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The Super-Rich And Everyone Else

I was a pastor. I've read it many times, cover to cover, and the prosperity gospel is an abortion of theology and a massive disservice to the poor lambs being led to slaughter.
Two witnesses! Try the vast, VAST majority of theologians that have studied the scriptures and found Jesus as he is depicted. A poor servant who's kingdom was not of this world, did not serve the material needs of the world and preached against being influenced by the world, who lived without earthly glory or artifice but was rather a poor servant to his people.
Your comfortable middle-to-upper class Jesus is a fabrication and a travesty. But like the rest of the faith traditions I suppose if it gives you comfort it serves its purpose.

I know that you are very sincere, but you can be sincere and be sincerely wrong? I know this from personal experience, because I used to be in your shoes, believing things about the Bible for which there is no single scripture to support it. So I have a lot of empathy for you and many others, and my heart goes out to you.

'I was a pastor'

There are thousands of pastors, preachers or theologians and they all don't agree on key Biblical issues and principles, so how do you know what is fact and what is fiction?
The Bible is the only authority that settles any and all issues in true Biblical Christianity. If you cannot find something in the Bible, it is not Christianity, no matter how popular it may be.
Pastors, preachers and theologians are not Biblical evidence and no present day pastor, preacher or theologian can be a witness to what was put together before they were born?

'the prosperity gospel is an abortion of theology....'

If the prosperity gospel is not the Will of God, why does the Bible give us so many scriptures that teach us how to prosper, in both the OT and the NT?
Why doesn't the Bible give us a single scripture that teaches us how to be poor? Just because millions or billions of people believe something does not make it true, if it cannot be validated scripturally.
And just because something happens or exists in the world does not make it the Will of God? If someone lied about you would that be the Will of God, because it happened?

'Your comfortable middle to upper class Jesus is a fabrication and travesty'

Suppose you and I went to a Biblical Law Court and I presented dozens of scriptures that back up my position and you made all kinds of allegations without presenting a single scripture to support your case, why should the judge or jury decide in your favor?
And whose case will be ruled out as a 'fabrication and travesty'?


You have been taught at the knee of someone one of the most damaging and egregious mash-ups of theology in the history of the faith.
I can match you verse for verse, but I know all the arguments you will come back with. You think they are honest, but they are horrible misinterpretations and twisting of a teacher that would look at you like you had absolutely lost your mind.
I told you I was a pastor simply to let you know that my aquaintance with scripture has not been casual, and the fact that you have read it a few times is not the intimidating factor you may have hoped.
People don't need to be taught to be poor. 90% of the worlds population comes to it quite naturally. That is why your question of why the bible doesn't teach us how is the first shot over the bow of complete idiocy.

You are very correct that most people in the world are born into poverty, there is vast economic inequality, but God never created the world that way and it is not His Will, nevertheless God has to allow it because He created humans with a free-will and gave them authority to decide what happens or does not happen in the earth.
The sad economic situation in the world is the will of man or humans and was created by greedy and evil historical factors as well as present day negative circumstance and situations like unfair trade, predatory lending practices and so forth.

Whatever you (humans) forbid or bind on earth, will be forbidden or bound by heaven and whatever you (humans) permit or allow on earth, will be permitted or allowed by heaven - Matthew 18:18

Jesus reminded people what God already decreed in Genesis 1:26 . And Jesus preached good news and not bad news.
What is good news as opposed to bad news? Is what you and many others believe good news or bad news?

I (Jesus) came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows - John 10:10

What is abundant life? Is what you and millions others believe, the abundant life that Jesus talked about?

'my acquaintance with scripture has not been casual...'

Anyone can claim to be anything online, but that does not prove anything? I could claim to be a former pope, but unless and until I back up my position, case or statements with scripture, why should any serious person take me seriously, after all their are many contradictory viewpoints floating around within Christianity.
You keep making one wild allegation after another, without supplying any scripture that supports it?
Have a blessed day!
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Why should the working poor people who just can feed their family from their income pay one more dollar, which they need really hard, to the non-working poor? The working poor people live in a harsher situation than the non-working poor. The middle class also shouldn't pay more to the poor (unless they want to, which is great). No tax breaks for the 1% and move to flat tax or a bit more progressive taxing (not too progressive).
I know that you are very sincere, but you can be sincere and be sincerely wrong? I know this from personal experience, because I used to be in your shoes, believing things about the Bible for which there is no single scripture to support it. So I have a lot of empathy for you and many others, and my heart goes out to you.

'I was a pastor'

There are thousands of pastors, preachers or theologians and they all don't agree on key Biblical issues and principles, so how do you know what is fact and what is fiction?
The Bible is the only authority that settles any and all issues in true Biblical Christianity. If you cannot find something in the Bible, it is not Christianity, no matter how popular it may be.
Pastors, preachers and theologians are not Biblical evidence and no present day pastor, preacher or theologian can be a witness to what was put together before they were born?

'the prosperity gospel is an abortion of theology....'

If the prosperity gospel is not the Will of God, why does the Bible give us so many scriptures that teach us how to prosper, in both the OT and the NT?
Why doesn't the Bible give us a single scripture that teaches us how to be poor? Just because millions or billions of people believe something does not make it true, if it cannot be validated scripturally.
And just because something happens or exists in the world does not make it the Will of God? If someone lied about you would that be the Will of God, because it happened?

'Your comfortable middle to upper class Jesus is a fabrication and travesty'

Suppose you and I went to a Biblical Law Court and I presented dozens of scriptures that back up my position and you made all kinds of allegations without presenting a single scripture to support your case, why should the judge or jury decide in your favor?
And whose case will be ruled out as a 'fabrication and travesty'?


You have been taught at the knee of someone one of the most damaging and egregious mash-ups of theology in the history of the faith.
I can match you verse for verse, but I know all the arguments you will come back with. You think they are honest, but they are horrible misinterpretations and twisting of a teacher that would look at you like you had absolutely lost your mind.
I told you I was a pastor simply to let you know that my aquaintance with scripture has not been casual, and the fact that you have read it a few times is not the intimidating factor you may have hoped.
People don't need to be taught to be poor. 90% of the worlds population comes to it quite naturally. That is why your question of why the bible doesn't teach us how is the first shot over the bow of complete idiocy.

You are very correct that most people in the world are born into poverty, there is vast economic inequality, but God never created the world that way and it is not His Will, nevertheless God has to allow it because He created humans with a free-will and gave them authority to decide what happens or does not happen in the earth.
The sad economic situation in the world is the will of man or humans and was created by greedy and evil historical factors as well as present day negative circumstance and situations like unfair trade, predatory lending practices and so forth.

Whatever you (humans) forbid or bind on earth, will be forbidden or bound by heaven and whatever you (humans) permit or allow on earth, will be permitted or allowed by heaven - Matthew 18:18

Jesus reminded people what God already decreed in Genesis 1:26 . And Jesus preached good news and not bad news.
What is good news as opposed to bad news? Is what you and many others believe good news or bad news?

I (Jesus) came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows - John 10:10

What is abundant life? Is what you and millions others believe, the abundant life that Jesus talked about?

'my acquaintance with scripture has not been casual...'

Anyone can claim to be anything online, but that does not prove anything? I could claim to be a former pope, but unless and until I back up my position, case or statements with scripture, why should any serious person take me seriously, after all their are many contradictory viewpoints floating around within Christianity.
You keep making one wild allegation after another, without supplying any scripture that supports it?
Have a blessed day!

You keep asking if what I believe is good news or abundant life.
What is it you think I believe?
Why should the working poor people who just can feed their family from their income pay one more dollar, which they need really hard, to the non-working poor? The working poor people live in a harsher situation than the non-working poor. The middle class also shouldn't pay more to the poor (unless they want to, which is great). No tax breaks for the 1% and move to flat tax or a bit more progressive taxing (not too progressive).

The main problem most cannot see is that the blind, keep voting rich men into office-- the rich do for the rich, the rich cant get enough, the rich love $ more than their fellow man or country.--- Love is needed in office, not rich.
Why should the working poor people who just can feed their family from their income pay one more dollar, which they need really hard, to the non-working poor? The working poor people live in a harsher situation than the non-working poor. The middle class also shouldn't pay more to the poor (unless they want to, which is great). No tax breaks for the 1% and move to flat tax or a bit more progressive taxing (not too progressive).

The main problem most cannot see is that the blind, keep voting rich men into office-- the rich do for the rich, the rich cant get enough, the rich love $ more than their fellow man or country.--- Love is needed in office, not rich.
Neither of them is needed in office. Rationalism is.
You have been taught at the knee of someone one of the most damaging and egregious mash-ups of theology in the history of the faith.
I can match you verse for verse, but I know all the arguments you will come back with. You think they are honest, but they are horrible misinterpretations and twisting of a teacher that would look at you like you had absolutely lost your mind.
I told you I was a pastor simply to let you know that my aquaintance with scripture has not been casual, and the fact that you have read it a few times is not the intimidating factor you may have hoped.
People don't need to be taught to be poor. 90% of the worlds population comes to it quite naturally. That is why your question of why the bible doesn't teach us how is the first shot over the bow of complete idiocy.

