The strange case of Mark Sanford

This is the type of shit that pisses me off.

About an hour after Jenny Sanford talked of her pain and feelings of betrayal, her husband brushed aside any suggestion he might immediately resign, citing the Bible and the story of King David — who continued to lead after sleeping with another man's wife, Bathsheba, having the husband slain, then marrying the widow.

"What I find interesting is the story of David, and the way in which he fell mightily — fell in very, very significant ways, but then picked up the pieces and built from there," Sanford told members of his cabinet in a session called so he could apologize to them in person and tell them the business of government must continue.

AP INTERVIEW: SC 1st lady told gov to stop affair - Yahoo! News

You have gotta be fucking kidding me. He is using a bible to rationalize why he's staying on? Piss off!

If he wants to stay on as governor, then stay on as governor. Don't fucking rationalize because of what King David did in the bible.

This type of shit gives politicians who claim to be Christians a bad name. Well, that and the actual fucking another woman and lying about it to your wife.

BTW, someone who is running for President is banging a campaign worker while his wife has incurable cancer is an utter scumbag. However, his idiocy doesn't carry to his party. Guys like Sanford and Ensign are a big problem for a party whose "brand" is family values.
Sanford is using David as an excuse?
ok, then he better plan on making some HUGE act of restoration
just saying "i'm sorry" aint what King David did
Hey........isn't Sanford the same idiot that likes to get himself annointed with oil just before swearing in each time?

He's one of those loony Christians that thinks just because they know Yeshua's english name, they can tell everyone else what to do.

You're right Toro, this pisses me off as well, because it's yet another example of a blowhard Christian bastardizing the teachings of Yeshua and the Bible.

Surprised the dumb fucker compared himself to King David. King David is one of them Jews.

He also sent Bathsheba's husband to the front lines so he could sleep with Bathsheba.
exactly, that was an example of the WRONG thing to do, and what made David great was his acts of repentence

where has Sanford done anything even close
Hey........isn't Sanford the same idiot that likes to get himself annointed with oil just before swearing in each time?

He's one of those loony Christians that thinks just because they know Yeshua's english name, they can tell everyone else what to do.

You're right Toro, this pisses me off as well, because it's yet another example of a blowhard Christian bastardizing the teachings of Yeshua and the Bible.

Surprised the dumb fucker compared himself to King David. King David is one of them Jews.

He also sent Bathsheba's husband to the front lines so he could sleep with Bathsheba.
exactly, that was an example of the WRONG thing to do, and what made David great was his acts of repentence

where has Sanford done anything even close

I don't imagine he has or will.
He also sent Bathsheba's husband to the front lines so he could sleep with Bathsheba.
exactly, that was an example of the WRONG thing to do, and what made David great was his acts of repentence

where has Sanford done anything even close

I don't imagine he has or will.
i may have to go back and read up on what King David did
LOL send emails to Sanford asking when he is going to do that
No, Sanford is going to wrap himself up in the Bible, just like every other lobotomized Christian (and no, not all Christians are like that), and start spewing lots of pretty comparisons so that the Christian Right won't look to have his ass removed from office.
No, Sanford is going to wrap himself up in the Bible, just like every other lobotomized Christian (and no, not all Christians are like that), and start spewing lots of pretty comparisons so that the Christian Right won't look to have his ass removed from office.
just with what i have posted here, you should be able to see what he is attempting is going to backfire
CHristians know what happened and that he is not using the bible correctly
If he's not getting a pass, then why the fuck isn't the GOP standing up and asking for his resignation? further complicate matters.........WHY THE FUCK IS LARRY CRAIG STILL IN OFFICE?!?!?!?!?

Until I see at least 3 people (from the GOP) who are calling for the skull of Sanford, I'm going to consider that giving him a pass.
If he's not getting a pass, then why the fuck isn't the GOP standing up and asking for his resignation? further complicate matters.........WHY THE FUCK IS LARRY CRAIG STILL IN OFFICE?!?!?!?!?

Until I see at least 3 people (from the GOP) who are calling for the skull of Sanford, I'm going to consider that giving him a pass.
ah, so no one is actually standing up for him, but because no one you call "GOP" is calling for his execution, they are giving him a pass

Bullshit..........I've seen several Repugnicans stand up and publicly state he should keep his job.

Saw some of it on FAUX Noise.
see, i knew it, you watch more fox news than i do

now, NAME EM

Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Mitt Romney, although this was not on faux news, the statements were made on meet the press and face the nation.
Bullshit..........I've seen several Repugnicans stand up and publicly state he should keep his job.

Saw some of it on FAUX Noise.
see, i knew it, you watch more fox news than i do

now, NAME EM

Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Mitt Romney, although this was not on faux news, the statements were made on meet the press and face the nation.
well, i disagree, the man missused public funds for personal reasons
he should step down
I know! The reason that the Repugnicans don't want him to step down is because they are scared that the LT Governor would end up with more political capital by being there for the next few months, and they may end up losing to a Democrat.

That's why they don't want him to step down.

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