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The Super-Rich And Everyone Else

Just this

Jesus said, it is harder for a rich man to walk through the gates of Heaven than a camel to walk through the eye of a needle.

I begrudge no man income, but come on dudes

In a world supposed to be ruled out of love of God and fellow man--the #1 seller is war supplies--#2 illegal drugs. Without having both things used to the extremes--economys would collapse--- this is from sick hearts. no love involved. God brings together---Govts and false religionsssssssss separate.
Just this

Jesus said, it is harder for a rich man to walk through the gates of Heaven than a camel to walk through the eye of a needle.

I begrudge no man income, but come on dudes

Thanks for taking the time to comment, but the point you are raising has already been dealt with at length on this very thread.
Let me repeat:

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God - Matthew 19:24

Jesus never said, the rich people could not enter heaven? He said that it wasn't easy, but not impossible?

Now Abraham was extremely rich in livestock, silver and gold - Genesis 13:2

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Hezekiah and many others, were rich men who served God faithfully and went to heaven?

Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.. - Matthew 27:57-58

Some of the disciples of Jesus were rich people. And this rich disciple, Joseph from Arimathea paid for all the burial expenses of Jesus?

Please review the entire thread for more.

looks like you're one of those people who has no sense of humor....

I am still clueless as to what your movie clip meant? Can you elaborate further or break it down for 'sense of humorless people' like me, so we can appreciate or share your sophisticated sense of humor?
nope, like all humor you either get it or you don't.

Thanks any way, for taking the time to respond. I will just have to be satisfied with living in humorlessland for the rest of my humorless life.
Go ahead. Start with the most decadent part of society and force Hollywood actors to be compensated at the same rate as stage hands. Once you crack that nut you can go on to extorting money from real producers of wealth.
Go ahead. Start with the most decadent part of society and force Hollywood actors to be compensated at the same rate as stage hands. Once you crack that nut you can go on to extorting money from real producers of wealth.
i love it when people talk out their ass.

I've spent better then 30 years in show business as guess what a stage hand among other things the average stage hand or tech in theatre or film (I've done both) make far more money than most all actors, the ones you are raging about make the kind of money they do because they make money for the studios.
you are also full of shit when you say hollywood is the most decadent part of society that dubious honor goes to the gambling trade and some politicians Republican and democrat.
I don't mind a good rant but get you fucking facts straight..
Go ahead. Start with the most decadent part of society and force Hollywood actors to be compensated at the same rate as stage hands. Once you crack that nut you can go on to extorting money from real producers of wealth.

It is very unfortunate, that a thread that began as a wake-up call to the middle class and working poor, not to simply complain about the super-rich, while doing nothing to help those who are much poorer than themselves, with what they have, deteriorated into something it was never intended to be.
Let us hope, that from now on, the middle class and working poor, would do their fair share of reaching out to the invisible and marginalized, instead of just preaching about what the super-rich should do or are not doing.
Thanks to all who made their contributions.
Whether you recognize it or not, we have institutionalized "charity," and every taxpayer contributes to feeding and housing the poor, sheltering the homeless, paying the unemployed, and treating the injured and diseased. The super-rich (depending on how you define that) are generally paying a King's Ransom in federal, state, and local taxes every year, which - like it or not - pays for the bulk of the Social Safety Net. We've all seen the numbers, the top 10% pay more than half of all the personal income taxes that are paid to the various levels of government. High earners in New York, New Jersey, California, and some other states are paying more than half their gross incomes in taxes, much of which funds what would historically be considered "charity."

But charity starts at home. We are all obliged to help our immediate family members, relatives, friends, fellow-church members, and those in our immediate community through food banks, clothing drives, and whatnot.

The people who remain in a wretched state can fairly be said to have "fallen between the cracks" of the extremely-costly social safety net. Handing them cash is problematic. Often the people begging on the streets are scammers. Many homeless people are in that condition because of mental problems or substance abuse, and giving them cash solves nothing.

For someone who wants to go beyond what is compulsory, the best course is donating time, goods, and money to known, local churches and charitable institutions, where you can personally confirm that the donations are being given to those most in need and are not wasted.

Interesting points and I understand where you are coming from, but why should you worry or care, if someone is a scammer or a genuine person in dire need, when you are only giving them a nickel, a dime or a quarter?
And how can you tell who is a scammer or a person with legitimate needs? True, there are always opportunists in every group of people, but why should the rest suffer because of a few rotten apples among them, when it is only costing the giver a nickel or a dime?
Charities do a lot of good work, but no amount of charities will ever reach everyone in need and when they are in need and where they are in need?
What if you lost a nickel to a scammer? Would that adversely affect your life or anybody's life?