You are very correct that most people in the world are born into poverty, there is vast economic inequality, but God never created the world that way and it is not His Will, nevertheless God has to allow it because He created humans with a free-will and gave them authority to decide what happens or does not happen in the earth.
The sad economic situation in the world is the will of man or humans and was created by greedy and evil historical factors as well as present day negative circumstance and situations like unfair trade, predatory lending practices and so forth.

Whatever you (humans) forbid or bind on earth, will be forbidden or bound by heaven and whatever you (humans) permit or allow on earth, will be permitted or allowed by heaven - Matthew 18:18

Jesus reminded people what God already decreed in Genesis 1:26 . And Jesus preached good news and not bad news.
What is good news as opposed to bad news? Is what you and many others believe good news or bad news?

I (Jesus) came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows - John 10:10

What is abundant life? Is what you and millions others believe, the abundant life that Jesus talked about?

'my acquaintance with scripture has not been casual...'

Anyone can claim to be anything online, but that does not prove anything? I could claim to be a former pope, but unless and until I back up my position, case or statements with scripture, why should any serious person take me seriously, after all their are many contradictory viewpoints floating around within Christianity.
You keep making one wild allegation after another, without supplying any scripture that supports it?
Have a blessed day!

You keep asking if what I believe is good news or abundant life.
What is it you think I believe?

Old Testament:

If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands.., the Lord your God will set you high above all peoples on earth. And all these blessings will come upon you and accompany you......
You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country....... You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out........
The Lord will make you the head and not the tail......... you will always be at the top and never at the bottom...... - Deuteronomy 28:1-14

New Testament:

And God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessings come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable deed.. - 2 Corinthians 9:8

It is very interesting, that you have had the audacity to denounce the 'prosperity gospel' to high heaven, even though the very Bible you claim to be very familiar with is loaded with so many prosperity scriptures and many biblical heroes like Abraham, upon whom God bestowed the title 'father of faith' were prosperous men?
So the logical conclusion is that you and many others believe in the opposite of the 'prosperity gospel' even though so far no one has ever come up with the scriptures that back it up?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold.. - Genesis 13:2

It is very unfortunate, that the vast majority of so called experts and preachers of the Christian message are totally oblivious to the many prosperity scriptures in the very Bible, they claim to be authorities of and therefore millions upon millions of sincere Christians, do not know a single prosperity scripture and as a result of that they cannot believe and benefit from what they don't know about.

So long for now and have a blessed life.

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You are very correct that most people in the world are born into poverty, there is vast economic inequality, but God never created the world that way and it is not His Will, nevertheless God has to allow it because He created humans with a free-will and gave them authority to decide what happens or does not happen in the earth.
The sad economic situation in the world is the will of man or humans and was created by greedy and evil historical factors as well as present day negative circumstance and situations like unfair trade, predatory lending practices and so forth.

Whatever you (humans) forbid or bind on earth, will be forbidden or bound by heaven and whatever you (humans) permit or allow on earth, will be permitted or allowed by heaven - Matthew 18:18

Jesus reminded people what God already decreed in Genesis 1:26 . And Jesus preached good news and not bad news.
What is good news as opposed to bad news? Is what you and many others believe good news or bad news?

I (Jesus) came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows - John 10:10

What is abundant life? Is what you and millions others believe, the abundant life that Jesus talked about?

'my acquaintance with scripture has not been casual...'

Anyone can claim to be anything online, but that does not prove anything? I could claim to be a former pope, but unless and until I back up my position, case or statements with scripture, why should any serious person take me seriously, after all their are many contradictory viewpoints floating around within Christianity.
You keep making one wild allegation after another, without supplying any scripture that supports it?
Have a blessed day!

You keep asking if what I believe is good news or abundant life.
What is it you think I believe?

Old Testament:

If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands.., the Lord your God will set you high above all peoples on earth. And all these blessings will come upon you and accompany you......
You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country....... You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out........
The Lord will make you the head and not the tail......... you will always be at the top and never at the bottom...... - Deuteronomy 28:1-14

New Testament:

And God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessings come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable deed.. - 2 Corinthians 9:8

It is very interesting, that you have had the audacity to denounce the 'prosperity gospel' to high heaven, even though the very Bible you claim to be very familiar with is loaded with so many prosperity scriptures and many biblical heroes like Abraham, upon whom God bestowed the title 'father of faith' were prosperous men?
So the logical conclusion is that you and many others believe in the opposite of the 'prosperity gospel' even though so far no one has ever come up with the scriptures that back it up?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold.. - Genesis 13:2

It is very unfortunate, that the vast majority of so called experts and preachers of the Christian message are totally oblivious to the many prosperity scriptures in the very Bible, they claim to be authorities of and therefore millions upon millions of sincere Christians, do not know a single prosperity scripture and as a result of that they cannot believe and benefit from what they don't know about.

So long for now and have a blessed life.

You never answered my question. What is it you think I believe?
Who has greater faith than the people of China who have to hide their Christianity in house churches and disguise their bibles? Many are extremely poor while selflessly dedicating themselves to their god. Where is this prosperity reward? The people in the pews of the prosperity churches, the Rod Parsley and Creflo Dollar sycophants are being fleeced to the tune of billions of dollars and as a congregation are doing no better than anyone else. It's a fraud. Are you contributing at least ten percent of your income to these charlatans?
You are a victim, not a disciple.
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You keep asking if what I believe is good news or abundant life.
What is it you think I believe?

Old Testament:

If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands.., the Lord your God will set you high above all peoples on earth. And all these blessings will come upon you and accompany you......
You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country....... You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out........
The Lord will make you the head and not the tail......... you will always be at the top and never at the bottom...... - Deuteronomy 28:1-14

New Testament:

And God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessings come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable deed.. - 2 Corinthians 9:8

It is very interesting, that you have had the audacity to denounce the 'prosperity gospel' to high heaven, even though the very Bible you claim to be very familiar with is loaded with so many prosperity scriptures and many biblical heroes like Abraham, upon whom God bestowed the title 'father of faith' were prosperous men?
So the logical conclusion is that you and many others believe in the opposite of the 'prosperity gospel' even though so far no one has ever come up with the scriptures that back it up?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold.. - Genesis 13:2

It is very unfortunate, that the vast majority of so called experts and preachers of the Christian message are totally oblivious to the many prosperity scriptures in the very Bible, they claim to be authorities of and therefore millions upon millions of sincere Christians, do not know a single prosperity scripture and as a result of that they cannot believe and benefit from what they don't know about.

So long for now and have a blessed life.

You never answered my question. What is it you think I believe?
Who has greater faith than the people of China who have to hide their Christianity in house churches and disguise their bibles? Many are extremely poor while selflessly dedicating themselves to their god. Where is this prosperity reward? The people in the pews of the prosperity churches, the Rod Parsley and Creflo Dollar sycophants are being fleeced to the tune of billions of dollars and as a congregation are doing no better than anyone else. It's a fraud. Are you contributing at least ten percent of your income to these charlatans?
You are a victim, not a disciple.

'You never answered my question. What is it you think I believe?

You have repeatedly proclaimed, what you believe by viciously condemning the Prosperity Gospel, which is validated by dozens of prosperity scriptures, that are in plain sight, in the very Bible you profess to have intimate knowledge of?

'Who has greater faith than the people of China, who have to hide their Christianity in house churches and disguise their bibles?

To my knowledge, their is no scripture in the Bible, that says, those who are persecuted or suffer the most, have the most faith?

'Where is their prosperity reward?'

Most Christians in the world have been taught and preached the Christian message by the very same so-called Bible experts and preachers, that taught and preached to you, who are completely oblivious to the dozens of prosperity scriptures, in the Bible, that they claim to stand on?
Christians that lack knowledge of prosperity scriptures, cannot believe the Prosperity Gospel, because according to Romans 10:17, 'So then faith comes by hearing and hearing of the Word of God', and therefore cannot apply it to their own lives and benefit from it?

'The people in the pews of the prosperity churches, the Rod Parsley and Creflo Dollar sycophants, are being fleeced to the tune of billions of dollars....'

