The strength of the Trump truly is amazing. This is why we need Trump in office. still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense. still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense.
I suggest you vote for Biden. still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.
I suggest that we TrumpBots post in response to all the LibBots...
"I suggest you vote for Biden"

They'll go insane. still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense.

So who did he shame for wearing a mask? He let Dr. Fauci say everything and anything he could. When Fauci said masks were unnecessary, Trump let him speak. When he changed his mind and said masks would help, Trump didn't challenge him on it.

The President and anybody around him are tested on a daily basis, so there is no need for him to wear a mask when he speaks, just like Fauci never wore one when addressing the nation either. Supposedly he's our top guy in all this.

President Trump did achieve the 3% growth mark that Obama failed to achieve. Just checked the current BEA tables and indeed, even in the current release Trump has achieved 3% for 2018.

So indeed, Brain did lie about that.
You either don't understand economics or you lie as much as trump.
But the increase in gross domestic product hasn’t hit 3%. It was only 2.3% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018, when the cuts kicked in. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates only 2.3% for 2019. Overall, annual GDP growth under Mr. Trump has averaged only a few tenths of a point better than that of President Obama’s second term.

You are wrong.

And that chart is annual GDP growth.

Trump did achieve 3% liar. You can confirm from BEA.

According to you so did Obama.... But you are confused, stop embarrassing yourself.

You fucking idiot. Obama did not have a calendar year of 3% growth, Trump did.
No trump didn’t. That’s a commonly known fact, why are you lying?

Yes president Trump absolutely did achieve 3% GDP growth as reported by the BEA. You are using fake statistics from the world bank, that's your problem.

That is fake news. They have revised it upwards.

How damn difficult is it to look at the BEA's current release? It clearly states 3.0%. President Trump did it.
Sorry but you aren't living in reality. Everyone agrees, trump has never hit 3%. Here is the BEA:
Real GDP increased 2.9 percent in 2018 (from the 2017 annual level to the 2018 annual level), compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2017 (table 1).

Stop lying already.

Do you even read your own links?

"These data have been superseded. Please see our latest releases for current estimates and contact information.
Explore Product View"

How damn difficult is it to read the LATEST, CURRENT release?
I even use your source and you keep lying. Sad. Here is a good one from the most recent release:
Real gross domestic income (GDI) decreased 33.1 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 2.5 percent in the first quarter. The average of real GDP and real GDI, a supplemental measure of U.S. economic activity that equally weights GDP and GDI, decreased 32.4 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 3.7 percent in the first quarter (table 1).


You did no such thing. Let me help you brainless one.


President Trump did achieve 3% GDP growth in 2018. He also achieved higher growth rates compared to Europe. He is the king of economy.

Last edited: still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.
I suggest that we TrumpBots post in response to all the LibBots...
"I suggest you vote for Biden"

They'll go insane.

Well....they're going to no matter what we say or evidence we bring. What they are trying to do is convince others to believing their lies like Trump is responsible for this Chinese virus, and that the riots in Democrat cities where Democrat Mayors and Governors are doing little is actually Trump's fault.

Democrats really believe other voters are completely stupid.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh
Last edited: still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense.

So who did he shame for wearing a mask? He let Dr. Fauci say everything and anything he could. When Fauci said masks were unnecessary, Trump let him speak. When he changed his mind and said masks would help, Trump didn't challenge him on it.

The President and anybody around him are tested on a daily basis, so there is no need for him to wear a mask when he speaks, just like Fauci never wore one when addressing the nation either. Supposedly he's our top guy in all this.

Bear in mind, you asked for an example. still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense.

So who did he shame for wearing a mask? He let Dr. Fauci say everything and anything he could. When Fauci said masks were unnecessary, Trump let him speak. When he changed his mind and said masks would help, Trump didn't challenge him on it.

The President and anybody around him are tested on a daily basis, so there is no need for him to wear a mask when he speaks, just like Fauci never wore one when addressing the nation either. Supposedly he's our top guy in all this.

Bear in mind, you asked for an example.

Of course you bring up a story in late May when few were wearing a mask. still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense.

So who did he shame for wearing a mask? He let Dr. Fauci say everything and anything he could. When Fauci said masks were unnecessary, Trump let him speak. When he changed his mind and said masks would help, Trump didn't challenge him on it.

The President and anybody around him are tested on a daily basis, so there is no need for him to wear a mask when he speaks, just like Fauci never wore one when addressing the nation either. Supposedly he's our top guy in all this.