It takes three or four families to support someone.
People are usually homeless because they've picked up other vices and the same reason they break your car window for ten cents is the same reason you shouldn't pay them ten cents. You are supporting their habit.

Like that homeless bum, Jesus?
Interesting points and I understand where you are coming from, but why should you worry or care, if someone is a scammer or a genuine person in dire need, when you are only giving them a nickel, a dime or a quarter?
And how can you tell who is a scammer or a person with legitimate needs? True, there are always opportunists in every group of people, but why should the rest suffer because of a few rotten apples among them, when it is only costing the giver a nickel or a dime?
Charities do a lot of good work, but no amount of charities will ever reach everyone in need and when they are in need and where they are in need?
What if you lost a nickel to a scammer? Would that adversely affect your life or anybody's life?

It takes three or four families to support someone.
People are usually homeless because they've picked up other vices and the same reason they break your car window for ten cents is the same reason you shouldn't pay them ten cents. You are supporting their habit.

Like that homeless bum, Jesus?

After reading your short post, I concluded rightly or wrongly, that you do not believe the Bible is the Word of God, so I won't even try to convince you otherwise, because such an effort is endless and fruitless, but I will devote my time and efforts to setting the record straight, regarding your claims that Jesus was broke and homeless, just for the benefit of my brothers and sisters in Christ on this thread and on this forum.

Then opening their treasure bags, they (the wisemen) presented to Him (Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11

Why would Jesus Christ, who as a child, received very high value treasure, that could be converted into a lot of money or invested, be homeless?

Since Judas had charge of the money, some thought... - John 13:29

Why did Jesus need to appoint Judas to manage His money, if Jesus was broke and homeless?

He called His twelve disciples to Him and... - Matthew 10:1

If Jesus was broke and homeless, how did He pay the living and travelling expenses of twelve men plus Himself?

Now both Jesus and His disciple were invited to the wedding.. - John 2:2

Why would anyone, invite Jesus and His twelve disciples to a wedding, if they were broke and homeless?

Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and was rich..... and said to him, 'Zacchaeus make haste.. for today I must stay at your house' - Luke 19:2-5

Why would rich people like Zacchaeus have Jesus as a house guest, if He was broke and homeless?

They (the disciples) took Him (Jesus) along, just as He was, in the boat. There were also other boats with Him - Mark 4:36

If Jesus was broke and homeless, why was He travelling with a fleet of boats? How did Jesus afford to rent or purchase these boats?

A rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus - Matthew 27:57-58

Why would rich people listen to and become disciples of Jesus, if He was broke and homeless?

The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children - Matthew14:21

Why would five thousand men and thousands more women and children, follow and listen to Jesus, if He was broke and homeless?

Peter said to Him (Jesus), 'We have left all we had to follow you' - Luke 18:28

Why would twelve grown men abandon their businesses, professions or occupations to work with Jesus, if He was broke and homeless, and had no financial incentives to offer them?

He (Jesus) said to them, 'Come and see'. They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him, that day - John 1:39

To whose home did Jesus invite the disciples, if He was homeless?

Then they (the Roman soldiers) crucified Him and divided His garments by casting lots - Matthew 27:35

Why would the Roman soldiers fight over the clothes of Jesus, if He was broke and homeless, and wore cheap, filthy clothes?

Then the disciples went away again to their own homes -John 20:10

How could the disciples, who had homes follow Jesus around, if He had no home?

And to the disciples, 'Here is your mother (Mary)'. From that time on, this disciple took her into his home - John 19:27

How could people with homes follow a homeless man?

Is this (Jesus) not the carpenter, the Son of Mary? - Mark 6:3

Why would Jesus, who was a carpenter by trade, be homeless, when He could easily construct a wooden cabin?

The genealogy of Jesus ........Abraham, Isaac, Jacob...... David, Solomon.......... Hezekiah...... Joseph - Matthew 1:1-16

Why would Jesus be broke and homeless, when in the bloodline of His earthly father, Joseph, there were a lot of very rich men?
Did Joseph inherit some of the wealth of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Hezekiah and others?

