The strength of the Trump truly is amazing. This is why we need Trump in office.

Yeah, they quarantined the region and didn't tell anybody else about it. At the beginning, Italy got hit very hard. Unlike Americans, Europeans only buy their own products. So some of the industry brought in Chinese workers so they could manufacture for cheap and still be able to put the Made In Italy label on it. Most of the Chinese were from Wuhan. They were flying back and forth and nobody suspected a thing.

Wow, guy, you need to adjust your Tin Foil Hat.

MEANWHILE, Trump knew that Covid was a lot more dangerous than he was saying publicly.

So if the Chinese were in the wrong for downplaying it, so was Trump, amiright?

The Chinese didn't downplay it, they didn't tell anybody at the onset. As the President explained, he didn't want to create nationwide panic.
So if I said that I had an anonymous source that told me Biden has sex with young boys, you would say that because my source was anonymous, that doesn't make it false?

If you were a respected journalist, and other news outlets confirmed your reporting, then, yes.

Especially if Biden had a history of similar behavior.
The Chinese didn't downplay it, they didn't tell anybody at the onset. As the President explained, he didn't want to create nationwide panic.

Trump Lied. People Died.

What did he think people were going to run through the streets like in a Godzilla Movie.

Come on.
The Chinese didn't downplay it, they didn't tell anybody at the onset. As the President explained, he didn't want to create nationwide panic.

Trump Lied. People Died.

What did he think people were going to run through the streets like in a Godzilla Movie.

Come on.

Yes, some people would. Not everybody but enough to create a problem. Nobody died because Trump didn't get on camera and start screaming WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
So if I said that I had an anonymous source that told me Biden has sex with young boys, you would say that because my source was anonymous, that doesn't make it false?

If you were a respected journalist, and other news outlets confirmed your reporting, then, yes.

Especially if Biden had a history of similar behavior.

He does have some phony story about a rape case, and nobody is making a big deal out of it. The woman even said who she was. The MSM is certainly been very quiet about it.

Respected journalist? :auiqs.jpg: We haven't had that in the MSM for the last couple of decades.

President Trump did achieve the 3% growth mark that Obama failed to achieve. Just checked the current BEA tables and indeed, even in the current release Trump has achieved 3% for 2018.

So indeed, Brain did lie about that.
You either don't understand economics or you lie as much as trump.
But the increase in gross domestic product hasn’t hit 3%. It was only 2.3% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018, when the cuts kicked in. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates only 2.3% for 2019. Overall, annual GDP growth under Mr. Trump has averaged only a few tenths of a point better than that of President Obama’s second term.

You are wrong.

And that chart is annual GDP growth.

Trump did achieve 3% liar. You can confirm from BEA.

According to you so did Obama.... But you are confused, stop embarrassing yourself.

You fucking idiot. Obama did not have a calendar year of 3% growth, Trump did.
No trump didn’t. That’s a commonly known fact, why are you lying?

Yes president Trump absolutely did achieve 3% GDP growth as reported by the BEA. You are using fake statistics from the world bank, that's your problem.

That is fake news. They have revised it upwards.

How damn difficult is it to look at the BEA's current release? It clearly states 3.0%. President Trump did it.
Sorry but you aren't living in reality. Everyone agrees, trump has never hit 3%. Here is the BEA:
Real GDP increased 2.9 percent in 2018 (from the 2017 annual level to the 2018 annual level), compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2017 (table 1).

Stop lying already.

Do you even read your own links?

"These data have been superseded. Please see our latest releases for current estimates and contact information.
Explore Product View"

How damn difficult is it to read the LATEST, CURRENT release?
I even use your source and you keep lying. Sad. Here is a good one from the most recent release:
Real gross domestic income (GDI) decreased 33.1 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 2.5 percent in the first quarter. The average of real GDP and real GDI, a supplemental measure of U.S. economic activity that equally weights GDP and GDI, decreased 32.4 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 3.7 percent in the first quarter (table 1).


You did no such thing. Let me help you brainless one.