Bear in mind, you asked for an example.

Of course you bring up a story in late May when few were wearing a mask.

Something a smidge more recent then. (funny, two days later, guess who's wearing a mask?)
The strength of the Trump truly is amazing. This is why we need Trump in office.

Funny. It's President Obama's economy - which Trump hasn't managed to totally destroy yet.

President Trump did achieve the 3% growth mark that Obama failed to achieve. Just checked the current BEA tables and indeed, even in the current release Trump has achieved 3% for 2018.

So indeed, Brain did lie about that.
You either don't understand economics or you lie as much as trump.
But the increase in gross domestic product hasn’t hit 3%. It was only 2.3% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018, when the cuts kicked in. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates only 2.3% for 2019. Overall, annual GDP growth under Mr. Trump has averaged only a few tenths of a point better than that of President Obama’s second term.

You are wrong.

And that chart is annual GDP growth.

Trump did achieve 3% liar. You can confirm from BEA.

According to you so did Obama.... But you are confused, stop embarrassing yourself.

You fucking idiot. Obama did not have a calendar year of 3% growth, Trump did.
No trump didn’t. That’s a commonly known fact, why are you lying?

Yes president Trump absolutely did achieve 3% GDP growth as reported by the BEA. You are using fake statistics from the world bank, that's your problem.

That is fake news. They have revised it upwards.

How damn difficult is it to look at the BEA's current release? It clearly states 3.0%. President Trump did it.
Sorry but you aren't living in reality. Everyone agrees, trump has never hit 3%. Here is the BEA:
Real GDP increased 2.9 percent in 2018 (from the 2017 annual level to the 2018 annual level), compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2017 (table 1).

Stop lying already.

Do you even read your own links?

"These data have been superseded. Please see our latest releases for current estimates and contact information.
Explore Product View"

How damn difficult is it to read the LATEST, CURRENT release?
I even use your source and you keep lying. Sad. Here is a good one from the most recent release:
Real gross domestic income (GDI) decreased 33.1 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 2.5 percent in the first quarter. The average of real GDP and real GDI, a supplemental measure of U.S. economic activity that equally weights GDP and GDI, decreased 32.4 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 3.7 percent in the first quarter (table 1).


You did no such thing. Let me help you brainless one.


President Trump did achieve 3% GDP growth in 2018. He also achieved higher growth rates compared to Europe. He is the king of economy.

Again, no he didn't. I've given you multiple sources and you still deny a commonly known fact. Pathetic. Great looking 2020 btw.
-30% GDP growth because democrats locked the economy up so that they could defeat Trump.

President Trump did achieve the 3% growth mark that Obama failed to achieve. Just checked the current BEA tables and indeed, even in the current release Trump has achieved 3% for 2018.

So indeed, Brain did lie about that.
You either don't understand economics or you lie as much as trump.
But the increase in gross domestic product hasn’t hit 3%. It was only 2.3% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018, when the cuts kicked in. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates only 2.3% for 2019. Overall, annual GDP growth under Mr. Trump has averaged only a few tenths of a point better than that of President Obama’s second term.

You are wrong.

And that chart is annual GDP growth.

Trump did achieve 3% liar. You can confirm from BEA.

According to you so did Obama.... But you are confused, stop embarrassing yourself.

You fucking idiot. Obama did not have a calendar year of 3% growth, Trump did.
No trump didn’t. That’s a commonly known fact, why are you lying?

Yes president Trump absolutely did achieve 3% GDP growth as reported by the BEA. You are using fake statistics from the world bank, that's your problem.

That is fake news. They have revised it upwards.

How damn difficult is it to look at the BEA's current release? It clearly states 3.0%. President Trump did it.
Sorry but you aren't living in reality. Everyone agrees, trump has never hit 3%. Here is the BEA:
Real GDP increased 2.9 percent in 2018 (from the 2017 annual level to the 2018 annual level), compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2017 (table 1).

Stop lying already.

Do you even read your own links?

"These data have been superseded. Please see our latest releases for current estimates and contact information.
Explore Product View"

How damn difficult is it to read the LATEST, CURRENT release?
I even use your source and you keep lying. Sad. Here is a good one from the most recent release:
Real gross domestic income (GDI) decreased 33.1 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 2.5 percent in the first quarter. The average of real GDP and real GDI, a supplemental measure of U.S. economic activity that equally weights GDP and GDI, decreased 32.4 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 3.7 percent in the first quarter (table 1).