There are con-artists, scammers, frauds, opportunists and rotten apples in every profession, trade or group of people.
If some preachers abuse their positions, should every church be shut down, and does that discredit or invalidate the scriptures?
Should the Bible's credibility rest on the shortcomings of individual preachers, churches or lay people?
If the government wastes some of our tax money, should we all stop paying our taxes?Should we have no government just because some leaders and officials are corrupt?
And should we avoid hospitals and medical science, because of what some bad doctors have done?
Should we stop sending our children to school, because of the presence of some bad teachers in schools?
Should we stop driving, for fear of bad drivers on the roads? Should we never call or deal with the police, because some are corrupt?

'as a congregation are doing no better than anyone else'.

Do you have knowledge of the lives and finances of all genuine Prosperity Gospel believers?

'It's a fraud'.

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land - Isaiah 1:19

Should we believe the prophet Isaiah or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

But you shall earnestly remember the Lord your God, for it is He, Who gives you power to get wealth.. - Deuteronomy 8:18

Should we believe Moses, a great biblical hero or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

And God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessings, come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient - 2 Corinthians 9:8

Should we believe the apostle Paul or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

I (Jesus) came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows - John 10:10

Should we believe Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way, even as your soul keeps well and prospers - 3 John 2

Who has more credibility, John the apostle, who worked with Jesus Christ or so-called modern day Bible experts?

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things, shall be added to you (right here on earth) - Matthew 6:33

Should we believe Jesus Christ, the father and founder of Christianity or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

And my God shall supply all your needs, according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19

Should we believe the apostle Paul, who recorded most of the New Testament or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

'Are you contributing at least ten percent of your income to these charlatans?'

All the tithe of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's - Leviticus 27:30

Should we obey the Bible or follow so-called modern day Bible experts?

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's (taxes), and to God what is God's (tithes) - Matthew 22:21

Should we listen to Jesus Christ or modern day Bible experts?

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse (church), that there may be food (revenue) in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessings, that you will not have room enough for it - Malachi 3:10

Should we believe the prophet Malachi or so-called modern day Bible experts, and is anyone aware of any scripture, that says the period of tithing expired?

In the Levitical priesthood, tithes were received by men who are subject to death; but now under the New Covenant, tithes are received (through the church) by Jesus Christ, who lives forever - Hebrews 7:8

If believers under the Old Covenant tithed and the very first Christians, under the New Covenant, tithed, should the modern day Christians also tithe?

Even Abraham, the patriarch gave a tenth.. - Hebrews 7:4

If Abraham, whom God called the father of our faith, tithed, should we also as children of faith tithe?

All that you (God) give me (Jacob), I will surely give a tenth to you - Genesis 28:22

And if Jacob, another biblical celebrity, tithed, should we follow his example?

You give a tenth.... But you have neglected the more important matters of the law.. You should have practiced the latter (tithing), without neglecting the former (the law) - Matthew 23:23

If Jesus Christ, the very head of Christianity, commanded believers to tithe, but not to neglect other Christian duties, who is anyone to say otherwise?

I give tithes of all that I possess... - Luke 18:12

Why would Jesus Christ, the top most expert on Christianity and the Bible, use a tithing story in one of His parables, to illustrate a point, if it was wrong to tithe?

'You are a victim, not disciple'.

Will a man/woman rob God? Yet you (humans) rob Me (God). But you (humans) ask, how do we rob you (God)?
In tithes and offerings. (Therefore) you are under a curse, the whole nation of you, because you are robbing Me (God) - Malachi 3:8-9

According to the Bible and the prophet Malachi, are tithers, the victims or are non-tithers the victims?
And according to the Bible, who are the real disciples of Jesus Christ, between the tithers and non-tithers?

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Old Testament:

If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands.., the Lord your God will set you high above all peoples on earth. And all these blessings will come upon you and accompany you......
You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country....... You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out........
The Lord will make you the head and not the tail......... you will always be at the top and never at the bottom...... - Deuteronomy 28:1-14

New Testament:

And God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessings come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable deed.. - 2 Corinthians 9:8

It is very interesting, that you have had the audacity to denounce the 'prosperity gospel' to high heaven, even though the very Bible you claim to be very familiar with is loaded with so many prosperity scriptures and many biblical heroes like Abraham, upon whom God bestowed the title 'father of faith' were prosperous men?
So the logical conclusion is that you and many others believe in the opposite of the 'prosperity gospel' even though so far no one has ever come up with the scriptures that back it up?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold.. - Genesis 13:2

It is very unfortunate, that the vast majority of so called experts and preachers of the Christian message are totally oblivious to the many prosperity scriptures in the very Bible, they claim to be authorities of and therefore millions upon millions of sincere Christians, do not know a single prosperity scripture and as a result of that they cannot believe and benefit from what they don't know about.

So long for now and have a blessed life.

You never answered my question. What is it you think I believe?
Who has greater faith than the people of China who have to hide their Christianity in house churches and disguise their bibles? Many are extremely poor while selflessly dedicating themselves to their god. Where is this prosperity reward? The people in the pews of the prosperity churches, the Rod Parsley and Creflo Dollar sycophants are being fleeced to the tune of billions of dollars and as a congregation are doing no better than anyone else. It's a fraud. Are you contributing at least ten percent of your income to these charlatans?
You are a victim, not a disciple.

'You never answered my question. What is it you think I believe?

You have repeatedly proclaimed, what you believe by viciously condemning the Prosperity Gospel, which is validated by dozens of prosperity scriptures, that are in plain sight, in the very Bible you profess to have intimate knowledge of?

'Who has greater faith than the people of China, who have to hide their Christianity in house churches and disguise their bibles?

To my knowledge, their is no scripture in the Bible, that says, those who are persecuted or suffer the most, have the most faith?

'Where is their prosperity reward?'

Most Christians in the world have been taught and preached the Christian message by the very same so-called Bible experts and preachers, that taught and preached to you, who are completely oblivious to the dozens of prosperity scriptures, in the Bible, that they claim to stand on?
Christians that lack knowledge of prosperity scriptures, cannot believe the Prosperity Gospel, because according to Romans 10:17, 'So then faith comes by hearing and hearing of the Word of God', and therefore cannot apply it to their own lives and benefit from it?

'The people in the pews of the prosperity churches, the Rod Parsley and Creflo Dollar sycophants, are being fleeced to the tune of billions of dollars....'

There are con-artists, scammers, frauds, opportunists and rotten apples in every profession, trade or group of people.
If some preachers abuse their positions, should every church be shut down, and does that discredit or invalidate the scriptures?
Should the Bible's credibility rest on the shortcomings of individual preachers, churches or lay people?
If the government wastes some of our tax money, should we all stop paying our taxes?Should we have no government just because some leaders and officials are corrupt?
And should we avoid hospitals and medical science, because of what some bad doctors have done?
Should we stop sending our children to school, because of the presence of some bad teachers in schools?
Should we stop driving, for fear of bad drivers on the roads? Should we never call or deal with the police, because some are corrupt?

'as a congregation are doing no better than anyone else'.

Do you have knowledge of the lives and finances of all genuine Prosperity Gospel believers?

'It's a fraud'.

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land - Isaiah 1:19

Should we believe the prophet Isaiah or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

But you shall earnestly remember the Lord your God, for it is He, Who gives you power to get wealth.. - Deuteronomy 8:18

Should we believe Moses, a great biblical hero or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

And God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessings, come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient - 2 Corinthians 9:8

Should we believe the apostle Paul or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

I (Jesus) came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows - John 10:10

Should we believe Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way, even as your soul keeps well and prospers - 3 John 2

Who has more credibility, John the apostle, who worked with Jesus Christ or so-called modern day Bible experts?

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things, shall be added to you (right here on earth) - Matthew 6:33

Should we believe Jesus Christ, the father and founder of Christianity or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

And my God shall supply all your needs, according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19

Should we believe the apostle Paul, who recorded most of the New Testament or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

'Are you contributing at least ten percent of your income to these charlatans?'

All the tithe of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's - Leviticus 27:30

Should we obey the Bible or follow so-called modern day Bible experts?

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's (taxes), and to God what is God's (tithes) - Matthew 22:21

Should we listen to Jesus Christ or modern day Bible experts?

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse (church), that there may be food (revenue) in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessings, that you will not have room enough for it - Malachi 3:10

Should we believe the prophet Malachi or so-called modern day Bible experts, and is anyone aware of any scripture, that says the period of tithing expired?

In the Levitical priesthood, tithes were received by men who are subject to death; but now under the New Covenant, tithes are received (through the church) by Jesus Christ, who lives forever - Hebrews 7:8

If believers under the Old Covenant tithed and the very first Christians, under the New Covenant, tithed, should the modern day Christians also tithe?

Even Abraham, the patriarch gave a tenth.. - Hebrews 7:4

If Abraham, whom God called the father of our faith, tithed, should we also as children of faith tithe?

All that you (God) give me (Jacob), I will surely give a tenth to you - Genesis 28:22

And if Jacob, another biblical celebrity, tithed, should we follow his example?