President Trump did achieve 3% GDP growth in 2018. He also achieved higher growth rates compared to Europe. He is the king of economy.

your own source shows gdp growth was less than 3% (avg(3.7, 2.7, 2.1, 1.3)) in 2018 - are you on drugs?
Yes, some people would. Not everybody but enough to create a problem. Nobody died because Trump didn't get on camera and start screaming WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

No, but lots of people died because Trump said it wasn't a big deal, it was a hoax. Show up at your state capitol with a machine gun and threaten your state legislsture if you can't go to Applebees...

He does have some phony story about a rape case, and nobody is making a big deal out of it. The woman even said who she was. The MSM is certainly been very quiet about it.

Actually, the problem there was that after they INVESTIGATED< they found out this woman was a serial liar who has operated under NO LESS than five different aliases, committed perjury in court, had numerous charges of check kiting and fraud. And this was the best you guys could come up with.
No, but lots of people died because Trump said it wasn't a big deal, it was a hoax. Show up at your state capitol with a machine gun and threaten your state legislsture if you can't go to Applebees...

You're making more crap out of thin air. Nobody died because Trump didn't tell everybody to bunker down in their homes. Even Dr. Fauci said what Trump did didn't change our outcome one bit. That's besides the fact a lot of people, younger people especially didn't and are still not taking this thing seriously. It wouldn't matter what Trump or Fauci says. They were still on the beaches, still at the bars next to each other no face masks. Hell, even my nephew was in Florida about two months ago posting pictures of him and his friends at a bar as I described. He's a smart guy, has a masters and a good job. He's simply not worried about it.

Actually, the problem there was that after they INVESTIGATED< they found out this woman was a serial liar who has operated under NO LESS than five different aliases, committed perjury in court, had numerous charges of check kiting and fraud. And this was the best you guys could come up with.

Well at least we know who she is, and we don't in the Atlantic story case. We have no way to judge their credibility if they even exist at all. The point being you don't accept anything as truth unless somebody presents empirical evidence. It's not the case here, and it isn't in the Biden case. His wife's ex made a statement that when they were married, his then wife and Creepy Joe were screwing around behind his back. Do you believe it or don't you? Because if you say no, then you're an admitted hypocrite.
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You're making more crap out of thin air. Nobody died because Trump didn't tell everybody to bunker down in their homes. Even Dr. Fauci said what Trump did didn't change our outcome one bit. That's besides the fact a lot of people, younger people especially didn't and are still not taking this thing seriously. It wouldn't matter what Trump or Fauci says. They were still on the beaches, still at the bars next to each other no face masks. Hell, even my nephew was in Florida about two months ago posting pictures of him and his friends at a bar as I described. He's a smart guy, has a masters and a good job. He's simply not worried about it.

I'm not sure why you think Dr. Fauci is a "get out of jail free" card. Trump has been undermining the guy's efforts since day one.

Trump Lied. People Died.
You're making more crap out of thin air. Nobody died because Trump didn't tell everybody to bunker down in their homes. Even Dr. Fauci said what Trump did didn't change our outcome one bit. That's besides the fact a lot of people, younger people especially didn't and are still not taking this thing seriously. It wouldn't matter what Trump or Fauci says. They were still on the beaches, still at the bars next to each other no face masks. Hell, even my nephew was in Florida about two months ago posting pictures of him and his friends at a bar as I described. He's a smart guy, has a masters and a good job. He's simply not worried about it.

I'm not sure why you think Dr. Fauci is a "get out of jail free" card. Trump has been undermining the guy's efforts since day one.

Trump Lied. People Died.

And do you know why you believe that? Because you wish to remain ignorant. Now had you clicked the link I provided, watched the interview, you would have never made a statement like that because you would have actually learned something.
You're making more crap out of thin air. Nobody died because Trump didn't tell everybody to bunker down in their homes. Even Dr. Fauci said what Trump did didn't change our outcome one bit. That's besides the fact a lot of people, younger people especially didn't and are still not taking this thing seriously. It wouldn't matter what Trump or Fauci says. They were still on the beaches, still at the bars next to each other no face masks. Hell, even my nephew was in Florida about two months ago posting pictures of him and his friends at a bar as I described. He's a smart guy, has a masters and a good job. He's simply not worried about it.

I'm not sure why you think Dr. Fauci is a "get out of jail free" card. Trump has been undermining the guy's efforts since day one.