You did no such thing. Let me help you brainless one.


President Trump did achieve 3% GDP growth in 2018. He also achieved higher growth rates compared to Europe. He is the king of economy.

Again, no he didn't. I've given you multiple sources and you still deny a commonly known fact. Pathetic. Great looking 2020 btw.

That's from the BEA's current report that is in the link. No matter how many reports you link to, this is the fact. The only thing you can do is to cover ears and eyes, scream lalala and try to find fake news with old data. You are a moron.
-30% GDP growth because democrats locked the economy up so that they could defeat Trump.

President Trump did achieve the 3% growth mark that Obama failed to achieve. Just checked the current BEA tables and indeed, even in the current release Trump has achieved 3% for 2018.

So indeed, Brain did lie about that.
You either don't understand economics or you lie as much as trump.
But the increase in gross domestic product hasn’t hit 3%. It was only 2.3% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018, when the cuts kicked in. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates only 2.3% for 2019. Overall, annual GDP growth under Mr. Trump has averaged only a few tenths of a point better than that of President Obama’s second term.

You are wrong.

And that chart is annual GDP growth.

Trump did achieve 3% liar. You can confirm from BEA.

According to you so did Obama.... But you are confused, stop embarrassing yourself.

You fucking idiot. Obama did not have a calendar year of 3% growth, Trump did.
No trump didn’t. That’s a commonly known fact, why are you lying?

Yes president Trump absolutely did achieve 3% GDP growth as reported by the BEA. You are using fake statistics from the world bank, that's your problem.

That is fake news. They have revised it upwards.

How damn difficult is it to look at the BEA's current release? It clearly states 3.0%. President Trump did it.
Sorry but you aren't living in reality. Everyone agrees, trump has never hit 3%. Here is the BEA:
Real GDP increased 2.9 percent in 2018 (from the 2017 annual level to the 2018 annual level), compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2017 (table 1).

Stop lying already.

Do you even read your own links?

"These data have been superseded. Please see our latest releases for current estimates and contact information.
Explore Product View"

How damn difficult is it to read the LATEST, CURRENT release?
I even use your source and you keep lying. Sad. Here is a good one from the most recent release:
Real gross domestic income (GDI) decreased 33.1 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 2.5 percent in the first quarter. The average of real GDP and real GDI, a supplemental measure of U.S. economic activity that equally weights GDP and GDI, decreased 32.4 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 3.7 percent in the first quarter (table 1).


You did no such thing. Let me help you brainless one.


President Trump did achieve 3% GDP growth in 2018. He also achieved higher growth rates compared to Europe. He is the king of economy.

Again, no he didn't. I've given you multiple sources and you still deny a commonly known fact. Pathetic. Great looking 2020 btw.

That's from the BEA's current report that is in the link. No matter how many reports you link to, this is the fact. The only thing you can do is to cover ears and eyes, scream lalala and try to find fake news with old data. You are a moron.
Because of democrats? Who was the orange goon on the tv talking about social distancing? Who's white house task force set the rules for closing and reopening? Stop kidding yourself, trump is a disaster.
-30% GDP growth because democrats locked the economy up so that they could defeat Trump.

President Trump did achieve the 3% growth mark that Obama failed to achieve. Just checked the current BEA tables and indeed, even in the current release Trump has achieved 3% for 2018.

So indeed, Brain did lie about that.
You either don't understand economics or you lie as much as trump.
But the increase in gross domestic product hasn’t hit 3%. It was only 2.3% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018, when the cuts kicked in. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates only 2.3% for 2019. Overall, annual GDP growth under Mr. Trump has averaged only a few tenths of a point better than that of President Obama’s second term.

You are wrong.

And that chart is annual GDP growth.

Trump did achieve 3% liar. You can confirm from BEA.

According to you so did Obama.... But you are confused, stop embarrassing yourself.

You fucking idiot. Obama did not have a calendar year of 3% growth, Trump did.
No trump didn’t. That’s a commonly known fact, why are you lying?

Yes president Trump absolutely did achieve 3% GDP growth as reported by the BEA. You are using fake statistics from the world bank, that's your problem.

That is fake news. They have revised it upwards.

How damn difficult is it to look at the BEA's current release? It clearly states 3.0%. President Trump did it.
Sorry but you aren't living in reality. Everyone agrees, trump has never hit 3%. Here is the BEA:
Real GDP increased 2.9 percent in 2018 (from the 2017 annual level to the 2018 annual level), compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2017 (table 1).

