The Sturgis Freedom Folks

After I got my Harley back in 2000, one of the first things that I decided to do was go to Sturgis. Went there in 2001, 2002, and 2003. Not once did I see a protest on the years I went, so calling Sturgis a protest is about as ignorant as it gets.

And yeah, people are packed in tight, and all over the place, with lots of yelling, partying and rocking out to good bands all over the place. However, I don't think that holding the rally during this pandemic is a good idea. Why? They can get infected over the week of the rally, travel home, and then they can spread the virus wherever they call home. And, considering that the virus has a 1-14 day incubation period, they can be infected, not know it, and spread it around back at their home.

After the 3rd year of going to Sturgis, I was over it. Lots of fun to be sure, but it's expensive, and it also seems that Sturgis is where yuppies go to learn to ride their Harleys. I think I saw an average of 3 - 4 wrecks per day while I was there.

Granted, the town of Sturgis gets around 75 percent of it's annual income over the rally, but with this pandemic thing going on, it's a bad idea to have the rally in the middle of the virus pandemic.

And no, social distancing isn't really possible in Sturgis, as there are too many people, and too little space for all of them.
Its a peaceful you must leave them alone....
Look! Its a trump parrot!
What is it you do not understand about a Peaceful Protest?....

Its not a protest, they have annual rallies.
It's a protest, so no one will spread covid.
Go to Sturgis and call them protesters. See what happens. Let us know when and if you return.

Seat belts, motorcycle helmets, automobile inspections. All there for our safety.
It's all part of the liberal nanny state. Damn liberals trying to control every part of our lives. Damn libs in my county want to pass more nanny state laws making it illegal to text and drive. When will the nanny state end?
Oh, the irony. It took a pandemic requiring masks to unmask how stupid that a whole section of Americans are. "We want to ride our bikes with no masks on. Oh, my freedom." These morons can then go home and infect their families, friends, and co-workers. Wonderful.
Seat belts, motorcycle helmets, automobile inspections. All there for our safety.
It's all part of the liberal nanny state. Damn liberals trying to control every part of our lives. Damn libs in my county want to pass more nanny state laws making it illegal to text and drive. When will the nanny state end?
Damn Liberals trying to keep people from dying.

Don’t smoke, wear a seat belt, wear a motorcycle helmet, wear a mask

Mind your own business and let me die if I want to
Mn, a liberal state repealed the helmet law twice. Auto inspections were repealed by Gov. Jesse Ventura. Wi even repealed the helmet law. People will assess their own risks in life despite the Nanny State.
All of those thing are common sense.
We should do these things.
It doesn’t matter if its a law or not.
The impetus, or stimulus behind passing various public safety laws such as mandatory seat belt, helmer, texting while driving, mask, etc. laws is financial. Who pays for hospital bills when these fundamental safety precautions are ignored?
This asshole complains about Sturgis but didn't have a thing to say about the George Floyd protests. Typical leftwing hypocrite.
Liar. I never complained about Sturgis.
I have plenty to say about the torture and murder of George Floyd.
Trouble is you don’t want to hear it.
You just complained about Sturgis, and I doubt you can show me where you complained that the protesters were spreading Covid
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The Government ain't going to tell me to wear a mask!! :dev3: says the Sturgis biker crowd.

You poor ignorant people just don't get it - do you??

* Stoplights are placed at intersections to keep cars from slamming into each other, which keep people from dying.

* Environmental laws make it illegal to poison our drinking water, which keep people from dying

* Mask requirements protect people from spreading COVID 19 - which keep people from dying.

Do you folks notice a pattern here??

Please stop politicizing this virus. The virus doesn't care if you're a Conservative or Liberal. The virus doesn't care which God you pray to. The virus doesn't care if you're a nice person. If you're infected, and you're body can't fight it off - you will die. Your Government isn't trying to take away your freedom, it's trying to save your life. Wear a mask, and keep your distance from others.

Sincerely -A Proud Liberal :bye1:
I had covid so there goes your pattern doofy
Its a peaceful you must leave them alone....
Look! Its a trump parrot!
What is it you do not understand about a Peaceful Protest?....

Its not a protest, they have annual rallies.
Its an annual protest....on no mask required....
Sturgis has never ever been a protest rally.
It is this year....

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