Trump Lied. People Died.

I think you have that exactly backward..... Fauci hasn't been right even once and has been undermining the administration since day one.

And do you know why you believe that? Because you wish to remain ignorant. Now had you clicked the link I provided, watched the interview, you would have never made a statement like that because you would have actually learned something.

Again, you have Trump on tape admitting he lied about how serious Covid was, because he didn't want to hurt the stock market. In short, he was willing to kill people to keep rich people's money up.

I think you have that exactly backward..... Fauci hasn't been right even once and has been undermining the administration since day one.

Fauci is an expert on epidemics.
Trump is a game show host. And not even a smart game show host like Alec Trebek.
Again, you have Trump on tape admitting he lied about how serious Covid was, because he didn't want to hurt the stock market. In short, he was willing to kill people to keep rich people's money up.

And as Dr. Fauci said, everything they discussed about the virus was conveyed to the people. Did Trump try to keep people calm? Yes he did. It's kind of his job. But so did Cuomo who told people not to worry about it either. Piglosi told people to get out to Chinatown. DeBlasio told people to get on the subway and go shopping. Everybody pretty much had an economic interest, and nobody at the time knew how bad this could get.
And as Dr. Fauci said, everything they discussed about the virus was conveyed to the people. Did Trump try to keep people calm? Yes he did. It's kind of his job. But so did Cuomo who told people not to worry about it either. Piglosi told people to get out to Chinatown. DeBlasio told people to get on the subway and go shopping. Everybody pretty much had an economic interest, and nobody at the time knew how bad this could get.

Trump is the president. He had information that those other people didn't, and continued to Downplay the virus long after everyone else realized how serious it was.

Pelosi telling people not to be racist against Chinese people is really not the same as Trump telling people it would go away by Easter when he knew damned well it wouldn't.

Trump Lied. People Died.

Trump lied. People Died.

Trump Lied. People Died.
And as Dr. Fauci said, everything they discussed about the virus was conveyed to the people. Did Trump try to keep people calm? Yes he did. It's kind of his job. But so did Cuomo who told people not to worry about it either. Piglosi told people to get out to Chinatown. DeBlasio told people to get on the subway and go shopping. Everybody pretty much had an economic interest, and nobody at the time knew how bad this could get.

Trump is the president. He had information that those other people didn't, and continued to Downplay the virus long after everyone else realized how serious it was.

Pelosi telling people not to be racist against Chinese people is really not the same as Trump telling people it would go away by Easter when he knew damned well it wouldn't.

Trump Lied. People Died.

Trump lied. People Died.

Trump Lied. People Died.

The only people that believe Trump is responsible for any deaths are you TDS people and those with an IQ under 30. The rest of the country realizes there was little any President could have done in that situation.

What Trump did was make speculations, and while pretty optimistic, didn't hurt a fly. The main points about the virus were given to us, and Trump had no reason not to share any and all information with us, our Governors, or Congress people. We all knew the same things at the same time.

But others had speculations just like President Trump, and they were optimistic as well. They didn't want to destroy their economy over what might have been a false alarm either. Nobody could have accurately predicted the outcome, not Trump, not Fauci, not Piglosi, not Cuomo.

But keep trying to convince people Trump is responsible for everything. It may drive more voters our way.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is sit back, stay quiet, and watch."
Rush Limbaugh
The only people that believe Trump is responsible for any deaths are you TDS people and those with an IQ under 30. The rest of the country realizes there was little any President could have done in that situation.

Check it out, his Job approval on Covid

55-57% disapprove of the way he has handled it... only 41% approve.

What Trump did was make speculations, and while pretty optimistic, didn't hurt a fly. The main points about the virus were given to us, and Trump had no reason not to share any and all information with us, our Governors, or Congress people. We all knew the same things at the same time.

But he was the guy who set the tone, and the tone was "this isn't something serious, it's a hoax, masks aren't for sissies, this will clear up by Easter, I'm going golfing."

But others had speculations just like President Trump, and they were optimistic as well. They didn't want to destroy their economy over what might have been a false alarm either. Nobody could have accurately predicted the outcome, not Trump, not Fauci, not Piglosi, not Cuomo.