You give a tenth.... But you have neglected the more important matters of the law.. You should have practiced the latter (tithing), without neglecting the former (the law) - Matthew 23:23

If Jesus Christ, the very head of Christianity, commanded believers to tithe, but not to neglect other Christian duties, who is anyone to say otherwise?

I give tithes of all that I possess... - Luke 18:12

Why would Jesus Christ, the top most expert on Christianity and the Bible, use a tithing story in one of His parables, to illustrate a point, if it was wrong to tithe?

'You are a victim, not disciple'.

Will a man/woman rob God? Yet you (humans) rob Me (God). But you (humans) ask, how do we rob you (God)?
In tithes and offerings. (Therefore) you are under a curse, the whole nation of you, because you are robbing Me (God) - Malachi 3:8-9

According to the Bible and the prophet Malachi, are tithers, the victims or are non-tithers the victims?
And according to the Bible, who are the real disciples of Jesus Christ, between the tithers and non-tithers?


I can quote mine as well. Is that all you want? The very long list of scriptures that preach against wealth and about the dangers of it?
I can do that.
But you never answered either of my questions.
What is it you think I believe, and do you tithe ten percent of your income to the church?
You told us what I don't believe, and you said tithing was a requirement, but you didn't say what you think I believe or whether you follow the tithing laws.
You never answered my question. What is it you think I believe?
Who has greater faith than the people of China who have to hide their Christianity in house churches and disguise their bibles? Many are extremely poor while selflessly dedicating themselves to their god. Where is this prosperity reward? The people in the pews of the prosperity churches, the Rod Parsley and Creflo Dollar sycophants are being fleeced to the tune of billions of dollars and as a congregation are doing no better than anyone else. It's a fraud. Are you contributing at least ten percent of your income to these charlatans?
You are a victim, not a disciple.

'You never answered my question. What is it you think I believe?

You have repeatedly proclaimed, what you believe by viciously condemning the Prosperity Gospel, which is validated by dozens of prosperity scriptures, that are in plain sight, in the very Bible you profess to have intimate knowledge of?

'Who has greater faith than the people of China, who have to hide their Christianity in house churches and disguise their bibles?

To my knowledge, their is no scripture in the Bible, that says, those who are persecuted or suffer the most, have the most faith?

'Where is their prosperity reward?'

Most Christians in the world have been taught and preached the Christian message by the very same so-called Bible experts and preachers, that taught and preached to you, who are completely oblivious to the dozens of prosperity scriptures, in the Bible, that they claim to stand on?
Christians that lack knowledge of prosperity scriptures, cannot believe the Prosperity Gospel, because according to Romans 10:17, 'So then faith comes by hearing and hearing of the Word of God', and therefore cannot apply it to their own lives and benefit from it?

'The people in the pews of the prosperity churches, the Rod Parsley and Creflo Dollar sycophants, are being fleeced to the tune of billions of dollars....'

There are con-artists, scammers, frauds, opportunists and rotten apples in every profession, trade or group of people.
If some preachers abuse their positions, should every church be shut down, and does that discredit or invalidate the scriptures?
Should the Bible's credibility rest on the shortcomings of individual preachers, churches or lay people?
If the government wastes some of our tax money, should we all stop paying our taxes?Should we have no government just because some leaders and officials are corrupt?
And should we avoid hospitals and medical science, because of what some bad doctors have done?
Should we stop sending our children to school, because of the presence of some bad teachers in schools?
Should we stop driving, for fear of bad drivers on the roads? Should we never call or deal with the police, because some are corrupt?

'as a congregation are doing no better than anyone else'.

Do you have knowledge of the lives and finances of all genuine Prosperity Gospel believers?

'It's a fraud'.

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land - Isaiah 1:19

Should we believe the prophet Isaiah or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

But you shall earnestly remember the Lord your God, for it is He, Who gives you power to get wealth.. - Deuteronomy 8:18

Should we believe Moses, a great biblical hero or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

And God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessings, come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient - 2 Corinthians 9:8

Should we believe the apostle Paul or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

I (Jesus) came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows - John 10:10

Should we believe Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way, even as your soul keeps well and prospers - 3 John 2

Who has more credibility, John the apostle, who worked with Jesus Christ or so-called modern day Bible experts?

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things, shall be added to you (right here on earth) - Matthew 6:33

Should we believe Jesus Christ, the father and founder of Christianity or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

And my God shall supply all your needs, according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19

Should we believe the apostle Paul, who recorded most of the New Testament or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

'Are you contributing at least ten percent of your income to these charlatans?'

All the tithe of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's - Leviticus 27:30

Should we obey the Bible or follow so-called modern day Bible experts?

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's (taxes), and to God what is God's (tithes) - Matthew 22:21

Should we listen to Jesus Christ or modern day Bible experts?

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse (church), that there may be food (revenue) in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessings, that you will not have room enough for it - Malachi 3:10

Should we believe the prophet Malachi or so-called modern day Bible experts, and is anyone aware of any scripture, that says the period of tithing expired?

In the Levitical priesthood, tithes were received by men who are subject to death; but now under the New Covenant, tithes are received (through the church) by Jesus Christ, who lives forever - Hebrews 7:8

If believers under the Old Covenant tithed and the very first Christians, under the New Covenant, tithed, should the modern day Christians also tithe?

Even Abraham, the patriarch gave a tenth.. - Hebrews 7:4

If Abraham, whom God called the father of our faith, tithed, should we also as children of faith tithe?

All that you (God) give me (Jacob), I will surely give a tenth to you - Genesis 28:22

And if Jacob, another biblical celebrity, tithed, should we follow his example?

You give a tenth.... But you have neglected the more important matters of the law.. You should have practiced the latter (tithing), without neglecting the former (the law) - Matthew 23:23

If Jesus Christ, the very head of Christianity, commanded believers to tithe, but not to neglect other Christian duties, who is anyone to say otherwise?

I give tithes of all that I possess... - Luke 18:12

Why would Jesus Christ, the top most expert on Christianity and the Bible, use a tithing story in one of His parables, to illustrate a point, if it was wrong to tithe?

'You are a victim, not disciple'.

Will a man/woman rob God? Yet you (humans) rob Me (God). But you (humans) ask, how do we rob you (God)?
In tithes and offerings. (Therefore) you are under a curse, the whole nation of you, because you are robbing Me (God) - Malachi 3:8-9

According to the Bible and the prophet Malachi, are tithers, the victims or are non-tithers the victims?
And according to the Bible, who are the real disciples of Jesus Christ, between the tithers and non-tithers?


I can quote mine as well. Is that all you want? The very long list of scriptures that preach against wealth and about the dangers of it?
I can do that.
But you never answered either of my questions.
What is it you think I believe, and do you tithe ten percent of your income to the church?
You told us what I don't believe, and you said tithing was a requirement, but you didn't say what you think I believe or whether you follow the tithing laws.

'I can quote mine as well. Is that all you want?'

Why don't you? No one can make a valid or credible argument, point or case in Christianity or about the Bible, without citing, referencing or quoting the scriptures.
And no lawyer can argue a case or make a valid argument, in a court of law, without citing, referencing or quoting the law, and no judge can decide any case, without citing, referencing or quoting the law.

'The very long list of scriptures that preach against wealth and about the dangers of it?'

Why don't you present the very long list of anti-wealth scriptures, so we can analyze and examine them?

'But you never answered either of my questions'.

The very fact that you and I are having this long and friendly exchange, demonstrates what you believe and what you don't believe?
Anyone that has been reading your postings on this thread, knows what you believe. Why would you want to be told what is self-evident and as clear as day to anyone?

'do you tithe ten percent of your income to the church?'

Yes, I do tithe religiously and with great pleasure! And I can't imagine life without tithing.

So long for now and may you be blessed when you come in and when you go out.

Blessings and Curses
'You never answered my question. What is it you think I believe?

You have repeatedly proclaimed, what you believe by viciously condemning the Prosperity Gospel, which is validated by dozens of prosperity scriptures, that are in plain sight, in the very Bible you profess to have intimate knowledge of?

'Who has greater faith than the people of China, who have to hide their Christianity in house churches and disguise their bibles?

To my knowledge, their is no scripture in the Bible, that says, those who are persecuted or suffer the most, have the most faith?

'Where is their prosperity reward?'

Most Christians in the world have been taught and preached the Christian message by the very same so-called Bible experts and preachers, that taught and preached to you, who are completely oblivious to the dozens of prosperity scriptures, in the Bible, that they claim to stand on?
Christians that lack knowledge of prosperity scriptures, cannot believe the Prosperity Gospel, because according to Romans 10:17, 'So then faith comes by hearing and hearing of the Word of God', and therefore cannot apply it to their own lives and benefit from it?

