way out of this.
I was thinking more along the lines of one was actually on the job and where he was supposed to be and the other was being derelict and not where he supposed to be.

I got no idea what religion has to do with it.

If Sanford were President of the US and committed this act, you would then say, it was worse than conducting foreign policy while getting fellated?

I know you are desperately trying to stretch this as far as you can, but you are seriously failing. I know this is hard for you to swallow, but a Republican fucked up and should resign, it happens he is human. Stop trying to mental gymnastics your way out of this.

Whatever you say, Monica.
Right, because Clinton isn't a born-again Christian and this guy is.

I was thinking more along the lines of one was actually on the job and where he was supposed to be and the other was being derelict and not where he supposed to be.

I got no idea what religion has to do with it.

If Sanford were President of the US and committed this act, you would then say, it was worse than conducting foreign policy while getting fellated?

If Sanford were President of the US and committed this act, you would then say, it was worse than conducting foreign policy while getting fellated?

I know you are desperately trying to stretch this as far as you can, but you are seriously failing. I know this is hard for you to swallow, but a Republican fucked up and should resign, it happens he is human. Stop trying to mental gymnastics your way out of this.

Whatever you say, Monica.

Back at you Larry Craig!
That is my quote from an earlier post in this thread, as you can see I could careless about his affair, his actions and his judgement is what I was criticizing.
except his family and staff knew
they just werent telling anyone

sorry, i read it in one of the many links that has been posted on this story, but i dont remember and i cant find it in google with all the massive other blog hits talking about it
I was thinking more along the lines of one was actually on the job and where he was supposed to be and the other was being derelict and not where he supposed to be.

I got no idea what religion has to do with it.

If Sanford were President of the US and committed this act, you would then say, it was worse than conducting foreign policy while getting fellated?


But he isn't president.
I know you are desperately trying to stretch this as far as you can, but you are seriously failing. I know this is hard for you to swallow, but a Republican fucked up and should resign, it happens he is human. Stop trying to mental gymnastics your way out of this.

Whatever you say, Monica.

Back at you Larry Craig!

just another partisan hack celebrating the fall of a republican. and to think I gave you any credit.

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