No one who has left home, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children or fields for me and the gospel, will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age... - Mark 10:29-30

Why would everyone that leaves home and family for long periods to spread the gospel near and far, be well rewarded materially except Jesus Himself?
Last edited:
It takes three or four families to support someone.
People are usually homeless because they've picked up other vices and the same reason they break your car window for ten cents is the same reason you shouldn't pay them ten cents. You are supporting their habit.

Like that homeless bum, Jesus?

After reading your short post, I concluded rightly or wrongly, that you do not believe the Bible is the Word of God, so I won't even try to convince you otherwise, because such an effort is endless and fruitless, but I will devote my time and efforts to setting the record straight, regarding your claims that Jesus was homeless, just for the benefit of my brothers and sisters in Christ on this thread and on this forum.

Then opening their treasure bags, they (the wisemen) presented to Him (Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11

Why would Jesus Christ, who as a child, received very high value treasure, that could be converted into a lot of money or invested, be homeless?

Since Judas had charge of the money, some thought... - John 13:29

Why did Jesus need to appoint Judas to manage His money, if Jesus was broke and homeless?

He called His twelve disciples to Him and... - Matthew 10:1

If Jesus was broke and homeless, how did He pay the living and travelling expenses of twelve men plus Himself?

Now both Jesus and His disciple were invited to the wedding.. - John 2:2

Why would anyone, invite Jesus and His twelve disciples to a wedding, if they were broke and homeless?

Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and was rich..... and said to him, 'Zacchaeus make haste.. for today I must stay at your house' - Luke 19:2-5

Why would rich people like Zacchaeus have Jesus as a house guest, if He was broke and homeless?

They (the disciples) took Him (Jesus) along, just as He was, in the boat. There were also other boats with Him - Mark 4:36

If Jesus was broke and homeless, why was He travelling with a fleet of boats? How did Jesus afford to rent or purchase these boats?

A rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus - Matthew 27:57-58

Why would rich people listen to and become disciples of Jesus, if He was broke and homeless?

The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children - Matthew14:21

Why would five thousand men and thousands more women and children, follow and listen to Jesus, if He was broke and homeless?

No one who has left home, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children or fields for me and the gospel, will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age... - Mark 10:29-30

Why would everyone that leaves home and family for long periods to spread the gospel near and far, be well rewarded materially except Jesus Himself?


So much taken out of context. So much left out and cherry picked around. So much ignored. So much of his message bastardized and mangled here.
One question?
Where was Jesus' house? His personal home?
Or did he tell people to go out with nothing but their cloak and sandals?
To not worry about tomorrow for each day had its own trouble?
For the rich young man to give everything to the poor and follow him (a hint of where his riches may have gone)?
I could go on and on and on also.
Your Jesus was a rich dude and people would only follow a preacher with gobs of money? That's your belief system?
This is one of the saddest posts I have ever read. Sincerely.
It takes three or four families to support someone.
People are usually homeless because they've picked up other vices and the same reason they break your car window for ten cents is the same reason you shouldn't pay them ten cents. You are supporting their habit.

Like that homeless bum, Jesus?

After reading your short post, I concluded rightly or wrongly, that you do not believe the Bible is the Word of God, so I won't even try to convince you otherwise, because such an effort is endless and fruitless, but I will devote my time and efforts to setting the record straight, regarding your claims that Jesus was broke and homeless, just for the benefit of my brothers and sisters in Christ on this thread and on this forum.
edited for contradiction...
Like that homeless bum, Jesus?

After reading your short post, I concluded rightly or wrongly, that you do not believe the Bible is the Word of God, so I won't even try to convince you otherwise, because such an effort is endless and fruitless, but I will devote my time and efforts to setting the record straight, regarding your claims that Jesus was homeless, just for the benefit of my brothers and sisters in Christ on this thread and on this forum.

Then opening their treasure bags, they (the wisemen) presented to Him (Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11

Why would Jesus Christ, who as a child, received very high value treasure, that could be converted into a lot of money or invested, be homeless?

Since Judas had charge of the money, some thought... - John 13:29

Why did Jesus need to appoint Judas to manage His money, if Jesus was broke and homeless?

He called His twelve disciples to Him and... - Matthew 10:1

If Jesus was broke and homeless, how did He pay the living and travelling expenses of twelve men plus Himself?

Now both Jesus and His disciple were invited to the wedding.. - John 2:2

Why would anyone, invite Jesus and His twelve disciples to a wedding, if they were broke and homeless?

Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and was rich..... and said to him, 'Zacchaeus make haste.. for today I must stay at your house' - Luke 19:2-5

Why would rich people like Zacchaeus have Jesus as a house guest, if He was broke and homeless?