'The people in the pews of the prosperity churches, the Rod Parsley and Creflo Dollar sycophants, are being fleeced to the tune of billions of dollars....'

There are con-artists, scammers, frauds, opportunists and rotten apples in every profession, trade or group of people.
If some preachers abuse their positions, should every church be shut down, and does that discredit or invalidate the scriptures?
Should the Bible's credibility rest on the shortcomings of individual preachers, churches or lay people?
If the government wastes some of our tax money, should we all stop paying our taxes?Should we have no government just because some leaders and officials are corrupt?
And should we avoid hospitals and medical science, because of what some bad doctors have done?
Should we stop sending our children to school, because of the presence of some bad teachers in schools?
Should we stop driving, for fear of bad drivers on the roads? Should we never call or deal with the police, because some are corrupt?

'as a congregation are doing no better than anyone else'.

Do you have knowledge of the lives and finances of all genuine Prosperity Gospel believers?

'It's a fraud'.

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land - Isaiah 1:19

Should we believe the prophet Isaiah or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

But you shall earnestly remember the Lord your God, for it is He, Who gives you power to get wealth.. - Deuteronomy 8:18

Should we believe Moses, a great biblical hero or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

And God is able to make all grace, every favor and earthly blessings, come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient - 2 Corinthians 9:8

Should we believe the apostle Paul or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

I (Jesus) came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows - John 10:10

Should we believe Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way, even as your soul keeps well and prospers - 3 John 2

Who has more credibility, John the apostle, who worked with Jesus Christ or so-called modern day Bible experts?

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things, shall be added to you (right here on earth) - Matthew 6:33

Should we believe Jesus Christ, the father and founder of Christianity or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

And my God shall supply all your needs, according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19

Should we believe the apostle Paul, who recorded most of the New Testament or should we believe so-called modern day Bible experts?

'Are you contributing at least ten percent of your income to these charlatans?'

All the tithe of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's - Leviticus 27:30

Should we obey the Bible or follow so-called modern day Bible experts?

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's (taxes), and to God what is God's (tithes) - Matthew 22:21

Should we listen to Jesus Christ or modern day Bible experts?

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse (church), that there may be food (revenue) in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessings, that you will not have room enough for it - Malachi 3:10

Should we believe the prophet Malachi or so-called modern day Bible experts, and is anyone aware of any scripture, that says the period of tithing expired?

In the Levitical priesthood, tithes were received by men who are subject to death; but now under the New Covenant, tithes are received (through the church) by Jesus Christ, who lives forever - Hebrews 7:8

If believers under the Old Covenant tithed and the very first Christians, under the New Covenant, tithed, should the modern day Christians also tithe?

Even Abraham, the patriarch gave a tenth.. - Hebrews 7:4

If Abraham, whom God called the father of our faith, tithed, should we also as children of faith tithe?

All that you (God) give me (Jacob), I will surely give a tenth to you - Genesis 28:22

And if Jacob, another biblical celebrity, tithed, should we follow his example?

You give a tenth.... But you have neglected the more important matters of the law.. You should have practiced the latter (tithing), without neglecting the former (the law) - Matthew 23:23

If Jesus Christ, the very head of Christianity, commanded believers to tithe, but not to neglect other Christian duties, who is anyone to say otherwise?

I give tithes of all that I possess... - Luke 18:12

Why would Jesus Christ, the top most expert on Christianity and the Bible, use a tithing story in one of His parables, to illustrate a point, if it was wrong to tithe?

'You are a victim, not disciple'.

Will a man/woman rob God? Yet you (humans) rob Me (God). But you (humans) ask, how do we rob you (God)?
In tithes and offerings. (Therefore) you are under a curse, the whole nation of you, because you are robbing Me (God) - Malachi 3:8-9

According to the Bible and the prophet Malachi, are tithers, the victims or are non-tithers the victims?
And according to the Bible, who are the real disciples of Jesus Christ, between the tithers and non-tithers?


I can quote mine as well. Is that all you want? The very long list of scriptures that preach against wealth and about the dangers of it?
I can do that.
But you never answered either of my questions.
What is it you think I believe, and do you tithe ten percent of your income to the church?
You told us what I don't believe, and you said tithing was a requirement, but you didn't say what you think I believe or whether you follow the tithing laws.

'I can quote mine as well. Is that all you want?'

Why don't you? No one can make a valid or credible argument, point or case in Christianity or about the Bible, without citing, referencing or quoting the scriptures.
And no lawyer can argue a case or make a valid argument, in a court of law, without citing, referencing or quoting the law, and no judge can decide any case, without citing, referencing or quoting the law.

'The very long list of scriptures that preach against wealth and about the dangers of it?'

Why don't you present the very long list of anti-wealth scriptures, so we can analyze and examine them?

'But you never answered either of my questions'.

The very fact that you and I are having this long and friendly exchange, demonstrates what you believe and what you don't believe?
Anyone that has been reading your postings on this thread, knows what you believe. Why would you want to be told what is self-evident and as clear as day to anyone?

'do you tithe ten percent of your income to the church?'

Yes, I do tithe religiously and with great pleasure! And I can't imagine life without tithing.

So long for now and may you be blessed when you come in and when you go out.

Blessings and Curses

Matthew 6:24 ESV / 26 helpful votes

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Proverbs 11:28 ESV / 21 helpful votes

Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.

Hebrews 13:5 ESV / 18 helpful votes

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Acts 20:35 ESV / 15 helpful votes

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Luke 12:33 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.

Start with these and I will provide as many as you want.
I already know how the prosperity charlatans have twisted these verses so your arguments are already well known.
It is one of the great hustles of all time, and you are selling the very parts of the faith that actually challenge people for the comforts of a belief in a quid pro quo religion.
It's so sad to me.
I can quote mine as well. Is that all you want? The very long list of scriptures that preach against wealth and about the dangers of it?
I can do that.
But you never answered either of my questions.
What is it you think I believe, and do you tithe ten percent of your income to the church?
You told us what I don't believe, and you said tithing was a requirement, but you didn't say what you think I believe or whether you follow the tithing laws.

'I can quote mine as well. Is that all you want?'

Why don't you? No one can make a valid or credible argument, point or case in Christianity or about the Bible, without citing, referencing or quoting the scriptures.
And no lawyer can argue a case or make a valid argument, in a court of law, without citing, referencing or quoting the law, and no judge can decide any case, without citing, referencing or quoting the law.

'The very long list of scriptures that preach against wealth and about the dangers of it?'

Why don't you present the very long list of anti-wealth scriptures, so we can analyze and examine them?

'But you never answered either of my questions'.

The very fact that you and I are having this long and friendly exchange, demonstrates what you believe and what you don't believe?
Anyone that has been reading your postings on this thread, knows what you believe. Why would you want to be told what is self-evident and as clear as day to anyone?

'do you tithe ten percent of your income to the church?'

Yes, I do tithe religiously and with great pleasure! And I can't imagine life without tithing.

So long for now and may you be blessed when you come in and when you go out.

Blessings and Curses

Matthew 6:24 ESV / 26 helpful votes

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Proverbs 11:28 ESV / 21 helpful votes

Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.

Hebrews 13:5 ESV / 18 helpful votes

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Acts 20:35 ESV / 15 helpful votes

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Luke 12:33 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.

Start with these and I will provide as many as you want.
I already know how the prosperity charlatans have twisted these verses so your arguments are already well known.
It is one of the great hustles of all time, and you are selling the very parts of the faith that actually challenge people for the comforts of a belief in a quid pro quo religion.
It's so sad to me.

(1) 'helpful votes'

Christianity or the Bible is not based on public opinion.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it's own - John 15:19

Most Christians in the world are completely unaware of a single prosperity scripture, so it is not surprising that they would eagerly vote against the Prosperity Gospel, which they have no knowledge of.

Study and........ correctly analyzing and accurately dividing the Word of Truth - 2 Timothy 2:15

If you don't carefully and thoroughly study the Bible, there is a possibility of incorrectly analyzing and inaccurately dividing the Word of Truth.

(2) 'No one can serve two masters;................ You cannot serve God and money - Matthew 6:24

There is a vast difference between serving money and having money or using money. You can have a lot of money and not serve the money or use it for evil, but serve God instead.
There are many biblical precedents of rich people, who served God and not their money.
On the other hand, lack of money does not automatically make anyone to serve God, because every poor person does not serve God?
Money or lack of money does not make anyone evil or good. There are good and bad rich and poor people.
And no one can do a lot of good in this world, without a lot of money. Unfortunately, some rich people have abused their wealth or used it to harm others or themselves, so many have wrongly concluded that money is evil?