Actually, a lot of people thought this was serious back in February... it's why the Market crashed back then.
But he was the guy who set the tone, and the tone was "this isn't something serious, it's a hoax, masks aren't for sissies, this will clear up by Easter, I'm going golfing."

He never said the virus was a hoax. Why do you liberals lie repeatedly? Trump never encouraged masks, but he didn't discourage them either, especially when it started to become a problem. He let Dr. Fauci take the lead on that subject every time he addressed the nation on the subject.

Actually, a lot of people thought this was serious back in February... it's why the Market crashed back then.

And the market had a hell of a rebound too. This is from February 17th, and since you don't have the guts to read anybody else's links, her is an excerpt:

If that testing shows the virus has slipped into the country in places federal officials don't know about, "we've got a problem," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told USA TODAY's Editorial Board Monday.

Short of that, Fauci says skip the masks unless you are contagious, don't worry about catching anything from Chinese products and certainly don't avoid Chinese people or restaurants.

Hmmm. Doesn't sound like he was all that concerned to me, was he? Seems as if (like Trump and every other person in the government) he wasn't sure either since he can't tell the future. So no, it was not a big deal in February. All we really knew is that it was here.

55-57% disapprove of the way he has handled it... only 41% approve.

I doubt you'd get a huge approval no matter what Trump did or didn't do. Most people are ignorant about what our government has been doing with this virus. Most just know it's here and it's a problem. However in recent weeks, you chart also shows Trump is gaining more approval and losing disapproval.
He never said the virus was a hoax. Why do you liberals lie repeatedly? Trump never encouraged masks, but he didn't discourage them either, especially when it started to become a problem. He let Dr. Fauci take the lead on that subject every time he addressed the nation on the subject.

When he wasn't openly undermining Fauci or letting his other stooges like Navarro attack him or otherwise being jealous when Fauci was getting more love in the press than he was.

And the market had a hell of a rebound too. This is from February 17th, and since you don't have the guts to read anybody else's links, her is an excerpt:

Because it doesn't matter. Trump Lied. People Died. Fauci telling people it was okay to eat at Chinese Resturants is hardly the same as Trump dismissing the virus as a HOAX.

I doubt you'd get a huge approval no matter what Trump did or didn't do. Most people are ignorant about what our government has been doing with this virus. Most just know it's here and it's a problem. However in recent weeks, you chart also shows Trump is gaining more approval and losing disapproval.

Uh, 60% thinking he fucked it up isn't approval... and that was BEFORE people realized he straight up LIED to cover up the danger of the virus.
When he wasn't openly undermining Fauci or letting his other stooges like Navarro attack him or otherwise being jealous when Fauci was getting more love in the press than he was

Why would he be jealous? He's the one that threw Dr Fauci front and center at his press conferences. Fauci was there for most of them. Trump brought people from all kinds of agencies and industries to talk about the problem. Trump is not like Hussein where he has to be the center of attention all of the time.

Because it doesn't matter. Trump Lied. People Died. Fauci telling people it was okay to eat at Chinese Resturants is hardly the same as Trump dismissing the virus as a HOAX.

He never dismissed the virus as a hoax. That's just your standard Democrat lie that you use all the time. Those of us who watch videos know that's not what the President said.

In any case, what Dr. Fauci said, what Piglosi said, what Deblasio said, what Cuomo said all point to the FACT that nobody at the time thought this was any major event. A problem to watch out for, yes, but nothing like it ended up being.

When potential voters see people like you blaming the Republican President for a worldwide virus, the Republican President for all the mayhem and destruction Democrats are doing to Democrat cities all across the country, now trying to blame wildfires deliberately set by leftists environmentalist loons on global warming, any voter with an ounce of brains says "Do these people really think I'm stupid or something? I'm voting Trump!" Because when you and your ilk make these outright false claims, that's what you're doing to people--you're insulting them. Why not just call us deplorables again? It worked so well the last time.

Uh, 60% thinking he fucked it up isn't approval... and that was BEFORE people realized he straight up LIED to cover up the danger of the virus.

According to Dr. Fauci, the only liars here are on the left--not President Trump.

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