They (the disciples) took Him (Jesus) along, just as He was, in the boat. There were also other boats with Him - Mark 4:36

If Jesus was broke and homeless, why was He travelling with a fleet of boats? How did Jesus afford to rent or purchase these boats?

A rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus - Matthew 27:57-58

Why would rich people listen to and become disciples of Jesus, if He was broke and homeless?

The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children - Matthew14:21

Why would five thousand men and thousands more women and children, follow and listen to Jesus, if He was broke and homeless?

No one who has left home, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children or fields for me and the gospel, will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age... - Mark 10:29-30

Why would everyone that leaves home and family for long periods to spread the gospel near and far, be well rewarded materially except Jesus Himself?


So much taken out of context. So much left out and cherry picked around. So much ignored. So much of his message bastardized and mangled here.
One question?
Where was Jesus' house? His personal home?
Or did he tell people to go out with nothing but their cloak and sandals?
To not worry about tomorrow for each day had its own trouble?
For the rich young man to give everything to the poor and follow him (a hint of where his riches may have gone)?
I could go on and on and on also.
Your Jesus was a rich dude and people would only follow a preacher with gobs of money? That's your belief system?
This is one of the saddest posts I have ever read. Sincerely.

(1) Where was Jesus' house? His personal home?

They (Jesus & His parents) returned to Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth - Luke 2:39

Jesus was from Nazareth, therefore it is safe to assume that His personal home was also in Nazareth, though He spent so much time away from home?

(2) Did tell people to go out without nothing but cloaks and sandals

True, Jesus made the above statement. In those days, there were no hotels or motels in every place, so visiting preachers were accommodated and taken care of by the communities they visited, but that does not mean the disciples were broke and homeless?
And if the disciples had no resources of their own, why would Jesus tell them not to take any provisions with them?

(3) To not worry about tomorrow, for each day has it's own trouble?

Jesus was expressing what is true both in the natural world as well as the spiritual world. No one gains or changes anything by worrying.

(4) For the rich young man to give everything to the poor and follow Him..

Jesus said to him, '..go sell what you have and give to the poor... - Matthew 19:21

True, Jesus told the young rich man to sell what he had and give to the poor, but Jesus never told the young man to sell 'everything' and give 'everything' to the poor, so he could become poor and live in the street with his family, begging for charity?
In my research of different bibles, I did not find any reference to 'selling everything and giving everything to the poor'?
Can you imagine living in a world where everyone sold everything and gave away everything, and everyone lived in the street with their family?

(5) Your Jesus was a rich dude and people would only follow a preacher with gobs of money?

No one said Jesus was rich, He could have been a middle class man, but He certainly was not broke and homeless.
There is so much scriptural evidence that clearly suggests He had resources, but the only question is, how much?
It takes resources to run a ministry or church organization. A preacher does not have to be necessarily rich, but I haven't seen or heard of large numbers of people flocking to listen to a homeless preacher?
After reading your short post, I concluded rightly or wrongly, that you do not believe the Bible is the Word of God, so I won't even try to convince you otherwise, because such an effort is endless and fruitless, but I will devote my time and efforts to setting the record straight, regarding your claims that Jesus was homeless, just for the benefit of my brothers and sisters in Christ on this thread and on this forum.

Then opening their treasure bags, they (the wisemen) presented to Him (Jesus) gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11

Why would Jesus Christ, who as a child, received very high value treasure, that could be converted into a lot of money or invested, be homeless?

Since Judas had charge of the money, some thought... - John 13:29

Why did Jesus need to appoint Judas to manage His money, if Jesus was broke and homeless?

He called His twelve disciples to Him and... - Matthew 10:1

If Jesus was broke and homeless, how did He pay the living and travelling expenses of twelve men plus Himself?

Now both Jesus and His disciple were invited to the wedding.. - John 2:2

Why would anyone, invite Jesus and His twelve disciples to a wedding, if they were broke and homeless?

Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and was rich..... and said to him, 'Zacchaeus make haste.. for today I must stay at your house' - Luke 19:2-5

Why would rich people like Zacchaeus have Jesus as a house guest, if He was broke and homeless?

They (the disciples) took Him (Jesus) along, just as He was, in the boat. There were also other boats with Him - Mark 4:36

If Jesus was broke and homeless, why was He travelling with a fleet of boats? How did Jesus afford to rent or purchase these boats?

A rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus - Matthew 27:57-58

Why would rich people listen to and become disciples of Jesus, if He was broke and homeless?

The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children - Matthew14:21

Why would five thousand men and thousands more women and children, follow and listen to Jesus, if He was broke and homeless?

No one who has left home, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children or fields for me and the gospel, will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age... - Mark 10:29-30

Why would everyone that leaves home and family for long periods to spread the gospel near and far, be well rewarded materially except Jesus Himself?


So much taken out of context. So much left out and cherry picked around. So much ignored. So much of his message bastardized and mangled here.
One question?
Where was Jesus' house? His personal home?
Or did he tell people to go out with nothing but their cloak and sandals?
To not worry about tomorrow for each day had its own trouble?
For the rich young man to give everything to the poor and follow him (a hint of where his riches may have gone)?
I could go on and on and on also.
Your Jesus was a rich dude and people would only follow a preacher with gobs of money? That's your belief system?
This is one of the saddest posts I have ever read. Sincerely.

(1) Where was Jesus' house? His personal home?

They (Jesus & His parents) returned to Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth - Luke 2:39

Jesus was from Nazareth, therefore it is safe to assume that His personal home was also in Nazareth, though He spent so much time away from home?

(2) Did tell people to go out without nothing but cloaks and sandals

True, Jesus made the above statement. In those days, there were no hotels or motels in every place, so visiting preachers were accommodated and taken care of by the communities they visited, but that does not mean the disciples were broke and homeless?
And if the disciples had no resources of their own, why would Jesus tell them not to take any provisions with them?

(3) To not worry about tomorrow, for each day has it's own trouble?

Jesus was expressing what is true both in the natural world as well as the spiritual world. No one gains or changes anything by worrying.

(4) For the rich young man to give everything to the poor and follow Him..

Jesus said to him, '..go sell what you have and give to the poor... - Matthew 19:21

True, Jesus told the young rich man to sell what he had and give to the poor, but Jesus never told the young man to sell 'everything' and give 'everything' to the poor, so he could become poor and live in the street with his family, begging for charity?
In my research of different bibles, I did not find any reference to 'selling everything and giving everything to the poor'?
Can you imagine living in a world where everyone sold everything and gave away everything, and everyone lived in the street with their family?

(5) Your Jesus was a rich dude and people would only follow a preacher with gobs of money?

No one said Jesus was rich, He could have been a middle class man, but He certainly was not broke and homeless.
There is so much scriptural evidence that clearly suggests He had resources, but the only question is, how much?
It takes resources to run a ministry or church organization. A preacher does not have to be necessarily rich, but I haven't seen or heard of large numbers of people flocking to listen to a homeless preacher?

I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that you don't see people flocking to see a homeless preacher because the church lost sight of Jesus a long time ago.
Many of the so called "1 percent" are quite charitable and interested in helping the poor, the environment, and other areas that constitute investments in society.

A lot of poor people are caught up in the dependency culture promoted by liberal policies. It's a shame that there aren't more upwardly mobile poor people these days, but they do exist and opportunities in America for the working poor are truly great-if they work hard and apply themselves, learn good habits like saving more of their income, and get education and skills required for upward mobility.
So much taken out of context. So much left out and cherry picked around. So much ignored. So much of his message bastardized and mangled here.
One question?
Where was Jesus' house? His personal home?
Or did he tell people to go out with nothing but their cloak and sandals?
To not worry about tomorrow for each day had its own trouble?
For the rich young man to give everything to the poor and follow him (a hint of where his riches may have gone)?
I could go on and on and on also.
Your Jesus was a rich dude and people would only follow a preacher with gobs of money? That's your belief system?
This is one of the saddest posts I have ever read. Sincerely.

(1) Where was Jesus' house? His personal home?

They (Jesus & His parents) returned to Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth - Luke 2:39

Jesus was from Nazareth, therefore it is safe to assume that His personal home was also in Nazareth, though He spent so much time away from home?

(2) Did tell people to go out without nothing but cloaks and sandals

True, Jesus made the above statement. In those days, there were no hotels or motels in every place, so visiting preachers were accommodated and taken care of by the communities they visited, but that does not mean the disciples were broke and homeless?
And if the disciples had no resources of their own, why would Jesus tell them not to take any provisions with them?

(3) To not worry about tomorrow, for each day has it's own trouble?

Jesus was expressing what is true both in the natural world as well as the spiritual world. No one gains or changes anything by worrying.

(4) For the rich young man to give everything to the poor and follow Him..

