The Striking Difference Between President Biden's And President Trump's Responses To Classified Documents - Coverup v. Transparency

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
The difference in public responses from the current president and the former president are striking to me.

Biden basically refuses to answer questions after hiding the information from the public for weeks. Somewhat similar to taking the 5th when accused of a crime, but he has simply stated that he takes classified information seriously and was surprised the documents were found.

Trump, on the other hand, immediately went onto Truth Social, and declared his innocence in post after post, proactively giving the public his side of the story without even being asked.

Ask yourself, is one of these approaches what a guilty man does, and the other what an innocent man does?

Here is Biden today, biting his tongue, ignoring the questions, and smirking at the press as they shout extremely important questions which have gone unanswered....

And here is Biden's Press Secretary today, refusing to answer just about every question about the documents. She says that even if asked 200 times, she will still refuse to answer...

Now contrast this with President Trump....

Mar-A-Lago was raided by the FBI on August 8th. Trump immediately started providing his side of the story, declaring his complete innocence for all to see....

(Timestamps on the posts are from back in August. Link to these posts at the bottom.)






To my mind there is absolutely no comparison between the two events, Trump's so-called scandal is entirely bull shit, concocted by a thoroughly unscrupulous Merrick Garland at the behest of Biden,, where this evil man Garland dared to assault the home of a fomer president with a platoon of select-fire weapon toting FBI goons.

There is, and never will be any legal basis for this horrifying invasion, which on top of the naked theft of the 2020 election by the fascists, and their fabricating "literally" of a ludicrously claimed January 6th insurrection, amount to acts of war, Trump was president, and he had absolute uncontested authority to pack up and remove any documents he so desired, period!

Biden was just a VP, he had absolutely no lawful right to a single document found in his garage, every one of those documents is a demonstrable felony, the mere possession of them are worthy of executing him for treason and sedition, everyone knows what Biden was doing with those documents.

Biden has already confessed his irrefutable guilt, and with that in mind both he and Garland should be put to death for treason and carrying out an act of war against the American people and their president, hang both of them, burn their remains, then dispose of them out over the ocean...
To my mind there is absolutely no comparison between the two events, Trump's so-called scandal is entirely bull shit, concocted by a thoroughly unscrupulous Merrick Garland at the behest of Biden,, where this evil man Garland dared to assault the home of a fomer president with a platoon of select-fire weapon toting FBI goons.

There is, and never will be any legal basis for this horrifying invasion, which on top of the naked theft of the 2020 election by the fascists, and their fabricating "literally" of a ludicrously claimed January 6th insurrection, amount to acts of war, Trump was president, and he had absolute uncontested authority to pack up and remove any documents he so desired, period!

Biden was just a VP, he had absolutely no lawful right to a single document found in his garage, every one of those documents is a demonstrable felony, the mere possession of them are worthy of executing him for treason and sedition, everyone knows what Biden was doing with those documents.

Biden has already confessed his irrefutable guilt, and with that in mind both he and Garland should be put to death for treason and carrying out an act of war against the American people and their president, hang both of them, burn their remains, then dispose of them out over the ocean...
Good comments. That last part about executing Biden for Treason is a bit premature, but you are Death-Ninja. :)
OP, why was Trump's residence in Mar-a-Loco "raided", do you know?
Because rather than simply have lawyers negotiate which files were okay for his library (common to ALL presidents) the DC crowd were scared SPITLESS of him winning another term and were looking for anything to damage him and their political opponents. This case will go to SCOTUS and his right to declassification without regard to bureaucratic standards will be upheld (he wins) OR a precedent will be set that makes all future presidents vulnerable on every case of declassified information.
OP, why was Trump's residence in Mar-a-Loco "raided",

It was raided. You seem to have a problem with that word, for some strange reason. Please explain it.

It was unannounced. They sent 30+ agents, kicked everyone out, asked that the cameras be turned off. They searched the whole place including Barron's room.

Answer my question. I answered yours.

do you know?


The difference in public responses from the current president and the former president are striking to me.

Biden basically refuses to answer questions after hiding the information from the public for weeks. Somewhat similar to taking the 5th when accused of a crime, but he has simply stated that he takes classified information seriously and was surprised the documents were found.

Trump, on the other hand, immediately went onto Truth Social, and declared his innocence in post after post, proactively giving the public his side of the story without even being asked.

Ask yourself, is one of these approaches what a guilty man does, and the other what an innocent man does?

Here is Biden today, biting his tongue, ignoring the questions, and smirking at the press as they shout extremely important questions which have gone unanswered....

And here is Biden's Press Secretary today, refusing to answer just about every question about the documents. She says that even if asked 200 times, she will still refuse to answer...

Now contrast this with President Trump....

Mar-A-Lago was raided by the FBI on August 8th. Trump immediately started providing his side of the story, declaring his complete innocence for all to see....

(Timestamps on the posts are from back in August. Link to these posts at the bottom.)

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Trump was so transparent, it only took an FBI raid to get transparency out of him
Biden was so surprisd to find he illegally had TS/SCI documents that he and the DOJ hid his crimes until after the midterm elections. This is what Biden and snowflakes call 'transparency'.
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It was raided. You seem to have a problem with that word, for some strange reason. Please explain it.

It was unannounced. They sent 30+ agents, kicked everyone out, asked that the cameras be turned off. They searched the whole place including Barron's room.

Answer my question. I answered yours.


Sure, it was "raided,", but do you know why?
Because rather than simply have lawyers negotiate which files were okay for his library (common to ALL presidents) the DC crowd were scared SPITLESS of him winning another term and were looking for anything to damage him and their political opponents. This case will go to SCOTUS and his right to declassification without regard to bureaucratic standards will be upheld (he wins) OR a precedent will be set that makes all future presidents vulnerable on every case of declassified information.

Try again liar.

Try again liar.
Posting "not" in response to a well-articulated post is something only a child would do.

If you declare someone wrong, you should explain why.

Quit trolling and contribute to the discussion with reasoned arguments we can all admire for the intelligent thought which went into them.

(or get lost)

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