Stop lying already.

Do you even read your own links?

"These data have been superseded. Please see our latest releases for current estimates and contact information.
Explore Product View"

How damn difficult is it to read the LATEST, CURRENT release?
I even use your source and you keep lying. Sad. Here is a good one from the most recent release:
Real gross domestic income (GDI) decreased 33.1 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 2.5 percent in the first quarter. The average of real GDP and real GDI, a supplemental measure of U.S. economic activity that equally weights GDP and GDI, decreased 32.4 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 3.7 percent in the first quarter (table 1).


You did no such thing. Let me help you brainless one.


President Trump did achieve 3% GDP growth in 2018. He also achieved higher growth rates compared to Europe. He is the king of economy.

Again, no he didn't. I've given you multiple sources and you still deny a commonly known fact. Pathetic. Great looking 2020 btw.

That's from the BEA's current report that is in the link. No matter how many reports you link to, this is the fact. The only thing you can do is to cover ears and eyes, scream lalala and try to find fake news with old data. You are a moron.
Because of democrats? Who was the orange goon on the tv talking about social distancing? Who's white house task force set the rules for closing and reopening? Stop kidding yourself, trump is a disaster.

Yet we have higher growth than Europe.

Yet we had the lowest black unemployment ever and lowest unemployment in decades.
-30% GDP growth because democrats locked the economy up so that they could defeat Trump.

President Trump did achieve the 3% growth mark that Obama failed to achieve. Just checked the current BEA tables and indeed, even in the current release Trump has achieved 3% for 2018.

So indeed, Brain did lie about that.
You either don't understand economics or you lie as much as trump.
But the increase in gross domestic product hasn’t hit 3%. It was only 2.3% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018, when the cuts kicked in. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates only 2.3% for 2019. Overall, annual GDP growth under Mr. Trump has averaged only a few tenths of a point better than that of President Obama’s second term.

You are wrong.

And that chart is annual GDP growth.

Trump did achieve 3% liar. You can confirm from BEA.

According to you so did Obama.... But you are confused, stop embarrassing yourself.

You fucking idiot. Obama did not have a calendar year of 3% growth, Trump did.
No trump didn’t. That’s a commonly known fact, why are you lying?

Yes president Trump absolutely did achieve 3% GDP growth as reported by the BEA. You are using fake statistics from the world bank, that's your problem.

That is fake news. They have revised it upwards.

How damn difficult is it to look at the BEA's current release? It clearly states 3.0%. President Trump did it.
Sorry but you aren't living in reality. Everyone agrees, trump has never hit 3%. Here is the BEA:
Real GDP increased 2.9 percent in 2018 (from the 2017 annual level to the 2018 annual level), compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2017 (table 1).

Stop lying already.

Do you even read your own links?

"These data have been superseded. Please see our latest releases for current estimates and contact information.
Explore Product View"

How damn difficult is it to read the LATEST, CURRENT release?
I even use your source and you keep lying. Sad. Here is a good one from the most recent release:
Real gross domestic income (GDI) decreased 33.1 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 2.5 percent in the first quarter. The average of real GDP and real GDI, a supplemental measure of U.S. economic activity that equally weights GDP and GDI, decreased 32.4 percent in the second quarter, compared with a decrease of 3.7 percent in the first quarter (table 1).


You did no such thing. Let me help you brainless one.


President Trump did achieve 3% GDP growth in 2018. He also achieved higher growth rates compared to Europe. He is the king of economy.

Again, no he didn't. I've given you multiple sources and you still deny a commonly known fact. Pathetic. Great looking 2020 btw.

That's from the BEA's current report that is in the link. No matter how many reports you link to, this is the fact. The only thing you can do is to cover ears and eyes, scream lalala and try to find fake news with old data. You are a moron.
Because of democrats? Who was the orange goon on the tv talking about social distancing? Who's white house task force set the rules for closing and reopening? Stop kidding yourself, trump is a disaster.

Yet we have higher growth than Europe.

Yet we had the lowest black unemployment ever and lowest unemployment in decades.
That won't stop China from passing us.

Yeah the unemployment rate started declining 6 years before trump was elected. It went way up during trump. Trump was sure lucky to inherit a strong economy. still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense.

So who did he shame for wearing a mask? He let Dr. Fauci say everything and anything he could. When Fauci said masks were unnecessary, Trump let him speak. When he changed his mind and said masks would help, Trump didn't challenge him on it.