Jesus said to him, '..go sell what you have and give to the poor... - Matthew 19:21

True, Jesus told the young rich man to sell what he had and give to the poor, but Jesus never told the young man to sell 'everything' and give 'everything' to the poor, so he could become poor and live in the street with his family, begging for charity?
In my research of different bibles, I did not find any reference to 'selling everything and giving everything to the poor'?
Can you imagine living in a world where everyone sold everything and gave away everything, and everyone lived in the street with their family?

(5) Your Jesus was a rich dude and people would only follow a preacher with gobs of money?

No one said Jesus was rich, He could have been a middle class man, but He certainly was not broke and homeless.
There is so much scriptural evidence that clearly suggests He had resources, but the only question is, how much?
It takes resources to run a ministry or church organization. A preacher does not have to be necessarily rich, but I haven't seen or heard of large numbers of people flocking to listen to a homeless preacher?

I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that you don't see people flocking to see a homeless preacher because the church lost sight of Jesus a long time ago.

Once again, you are making a very serious allegation without providing a single shred of Biblical or scriptural evidence to support it?
In Biblical Christianity, any allegation, claim, debate, argument or opinion stands or falls based on scriptures that support it or contradict it.
What you think, what I think or what anyone thinks does not meaning anything in real Christianity if it cannot be validated by scriptures.

By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established - 2 Corinthians 13:1

According to the Bible, you need at least two or more scriptures or witnesses that support an opinion or viewpoint for it to be true or have any credibility.
Once upon a time, I used to believe what you and many others believe, but that was before I thoroughly read, examined and analyzed the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and did not discover a single scripture that supports your unsubstantiated claims.
I hope and believe that one day, you will see the light and discover the truth that will make you free indeed.
Until next time, wishing you the best and stay blessed.

List Of Both Old Testament And New Testament Scriptures That Clearly Refute Your Claim:

(1) Where was Jesus' house? His personal home?

They (Jesus & His parents) returned to Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth - Luke 2:39

Jesus was from Nazareth, therefore it is safe to assume that His personal home was also in Nazareth, though He spent so much time away from home?

(2) Did tell people to go out without nothing but cloaks and sandals

True, Jesus made the above statement. In those days, there were no hotels or motels in every place, so visiting preachers were accommodated and taken care of by the communities they visited, but that does not mean the disciples were broke and homeless?
And if the disciples had no resources of their own, why would Jesus tell them not to take any provisions with them?

(3) To not worry about tomorrow, for each day has it's own trouble?

Jesus was expressing what is true both in the natural world as well as the spiritual world. No one gains or changes anything by worrying.

(4) For the rich young man to give everything to the poor and follow Him..

Jesus said to him, '..go sell what you have and give to the poor... - Matthew 19:21

True, Jesus told the young rich man to sell what he had and give to the poor, but Jesus never told the young man to sell 'everything' and give 'everything' to the poor, so he could become poor and live in the street with his family, begging for charity?
In my research of different bibles, I did not find any reference to 'selling everything and giving everything to the poor'?
Can you imagine living in a world where everyone sold everything and gave away everything, and everyone lived in the street with their family?

(5) Your Jesus was a rich dude and people would only follow a preacher with gobs of money?

No one said Jesus was rich, He could have been a middle class man, but He certainly was not broke and homeless.
There is so much scriptural evidence that clearly suggests He had resources, but the only question is, how much?
It takes resources to run a ministry or church organization. A preacher does not have to be necessarily rich, but I haven't seen or heard of large numbers of people flocking to listen to a homeless preacher?

I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that you don't see people flocking to see a homeless preacher because the church lost sight of Jesus a long time ago.

Once again, you are making a very serious allegation without providing a single shred of Biblical or scriptural evidence to support it?
In Biblical Christianity, any allegation, claim, debate, argument or opinion stands or falls based on scriptures that support it or contradict it.
What you think, what I think or what anyone thinks does not meaning anything in real Christianity if it cannot be validated by scriptures.

By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established - 2 Corinthians 13:1

According to the Bible, you need at least two or more scriptures or witnesses that support an opinion or viewpoint for it to be true or have any credibility.
Once upon a time, I used to believe what you and many others believe, but that was before I thoroughly read, examined and analyzed the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and did not discover a single scripture that supports your unsubstantiated claims.
I hope and believe that one day, you will see the light and discover the truth that will make you free indeed.
Until next time, wishing you the best and stay blessed.