Then opening their treasure bags, they (the wisemen) presented to Him (Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11

While Jesus was a child, He received treasure of very high value, which was brought in bags, suggesting a substantial amount, but Jesus used this wealth, without serving it?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Solomon, Hezekiah and others were rich men, who served God and not their money?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus... - Matthew 27:57

The riches of Joseph from Arimathea, did not prevent him from becoming a disciple of Jesus and serving God?

They came, both men and women.... and brought ....jewels of gold, an offering of gold to the Lord - Exodus 35:22

Old Testament believers, possessed gold, without serving it and they gave some to God's temple?
How could supposedly poor people have gold? How many modern day believers or Christians possess gold or any precious metal?

And you shall overlay it with pure gold..... - Exodus 30:3

Gold commanded His people under the Old Covenant to use pure gold, in building the temple?
How could God command His people to use gold, if they were all poor? And why did God allow them to have riches and serve Him, if riches are evil and no one can have wealth and serve God?

And He (Jesus) said to them, 'Go into all the world, preach and publish openly the good news, to every creature, of the whole human race - Mark 16:15

It will take literally billions, to translate the bible into many languages, buy airtime on radio and TV, donate free bibles to those who can't afford them, travel to every part of the world and other related expenses.
Who is going to finance the Great Commission, that Jesus commanded His followers past, present and future, to carry out, if every Christian is living from paycheck to paycheck or on food stamps?

(3) 'Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but....' - Proverbs 11:28

Once again, let us not confuse having riches with trusting in them. The answer to this scripture is in the examples above. From Abraham to Jesus and others in between, it has been proven beyond any doubt, that you can have riches and not trust in them, but trust in God.
Just because others have trusted in riches and have fallen, does not mean everyone with riches will fall and not trust God?

(4) 'Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have...' - Hebrews 13:5

Here again, the above examples have proved that you can have a lot of money and not love it, but use it for good and serving the Lord?
Being content with what you have does not mean, you should never seek more, because if that were true there would be no rich believers or Christians in the bible?
Content means being satisfied with what you have at the moment, while striving ahead, without any ill-will or negative actions or thoughts.

(5) '...... It is more blessed to give than to receive'

Blessed is the opposite of cursed. You cannot be 'blessed' and 'cursed' at the same time. You are either one or the other and neither can you be 'blessed' and live in lack forever.
Going without has never and will never be a blessing. The 'blessed' may live in lack temporarily, but not permanently.
So if you are 'blessed' that means you won't lack. Can you imagine being 'blessed', but living in the street all your life? Would that be a 'blessed' life?
I am not trying to be fun or put anyone down, but I am emphasizing a point and stating biblical truths.

Give and you shall be given, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over - Luke 6:38

Accord to Jesus, by giving you get more back that is why it is more 'blessed' to give than to receive?
Giving is a spiritual law. The more you give, the more you get back.
And why would Jesus command His followers to give, if they were all poor, with nothing to give?

(6) 'Sell your possessions and give to the poor.........' - Luke 12:33

Jesus never said sell everything and give everything to the poor, so you can become the poor and need others to give to you?
By giving, you invest in heaven's financial/blessings system and Gold returns the favor, as well as watches over your money/resources, so there is protection from the negative.

I will prevent pests (anything negative) from devouring (destroying) your crops (income/resources), and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit (prevent losses), says the Lord Almighty - Malachi 3:11

God promised to watch over and protect the resources/income/wealth of those who tithe.

None of the scriptures, that you have cited are against the Prosperity Gospel or anti-prosperity? These scriptures simply instruct us, on how to wisely manage wealth/prosperity and avoid the pitfalls, temptations or distractions that come with it.
Good morning and have a blessed day!
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'I can quote mine as well. Is that all you want?'

Why don't you? No one can make a valid or credible argument, point or case in Christianity or about the Bible, without citing, referencing or quoting the scriptures.
And no lawyer can argue a case or make a valid argument, in a court of law, without citing, referencing or quoting the law, and no judge can decide any case, without citing, referencing or quoting the law.

'The very long list of scriptures that preach against wealth and about the dangers of it?'

Why don't you present the very long list of anti-wealth scriptures, so we can analyze and examine them?

'But you never answered either of my questions'.

The very fact that you and I are having this long and friendly exchange, demonstrates what you believe and what you don't believe?
Anyone that has been reading your postings on this thread, knows what you believe. Why would you want to be told what is self-evident and as clear as day to anyone?

'do you tithe ten percent of your income to the church?'

Yes, I do tithe religiously and with great pleasure! And I can't imagine life without tithing.

So long for now and may you be blessed when you come in and when you go out.

Blessings and Curses

Matthew 6:24 ESV / 26 helpful votes

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Proverbs 11:28 ESV / 21 helpful votes

Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.

Hebrews 13:5 ESV / 18 helpful votes

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Acts 20:35 ESV / 15 helpful votes

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Luke 12:33 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.

Start with these and I will provide as many as you want.
I already know how the prosperity charlatans have twisted these verses so your arguments are already well known.
It is one of the great hustles of all time, and you are selling the very parts of the faith that actually challenge people for the comforts of a belief in a quid pro quo religion.
It's so sad to me.

(1) 'helpful votes'

Christianity or the Bible is not based on public opinion.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it's own - John 15:19

Most Christians in the world are completely unaware of a single prosperity scripture, so it is not surprising that they would eagerly vote against the Prosperity Gospel, which they have no knowledge of.

Study and........ correctly analyzing and accurately dividing the Word of Truth - 2 Timothy 2:15

If you don't carefully and thoroughly study the Bible, there is a possibility of incorrectly analyzing and inaccurately dividing the Word of Truth.

(2) 'No one can serve two masters;................ You cannot serve God and money - Matthew 6:24

There is a vast difference between serving money and having money or using money. You can have a lot of money and not serve the money or use it for evil, but serve God instead.
There are many biblical precedents of rich people, who served God and not their money.
On the other hand, lack of money does not automatically make anyone to serve God, because every poor person does not serve God?
Money or lack of money does not make anyone evil or good. There are good and bad rich and poor people.
And no one can do a lot of good in this world, without a lot of money. Unfortunately, some rich people have abused their wealth or used it to harm others or themselves, so many have wrongly concluded that money is evil?

Then opening their treasure bags, they (the wisemen) presented to Him (Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11

While Jesus was a child, He received treasure of very high value, which was brought in bags, suggesting a substantial amount, but Jesus used this wealth, without serving it?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Solomon, Hezekiah and others were rich men, who served God and not their money?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus... - Matthew 27:57

The riches of Joseph from Arimathea, did not prevent him from becoming a disciple of Jesus and serving God?

They came, both men and women.... and brought ....jewels of gold, an offering of gold to the Lord - Exodus 35:22

Old Testament believers, possessed gold, without serving it and they gave some to God's temple?
How could supposedly poor people have gold? How many modern day believers or Christians possess gold or any precious metal?

And you shall overlay it with pure gold..... - Exodus 30:3

Gold commanded His people under the Old Covenant to use pure gold, in building the temple?
How could God command His people to use gold, if they were all poor? And why did God allow them to have riches and serve Him, if riches are evil and no one can have wealth and serve God?

And He (Jesus) said to them, 'Go into all the world, preach and publish openly the good news, to every creature, of the whole human race - Mark 16:15

It will take literally billions, to translate the bible into many languages, buy airtime on radio and TV, donate free bibles to those who can't afford them, travel to every part of the world and other related expenses.
Who is going to finance the Great Commission, that Jesus commanded His followers past, present and future, to carry out, if every Christian is living from paycheck to paycheck or on food stamps?

(3) 'Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but....' - Proverbs 11:28

Once again, let us not confuse having riches with trusting in them. The answer to this scripture is in the examples above. From Abraham to Jesus and others in between, it has been proven beyond any doubt, that you can have riches and not trust in them, but trust in God.
Just because others have trusted in riches and have fallen, does not mean everyone with riches will fall and not trust God?

(4) 'Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have...' - Hebrews 13:5

Here again, the above examples have proved that you can have a lot of money and not love it, but use it for good and serving the Lord?
Being content with what you have does not mean, you should never seek more, because if that were true there would be no rich believers or Christians in the bible?
Content means being satisfied with what you have at the moment, while striving ahead, without any ill-will or negative actions or thoughts.

(5) '...... It is more blessed to give than to receive'

Blessed is the opposite of cursed. You cannot be 'blessed' and 'cursed' at the same time. You are either one or the other and neither can you be 'blessed' and live in lack forever.
Going without has never and will never be a blessing. The 'blessed' may live in lack temporarily, but not permanently.
So if you are 'blessed' that means you won't lack. Can you imagine being 'blessed', but living in the street all your life? Would that be a 'blessed' life?
I am not trying to be fun or put anyone down, but I am emphasizing a point and stating biblical truths.