The President and anybody around him are tested on a daily basis, so there is no need for him to wear a mask when he speaks, just like Fauci never wore one when addressing the nation either. Supposedly he's our top guy in all this.

Bear in mind, you asked for an example.

Of course you bring up a story in late May when few were wearing a mask.

Something a smidge more recent then. (funny, two days later, guess who's wearing a mask?)

That entire waste of my time can be highlighted in one sentence of your article:

said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely.

I don't ever recall any other President who's so-called conflicts were all surrounded by anonymity.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

Sorry, he has to go. He helped kill +180k lives and brought the economy to its knees with downplaying the pandemic.
Yeah, they quarantined the region and didn't tell anybody else about it. At the beginning, Italy got hit very hard. Unlike Americans, Europeans only buy their own products. So some of the industry brought in Chinese workers so they could manufacture for cheap and still be able to put the Made In Italy label on it. Most of the Chinese were from Wuhan. They were flying back and forth and nobody suspected a thing.

Wow, guy, you need to adjust your Tin Foil Hat.

MEANWHILE, Trump knew that Covid was a lot more dangerous than he was saying publicly.

So if the Chinese were in the wrong for downplaying it, so was Trump, amiright? still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense.

So who did he shame for wearing a mask? He let Dr. Fauci say everything and anything he could. When Fauci said masks were unnecessary, Trump let him speak. When he changed his mind and said masks would help, Trump didn't challenge him on it.

The President and anybody around him are tested on a daily basis, so there is no need for him to wear a mask when he speaks, just like Fauci never wore one when addressing the nation either. Supposedly he's our top guy in all this.

Bear in mind, you asked for an example.

Of course you bring up a story in late May when few were wearing a mask.

Something a smidge more recent then. (funny, two days later, guess who's wearing a mask?)

That entire waste of my time can be highlighted in one sentence of your article:

said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely.

I don't ever recall any other President who's so-called conflicts were all surrounded by anonymity.

You asked. I provided. As far as anonymity goes, I'm sure the threat of abject retaliation by Trump and his base is the reason for that.
Doesn't make it false. still haven't figure out that the US has over-reported COVID deaths while other countries have under-reported. You also probably haven't figure out that the more we test, the more cases we will find and we have tested more than any other country in the world. I might add, if people haven't been tested and they die, they won't be reported as a COVID death, thus lower rates in other countries. Sorry about those pesky little facts.

Actually, if anything, our Covid Numbers are probably low. The difference is those other countries moved to contain early... We still are fighting over masks.

Masks became part of the Culture Wars...

Never should have happened.

190,000 Dead. Trump Plague.

A US President cannot force people to wear masks. Even states are being sued for their requirements and will be for some time in the future. That is unless it goes all the way to the Surpeme Court for their decision on it. Unlike many countries, we have a US Constitution to guarantee our freedoms while at the same time, limiting governments ability to control our lives.

He shouldn't have to. He should lead and speak by example and realize there are a lot of lemmings who listen and hang on every word he says. A real leader would recommend wearing masks and social distancing to help their fellow citizen. Not create a culture war and shaming over wearing masks. This is common sense.

So who did he shame for wearing a mask? He let Dr. Fauci say everything and anything he could. When Fauci said masks were unnecessary, Trump let him speak. When he changed his mind and said masks would help, Trump didn't challenge him on it.

The President and anybody around him are tested on a daily basis, so there is no need for him to wear a mask when he speaks, just like Fauci never wore one when addressing the nation either. Supposedly he's our top guy in all this.

Bear in mind, you asked for an example.

Of course you bring up a story in late May when few were wearing a mask.

Something a smidge more recent then. (funny, two days later, guess who's wearing a mask?)

That entire waste of my time can be highlighted in one sentence of your article:

said the individuals, who requested anonymity to speak freely.

I don't ever recall any other President who's so-called conflicts were all surrounded by anonymity.

You asked. I provided. As far as anonymity goes, I'm sure the threat of abject retaliation by Trump and his base is the reason for that.
Doesn't make it false.

It doesn't make it true either. When I hear or read anonymous sources, I think made up story. It's very pervasive when it comes to President Trump too. It seems most anything in the dark about the President always comes from these anonymous sources. Funny that.

So if I said that I had an anonymous source that told me Biden has sex with young boys, you would say that because my source was anonymous, that doesn't make it false?

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