List Of Both Old Testament And New Testament Scriptures That Clearly Refute Your Claim:


I was a pastor. I've read it many times, cover to cover, and the prosperity gospel is an abortion of theology and a massive disservice to the poor lambs being led to slaughter.
Two witnesses! Try the vast, VAST majority of theologians that have studied the scriptures and found Jesus as he is depicted. A poor servant who's kingdom was not of this world, did not serve the material needs of the world and preached against being influenced by the world, who lived without earthly glory or artifice but was rather a poor servant to his people.
Your comfortable middle-to-upper class Jesus is a fabrication and a travesty. But like the rest of the faith traditions I suppose if it gives you comfort it serves its purpose.
I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that you don't see people flocking to see a homeless preacher because the church lost sight of Jesus a long time ago.

Once again, you are making a very serious allegation without providing a single shred of Biblical or scriptural evidence to support it?
In Biblical Christianity, any allegation, claim, debate, argument or opinion stands or falls based on scriptures that support it or contradict it.
What you think, what I think or what anyone thinks does not meaning anything in real Christianity if it cannot be validated by scriptures.

By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established - 2 Corinthians 13:1

According to the Bible, you need at least two or more scriptures or witnesses that support an opinion or viewpoint for it to be true or have any credibility.
Once upon a time, I used to believe what you and many others believe, but that was before I thoroughly read, examined and analyzed the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and did not discover a single scripture that supports your unsubstantiated claims.
I hope and believe that one day, you will see the light and discover the truth that will make you free indeed.
Until next time, wishing you the best and stay blessed.

List Of Both Old Testament And New Testament Scriptures That Clearly Refute Your Claim:


I was a pastor. I've read it many times, cover to cover, and the prosperity gospel is an abortion of theology and a massive disservice to the poor lambs being led to slaughter.
Two witnesses! Try the vast, VAST majority of theologians that have studied the scriptures and found Jesus as he is depicted. A poor servant who's kingdom was not of this world, did not serve the material needs of the world and preached against being influenced by the world, who lived without earthly glory or artifice but was rather a poor servant to his people.
Your comfortable middle-to-upper class Jesus is a fabrication and a travesty. But like the rest of the faith traditions I suppose if it gives you comfort it serves its purpose.

I know that you are very sincere, but you can be sincere and be sincerely wrong? I know this from personal experience, because I used to be in your shoes, believing things about the Bible for which there is no single scripture to support it. So I have a lot of empathy for you and many others, and my heart goes out to you.

'I was a pastor'

There are thousands of pastors, preachers or theologians and they all don't agree on key Biblical issues and principles, so how do you know what is fact and what is fiction?
The Bible is the only authority that settles any and all issues in true Biblical Christianity. If you cannot find something in the Bible, it is not Christianity, no matter how popular it may be.
Pastors, preachers and theologians are not Biblical evidence and no present day pastor, preacher or theologian can be a witness to what was put together before they were born?

'the prosperity gospel is an abortion of theology....'

If the prosperity gospel is not the Will of God, why does the Bible give us so many scriptures that teach us how to prosper, in both the OT and the NT?
Why doesn't the Bible give us a single scripture that teaches us how to be poor? Just because millions or billions of people believe something does not make it true, if it cannot be validated scripturally.
And just because something happens or exists in the world does not make it the Will of God? If someone lied about you would that be the Will of God, because it happened?

'Your comfortable middle to upper class Jesus is a fabrication and travesty'

Suppose you and I went to a Biblical Law Court and I presented dozens of scriptures that back up my position and you made all kinds of allegations without presenting a single scripture to support your case, why should the judge or jury decide in your favor?
And whose case will be ruled out as a 'fabrication and travesty'?

Then God blessed them...... - Genesis 1:28

When God first created humans, He blessed them. God did not curse man. His original and permanent Will was for humans to be blessed and not cursed.

Then God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good - Genesis 1:31

When God finished creating the world everything was good and there was nothing bad or negative in the world. There was no death, destruction, sickness, poverty or suffering.

The ground is (now) under a curse because of you(Adam) - Genesis 3:17

But when the first representative of all humanity, rebelled against God in the garden, all hell broke loose, his disobedience opened the door to all kinds of negative and evil things to enter the earth, which had previously been forbidden and illegal in the earth.