Give and you shall be given, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over - Luke 6:38

Accord to Jesus, by giving you get more back that is why it is more 'blessed' to give than to receive?
Giving is a spiritual law. The more you give, the more you get back.
And why would Jesus command His followers to give, if they were all poor, with nothing to give?

(6) 'Sell your possessions and give to the poor.........' - Luke 12:33

Jesus never said sell everything and give everything to the poor, so you can become the poor and need others to give to you?
By giving, you invest in heaven's financial/blessings system and Gold returns the favor, as well as watches over your money/resources, so there is protection from the negative.

I will prevent pests (anything negative) from devouring (destroying) your crops (income/resources), and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit (prevent losses), says the Lord Almighty - Malachi 3:11

God promised to watch over and protect the resources/income/wealth of those who tithe.

None of the scriptures, that you have cited are against the Prosperity Gospel or anti-prosperity? These scriptures simply instruct us, on how to wisely manage wealth/prosperity and avoid the pitfalls, temptations or distractions that come with it.
Good morning and have a blessed day!
Like I said, I know all the excuses your prosperity doctrine leaches have loaded your head with.
We can do this all day. There are dozens more verses I can cite.
The bottom line is, if you believe the prosperity doctrine, you MUST believe that there is some spiritual shortcoming in all the people that struggle financially. Somehow they are an affront to god because he does not bless them with the worldly riches you are convinced will come their way if only they honor god.
And yet, Jesus said "Blessed are the poor".
What an evil twisting of scripture.
For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more - Luke 12:48

It is very true, that economic inequality is growing at an alarming rate and that the super-rich or the top-1%, can do much more to spread the wealth, but is the middle class and the working poor doing enough to also spread the wealth?
There is always someone poorer or needier than the official poor or needy. It is always easy and convenient to point out what others should do or are not doing, but rarely do human beings examine themselves, what they are not doing or should be doing.
And in this case, it is comfortable for the middle class and working poor to attack or demonize the super-rich, but is the middle class and the working poor doing it's fair share?

He who is faithful in what is least, is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least, is unjust also in much - Luke 16:10

If the middle class and the working poor are not doing their fair share, with what they have, in spreading the wealth, why should anyone expect them to behave differently if they were at the top, and are their attacks on the super-rich credible or honest?

There are millions of middle class and working poor people, who can easily afford to spare a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar or more, and yet so many homeless people and other poorer people, suffer unnecessary economic hardship?

(1) What if millions of middle class and working poor people, gave a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar or more to one homeless person, once a week?

(2) What if millions of middle class and working poor people, gave a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar or more, to one poorer person, who rummages through filthy trash, searching for 5 cent soda cans and plastic bottles, once a week?

(3) What if millions of middle class and working poor people, dropped a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar or more, in the tips cup, by the cash register, in the coffee shop, deli, pizzeria or eatery?

(4) What if millions of middle class and working poor people, gave a dollar once a year to their local soup kitchen or food bank?

(5) What if thousands of middle class and working poor people, gave a few dollars tip, once in a while, to the overworked and underpaid, home care workers/others, who do hard and unpleasant work, taking care of our sick and old loved ones?

(6) What if thousands of middle class and working poor people, left a few dollars tip, on their bed, for the poorly paid, housekeepers/cleaners, each time they checked out of hotels, motels or inns?

(7) What if thousands of middle class and working poor people, purposely patronized a full service gas stations and car wash places, just so they can modestly tip the poor attendants?

(8) What if ...................?

May God bless us all, as we reach out to others, with whatever we have.


They can't afford to do that because they're already supporting the 1%.

Where do you fools think the rich gets their money?

Off the backs of the working class, the middle class and the poor.

What's that bible verse about not serving both money and god? Your god/Jesus used a whip to drive out the money changers and now you bible thumpers worship them.

Or the 1% could rent out cheap motels every winter and house the homeless ensuring they don't freeze to death. Or pay off people's bills about to be evicted and become homeless. Or pay medical bills for those for whom it's gonna bankrupt them. Or surprise everyone in low-income neighborhoods, or just on 1 street with a free pizza delivery.

What the 1% could do, is orders of magnitude more than what the other 99% could.

Never happen.

That's what Jesus would do but not what his followers believe in.

They love fetuses but despise hungry children and gays.

It's funny when those that are not believers in God use His words in a feeble attempt to make a point.
Or the 1% could rent out cheap motels every winter and house the homeless ensuring they don't freeze to death. Or pay off people's bills about to be evicted and become homeless. Or pay medical bills for those for whom it's gonna bankrupt them. Or surprise everyone in low-income neighborhoods, or just on 1 street with a free pizza delivery.

What the 1% could do, is orders of magnitude more than what the other 99% could.

Never happen.

That's what Jesus would do but not what his followers believe in.

They love fetuses but despise hungry children and gays.

Matthew 6:24 ESV / 26 helpful votes

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Proverbs 11:28 ESV / 21 helpful votes

Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.

Hebrews 13:5 ESV / 18 helpful votes

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Acts 20:35 ESV / 15 helpful votes

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Luke 12:33 ESV / 13 helpful votes

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.

Start with these and I will provide as many as you want.
I already know how the prosperity charlatans have twisted these verses so your arguments are already well known.
It is one of the great hustles of all time, and you are selling the very parts of the faith that actually challenge people for the comforts of a belief in a quid pro quo religion.
It's so sad to me.

(1) 'helpful votes'

Christianity or the Bible is not based on public opinion.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it's own - John 15:19

Most Christians in the world are completely unaware of a single prosperity scripture, so it is not surprising that they would eagerly vote against the Prosperity Gospel, which they have no knowledge of.

Study and........ correctly analyzing and accurately dividing the Word of Truth - 2 Timothy 2:15

If you don't carefully and thoroughly study the Bible, there is a possibility of incorrectly analyzing and inaccurately dividing the Word of Truth.

(2) 'No one can serve two masters;................ You cannot serve God and money - Matthew 6:24

There is a vast difference between serving money and having money or using money. You can have a lot of money and not serve the money or use it for evil, but serve God instead.
There are many biblical precedents of rich people, who served God and not their money.
On the other hand, lack of money does not automatically make anyone to serve God, because every poor person does not serve God?
Money or lack of money does not make anyone evil or good. There are good and bad rich and poor people.
And no one can do a lot of good in this world, without a lot of money. Unfortunately, some rich people have abused their wealth or used it to harm others or themselves, so many have wrongly concluded that money is evil?

Then opening their treasure bags, they (the wisemen) presented to Him (Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11

While Jesus was a child, He received treasure of very high value, which was brought in bags, suggesting a substantial amount, but Jesus used this wealth, without serving it?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Solomon, Hezekiah and others were rich men, who served God and not their money?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus... - Matthew 27:57

The riches of Joseph from Arimathea, did not prevent him from becoming a disciple of Jesus and serving God?

They came, both men and women.... and brought ....jewels of gold, an offering of gold to the Lord - Exodus 35:22

Old Testament believers, possessed gold, without serving it and they gave some to God's temple?
How could supposedly poor people have gold? How many modern day believers or Christians possess gold or any precious metal?

And you shall overlay it with pure gold..... - Exodus 30:3

Gold commanded His people under the Old Covenant to use pure gold, in building the temple?
How could God command His people to use gold, if they were all poor? And why did God allow them to have riches and serve Him, if riches are evil and no one can have wealth and serve God?

And He (Jesus) said to them, 'Go into all the world, preach and publish openly the good news, to every creature, of the whole human race - Mark 16:15

It will take literally billions, to translate the bible into many languages, buy airtime on radio and TV, donate free bibles to those who can't afford them, travel to every part of the world and other related expenses.
Who is going to finance the Great Commission, that Jesus commanded His followers past, present and future, to carry out, if every Christian is living from paycheck to paycheck or on food stamps?

(3) 'Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but....' - Proverbs 11:28

Once again, let us not confuse having riches with trusting in them. The answer to this scripture is in the examples above. From Abraham to Jesus and others in between, it has been proven beyond any doubt, that you can have riches and not trust in them, but trust in God.
Just because others have trusted in riches and have fallen, does not mean everyone with riches will fall and not trust God?

(4) 'Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have...' - Hebrews 13:5

Here again, the above examples have proved that you can have a lot of money and not love it, but use it for good and serving the Lord?
Being content with what you have does not mean, you should never seek more, because if that were true there would be no rich believers or Christians in the bible?
Content means being satisfied with what you have at the moment, while striving ahead, without any ill-will or negative actions or thoughts.

(5) '...... It is more blessed to give than to receive'

Blessed is the opposite of cursed. You cannot be 'blessed' and 'cursed' at the same time. You are either one or the other and neither can you be 'blessed' and live in lack forever.
Going without has never and will never be a blessing. The 'blessed' may live in lack temporarily, but not permanently.
So if you are 'blessed' that means you won't lack. Can you imagine being 'blessed', but living in the street all your life? Would that be a 'blessed' life?
I am not trying to be fun or put anyone down, but I am emphasizing a point and stating biblical truths.