And God said, Let Us make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority.........upon the earth - Genesis 1:26

God created humans with a free-will and gave them complete authority in the earth, so when human action allowed evil to enter the earth for the first time, God also had to allow it, in accordance with His Word and could not stop or overrule humans.
Nevertheless, after this monumental disaster, God has given humans so many scripture/promises to help them overcome the negative and evil situations and circumstance in life, unfortunately very few believe this to be the case despite tons of evidence.
And so those who don't believe God's promises cannot enjoy the benefits of those same promises, because they are not automatic.
God does not impose His good Will on those who reject it. God did not impose His Will on Adam, even though God disagreed with Adam's wrong decision, and so God won't impose His Will on any human being after Adam.
Let me clarify, just because someone is sick, poor or suffering in some way does not mean they are sinners or worst sinners than others, but because the spirits of sickness, poverty, death and suffering are present in the earth, they attack or plague people without discrimination.
It's like the rain that falls on everyone, but some are able to keep it from getting them wet by all kinds of means or circumstances, while others have no way of preventing it from soaking them.
May the Lord God help you and many others see the light, so you too can enjoy God's abundant blessings.
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Once again, you are making a very serious allegation without providing a single shred of Biblical or scriptural evidence to support it?
In Biblical Christianity, any allegation, claim, debate, argument or opinion stands or falls based on scriptures that support it or contradict it.
What you think, what I think or what anyone thinks does not meaning anything in real Christianity if it cannot be validated by scriptures.

By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established - 2 Corinthians 13:1

According to the Bible, you need at least two or more scriptures or witnesses that support an opinion or viewpoint for it to be true or have any credibility.
Once upon a time, I used to believe what you and many others believe, but that was before I thoroughly read, examined and analyzed the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and did not discover a single scripture that supports your unsubstantiated claims.
I hope and believe that one day, you will see the light and discover the truth that will make you free indeed.
Until next time, wishing you the best and stay blessed.

List Of Both Old Testament And New Testament Scriptures That Clearly Refute Your Claim:


I was a pastor. I've read it many times, cover to cover, and the prosperity gospel is an abortion of theology and a massive disservice to the poor lambs being led to slaughter.
Two witnesses! Try the vast, VAST majority of theologians that have studied the scriptures and found Jesus as he is depicted. A poor servant who's kingdom was not of this world, did not serve the material needs of the world and preached against being influenced by the world, who lived without earthly glory or artifice but was rather a poor servant to his people.
Your comfortable middle-to-upper class Jesus is a fabrication and a travesty. But like the rest of the faith traditions I suppose if it gives you comfort it serves its purpose.

I know that you are very sincere, but you can be sincere and be sincerely wrong? I know this from personal experience, because I used to be in your shoes, believing things about the Bible for which there is no single scripture to support it. So I have a lot of empathy for you and many others, and my heart goes out to you.

'I was a pastor'

There are thousands of pastors, preachers or theologians and they all don't agree on key Biblical issues and principles, so how do you know what is fact and what is fiction?
The Bible is the only authority that settles any and all issues in true Biblical Christianity. If you cannot find something in the Bible, it is not Christianity, no matter how popular it may be.
Pastors, preachers and theologians are not Biblical evidence and no present day pastor, preacher or theologian can be a witness to what was put together before they were born?

'the prosperity gospel is an abortion of theology....'

If the prosperity gospel is not the Will of God, why does the Bible give us so many scriptures that teach us how to prosper, in both the OT and the NT?
Why doesn't the Bible give us a single scripture that teaches us how to be poor? Just because millions or billions of people believe something does not make it true, if it cannot be validated scripturally.
And just because something happens or exists in the world does not make it the Will of God? If someone lied about you would that be the Will of God, because it happened?

'Your comfortable middle to upper class Jesus is a fabrication and travesty'

Suppose you and I went to a Biblical Law Court and I presented dozens of scriptures that back up my position and you made all kinds of allegations without presenting a single scripture to support your case, why should the judge or jury decide in your favor?
And whose case will be ruled out as a 'fabrication and travesty'?


You have been taught at the knee of someone one of the most damaging and egregious mash-ups of theology in the history of the faith.
I can match you verse for verse, but I know all the arguments you will come back with. You think they are honest, but they are horrible misinterpretations and twisting of a teacher that would look at you like you had absolutely lost your mind.
I told you I was a pastor simply to let you know that my aquaintance with scripture has not been casual, and the fact that you have read it a few times is not the intimidating factor you may have hoped.
People don't need to be taught to be poor. 90% of the worlds population comes to it quite naturally. That is why your question of why the bible doesn't teach us how is the first shot over the bow of complete idiocy.

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