Give and you shall be given, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over - Luke 6:38

Accord to Jesus, by giving you get more back that is why it is more 'blessed' to give than to receive?
Giving is a spiritual law. The more you give, the more you get back.
And why would Jesus command His followers to give, if they were all poor, with nothing to give?

(6) 'Sell your possessions and give to the poor.........' - Luke 12:33

Jesus never said sell everything and give everything to the poor, so you can become the poor and need others to give to you?
By giving, you invest in heaven's financial/blessings system and Gold returns the favor, as well as watches over your money/resources, so there is protection from the negative.

I will prevent pests (anything negative) from devouring (destroying) your crops (income/resources), and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit (prevent losses), says the Lord Almighty - Malachi 3:11

God promised to watch over and protect the resources/income/wealth of those who tithe.

None of the scriptures, that you have cited are against the Prosperity Gospel or anti-prosperity? These scriptures simply instruct us, on how to wisely manage wealth/prosperity and avoid the pitfalls, temptations or distractions that come with it.
Good morning and have a blessed day!
Like I said, I know all the excuses your prosperity doctrine leaches have loaded your head with.
We can do this all day. There are dozens more verses I can cite.
The bottom line is, if you believe the prosperity doctrine, you MUST believe that there is some spiritual shortcoming in all the people that struggle financially. Somehow they are an affront to god because he does not bless them with the worldly riches you are convinced will come their way if only they honor god.
And yet, Jesus said "Blessed are the poor".
What an evil twisting of scripture.

'you must believe, that there is some spiritual shortcoming, in all the people that struggle financially'

This is not just about what I or anyone believes, this is about what God said through the prophet Malachi?
Either God told the truth or He lied?

Will a man/woman rob God? Yet you rob Me. But you ask, How do we rob you?
In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse, the whole nation of you, because you are robbing Me - Malachi 3:8-9

These are not my words. This is God speaking!

'And yet, Jesus said, 'Blessed are the poor'

Blessed are the poor in SPIRIT (and not materially) , for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven - Matthew 5:3

Poor in spirit is not the same as poor in material terms? Both the rich materially and the poor materially can be poor in spirit and both the rich materially and the poor materially can be rich in spirit?
The poor in spirit, whether rich or poor are blessed, because they know and acknowledge their spiritual situation and therefore do their best to seek the Lord, as opposed to those who believe or think that they were born good or perfect and don't need any improvement.
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(1) 'helpful votes'

Christianity or the Bible is not based on public opinion.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it's own - John 15:19

Most Christians in the world are completely unaware of a single prosperity scripture, so it is not surprising that they would eagerly vote against the Prosperity Gospel, which they have no knowledge of.

Study and........ correctly analyzing and accurately dividing the Word of Truth - 2 Timothy 2:15

If you don't carefully and thoroughly study the Bible, there is a possibility of incorrectly analyzing and inaccurately dividing the Word of Truth.

(2) 'No one can serve two masters;................ You cannot serve God and money - Matthew 6:24

There is a vast difference between serving money and having money or using money. You can have a lot of money and not serve the money or use it for evil, but serve God instead.
There are many biblical precedents of rich people, who served God and not their money.
On the other hand, lack of money does not automatically make anyone to serve God, because every poor person does not serve God?
Money or lack of money does not make anyone evil or good. There are good and bad rich and poor people.
And no one can do a lot of good in this world, without a lot of money. Unfortunately, some rich people have abused their wealth or used it to harm others or themselves, so many have wrongly concluded that money is evil?

Then opening their treasure bags, they (the wisemen) presented to Him (Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11

While Jesus was a child, He received treasure of very high value, which was brought in bags, suggesting a substantial amount, but Jesus used this wealth, without serving it?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Solomon, Hezekiah and others were rich men, who served God and not their money?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus... - Matthew 27:57

The riches of Joseph from Arimathea, did not prevent him from becoming a disciple of Jesus and serving God?

They came, both men and women.... and brought ....jewels of gold, an offering of gold to the Lord - Exodus 35:22

Old Testament believers, possessed gold, without serving it and they gave some to God's temple?
How could supposedly poor people have gold? How many modern day believers or Christians possess gold or any precious metal?

And you shall overlay it with pure gold..... - Exodus 30:3

Gold commanded His people under the Old Covenant to use pure gold, in building the temple?
How could God command His people to use gold, if they were all poor? And why did God allow them to have riches and serve Him, if riches are evil and no one can have wealth and serve God?

And He (Jesus) said to them, 'Go into all the world, preach and publish openly the good news, to every creature, of the whole human race - Mark 16:15

It will take literally billions, to translate the bible into many languages, buy airtime on radio and TV, donate free bibles to those who can't afford them, travel to every part of the world and other related expenses.
Who is going to finance the Great Commission, that Jesus commanded His followers past, present and future, to carry out, if every Christian is living from paycheck to paycheck or on food stamps?

(3) 'Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but....' - Proverbs 11:28

Once again, let us not confuse having riches with trusting in them. The answer to this scripture is in the examples above. From Abraham to Jesus and others in between, it has been proven beyond any doubt, that you can have riches and not trust in them, but trust in God.
Just because others have trusted in riches and have fallen, does not mean everyone with riches will fall and not trust God?

(4) 'Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have...' - Hebrews 13:5

Here again, the above examples have proved that you can have a lot of money and not love it, but use it for good and serving the Lord?
Being content with what you have does not mean, you should never seek more, because if that were true there would be no rich believers or Christians in the bible?
Content means being satisfied with what you have at the moment, while striving ahead, without any ill-will or negative actions or thoughts.

(5) '...... It is more blessed to give than to receive'

Blessed is the opposite of cursed. You cannot be 'blessed' and 'cursed' at the same time. You are either one or the other and neither can you be 'blessed' and live in lack forever.
Going without has never and will never be a blessing. The 'blessed' may live in lack temporarily, but not permanently.
So if you are 'blessed' that means you won't lack. Can you imagine being 'blessed', but living in the street all your life? Would that be a 'blessed' life?
I am not trying to be fun or put anyone down, but I am emphasizing a point and stating biblical truths.

Give and you shall be given, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over - Luke 6:38

Accord to Jesus, by giving you get more back that is why it is more 'blessed' to give than to receive?
Giving is a spiritual law. The more you give, the more you get back.
And why would Jesus command His followers to give, if they were all poor, with nothing to give?

(6) 'Sell your possessions and give to the poor.........' - Luke 12:33

Jesus never said sell everything and give everything to the poor, so you can become the poor and need others to give to you?
By giving, you invest in heaven's financial/blessings system and Gold returns the favor, as well as watches over your money/resources, so there is protection from the negative.

I will prevent pests (anything negative) from devouring (destroying) your crops (income/resources), and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit (prevent losses), says the Lord Almighty - Malachi 3:11

God promised to watch over and protect the resources/income/wealth of those who tithe.

None of the scriptures, that you have cited are against the Prosperity Gospel or anti-prosperity? These scriptures simply instruct us, on how to wisely manage wealth/prosperity and avoid the pitfalls, temptations or distractions that come with it.
Good morning and have a blessed day!
Like I said, I know all the excuses your prosperity doctrine leaches have loaded your head with.
We can do this all day. There are dozens more verses I can cite.
The bottom line is, if you believe the prosperity doctrine, you MUST believe that there is some spiritual shortcoming in all the people that struggle financially. Somehow they are an affront to god because he does not bless them with the worldly riches you are convinced will come their way if only they honor god.
And yet, Jesus said "Blessed are the poor".
What an evil twisting of scripture.

'you must believe, that there is some spiritual shortcoming, in all the people that struggle financially'

This is not just about what I or anyone believes, this is about what God said through the prophet Malachi?
Either God told the truth or He lied?

Will a man/woman rob God? Yet you rob Me. But you ask, How do we rob you?
In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse, the whole nation of you, because you are robbing Me - Malachi 3:8-9

These are not my words. This is God speaking!

'And yet, Jesus said, 'Blessed are the poor'

Blessed are the poor in SPIRIT (and not materially) , for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven - Matthew 5:3

Poor in spirit is not the same as poor in material terms? Both the rich materially and the poor materially can be poor in spirit and both the rich materially and the poor materially can be rich in spirit?
The poor in spirit, whether rich or poor are blessed, because they know and acknowledge their spiritual situation and therefore do their best to seek the Lord, as opposed to those who believe or think that they were born good or perfect and don't need any improvement.

So you DO believe that those that struggle financially are somehow not right with god!
What an abortion of an understanding of Jesus.
The quid pro quo theology.
It's base when people do it.
To imagine that deal comes from a deity is nauseating.

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